# NOTICE: # # Application name defined in TARGET has a corresponding QML filename. # If name defined in TARGET is changed, the following needs to be done # to match new name: # - corresponding QML filename must be changed # - desktop icon filename must be changed # - desktop filename must be changed # - icon definition filename in desktop file must be changed # - translation filenames have to be changed # The name of your application TARGET = harbour-batterybuddy CONFIG += console sailfishapp sailfishapp_i18n # Keep this in sync with "service.pro" VER = 3.8 REL = 1 VERSION = $${VER}-$${REL} $$system(bash update-spec-version.sh $$TARGET $$VER $$REL) DEFINES += APP_VERSION=\"\\\"$$VERSION\\\"\" DEFINES += APP_NAME=\"\\\"$$TARGET\\\"\" # Do not define QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT! # Use "--verbose" and "--debug" at runtime instead. # See main() for details. #DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT HEADERS += \ src/battery.h \ src/settings.h \ src/process.h SOURCES += src/harbour-batterybuddy.cpp \ src/battery.cpp \ src/settings.cpp DISTFILES += qml/harbour-batterybuddy.qml \ qml/components/AboutLabel.qml \ qml/components/MyLabel.qml \ qml/pages\LicensePage.qml \ qml/cover/CoverPage.qml \ rpm/harbour-batterybuddy.spec \ service/harbour-batterybuddy.service \ service/harbour-batterybuddy-oneshot.service \ service/restore-write-permissions.sh \ service/set-write-permissions.sh \ translations/*.ts \ harbour-batterybuddy.desktop \ qml/pages/MainPage.qml \ qml/pages/AboutPage.qml \ qml/pages/InfoPage.qml \ rpm/harbour-batterybuddy.changes \ qml/components/BatteryGraph.qml \ qml/pages/SettingsPage.qml \ qml/components/MyDetailItem.qml SAILFISHAPP_ICONS = 86x86 108x108 128x128 172x172 TRANSLATIONS += translations/*.ts # Executable provided by "service.pro" # Two services, actually OTHER_FILES += service/harbour-batterybuddy.service \ service/harbour-batterybuddy-oneshot.service \ service/restore-write-permissions.sh \ service/set-write-permissions.sh service.files = service service.path = /usr/share/$${TARGET} # Include images images.files = images images.path = /usr/share/$${TARGET} INSTALLS += service images # Begin: include sound files #OTHER_FILES += sounds/upperLimit.ogg \ # sounds/lowerLimit.ogg \ #sounds.files = sounds #sounds.path = /usr/share/$${TARGET} #INSTALLS += sounds # End: include sound files