2017-08-04 09:57:17 +03:00

330 lines
8.5 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'lib';
use Mojolicious::Lite; # app, get, post is exported.
use File::Basename 'basename';
use File::Path 'mkpath';
use File::Spec 'catfile';
use Cwd;
use POSIX;
use Imager;
use DBI;
use Digest::SHA;
use FotoStore::DB;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 2;
my $config = plugin 'Config' => { file => 'application.conf' };
my $db = FotoStore::DB->new( $config->{'db_file'} );
# Image base URL
my $IMAGE_BASE = 'images';
my $ORIG_DIR = 'orig';
# set allowed thumbnails scale and image scales
my $thumbs_size = $config->{'thumbnails_size'};
my $scales_map = $config->{'image_scales'};
$scales_map->{$thumbs_size} = 1;
#Sort and filter values for array of available scales
my @scale_width =
map { $scales_map->{$_} == 1 ? $_ : undef }
sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%$scales_map);
my $sha = Digest::SHA->new('sha256');
# Directory to save image files
my $IMAGE_DIR = File::Spec->catfile( getcwd(), 'public', $IMAGE_BASE );
plugin 'authentication', {
autoload_user => 1,
load_user => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $uid = shift;
return $db->get_user($uid);
validate_user => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $username = shift || '';
my $password = shift || '';
my $extradata = shift || {};
my $digest = $sha->add($password);
my $user_id = $db->check_user( $username, $digest->hexdigest() );
return $user_id;
post '/login' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $u = $self->req->param('username');
my $p = $self->req->param('password');
if ( $self->authenticate( $u, $p ) ) {
else {
$self->render( text => 'Login failed :(' );
get '/logout' => sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->render( message => 'bye' );
get '/register' => ( authenticated => 0 ) => sub {
post '/register' => ( authenticated => 0 ) => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $username = $self->req->param('username');
my $password = $self->req->param('password');
my $fullname = $self->req->param('fullname');
my $invite = $self->req->param('invite');
if ( $invite eq $config->{'invite_code'} ) {
#chek that username is not taken
my $user = $db->get_user($username);
if ( $user->{'user_id'} > 0 ) {
template => 'error',
message => 'Username already taken!'
return 0;
if ( $fullname eq '' ) {
$fullname = $username;
my $digest = $sha->add($password);
$db->add_user( $username, $digest->hexdigest(), $fullname );
#Authenticate user after add
if ( $self->authenticate( $username, $password ) ) {
else {
$self->render( template => 'error', message => 'Login failed :(' );
else {
$self->render( template => 'error', message => 'invalid invite code' );
# Display top page
get '/' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $current_user = $self->current_user;
} => 'index';
get '/get_images' => ( authenticated => 1 ) => sub {
my $self = shift;
#Getting current user
my $current_user = $self->current_user;
my $user_id = $current_user->{'user_id'};
#Getting images list with paging
my $page = $self->param('page') || 1;
my $items = $self->param('per-page') || 20;
if (($page !~ /^\d+$/) || ($page <= 1)) { $page = 1}
if (($items !~ /^\d+$/) || ($items <= 0)) { $items = 20}
# process images list
my $req_result = $db->get_files( $current_user->{'user_id'}, $items , $page);
my $files_list = $req_result->{'images_list'};
my $pages_count = ceil($req_result->{'total_rows'}/$items);
my $thumbs_dir =
File::Spec->catfile( $IMAGE_DIR, $current_user->{'user_id'},
$thumbs_size );
my @images = map { $_->{'file_name'} } @$files_list;
my $images = [];
for my $img_item (@$files_list) {
my $file = $img_item->{'file_name'};
my $img_hash = {};
$img_hash->{'id'} = $img_item->{'file_id'};
$img_hash->{'filename'} = $img_item->{'original_filename'};
$img_hash->{'original_url'} =
File::Spec->catfile( '/', $IMAGE_BASE, $current_user->{'user_id'},
$ORIG_DIR, $file );
$img_hash->{'thumbnail_url'} =
File::Spec->catfile( '/', $IMAGE_BASE, $current_user->{'user_id'},
$thumbs_size, $file );
my @scaled = ();
for my $scale (@scale_width) {
if ( -r File::Spec->catfile( get_path( $user_id, $scale ), $file ) )
'size' => $scale,
'url' => File::Spec->catfile(
'/', $IMAGE_BASE, $user_id, $scale, $file
$img_hash->{'scales'} = \@scaled;
push( @$images, $img_hash );
my $reply_data = { current_page => $page, items_per_page => $items, pages_count => $pages_count, images_list => $images };
# Render
return $self->render( json => $reply_data );
# Upload image file
# There is no restriction for file size in app because restriction is present in nginx configuration
post '/upload' => ( authenticated => 1 ) => sub {
my $self = shift;
# Uploaded image(Mojo::Upload object)
my $image = $self->req->upload('image');
my $user = $self->current_user();
my $user_id = $user->{'user_id'};
# $self->app->log->debug( "user:" . Dumper($user) );
# Not upload
unless ($image) {
return $self->render(
template => 'error',
message => "Upload fail. File is not specified."
# Check file type
my $image_type = $image->headers->content_type;
my %valid_types = map { $_ => 1 } qw(image/gif image/jpeg image/png);
# Content type is wrong
unless ( $valid_types{$image_type} ) {
return $self->render(
template => 'error',
message => "Upload fail. Content type is wrong."
# Extention
my $exts = {
'image/gif' => 'gif',
'image/jpeg' => 'jpg',
'image/png' => 'png'
my $ext = $exts->{$image_type};
# Image file
my $filename = sprintf( '%s.%s', create_hash( $image->slurp() ), $ext );
my $image_file =
File::Spec->catfile( get_path( $user_id, $ORIG_DIR ), $filename );
# Save to file
my $imager = Imager->new();
$imager->read( file => $image_file ) or die $imager->errstr;
my $rotation_angle = $imager->tags( name => "exif_orientation" ) || 1;
"Rotation angle [" . $rotation_angle . "] [" . $image->filename . "]" );
if ( $rotation_angle == 3 ) {
$imager = $imager->rotate( degrees => 180 );
elsif ( $rotation_angle == 6 ) {
$imager = $imager->rotate( degrees => 90 );
my $original_width = $imager->getwidth();
for my $scale (@scale_width) {
#Skip sizes which more than original image
if ( $scale >= $original_width ) {
my $scaled = $imager->scale( xpixels => $scale );
$scaled->write( file =>
File::Spec->catfile( get_path( $user_id, $scale ), $filename ) )
or die $scaled->errstr;
if ( !$db->add_file( $user->{'user_id'}, $filename, $image->filename ) ) {
#TODO: Send error msg
json => {
files => [
name => $image->filename,
size => $image->size,
url => sprintf( '/images/orig/%s', $filename ),
thumbnailUrl => sprintf( '/images/200/%s', $filename ),
# Redirect to top page
# $self->redirect_to('index');
} => 'upload';
sub create_hash {
my $data_to_hash = shift;
return $sha->hexdigest();
sub get_path {
my ( $user_id, $size ) = @_;
my $path = File::Spec->catfile( $IMAGE_DIR, $user_id, $size );
unless ( -d $path ) {
mkpath $path or die "Cannot create directory: $path";
return $path;