/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Jolla Ltd. * Contact: Slava Monich * * You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Jolla Ltd nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "BooksBookModel.h" #include "BooksTextStyle.h" #include "HarbourDebug.h" #include "ZLTextHyphenator.h" // ========================================================================== // BooksBookModel::Data // ========================================================================== class BooksBookModel::Data { public: Data(int aWidth, int aHeight) : iWidth(aWidth), iHeight(aHeight) {} int pickPage(const BooksPos& aPagePos) const; int pickPage(const BooksPos& aPagePos, const BooksPos& aNextPagePos, int aPageCount) const; public: int iWidth; int iHeight; shared_ptr iBookModel; BooksPos::List iPageMarks; }; int BooksBookModel::Data::pickPage(const BooksPos& aPagePos) const { int page = 0; if (aPagePos.valid()) { BooksPos::ConstIterator it = qFind(iPageMarks, aPagePos); if (it == iPageMarks.end()) { it = qUpperBound(iPageMarks, aPagePos); page = (int)(it - iPageMarks.begin()) - 1; HDEBUG("using page" << page << "for" << aPagePos); } else { page = it - iPageMarks.begin(); HDEBUG("found" << aPagePos << "at page" << page); } } return page; } int BooksBookModel::Data::pickPage(const BooksPos& aPagePos, const BooksPos& aNextPagePos, int aPageCount) const { int page = 0; if (aPagePos.valid()) { if (!aNextPagePos.valid()) { // Last page stays the last page = iPageMarks.count() - 1; HDEBUG("last page" << page); } else { BooksPos::ConstIterator it = qFind(iPageMarks, aPagePos); if (it == iPageMarks.end()) { // Two 90-degrees rotations should return the reader // back to the same page. That's what this is about. const BooksPos& pos = (iPageMarks.count() > aPageCount) ? aPagePos : aNextPagePos; it = qUpperBound(iPageMarks, pos); page = (int)(it - iPageMarks.begin()); if (page > 0) page--; HDEBUG("using page" << page << "for" << pos); } else { page = it - iPageMarks.begin(); HDEBUG("found" << aPagePos << "at page" << page); } } } return page; } // ========================================================================== // BooksBookModel::Task // ========================================================================== class BooksBookModel::Task : public BooksTask { Q_OBJECT public: Task(BooksBookModel* aReceiver, shared_ptr aBook, const BooksPos& aPagePos, const BooksPos& aNextPagePos, const BooksPos& aLastPos, int aPageCount); ~Task(); void performTask(); Q_SIGNALS: void progress(int aProgress); public: shared_ptr iBook; shared_ptr iTextStyle; BooksMargins iMargins; BooksPaintContext iPaint; BooksBookModel::Data* iData; BooksPos iPagePos; BooksPos iNextPagePos; BooksPos iLastPos; int iOldPageCount; int iPage; }; BooksBookModel::Task::Task(BooksBookModel* aModel, shared_ptr aBook, const BooksPos& aPagePos, const BooksPos& aNextPagePos, const BooksPos& aLastPos, int aPageCount) : iBook(aBook), iTextStyle(aModel->textStyle()), iMargins(aModel->margins()), iPaint(aModel->width(), aModel->height()), iData(NULL), iPagePos(aPagePos), iNextPagePos(aNextPagePos), iLastPos(aLastPos), iOldPageCount(aPageCount), iPage(-1) { aModel->connect(this, SIGNAL(done()), SLOT(onResetDone())); aModel->connect(this, SIGNAL(progress(int)), SLOT(onResetProgress(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection); } BooksBookModel::Task::~Task() { delete iData; } void BooksBookModel::Task::performTask() { if (!isCanceled()) { iData = new BooksBookModel::Data(iPaint.width(), iPaint.height()); iData->iBookModel = new BookModel(iBook); shared_ptr model(iData->iBookModel->bookTextModel()); ZLTextHyphenator::Instance().load(iBook->language()); if (!isCanceled()) { BooksTextView view(iPaint, iTextStyle, iMargins); view.setModel(model); if (model->paragraphsNumber() > 0) { BooksPos mark = view.rewind(); iData->iPageMarks.append(mark); Q_EMIT progress(iData->iPageMarks.count()); while (!isCanceled() && view.nextPage()) { mark = view.position(); iData->iPageMarks.append(mark); Q_EMIT progress(iData->iPageMarks.count()); } } } } if (!isCanceled()) { HDEBUG(iData->iPageMarks.count() << "page(s)" << qPrintable( QString("%1x%2").arg(iData->iWidth).arg(iData->iHeight))); iPage = iPagePos.valid() ? iData->pickPage(iPagePos, iNextPagePos, iOldPageCount) : iData->pickPage(iLastPos); } else { HDEBUG("giving up" << qPrintable(QString("%1x%2").arg(iPaint.width()). arg(iPaint.height())) << "paging"); } } // ========================================================================== // BooksBookModel // ========================================================================== enum BooksBookModelRole { BooksBookModelPageIndex = Qt::UserRole }; BooksBookModel::BooksBookModel(QObject* aParent) : QAbstractListModel(aParent), iResetReason(ReasonUnknown), iCurrentPage(-1), iProgress(0), iBook(NULL), iTask(NULL), iData(NULL), iData2(NULL), iSettings(BooksSettings::sharedInstance()), iTaskQueue(BooksTaskQueue::defaultQueue()) { iTextStyle = iSettings->textStyle(fontSizeAdjust()); connect(iSettings.data(), SIGNAL(textStyleChanged()), SLOT(onTextStyleChanged())); HDEBUG("created"); #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 setRoleNames(roleNames()); #endif } BooksBookModel::~BooksBookModel() { if (iTask) iTask->release(this); if (iBook) { iBook->disconnect(this); iBook->release(); iBook = NULL; } delete iData; delete iData2; HDEBUG("destroyed"); } void BooksBookModel::setBook(BooksBook* aBook) { shared_ptr oldBook; shared_ptr newBook; if (iBook != aBook) { const QString oldTitle(iTitle); if (iBook) { iBook->disconnect(this); iBook->release(); } if (aBook) { (iBook = aBook)->retain(); iBookRef = newBook; iTitle = iBook->title(); iTextStyle = iSettings->textStyle(fontSizeAdjust()); connect(iBook, SIGNAL(fontSizeAdjustChanged()), SLOT(onTextStyleChanged())); HDEBUG(iTitle); } else { iBook = NULL; iBookRef.reset(); iTitle = QString(); HDEBUG(""); } startReset(ReasonLoading, true); if (oldTitle != iTitle) { Q_EMIT titleChanged(); } Q_EMIT textStyleChanged(); Q_EMIT bookModelChanged(); Q_EMIT bookChanged(); } } bool BooksBookModel::loading() const { return (iTask != NULL); } bool BooksBookModel::increaseFontSize() { return iBook && iBook->setFontSizeAdjust(iBook->fontSizeAdjust()+1); } bool BooksBookModel::decreaseFontSize() { return iBook && iBook->setFontSizeAdjust(iBook->fontSizeAdjust()-1); } void BooksBookModel::setCurrentPage(int aPage) { if (iCurrentPage != aPage) { iCurrentPage = aPage; if (iData && iCurrentPage >= 0 && iCurrentPage < iData->iPageMarks.count()) { iBook->setLastPos(iData->iPageMarks.at(iCurrentPage)); HDEBUG(aPage << iBook->lastPos()); } else { HDEBUG(aPage); } Q_EMIT currentPageChanged(); } } int BooksBookModel::pageCount() const { return iData ? iData->iPageMarks.count() : 0; } BooksPos::List BooksBookModel::pageMarks() const { return iData ? iData->iPageMarks : BooksPos::List(); } int BooksBookModel::fontSizeAdjust() const { return iBook ? iBook->fontSizeAdjust() : 0; } BooksPos BooksBookModel::pageMark(int aPage) const { if (aPage >= 0 && iData) { const int n = iData->iPageMarks.count(); if (aPage < n) { return iData->iPageMarks.at(aPage); } } return BooksPos(); } int BooksBookModel::linkToPage(const std::string& aLink) const { if (iData && !iData->iBookModel.isNull()) { BookModel::Label label = iData->iBookModel->label(aLink); if (label.ParagraphNumber >= 0) { return iData->pickPage(BooksPos(label.ParagraphNumber, 0, 0)); } } return -1; } shared_ptr BooksBookModel::bookModel() const { return iData ? iData->iBookModel : NULL; } shared_ptr BooksBookModel::bookTextModel() const { shared_ptr model; if (iData && !iData->iBookModel.isNull()) { model = iData->iBookModel->bookTextModel(); } return model; } shared_ptr BooksBookModel::contentsModel() const { shared_ptr model; if (iData && !iData->iBookModel.isNull()) { model = iData->iBookModel->contentsModel(); } return model; } void BooksBookModel::setLeftMargin(int aMargin) { if (iMargins.iLeft != aMargin) { iMargins.iLeft = aMargin; HDEBUG(aMargin); startReset(); Q_EMIT leftMarginChanged(); } } void BooksBookModel::setRightMargin(int aMargin) { if (iMargins.iRight != aMargin) { iMargins.iRight = aMargin; HDEBUG(aMargin); startReset(); Q_EMIT rightMarginChanged(); } } void BooksBookModel::setTopMargin(int aMargin) { if (iMargins.iTop != aMargin) { iMargins.iTop = aMargin; HDEBUG(aMargin); startReset(); Q_EMIT topMarginChanged(); } } void BooksBookModel::setBottomMargin(int aMargin) { if (iMargins.iBottom != aMargin) { iMargins.iBottom = aMargin; HDEBUG(aMargin); startReset(); Q_EMIT bottomMarginChanged(); } } void BooksBookModel::updateModel(int aPrevPageCount) { const int newPageCount = pageCount(); if (aPrevPageCount != newPageCount) { if (newPageCount > aPrevPageCount) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), aPrevPageCount, newPageCount-1); endInsertRows(); } else { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), newPageCount, aPrevPageCount-1); endRemoveRows(); } Q_EMIT pageCountChanged(); } } void BooksBookModel::setSize(QSize aSize) { if (iSize != aSize) { iSize = aSize; const int w = width(); const int h = height(); HDEBUG(aSize); if (iData && iData->iWidth == w && iData->iHeight == h) { HDEBUG("size didn't change"); } else if (iData2 && iData2->iWidth == w && iData2->iHeight == h) { HDEBUG("switching to backup layout"); const int oldModelPageCount = pageCount(); int oldPageCount; BooksPos page1, page2; if (iTask) { // Layout has been switched back before the paging task // has completed HDEBUG("not so fast please..."); oldPageCount = iTask->iOldPageCount; page1 = iTask->iPagePos; page2 = iTask->iNextPagePos; } else { oldPageCount = oldModelPageCount; page1 = pageMark(iCurrentPage); page2 = pageMark(iCurrentPage+1); } Data* tmp = iData; iData = iData2; iData2 = tmp; if (iData) { // Cancel unnecessary paging task if (iTask) { BooksLoadingSignalBlocker block(this); iTask->release(this); iTask = NULL; } updateModel(oldModelPageCount); Q_EMIT pageMarksChanged(); Q_EMIT jumpToPage(iData->pickPage(page1, page2, oldPageCount)); } else { startReset(ReasonUnknown, false); } } else { startReset(ReasonUnknown, false); } Q_EMIT sizeChanged(); } } void BooksBookModel::onTextStyleChanged() { HDEBUG(iTitle); shared_ptr newStyle = iSettings->textStyle(fontSizeAdjust()); const int newFontSize = newStyle->fontSize(); const int oldFontSize = iTextStyle->fontSize(); const ResetReason reason = (newFontSize > oldFontSize) ? ReasonIncreasingFontSize : (newFontSize < oldFontSize) ? ReasonDecreasingFontSize : ReasonUnknown; iTextStyle = newStyle; startReset(reason); Q_EMIT textStyleChanged(); } void BooksBookModel::startReset(ResetReason aResetReason, bool aFullReset) { BooksLoadingSignalBlocker block(this); const BooksPos thisPage = pageMark(iCurrentPage); const BooksPos nextPage = pageMark(iCurrentPage+1); if (aResetReason == ReasonUnknown) { if (iResetReason == ReasonUnknown) { if (!iData && !iData2) { aResetReason = ReasonLoading; } } else { aResetReason = iResetReason; } } if (iTask) { iTask->release(this); iTask = NULL; } const int oldPageCount(pageCount()); if (oldPageCount > 0) { beginResetModel(); } delete iData2; if (aFullReset) { delete iData; iData2 = NULL; } else { iData2 = iData; } iData = NULL; if (iBook && width() > 0 && height() > 0) { HDEBUG("starting" << qPrintable(QString("%1x%2").arg(width()). arg(height())) << "paging"); iTask = new Task(this, iBook->bookRef(), thisPage, nextPage, iBook->lastPos(), oldPageCount); iTaskQueue->submit(iTask); } if (oldPageCount > 0) { endResetModel(); Q_EMIT pageMarksChanged(); Q_EMIT pageCountChanged(); } if (iCurrentPage != 0) { iCurrentPage = 0; Q_EMIT currentPageChanged(); } if (iProgress != 0) { iProgress = 0; Q_EMIT progressChanged(); } if (iResetReason != aResetReason) { iResetReason = aResetReason; Q_EMIT resetReasonChanged(); } } void BooksBookModel::onResetProgress(int aProgress) { // progress -> onResetProgress is a queued connection, we may received // this event from the task that has already been canceled. if (iTask == sender() && aProgress > iProgress) { iProgress = aProgress; Q_EMIT progressChanged(); } } void BooksBookModel::onResetDone() { HASSERT(sender() == iTask); HASSERT(iTask->iData); HASSERT(!iData); const int oldPageCount(pageCount()); shared_ptr oldBookModel(bookModel()); BooksLoadingSignalBlocker block(this); int page = iTask->iPage; iData = iTask->iData; iTask->iData = NULL; iTask->release(this); iTask = NULL; updateModel(oldPageCount); Q_EMIT jumpToPage(page); Q_EMIT pageMarksChanged(); if (oldBookModel != bookModel()) { Q_EMIT bookModelChanged(); } if (iResetReason != ReasonUnknown) { iResetReason = ReasonUnknown; Q_EMIT resetReasonChanged(); } } QHash BooksBookModel::roleNames() const { QHash roles; roles.insert(BooksBookModelPageIndex, "pageIndex"); return roles; } int BooksBookModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return pageCount(); } QVariant BooksBookModel::data(const QModelIndex& aIndex, int aRole) const { const int i = aIndex.row(); if (i >= 0 && i < pageCount()) { switch (aRole) { case BooksBookModelPageIndex: return i; } } return QVariant(); } #include "BooksBookModel.moc"