2016-01-15 21:11:23 +01:00

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/* Copyright 2016 (C) Louis-Joseph Fournier
* This file is part of SailTuner.
* SailTuner is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* SailTuner is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
import QtQuick 2.0
* Meter in half circle
Item {
/// current level
property double level: 0.5 
/// minimum level
property double min: -50
/// maximum level
property double max: 50
/// numbers to write on the scale
property variant marks: [-40, -20, 0, 20, 40]
/// interval of little marks
property double submarks_int: 5
/// marks regions colors
property variant region_color: ["#F88E48", "#F8DE48", "#99E882", "#F8DE48", "#F88E48"]
/// theme object
property QtObject theme
property double r_circle_min: 0.85
property double r_circle_max: 1
property double r_arrow_base: 0.05
property double _height: width / 2
property double amin: angle(min)
property double amax: angle(max)
/// positions helper functions
function angle(level) {
return (level - min) / (max - min) * Math.PI - Math.PI / 2
function getx(angle, k) {
return width * 0.5 + width * 0.5 * k * Math.sin(angle)
function gety(angle, k) {
// k: [0,1]
return _height - _height * k * Math.cos(angle)
function dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2))
// return the 2 orthoganals points from b with ref a, with dist d from b
function orth(ax, ay, bx, by, d) {
var D = dist(ax, ay, bx, by)
var k = d / D
var kx = k * (bx - ax);
var ky = k * (by - ay);
return [
bx + ky, by - kx,
bx - ky, by + kx
/// objects draw
function arc(ctx, k) {
ctx.arc(width/2, height + 1, k * width / 2, 0, Math.PI, 1)
function line_mark(ctx, value, r_min, r_max) {
var a = angle(value)
ctx.moveTo(getx(a, r_min), gety(a, r_min))
ctx.lineTo(getx(a, r_max), gety(a, r_max))
/// Ellipse
Canvas {
id: ellipse
anchors.fill: parent
property double r_text: 0.92
property double l_marker: 0.035
property double h_marker: 6
property double l_submarker: 0.020
property double h_submarker: 2
property int font_size: 20
onPaint: {
var ctx = getContext('2d');
ctx.strokeStyle = theme.primaryColor
ctx.lineWidth = 1
arc(ctx, r_circle_min)
arc(ctx, r_circle_max)
ctx.font = font_size + "px sans-serif"
ctx.textAlign = "center"
//ctx.fillStyle = theme.secondaryColor
// first sub marks
ctx.strokeStyle = theme.primaryColor
ctx.lineWidth = h_submarker
for (var j = marks[0] - submarks_int; j > min; j -= submarks_int) {
line_mark(ctx, j, r_circle_min - l_submarker, r_circle_min + l_submarker)
ctx.fillStyle = theme.primaryColor
for (var i = 0; i < marks.length; i++) {
ctx.strokeStyle = theme.secondaryColor
ctx.lineWidth = h_marker
line_mark(ctx, marks[i], r_circle_min - l_marker, r_circle_min + l_marker)
var a = angle(marks[i])
ctx.fillText(marks[i], getx(a, r_text), gety(a, r_text) + 4)
// sub marks
ctx.strokeStyle = theme.primaryColor
ctx.lineWidth = h_submarker
var j_max = (i == marks.length - 1 ? max : marks[i+1])
for (var j = marks[i] + submarks_int; j < j_max; j += submarks_int) {
line_mark(ctx, j, r_circle_min - l_submarker, r_circle_min + l_submarker)
// "beetween" marks
ctx.lineWidth = 1
ctx.strokeStyle = theme.primaryColor
for (var i = 0; i < marks.length - 1; i++) {
line_mark(ctx, (marks[i] + marks[i+1])/2, r_circle_min, r_circle_max)
// center: arrow base
ctx.lineWidth = 1
ctx.strokeStyle = theme.secondaryColor
arc(ctx, r_arrow_base)
// bottom line
ctx.lineWidth = 1
ctx.strokeStyle = theme.primaryColor
ctx.moveTo(0, _height - 1)
ctx.lineTo(width - 1, _height - 1)
Canvas {
/// level arrow
id: arrow
anchors.fill: parent
property double k: 0.82
property double angle: parent.angle(level)
property double r_base: 0.055
property double r_circle_base: r_arrow_base * 0.6
property double k_head: 0.1 // arrow width factor of base
property double lref: width / 2
property bool is_line: false // simple line (true) or designed (false)
property bool has_gradient: false // beautiful gradient
onPaint: {
var ctx = getContext('2d');
ctx.lineWidth = 1
ctx.strokeStyle = theme.primaryColor
// line only
if (is_line) {
var x = getx(angle, r_arrow_base)
var y = gety(angle, r_arrow_base)
var hx = getx(angle, k)
var hy = gety(angle, k)
// arrow base center
var x = getx(0, r_arrow_base + r_base)
var y = gety(0, r_arrow_base + r_base)
// arrow base radius
var d_base = r_base * width / 2
// arrow head width
var d_head = d_base * k_head
// base internal circle
ctx.strokeStyle = theme.secondaryColor
ctx.arc(x, y + 0 *(r_base - r_circle_base) * lref, r_circle_base * lref, 0, Math.PI * 2)
// base
ctx.strokeStyle = theme.primaryColor
var x1 = x - d_base * Math.cos(angle)
var y1 = y - d_base * Math.sin(angle)
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1)
ctx.arc(x, y, d_base, Math.PI + angle, angle, 1)
// head
var hx = getx(angle, k)
var hy = gety(angle, k)
var bout = orth(x, y, hx, hy, d_head)
ctx.lineTo(bout[2], bout[3])
ctx.lineTo(bout[0], bout[1])
// gradient
if (has_gradient) {
var middle1 = orth(x, y, x + (hx - x) * 0.7, y + (hy - y) * 0.7, d_base + (d_head - d_base) * 0.7)
var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(middle1[0], middle1[1], middle1[2], middle1[3])
grd.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(128,128,128,0.2)')
grd.addColorStop(0, "transparent")
ctx.fillStyle = grd
Behavior on level {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 50
easing.amplitude: max - min
onLevelChanged: {
function redraw() {