AboutPage Battery Buddy is a small and simple utility designed to improve the lifetime of the battery. Version View License Battery Buddy is open source software licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Contributions and translations are always appreciated! If you like my work and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee! Translations CoverPage Charging Not charging Connect charger Disconnect charger Battery Buddy InfoPage What is Battery Buddy? Battery Buddy is a small and simple utility designed to improve the lifetime of the battery. It simply monitors the battery level and if it has been charged above the limit, it plays a sound and displays a notification. A different sound is played and notification send when the battery has been discharged under the limit. Why does it matter? Lithium-based batteries do not last forever. Every charge and discharge wear out the battery a small amount. This is normal and currently unavoidable. A full charge from 0% to 100% stresses the battery more than, say, charging from 25% to 75%. Charging and discharging the battery lowers the capacity over time. Small discharge wears out the capacity slower than a deep discharge and a full recharge. Is it noticable? Yes, it is. If you always let the battery drain down to 0% and then charge it to 100%, your battery may not see 500 charge cycles. If you only let the battery charge go down to 50% and then charge it to 70%, it could last several thousands of cycles! More info Please keep in mind that the numbers are very coarse estimates. There are also other variables that affect the life cycle, such as charge current and battery temperature. Why should I care? Every battery produced uses a lot of energy and at least some non-renewable resources. By taking care of your devices battery, you don't have to buy a new battery so soon. Even better; in some devices the battery is very difficult to replace without braking the device, which means you don't have to pay for the service, either. What else can I do? Uninstall battery-hungry applications you don't use. Reboot your device every now and then in order to keep it running flawlessly. Use flight mode overnight whenever possible in order to cut power usage down. Powering the device off and on again may use a lot more battery than you think! Don't use your phone in hot or cold environments. In the winter keep the phone in your pocket near your body (but take note of the moisture) and use a handsfree device. Extreme temperatures are bad for the battery. I want to know more! Great! There are a lot of articles to read and papers to study, so click the link to begin! MainPage Battery Buddy Battery status Background More to read, background information... yes no Charge: State: idle Charger plugged in, not using nor charging battery discharging Charger not plugged in, battery discharging charging Charger plugged in and battery charging unknown Battery not detected, or faulty, or something Charger connected: full Battery fully charged empty Battery fully depleted Resume Pause Charger control Using these controls overrides the automated settings. You can close Battery Buddy when you are done, notifications and charger control will continue working in the background. Settings Battery charge %1% Please connect the charger. Please disconnect the charger. SettingsPage Settings Resume charging limit Charging settings Notification settings Use notifications Notification interval About About this application Pause charging limit Display visual and audible notifications about reached battery charge levels, when the battery charge is below or above desired percentage. Battery low notification Battery full notification Automatic charging control This option disables charging automatically when the battery has charged above the pausing percentage and enables it again when the battery has depleted below the resuming percentage.