#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Mojolicious::Lite; # app, get, post is exported. use File::Basename 'basename'; use File::Path 'mkpath'; use File::Spec 'catfile'; use Cwd; use Imager; my $config = plugin 'Config'=> {file => 'application.conf'};; my $predefined_user = 'alpha6'; my $predefined_password = $config->{'password'}; die "No user password defined!" unless($predefined_password); # Image base URL my $IMAGE_BASE = 'images'; my $ORIG_DIR = 'orig'; my $thumbs_size = 200; my @scale_width = ($thumbs_size, 640, 800, 1024); # Directory to save image files # (app is Mojolicious object. static is MojoX::Dispatcher::Static object) my $IMAGE_DIR = File::Spec->catfile(getcwd(), 'public', $IMAGE_BASE); # Create directory if not exists unless (-d $IMAGE_DIR) { mkpath $IMAGE_DIR or die "Cannot create directory: $IMAGE_DIR"; } my $ORIG_PATH = File::Spec->catfile($IMAGE_DIR, $ORIG_DIR); unless (-d $ORIG_PATH) { mkpath $ORIG_PATH or die "Cannot create directory: $ORIG_PATH"; } for my $dir (@scale_width) { my $scaled_dir_path = File::Spec->catfile($IMAGE_DIR, $dir); unless (-d $scaled_dir_path) { mkpath $scaled_dir_path or die "Cannot create directory: $scaled_dir_path"; } } plugin 'authentication', { autoload_user => 1, load_user => sub { my $self = shift; my $uid = shift; return { 'username' => $predefined_user, 'password' => $predefined_password, 'name' => 'User Name' } if ($uid eq 'userid' || $uid eq 'useridwithextradata'); return undef; }, validate_user => sub { my $self = shift; my $username = shift || ''; my $password = shift || ''; my $extradata = shift || {}; # return 'useridwithextradata' if($username eq 'alpha6' && $password eq 'qwerty' && ( $extradata->{'ohnoes'} || '' ) eq 'itsameme'); return 'userid' if($username eq $predefined_user && $password eq $predefined_password); return undef; }, }; post '/login' => sub { my $self = shift; my $u = $self->req->param('username'); my $p = $self->req->param('password'); if ($self->authenticate($u, $p)) { $self->redirect_to('/'); } else { $self->render(text => 'Login failed :('); } }; get '/logout' => sub { my $self = shift; $self->logout(); $self->render(text => 'bye'); }; # Display top page get '/' => sub { my $self = shift; my $thumbs_dir = File::Spec->catfile($IMAGE_DIR, $thumbs_size); # Get file names(Only base name) my @images = map {basename($_)} glob("$thumbs_dir/*.jpg $thumbs_dir/*.gif $thumbs_dir/*.png"); # Sort by new order @images = sort {$b cmp $a} @images; # Render return $self->render(images => \@images, image_base => $IMAGE_BASE, orig => $ORIG_DIR, thumbs_size => $thumbs_size, scales => \@scale_width); } => 'index'; # Upload image file post '/upload' => (authenticated => 1)=> sub { my $self = shift; # Uploaded image(Mojo::Upload object) my $image = $self->req->upload('image'); # Not upload unless ($image) { return $self->render( template => 'error', message => "Upload fail. File is not specified." ); } # Upload max size #my $upload_max_size = 3 * 1024 * 1024; # Over max size #if ($image->size > $upload_max_size) { # return $self->render( # template => 'error', # message => "Upload fail. Image size is too large." # ); #} # Check file type my $image_type = $image->headers->content_type; my %valid_types = map {$_ => 1} qw(image/gif image/jpeg image/png); # Content type is wrong unless ($valid_types{$image_type}) { return $self->render( template => 'error', message => "Upload fail. Content type is wrong." ); } # Extention my $exts = {'image/gif' => 'gif', 'image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/png' => 'png'}; my $ext = $exts->{$image_type}; # Image file my $filename = create_filename($ext); my $image_file = File::Spec->catfile($ORIG_PATH, $filename); # If file is exists, Retry creating filename while(-f $image_file){ $filename = create_filename(); $image_file = File::Spec->catfile($ORIG_PATH, $filename); } # Save to file $image->move_to($image_file); my $imager = Imager->new(); $imager->read(file => $image_file) or die $imager->errstr; for my $scale (@scale_width) { my $scaled = $imager->scale(xpixels => $scale); $scaled->write(file => File::Spec->catfile($IMAGE_DIR, $scale, $filename)) or die $scaled->errstr; } # Redirect to top page $self->redirect_to('index'); } => 'upload'; sub create_filename { my $ext = shift || 'jpg'; # Date and time my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $month, $year) = localtime; $month = $month + 1; $year = $year + 1900; # Random number(0 ~ 999999) my $rand_num = int(rand 1000000); # Create file name form datatime and random number # (like image-20091014051023-78973) my $name = sprintf('image-%04s%02s%02s%02s%02s%02s-%06s.%s', $year, $month, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $rand_num, $ext); return $name; } app->start; __DATA__ @@ error.html.ep Error <%= $message %> @@ no_logged.html.ep Rough, Slow, Stupid, Contrary Photohosting

Rough, Slow, Stupid, Contrary Photohosting

@@ index.html.ep Rough, Slow, Stupid, Contrary Photohosting

Rough, Slow, Stupid, Contrary Photohosting

<% if (is_user_authenticated()) { %>

File name
<% foreach my $image (@$images) { %>

Image original <% for my $scale (@$scales) { %> <%= $scale %> <% } %>
<% } %>
<% } else { %>
<% } %>