TARGET = harbour-batterybuddy-daemon CONFIG = sailfishapp qt console c++11 sailfish_build QT = core network dbus multimedia dbus PKGCONFIG += nemonotifications-qt5 # Keep this in sync with "" VER = 3.8 REL = 1 VERSION = $${VER}-$${REL} DEFINES += APP_VERSION=\"\\\"$$VERSION\\\"\" DEFINES += APP_NAME=\"\\\"$$TARGET\\\"\" # Use "--verbose" and "--debug" at runtime. # See main() and logger.h for details. DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT HEADERS += \ src/battery.h \ src/mynotification.h \ src/profile.h \ src/logger.h \ src/settings.h SOURCES += \ src/battery.cpp \ src/mynotification.cpp \ src/profile.cpp \ src/logger.cpp \ src/settings.cpp \ src/harbour-batterybuddy-daemon.cpp OTHER_FILES += harbour-batterybuddy-daemon.service service.path = /usr/lib/systemd/user/ service.files += harbour-batterybuddy-daemon.service target.path = /usr/bin/ INSTALLS += target service