AboutPage License 许可证 Code and feedback 代码及反馈 Battery Buddy Battery Buddy(电池搭档) Author 作者 CoverPage Connect charger 充电器 Disconnect charger 断开充电器 Charging... 充电中... Battery Buddy Battery Buddy(电池搭档) InfoPage What is Battery Buddy? Battery Buddy(电池搭档)是什么? Battery Buddy is a small and simple utility designed to improve the lifetime of the battery. Battery Buddy (电池搭档)是一个帮助你改善电池寿命的小巧玲珑的软件。 It simply monitors the battery level and if it has been charged above the limit, it plays a sound and displays a notification. 本软件会监测设备电量,如果已经超过充电限值,会自动播放声音并显示通知。 A different sound is played and notification send when the battery has been discharged under the limit. 当电池在限制下放电时, 将播放不同的声音并发送通知 Why does it matter? 为何这很重要? Lithium-based batteries do not last forever. Every charge and discharge wear out the battery a small amount. This is normal and currently unavoidable. 锂电池不能永久使用。每次充电和放电都会使电池产生些许损耗。这是正常的, 以目前技术水平尚不可避免的。 A full charge from 0% to 100% stresses the battery more than, say, charging from 25% to 75%. 从0%到100%的完全充电对电池的压力大于, 例如, 从25%到75%的充电。 Charging and discharging the battery lowers the capacity over time. Small discharge wears out the capacity slower than a deep discharge and a full recharge. 随着时间的推移, 电池的充电和放电会降低电池容量。轻度放电产生的电量磨损比深度放电和完全充电低。 Is it noticable? 这很明显吗? Yes, it is. If you always let the battery drain down to 0% and then charge it to 100%, your battery may not see 500 charge cycles. 是的,如果你总是让电池耗尽到 0%, 然后将其充电到 100%, 则你的电池可能无法充电超过500次。 If you only let the battery charge go down to 50% and then charge it to 70%, it could last several thousands of cycles! 如果你只让电池电量下降到 50%, 然后充电到 70%, 它或许能充电几千次! More info 更多信息 Please keep in mind that the numbers are very coarse estimates. There are also other variables that affect the life cycle, such as charge current and battery temperature. 请记住, 这些数字是非常粗糙的估计。还有其他影响充电次数的变量, 如充电电流和电池温度。 Why should I care? 为什么我应当留心? Every battery produced uses a lot of energy and at least some non-renewable resources. 生产每一块电池都需要大量的能源, 其中一些是不可再生的资源。 By taking care of your devices battery, you don't have to buy a new battery so soon. 通过留心你设备的电池状况,你不必太快去更换一块新电池 Even better; in some devices the battery is very difficult to replace without braking the device, which means you don't have to pay for the service, either. 对于某些设备, 只能通过拆卸的方式更换电池,这意味着你需要为此支付服务费用。 What else can I do? 我还能做点什么? Uninstall battery-hungry applications you don't use. Reboot your device every now and then in order to keep it running flawlessly. 卸载你不用的耗电应用程序。不时重启设备以确保其完美运行 Don't use your phone in hot or cold environments. In the winter keep the phone in your pocket near your body (but take note of the moisture) and use a handsfree device. Extreme temperatures are bad for the battery. 不要在过冷或过热环境中使用手机。冬天, 把手机放在贴近你身体的口袋里 (但要注意水分), 并使用免提设备。极端温度对电池不利。 I want to know more! 我想了解更多! Great! There are a lot of articles to read and papers to study, so click the link to begin! 很好! 这里有许多可读的文章和研究论文,请点击链接以开始! Use flight mode overnight whenever possible in order to cut power usage down. Powering the device off and on again may use a lot more battery than you think! MainPage Battery Buddy Battery Buddy(电池搭档) Click the buttons to test the sound and notification. 点击按钮以测试声音及通知 Battery status 电池状态 Alert tests 警报测试 Please connect the charger. 请连接到充电器 Please disconnect the charger. 请断开充电器 Battery charge Battery charge 20% 电池充电 20% About About this application 关于应用程序 Background More to read, background information... 更多阅读, 后台信息... This is a test. 这是一个测试 Discharged 放电 Charged 已充电 yes no Charge: 充电: Charging: 正在充电: State: 状态: idle Charger plugged in, not using nor charging battery 充电器已插入, 请勿使用不可充电电池 discharging Charger not plugged in, battery discharging 充电器未插入,电池放电中 charging Charger plugged in and battery charging 充电器已插入,电池充电中 unknown Battery not detected, or faulty, or something 未检测到电池或出错或别的原因 Settings 设置 Please leave Battery Buddy running in the background in order to receive alerts. 请让Battery Buddy(电池搭档)在后台保持运行, 以便接收警报。 SettingsPage Settings 设置 Set the maximum and minimum target charge levels. 设置最大和最小充电电量目标 Charging limit 充电限值 Discharging limit 放电限值 Alert settings 警报设置 Alert interval 警报间隔