/* Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Jolla Ltd. Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Slava Monich You may use this file under the terms of BSD license as follows: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the names of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import harbour.books 1.0 Item { id: storageView property alias viewInteractive: storageList.interactive property alias viewScale: storageList.scale property alias pullDownMenu: menu property alias isCurrentView: menu.visible property bool pageActive property bool editMode: false signal openBook(var book) property real _cellWidth property real _cellHeight: Math.ceil(_cellWidth*8/5) property var draggedItem property var currentShelf property var currentShelfView property int currentShelfIndex: storageListWatcher.currentIndex readonly property bool dragInProgress: draggedItem ? true : false readonly property real maxContentY: currentShelfView ? Math.max(0, currentShelfView.contentHeight - currentShelfView.height) - (currentShelfView.headerItem ? currentShelfView.headerItem.height : 0) : 0 readonly property real verticalScrollThreshold: _cellHeight/2 readonly property real horizontalScrollThreshold: _cellWidth/2 readonly property real _minGridCellWidth: 10*Theme.paddingMedium property var _settingsComponent // Books in the library shouldn't be too small or too big. // At least 3 (or 5 in landscape) should fit in the horizontal direction. // The width shouldn't be smaller than 10*Theme.paddingMedium or 0.88 inch function calculateCellWidth2(viewWidth, minCount) { var result = 0 if (viewWidth > 0) { // At least 3 books in portrait, 5 in landscape var n = minCount + 1 var cellSize = viewWidth/minCount while (cellSize > _minGridCellWidth && (cellSize/PointsPerInch) > 0.88 && n < 11) { cellSize = viewWidth/(++n) } result = Math.floor(viewWidth/(n-1)) } return result } function calculateCellWidth() { // At least 3 books in portrait, 5 in landscape var result2 = calculateCellWidth2(Math.min(window.width, window.height), 3) var result1 = calculateCellWidth2(Math.max(window.width, window.height), 5) var result = Math.min(result1, result2) return result } Component.onCompleted: _cellWidth = calculateCellWidth() onCurrentShelfChanged: { if (storageList.completed && currentShelf) { Settings.currentFolder = currentShelf.path } } PullDownMenu { id: menu MenuItem { //: Pulley menu item //% "Settings" text: qsTrId("harbour-books-menu-settings") visible: !editMode && BooksSettingsMenu onClicked: { if (!_settingsComponent) { _settingsComponent = Qt.createComponent("../settings/BooksSettings.qml") if (_settingsComponent.status !== Component.Ready) { console.log(_settingsComponent.errorString()) } } pageStack.push(_settingsComponent, { "title" : text, "allowedOrientations": window.allowedOrientations, "inApp": true, }) } } MenuItem { //: Pulley menu item //% "Scan downloads" text: qsTrId("harbour-books-storage-menu-scan_downloads") visible: !editMode onClicked: pageStack.push(importComponent) } MenuItem { //: Pulley menu item //% "Delete all books" text: qsTrId("harbour-books-storage-menu-delete_everything") visible: editMode enabled: currentShelf && (currentShelf.count > 0) onClicked: storageModel.setDeleteAllRequest(storageListWatcher.currentIndex, true) } MenuLabel { //: Number of books in the storage header //% "%0 book(s)" text: qsTrId("harbour-books-storage-book_count",bookCount).arg(bookCount) visible: !bookCountVisible && bookCount > 0 readonly property int bookCount: storageList.currentItem ? storageList.currentItem.bookCount : 0 readonly property bool bookCountVisible: storageList.currentItem && storageList.currentItem.bookCountVisible } } onEditModeChanged: { storageModel.cancelDeleteAllRequests() dragScrollAnimation.stop() } Component { id: importComponent BooksImport { destination: currentShelf ? currentShelf.path : "" onAccepted: { var count = selectedCount for (var i=0; i maxContentX) { dragScrollAnimation.to = maxContentX dragScrollAnimation.restart() } } Component.onCompleted: { var index = model.deviceIndex(Settings.currentStorage) // positionViewAtIndex doesn't work here, update contentX directly if (index >= 0) { contentX = (width + spacing) * index } else { // Most likely, removable storage is gone console.log(Settings.currentFolder, "is gone") Settings.currentFolder = currentShelf ? currentShelf.path : "" } completed = true } delegate: BooksShelfView { width: storageList.width height: storageList.height cellWidth: storageView._cellWidth cellHeight: storageView._cellHeight singleStorage: storageModel.count < 2 editMode: storageView.editMode deleteAllRequest: model.deleteAllRequest device: model.device removableStorage: model.removable shelfIndex: model.index view.clip: storageList.scale == 1 onStartEditing: storageView.editMode = true onStopEditing: storageView.editMode = false onScrollLeft: storageList.scrollOnePageLeft() onScrollRight: storageList.scrollOnePageRight() onCancelDeleteAll: storageModel.cancelDeleteAllRequests() onDropItem: storageView.dropItem() property bool current: model.index === currentShelfIndex Component.onCompleted: updateCurrentShelf() onCurrentChanged: updateCurrentShelf() function updateCurrentShelf() { if (current) { storageView.currentShelf = shelf storageView.currentShelfView = view } else { // no need for dummy item anymore shelf.hasDummyItem = false } } onOpenBook: storageView.openBook(book) } function scrollOnePageLeft() { if (contentX > 0) { dragScrollAnimation.from = contentX dragScrollAnimation.to = Math.max(0, contentX - width - spacing) dragScrollAnimation.start() } } function scrollOnePageRight() { if (contentX < maxContentX) { dragScrollAnimation.from = contentX dragScrollAnimation.to = Math.min(maxContentX, contentX + width + spacing) dragScrollAnimation.start() } } function scrollToPage(index) { if (currentIndex !== index) { dragScrollAnimation.from = contentX dragScrollAnimation.to = contentX + (width + spacing) * (index - currentIndex) dragScrollAnimation.start() } } } function dropItem() { if (draggedItem && dragItem.shelfIndex !== currentShelfIndex && currentShelf) { var targetIndex = currentShelf.dummyItemIndex if (targetIndex >= 0 && currentShelf.drop(draggedItem)) { console.log("drop accepted") // Update coordinates of the drag item to make it move toward the drop target var cellsPerRow = Math.floor(currentShelfView.width/_cellWidth) var delta = currentShelfView.mapToItem(storageView,0,0) var x = _cellWidth * (targetIndex % cellsPerRow) - currentShelfView.contentX var y = _cellHeight * Math.floor(targetIndex / cellsPerRow) - currentShelfView.contentY dragItem.x = x + delta.x dragItem.y = y + delta.y // This hides the target item until the grag item makes it to the destination: dragItem.dropShelfIndex = currentShelfIndex dragItem.dropItemIndex = targetIndex } else { currentShelf.hasDummyItem = false currentShelf.dummyItemIndex = -1 } } } BooksShelfItem { id: dragItem visible: false width: storageView._cellWidth height: storageView._cellHeight pressed: false editMode: false scaledDown: false scaleAnimationEnabled: false synchronous: true book: draggedItem ? draggedItem.book : null name: draggedItem ? draggedItem.name : "" property int shelfIndex: -1 property int dropShelfIndex: -1 property int dropItemIndex: -1 } NumberAnimation { id: dragScrollAnimation target: storageList property: "contentX" duration: 500 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } }