- Click "Add" button. A row will appear in the table under.
- Click "Read Back" button
connect your PC to the left end USB-C port on your Gemini and restart the Gemini. Once booted, the flash tool will detect the unit and will write the NVRAM partition on a file on your hard disk called NVRAM0. Ithink it's a good idea to keep this file as a backup, together with the customised Scatter file.
- In the drop-down list select "Firmware Upgrade" option
- Click big "Download" button
- Connect your PC to the left end USB-C port on your Gemini and restart the Gemini. Once booting, the flash tool will detect the unit and will start flashing the device with the selected firmware.
In case the Let's Encrypt certificate has expired on 30 September and very old version on OpenSSL in the Stetch apt can't validate the repo certifcate. So you need to disable certificate checking for the repo.
Since Android is generating a new mac address for your wifi interface at every reboot and Connman is storing the mac address in its services you would need to enter your wifi passwords every time you reboot.
Fortunately there is a way to lock the mac address.
install hexedit: sudo apt install hexedit
sudo hexedit /nvdata/APCFG/APRDEB/WIFI and set a mac address in bytes 04-09 (mind that the base is 0, so it starts at the 5th byte) of the first row (0)
set the i attr on the file: sudo chattr +i /nvdata/APCFG/APRDEB/WIFI
This will lock down the mac address.
## WiFi eats battery whilst sleeping
You need to install connman-plugin-suspend-wmtwifi to avoid this:
Turns out this plugin just stops the repeated re-connection's to wifi. It still eats lots of battery.
## Libreoffice
Due to some peculiarity in the system image creation by multistrap our libreoffice installs get their diverts muddled, if you get an issue on upgrading with it complaining about libreoffice do the following:
cd /var/cache/apt/archives
sudo dpkg --force-all -i libreoffice*.deb
This basically forces a reinstall of all the libreoffice debian packages.