2020-09-25 14:23:49 -07:00

441 lines
17 KiB

/* Copyright 2020 Frank Adams
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
// This software interfaces the Teensy 3.2 with a PS/2 touchpad from a laptop.
// The ps/2 code uses the USB PJRC Mouse functions at
// The ps/2 code has a watchdog timer so the code can't hang if a clock edge is missed.
// In the Arduino IDE, select Tools, Teensy 3.2. Also under Tools, select Keyboard+Mouse+Joystick
// Revision History
// Rev 1.0 - Nov 23, 2018 - Original Release
// Rev 1.1 - Dec 2, 2018 - Replaced ps/2 trackpoint code from playground arduino with my own code
// Rev 1.2 - Feb 2, 2019 - Changed the error routine and added an error LED
// Rev 1.3 - Feb 14, 2019 - Added pinouts for different touchpads
// Rev 1.4 - July 31, 2020 - Added enable command for Elantech touchpads and increased the delay after reset
// This code has been tested on the following touchpads:
// Dell D630 Touchpad. I used the wires from the touchpad connector as follows:
// Pin 2 = 5V
// Pin 1 = Gnd
// Pin 7 = Clock
// Pin 6 = Data
// This touchpad has resistive pullups so no additional pullups were required.
// HP Pavilion DV9000 Touchpad part number 920-000702-04 Rev A
// The test points on the touchpad were wired as follows:
// T22 = 3.3V (The touchpad also works with 5V)
// T23 = Gnd (I soldered to the ground plane)
// T10 = Clock
// T11 = Data
// This touchpad has active pullups so no additional pullups were required.
// Dell 1545 touchpad. I soldered wires to the 4 pin connector as follows:
// Pin 1 = 5V
// Pin 4 = Gnd
// Pin 3 = Clock
// Pin 2 = Data
// This touchpad has active pullups so no additional pullups were required.
// The touchpad ps/2 data and clock lines are connected to the following Teensy I/O pins (modify to match your jumper wires)
#define TP_DATA 14
#define TP_CLK 15
// Teensy LED will be lit if the touchpad fails to respond properly during initialization
#define ERROR_LED 13
// Declare variable that will be used by functions
boolean touchpad_error = LOW; // sent high when touch pad routine times out
// Function to set a pin to high impedance (acts like open drain output)
void go_z(int pin)
pinMode(pin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
// Function to set a pin as an input with a pullup
void go_pu(int pin)
pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
// Function to send a pin to a logic low
void go_0(int pin)
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
// Function to send a pin to a logic high
void go_1(int pin)
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
// *****************Functions for Touchpad***************************
// Function to send the touchpad a byte of data (command)
void tp_write(char send_data)
unsigned int timeout = 200; // breakout of loop if over this value in msec
elapsedMillis watchdog; // zero the watchdog timer clock
char odd_parity = 0; // clear parity bit count
// Enable the bus by floating the clock and data
go_pu(TP_CLK); //
go_pu(TP_DATA); //
delayMicroseconds(250); // wait before requesting the bus
go_0(TP_CLK); // Send the Clock line low to request to transmit data
delayMicroseconds(100); // wait for 100 microseconds per bus spec
go_0(TP_DATA); // Send the Data line low (the start bit)
delayMicroseconds(1); //
go_pu(TP_CLK); // Release the Clock line so it is pulled high
delayMicroseconds(1); // give some time to let the clock line go high
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == HIGH) { // loop until the clock goes low
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
// send the 8 bits of send_data
for (int j=0; j<8; j++) {
if (send_data & 1) { //check if lsb is set
go_pu(TP_DATA); // send a 1 to TP
odd_parity = odd_parity + 1; // keep running total of 1's sent
else {
go_0(TP_DATA); // send a 0 to TP
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == LOW) { // loop until the clock goes high
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == HIGH) { // loop until the clock goes low
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
send_data = send_data >> 1; // shift data right by 1 to prepare for next loop
// send the parity bit
if (odd_parity & 1) { //check if lsb of parity is set
go_0(TP_DATA); // already odd so send a 0 to TP
else {
go_pu(TP_DATA); // send a 1 to TP to make parity odd
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == LOW) { // loop until the clock goes high
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == HIGH) { // loop until the clock goes low
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
go_pu(TP_DATA); // Release the Data line so it goes high as the stop bit
delayMicroseconds(80); // testing shows delay at least 40us
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == HIGH) { // loop until the clock goes low
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
delayMicroseconds(1); // wait to let the data settle
if (digitalRead(TP_DATA)) { // Ack bit s/b low if good transfer
while ((digitalRead(TP_CLK) == LOW) || (digitalRead(TP_DATA) == LOW)) { // loop if clock or data are low
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
// Inhibit the bus so the tp only talks when we're listening
// Function to get a byte of data from the touchpad
char tp_read(void)
unsigned int timeout = 200; // breakout of loop if over this value in msec
elapsedMillis watchdog; // zero the watchdog timer clock
char rcv_data = 0; // initialize to zero
char mask = 1; // shift a 1 across the 8 bits to select where to load the data
char rcv_parity = 0; // count the ones received
go_pu(TP_CLK); // release the clock
go_pu(TP_DATA); // release the data
delayMicroseconds(5); // delay to let clock go high
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == HIGH) { // loop until the clock goes low
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
if (digitalRead(TP_DATA)) { // Start bit s/b low from tp
// start bit not correct - put error handler here if desired
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == LOW) { // loop until the clock goes high
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
for (int k=0; k<8; k++) {
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == HIGH) { // loop until the clock goes low
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
if (digitalRead(TP_DATA)) { // check if data is high
rcv_data = rcv_data | mask; // set the appropriate bit in the rcv data
rcv_parity++; // increment the parity bit counter
mask = mask << 1;
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == LOW) { // loop until the clock goes high
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
// receive parity
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == HIGH) { // loop until the clock goes low
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
if (digitalRead(TP_DATA)) { // check if received parity is high
rcv_parity++; // increment the parity bit counter
rcv_parity = rcv_parity & 1; // mask off all bits except the lsb
if (rcv_parity == 0) { // check for bad (even) parity
// bad parity - pass to future error handler
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == LOW) { // loop until the clock goes high
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
// stop bit
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == HIGH) { // loop until the clock goes low
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
if (digitalRead(TP_DATA) == LOW) { // check if stop bit is bad (low)
// send bad stop bit to future error handler
delayMicroseconds(1); // delay to let the clock settle out
while (digitalRead(TP_CLK) == LOW) { // loop until the clock goes high
if (watchdog >= timeout) { //check for infinite loop
break; // break out of infinite loop
// Inhibit the bus so the tp only talks when we're listening
return rcv_data; // pass the received data back
void touchpad_init()
touchpad_error = LOW; // start with no error
go_pu(TP_CLK); // float the clock and data to touchpad
// Sending reset command to touchpad
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
touchpad_error = HIGH;
delay(1000); // wait 1000ms so tp can run its self diagnostic
// verify proper response from tp
if (tp_read() != 0xaa) { // verify basic assurance test passed
touchpad_error = HIGH;
if (tp_read() != 0x00) { // verify basic assurance test passed
touchpad_error = HIGH;
// Send touchpad disable code
tp_write(0xf5); // tp disable
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
// Load Mode Byte with 00 using the following special sequence from page 38.
// Send set resolution to 0 four times followed by a set sample rate to 0x14
// #1 set resolution
tp_write(0xe8); // set resolution
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
tp_write(0x01); // to zero
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
// #2 set resolution
tp_write(0xe8); // set resolution
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
tp_write(0x00); // to zero
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
// #3 set resolution
tp_write(0xe8); // set resolution
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
tp_write(0x00); // to zero
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
// #4 set resolution
tp_write(0xe8); // set resolution
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
tp_write(0x00); // to zero
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
// Set sample rate
tp_write(0xf3); // set sample rate
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
tp_write(0x14); // to 14 hex
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
// set the resolution
tp_write(0xe8); // Sending resolution command
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
tp_write(0x03); // value of 0x03 = 8 counts/mm resolution (default is 4 counts/mm)
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
// set the sample rate
tp_write(0xf3); // Sending sample rate command
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
tp_write(0x28); // 0x28 = 40 samples per second, the default value used for Synaptics TP
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// init_error = HIGH;
// Sending remote mode code so the touchpad will send data only when polled
tp_write(0xf0); // remote mode
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// touchpad_error = HIGH;
// Sending touchpad enable code (needed for Elan touchpads)
tp_write(0xf4); // tp enable
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// touchpad_error = HIGH;
// ************************************Begin Routine*********************************************************
void setup()
touchpad_init(); // reset touchpad, then set it's resolution and put it in remote mode
pinMode(ERROR_LED, OUTPUT); // define teensy I/O 13 as an output
// declare and initialize variables
char mstat; // touchpad status reg = Y overflow, X overflow, Y sign bit, X sign bit, Always 1, Middle Btn, Right Btn, Left Btn
char mx; // touchpad x movement = 8 data bits. The sign bit is in the status register to
// make a 9 bit 2's complement value. Left to right on the touchpad gives a positive value.
char my; // touchpad y movement also 8 bits plus sign. Touchpad movement away from the user gives a positive value.
boolean over_flow; // set if x or y movement values are bad due to overflow
boolean left_button = 0; // on/off variable for left button = bit 0 of mstat
boolean right_button = 0; // on/off variable for right button = bit 1 of mstat
boolean old_left_button = 0; // on/off variable for left button status the previous polling cycle
boolean old_right_button = 0; // on/off variable for right button status the previous polling cycle
boolean button_change = 0; // Active high, shows when a touchpad left or right button has changed since last polling cycle
// ************************************Main Loop***************************************************************
void loop() {
if (touchpad_error == LOW) { // check if touchpad is present
digitalWrite(ERROR_LED, LOW); // turn off LED on Teensy to show touchpad initialized OK
// poll the touchpad for new movement data
over_flow = 0; // assume no overflow until status is received
tp_write(0xeb); // request data
if (tp_read() != 0xfa) { // verify correct ack byte
// bad ack - pass to future error handler
mstat = tp_read(); // save into status variable
mx = tp_read(); // save into x variable
my = tp_read(); // save into y variable
if (((0x80 & mstat) == 0x80) || ((0x40 & mstat) == 0x40)) { // x or y overflow bits set?
over_flow = 1; // set the overflow flag
// change the x data from 9 bit to 8 bit 2's complement
mx = mx & 0x7f; // mask off 8th bit
if ((0x10 & mstat) == 0x10) { // move the sign into
mx = 0x80 | mx; // the 8th bit position
// change the y data from 9 bit to 8 bit 2's complement and then take the 2's complement
// because y movement on ps/2 format is opposite of touchpad.move function
my = my & 0x7f; // mask off 8th bit
if ((0x20 & mstat) == 0x20) { // move the sign into
my = 0x80 | my; // the 8th bit position
my = (~my + 0x01); // change the sign of y data by taking the 2's complement (invert and add 1)
// zero out mx and my if over_flow or touchpad_error is set
if ((over_flow) || (touchpad_error)) {
mx = 0x00; // data is garbage so zero it out
my = 0x00;
// send the x and y data back via usb if either one is non-zero
if ((mx != 0x00) || (my != 0x00)) {
// send the touchpad left and right button status over usb if no error
if ((0x01 & mstat) == 0x01) { // if left button set
left_button = 1;
else { // clear left button
left_button = 0;
if ((0x02 & mstat) == 0x02) { // if right button set
right_button = 1;
else { // clear right button
right_button = 0;
// Determine if the left or right touch pad buttons have changed since last polling cycle
button_change = (left_button ^ old_left_button) | (right_button ^ old_right_button);
// Don't send button status if there's no change since last time.
if (button_change){
Mouse.set_buttons(left_button, 0, right_button); // send button status
old_left_button = left_button; // remember new button status for next polling cycle
old_right_button = right_button;
else {
digitalWrite(ERROR_LED, HIGH);
// **************************************End of touchpad routine***********************************
delay(30); // wait 30ms before repeating next polling cycle