/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jolla Ltd. * Contact: Slava Monich * * You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Nemo Mobile nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "BooksShelf.h" #include "BooksDefs.h" #include "BooksBook.h" #include "BooksUtil.h" #include "HarbourJson.h" #include "HarbourDebug.h" #include #include enum BooksItemRole { BooksItemName = Qt::UserRole, BooksItemBook, BooksItemShelf, BooksItemAccessible, BooksItemCopyingOut, BooksItemCopyingIn, BooksItemCopyPercent, BooksItemDummy, BooksItemDeleteRequested }; #define MIN_SIGNAL_DELAY (100) /* ms */ #define FILE_PERMISSIONS \ (QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::WriteOwner | \ QFile::ReadGroup | QFile::ReadOther) #define SHELF_STATE_FILE BOOKS_STATE_FILE_SUFFIX #define SHELF_STATE_ORDER "order" class BooksShelf::CopyTask : public BooksTask { Q_OBJECT public: CopyTask(BooksShelf::Data* aData, BooksBook* aBook); ~CopyTask(); void performTask(); bool linkFiles(); Q_SIGNALS: void copyPercentChanged(); public: BooksShelf::Data* iData; int iCopyPercent; bool iSuccess; QString iSource; QString iDest; }; // ========================================================================== // BooksShelf::LoadTask // ========================================================================== class BooksShelf::LoadTask : public BooksTask { public: LoadTask(BooksStorage aStorage, QString aRelPath, QString aStateFile) : iStorage(aStorage), iRelativePath(aRelPath), iStateFilePath(aStateFile) {} ~LoadTask(); void performTask(); int findBook(QString aFileName) const; static int find(QFileInfoList aList, QString aFileName, int aStart); public: BooksStorage iStorage; QString iRelativePath; QString iStateFilePath; QList iItems; }; BooksShelf::LoadTask::~LoadTask() { const int n = iItems.count(); for (int i=0; irelease(); } int BooksShelf::LoadTask::find(QFileInfoList aList, QString aName, int aStart) { if (!aName.isEmpty()) { const int n = aList.count(); for (int i=aStart; ibook() && item->fileName() == aFileName) { return i; } } } return -1; } void BooksShelf::LoadTask::performTask() { if (!isCanceled()) { QString path(iStorage.fullPath(iRelativePath)); HDEBUG("checking" << path); QDir dir(path); QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files | QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::Time); // Restore the order QVariantMap state; if (HarbourJson::load(iStateFilePath, state)) { QVariantList order = state.value(SHELF_STATE_ORDER).toList(); const int n = order.count(); for (int i=0, dest=0; i= 0) { if (index != dest) { HDEBUG(order.at(i).toString() << index << "->" << dest); list.move(index, dest); } else { HDEBUG(order.at(i).toString() << index); } dest++; } else { HDEBUG(order.at(i).toString()); } } } const int n = list.count(); for (int i=0; imoveToThread(thread()); iItems.append(newShelf); } else { shared_ptr book = BooksUtil::bookFromFile(path); if (!book.isNull()) { BooksBook* newBook = new BooksBook(iStorage, iRelativePath, book); newBook->moveToThread(thread()); iItems.append(newBook); HDEBUG("[" << iItems.size() << "]" << qPrintable(newBook->fileName()) << newBook->title()); } else { HDEBUG("not a book:" << qPrintable(path)); } } } } // Cleanup the state files if (!isCanceled()) { QStringList deleteMe; const QString suffix(BOOKS_STATE_FILE_SUFFIX); QDirIterator configIt(iStorage.configDir()); while (configIt.hasNext() && !isCanceled()) { QString path(configIt.next()); if (path.endsWith(suffix)) { QString fileName(configIt.fileName()); QString name(fileName.left(fileName.length() - suffix.length())); if (!name.isEmpty() && findBook(name) < 0) { deleteMe.append(path); } } } while (!deleteMe.isEmpty() && !isCanceled()) { QString path(deleteMe.takeLast()); if (QFile::remove(path)) { HDEBUG("removed" << qPrintable(path)); } else { HWARN("failed to remove" << qPrintable(path)); } } } } // ========================================================================== // BooksShelf::Data // ========================================================================== class BooksShelf::Data { public: Data(BooksShelf* aShelf, BooksItem* aItem, bool aExternal); ~Data(); QString name() { return iItem ? iItem->name() : QString(); } QString fileName() { return iItem ? iItem->fileName() : QString(); } QObject* object() { return iItem ? iItem->object() : NULL; } BooksBook* book() { return iItem ? iItem->book() : NULL; } BooksShelf* shelf() { return iItem ? iItem->shelf() : NULL; } bool accessible() const { return !iCopyTask && iItem && iItem->accessible(); } bool isBook() const { return iItem && iItem->book(); } bool isShelf() const { return iItem && iItem->shelf(); } bool copyingOut(); bool copyingIn() { return iCopyTask != NULL; } int copyPercent() { return iCopyTask ? iCopyTask->iCopyPercent : 0; } void setBook(BooksBook* aBook, bool aExternal); void connectSignals(BooksBook* aBook); public: BooksShelf* iShelf; BooksItem* iItem; BooksShelf::CopyTask* iCopyTask; bool iDeleteRequested; }; BooksShelf::Data::Data(BooksShelf* aShelf, BooksItem* aItem, bool aExternal) : iShelf(aShelf), iItem(aItem), iCopyTask(NULL), iDeleteRequested(false) { if (iItem && !aExternal) { connectSignals(iItem->book()); } } BooksShelf::Data::~Data() { if (iItem) { iItem->object()->disconnect(iShelf); iItem->release(); } if (iCopyTask) { iCopyTask->release(iShelf); } } void BooksShelf::Data::connectSignals(BooksBook* aBook) { if (aBook) { iShelf->connect(aBook, SIGNAL(accessibleChanged()), SLOT(onBookAccessibleChanged())); iShelf->connect(aBook, SIGNAL(copyingOutChanged()), SLOT(onBookCopyingOutChanged())); iShelf->connect(aBook, SIGNAL(movedAway()), SLOT(onBookMovedAway())); } } void BooksShelf::Data::setBook(BooksBook* aBook, bool aExternal) { if (iItem != aBook) { if (iItem) { iItem->object()->disconnect(iShelf); iItem->release(); } iItem = aBook; if (aBook) { aBook->retain(); if (!aExternal) connectSignals(aBook); } } } inline bool BooksShelf::Data::copyingOut() { BooksBook* bookItem = book(); return bookItem && bookItem->copyingOut(); } // ========================================================================== // BooksShelf::CopyTask // ========================================================================== BooksShelf::CopyTask::CopyTask(BooksShelf::Data* aData, BooksBook* aBook) : iData(aData), iCopyPercent(0), iSuccess(false), iSource(aBook->path()), iDest(QFileInfo(aData->iShelf->path(), QFileInfo(iSource).fileName()).absoluteFilePath()) { HDEBUG(qPrintable(iSource) << "->" << qPrintable(iDest)); if (iData->iCopyTask) { iData->iCopyTask->release(iData->iShelf); } iData->iCopyTask = this; iData->iShelf->connect(this, SIGNAL(done()), SLOT(onCopyTaskDone())); iData->iShelf->connect(this, SIGNAL(copyPercentChanged()), SLOT(onCopyTaskPercentChanged()), Qt::QueuedConnection); } BooksShelf::CopyTask::~CopyTask() { HASSERT(!iData); } bool BooksShelf::CopyTask::linkFiles() { QByteArray oldp(iSource.toLocal8Bit()); QByteArray newp(iDest.toLocal8Bit()); if (!oldp.isEmpty()) { if (!newp.isEmpty()) { int err = link(oldp.data(), newp.data()); if (!err) { HDEBUG("linked" << newp << "->" << oldp); iSuccess = true; } else { HDEBUG(newp << "->" << oldp << "error:" << strerror(errno)); } } else { HDEBUG("failed to convert" << newp << "to locale encoding"); } } else { HDEBUG("failed to convert" << oldp << "to locale encoding"); } return iSuccess; } void BooksShelf::CopyTask::performTask() { if (!isCanceled() && !linkFiles()) { QFile src(iSource); const qint64 total = src.size(); qint64 copied = 0; if (src.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QFile dest(iDest); QDir dir(QFileInfo(dest).dir()); dir.mkpath(dir.path()); if (dest.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QDateTime lastSignal; const qint64 bufsiz = 0x1000; char* buf = new char[bufsiz]; qint64 len; while (!isCanceled() && (len = src.read(buf, bufsiz)) > 0 && !isCanceled() && dest.write(buf, len) == len) { copied += len; int percent = (int)(copied*100/total); if (iCopyPercent != percent) { // Don't fire signals too often QDateTime now(QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc()); if (!lastSignal.isValid() || lastSignal.msecsTo(now) >= MIN_SIGNAL_DELAY) { lastSignal = now; iCopyPercent = percent; Q_EMIT copyPercentChanged(); } } } delete [] buf; dest.close(); if (copied == total) { dest.setPermissions(FILE_PERMISSIONS); iSuccess = true; HDEBUG(total << "bytes copied from"<< qPrintable(iSource) << "to" << qPrintable(iDest)); } else { if (isCanceled()) { HDEBUG("copy" << qPrintable(iSource) << "to" << qPrintable(iDest) << "cancelled"); } else { HWARN(copied << "out of" << total << "bytes copied from" << qPrintable(iSource) << "to" << qPrintable(iDest)); } dest.remove(); } } else { HWARN("failed to open" << qPrintable(iDest)); } src.close(); } else { HWARN("failed to open" << qPrintable(iSource)); } } } // ========================================================================== // BooksShelf::DeleteTask // ========================================================================== class BooksShelf::DeleteTask : public BooksTask { Q_OBJECT public: DeleteTask(BooksItem* aItem); ~DeleteTask(); void performTask(); public: BooksItem* iItem; }; BooksShelf::DeleteTask::DeleteTask(BooksItem* aItem) : iItem(aItem) { iItem->retain(); } BooksShelf::DeleteTask::~DeleteTask() { iItem->release(); } void BooksShelf::DeleteTask::performTask() { if (isCanceled()) { HDEBUG("cancelled" << iItem->fileName()); } else { iItem->deleteFiles(); } } // ========================================================================== // BooksShelf::Counts // ========================================================================== class BooksShelf::Counts { public: Counts(BooksShelf* aShelf); void count(BooksShelf* aShelf); void emitSignals(BooksShelf* aShelf); int iTotalCount; int iBookCount; int iShelfCount; }; BooksShelf::Counts::Counts(BooksShelf* aShelf) { count(aShelf); } void BooksShelf::Counts::count(BooksShelf* aShelf) { iTotalCount = aShelf->iList.count(), iBookCount = 0; iShelfCount = 0; for (int i=0; iiList.at(i); if (data->isBook()) { iBookCount++; } else if (data->isShelf()) { iShelfCount++; } } } void BooksShelf::Counts::emitSignals(BooksShelf* aShelf) { const int oldTotalCount = iTotalCount; const int oldBookCount = iBookCount; const int oldShelfCount = iShelfCount; count(aShelf); if (oldBookCount != iBookCount) { Q_EMIT aShelf->bookCountChanged(); } if (oldShelfCount != iShelfCount) { Q_EMIT aShelf->shelfCountChanged(); } if (oldTotalCount != iTotalCount) { Q_EMIT aShelf->countChanged(); } } // ========================================================================== // BooksShelf // ========================================================================== BooksShelf::BooksShelf(QObject* aParent) : QAbstractListModel(aParent), iLoadTask(NULL), iDummyItemIndex(-1), iEditMode(false), iRef(-1), iSaveTimer(new BooksSaveTimer(this)), iTaskQueue(BooksTaskQueue::instance()) { init(); connect(iSaveTimer, SIGNAL(save()), SLOT(saveState())); } BooksShelf::BooksShelf(BooksStorage aStorage, QString aRelativePath) : iLoadTask(NULL), iRelativePath(aRelativePath), iStorage(aStorage), iDummyItemIndex(-1), iEditMode(false), iRef(1), iSaveTimer(NULL), iTaskQueue(BooksTaskQueue::instance()) { init(); // Refcounted BooksShelf objects are managed by C++ code // They also don't need to read the content of the directory - // only the objects allocated by QML do that. QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(this, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership); int slashPos = aRelativePath.lastIndexOf('/'); iFileName = (slashPos >= 0) ? aRelativePath.right(aRelativePath.length() - slashPos - 1) : aRelativePath; updatePath(); } BooksShelf::~BooksShelf() { const int n = iDeleteTasks.count(); for (int i=0; irelease(this); if (iLoadTask) iLoadTask->release(this); if (iSaveTimer && iSaveTimer->saveRequested()) saveState(); qDeleteAll(iList); HDEBUG("destroyed"); } void BooksShelf::init() { #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000 setRoleNames(roleNames()); #endif QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(&iStorage, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership); } void BooksShelf::setRelativePath(QString aPath) { if (iRelativePath != aPath) { iRelativePath = aPath; updatePath(); Q_EMIT relativePathChanged(); } } void BooksShelf::setDevice(QString aDevice) { if (device() != aDevice) { iStorage = BooksStorageManager::instance()->storageForDevice(aDevice); updatePath(); Q_EMIT deviceChanged(); } } void BooksShelf::updatePath() { BooksLoadingSignalBlocker block(this); const QString oldPath = iPath; iPath.clear(); if (iStorage.isValid()) { iPath = iStorage.fullPath(iRelativePath); } if (oldPath != iPath) { const int oldDummyItemIndex = iDummyItemIndex; Counts counts(this); HDEBUG(iPath); // Clear the model if (!iList.isEmpty()) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, iList.size()-1); while (!iList.isEmpty()) { Data* data = iList.takeLast(); BooksBook* book = data->book(); if (book) { Q_EMIT bookRemoved(book); } delete data; } endRemoveRows(); } iDummyItemIndex = -1; if (!iPath.isEmpty()) loadBookList(); Q_EMIT pathChanged(); if (oldDummyItemIndex != iDummyItemIndex) { Q_EMIT dummyItemIndexChanged(); if (oldDummyItemIndex <0 || iDummyItemIndex < 0) { Q_EMIT hasDummyItemChanged(); } } counts.emitSignals(this); } } void BooksShelf::onLoadTaskDone() { HASSERT(iLoadTask); HASSERT(iLoadTask == sender()); if (iLoadTask && iLoadTask == sender()) { BooksLoadingSignalBlocker block(this); const int oldSize = iList.size(); const int newSize = iLoadTask->iItems.size(); HASSERT(iList.isEmpty()); if (newSize > 0) { Counts counts(this); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), oldSize, oldSize + newSize - 1); for (int i=0; iiItems.at(i); BooksBook* book = item->book(); if (book) { Q_EMIT bookAdded(book); } iList.append(new Data(this, item->retain(), false)); } endInsertRows(); counts.emitSignals(this); } iLoadTask->release(this); iLoadTask = NULL; } } void BooksShelf::loadBookList() { BooksLoadingSignalBlocker block(this); if (iLoadTask) iLoadTask->release(this); if (iPath.isEmpty()) { iLoadTask = NULL; } else { HDEBUG(iPath); iLoadTask = new LoadTask(iStorage, iRelativePath, stateFileName()); connect(iLoadTask, SIGNAL(done()), SLOT(onLoadTaskDone())); iTaskQueue->submit(iLoadTask); } } void BooksShelf::saveState() { QStringList order; const int n = iList.count(); for (int i=0; ifileName()); } QVariantMap state; state.insert(SHELF_STATE_ORDER, order); if (HarbourJson::save(stateFileName(), state)) { HDEBUG("wrote" << stateFileName()); } } void BooksShelf::queueStateSave() { if (iEditMode && iSaveTimer) { iSaveTimer->requestSave(); } } QString BooksShelf::stateFileName() const { return iStorage.isValid() ? iStorage.configDir().path() + "/" + iRelativePath + ("/" SHELF_STATE_FILE) : QString(); } int BooksShelf::bookIndex(BooksBook* aBook) const { if (aBook) { const int n = iList.count(); for (int i=0; ibook() == aBook) { return i; } } } return -1; } int BooksShelf::itemIndex(QString aFileName, int aStartIndex) const { if (!aFileName.isEmpty()) { const int n = iList.count(); for (int i=aStartIndex; ifileName() == aFileName) { return i; } } } return -1; } void BooksShelf::setHasDummyItem(bool aHasDummyItem) { if (aHasDummyItem && !hasDummyItem()) { iDummyItemIndex = iList.count(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), iDummyItemIndex, iDummyItemIndex); iList.append(new Data(this, NULL, false)); endInsertRows(); Q_EMIT countChanged(); Q_EMIT hasDummyItemChanged(); Q_EMIT dummyItemIndexChanged(); } else if (!aHasDummyItem && hasDummyItem()) { remove(iDummyItemIndex); } } void BooksShelf::setEditMode(bool aEditMode) { if (iEditMode != aEditMode) { iEditMode = aEditMode; HDEBUG(iEditMode); if (iSaveTimer && iSaveTimer->saveRequested()) { iSaveTimer->cancelSave(); saveState(); } setHasDummyItem(false); Q_EMIT editModeChanged(); } } void BooksShelf::setDummyItemIndex(int aIndex) { if (validIndex(aIndex) && hasDummyItem() && iDummyItemIndex != aIndex) { const int oldDummyItemIndex = iDummyItemIndex; iDummyItemIndex = aIndex; move(oldDummyItemIndex, aIndex); Q_EMIT dummyItemIndexChanged(); } } BooksItem* BooksShelf::retain() { if (iRef.load() >= 0) { iRef.ref(); } return this; } void BooksShelf::release() { if (iRef.load() >= 0 && !iRef.deref()) { delete this; } } QObject* BooksShelf::object() { return this; } BooksShelf* BooksShelf::shelf() { return this; } BooksBook* BooksShelf::book() { return NULL; } QString BooksShelf::name() const { return iFileName; } QString BooksShelf::fileName() const { return iFileName; } bool BooksShelf::accessible() const { return true; } int BooksShelf::count() const { return iList.count(); } int BooksShelf::bookCount() const { int n=0, total = iList.count(); for(int i=0; ibook()) n++; } return n; } int BooksShelf::shelfCount() const { int n=0, total = iList.count(); for(int i=0; ishelf()) n++; } return n; } QObject* BooksShelf::get(int aIndex) const { if (validIndex(aIndex)) { return iList.at(aIndex)->object(); } HWARN("invalid index" << aIndex); return NULL; } BooksBook* BooksShelf::bookAt(int aIndex) const { if (validIndex(aIndex)) { return iList.at(aIndex)->book(); } HWARN("invalid index" << aIndex); return NULL; } bool BooksShelf::drop(QObject* aItem) { if (iDummyItemIndex >= 0) { BooksBook* book = qobject_cast(aItem); if (!book) { HWARN("unexpected drop object"); } else if (itemIndex(book->fileName()) >= 0) { HWARN("duplicate file name"); setHasDummyItem(false); } else { HDEBUG("copying" << book->name() << "to" << qPrintable(path())); book->setCopyingOut(true); // Dropped object replaces the dummy placeholder object QModelIndex index(createIndex(iDummyItemIndex, 0)); Data* data = iList.at(iDummyItemIndex); HASSERT(!data->iItem); iDummyItemIndex = -1; // Don't connect signals since it's not our item data->setBook(book, true); // Start copying the data iTaskQueue->submit(new CopyTask(data, book)); Q_EMIT hasDummyItemChanged(); Q_EMIT dummyItemIndexChanged(); Q_EMIT dataChanged(index, index); return true; } } else { HWARN("unexpected drop"); } return false; } void BooksShelf::move(int aFrom, int aTo) { if (aFrom != aTo) { if (validIndex(aFrom) && validIndex(aTo)) { HDEBUG(iList.at(aFrom)->name() << "from" << aFrom << "to" << aTo); int dest = (aTo < aFrom) ? aTo : (aTo+1); beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), aFrom, aFrom, QModelIndex(), dest); iList.move(aFrom, aTo); queueStateSave(); endMoveRows(); } else { HWARN("invalid move" << aFrom << "->" << aTo); } } } void BooksShelf::submitDeleteTask(int aIndex) { BooksItem* item = iList.at(aIndex)->iItem; if (item) { DeleteTask* task = new DeleteTask(item); iDeleteTasks.append(task); iTaskQueue->submit(task); BooksBook* book = item->book(); if (book) { book->cancelCoverRequest(); Q_EMIT bookRemoved(book); } } } void BooksShelf::remove(int aIndex) { if (validIndex(aIndex)) { Counts counts(this); HDEBUG(iList.at(aIndex)->name()); beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), aIndex, aIndex); submitDeleteTask(aIndex); if (iDummyItemIndex == aIndex) { iDummyItemIndex = -1; Q_EMIT hasDummyItemChanged(); Q_EMIT dummyItemIndexChanged(); } delete iList.takeAt(aIndex); queueStateSave(); counts.emitSignals(this); endRemoveRows(); } } void BooksShelf::removeAll() { if (!iList.isEmpty()) { Counts counts(this); beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, iList.count()-1); const int n = iList.count(); for (int i=0; i= 0) { iDummyItemIndex = -1; Q_EMIT hasDummyItemChanged(); Q_EMIT dummyItemIndexChanged(); } qDeleteAll(iList); iList.clear(); queueStateSave(); counts.emitSignals(this); endRemoveRows(); } } bool BooksShelf::deleteRequested(int aIndex) const { if (validIndex(aIndex)) { return iList.at(aIndex)->iDeleteRequested; } else { return false; } } void BooksShelf::setDeleteRequested(int aIndex, bool aValue) { if (validIndex(aIndex)) { Data* data = iList.at(aIndex); if (data->iDeleteRequested != aValue) { if (aValue) { if (!data->copyingIn() && !data->copyingOut()) { data->iDeleteRequested = true; HDEBUG(aValue << data->name()); emitDataChangedSignal(aIndex, BooksItemDeleteRequested); } } else { data->iDeleteRequested = false; HDEBUG(aValue << data->name()); emitDataChangedSignal(aIndex, BooksItemDeleteRequested); } } } } void BooksShelf::cancelAllDeleteRequests() { for (int i=iList.count()-1; i>=0; i--) { setDeleteRequested(i, false); } } void BooksShelf::importBook(QObject* aBook) { BooksBook* book = qobject_cast(aBook); if (!book) { HWARN("unexpected import object"); } else if (itemIndex(book->fileName()) >= 0) { HWARN("duplicate file name" << book->fileName()); } else { HDEBUG(qPrintable(book->path()) << "->" << qPrintable(iPath)); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, 0); Counts counts(this); Data* data = new Data(this, book->retain(), true); iList.insert(0, data); iTaskQueue->submit(new CopyTask(data, book)); counts.emitSignals(this); endInsertRows(); saveState(); } } void BooksShelf::emitDataChangedSignal(int aRow, int aRole) { if (aRow >= 0) { QModelIndex index(createIndex(aRow, 0)); QVector roles; roles.append(aRole); Q_EMIT dataChanged(index, index, roles); } } void BooksShelf::onBookAccessibleChanged() { int row = bookIndex(qobject_cast(sender())); if (row >= 0) { HDEBUG(iList.at(row)->name() << iList.at(row)->accessible()); emitDataChangedSignal(row, BooksItemAccessible); } } void BooksShelf::onBookCopyingOutChanged() { int row = bookIndex(qobject_cast(sender())); if (row >= 0) { HDEBUG(iList.at(row)->name() << iList.at(row)->copyingOut()); emitDataChangedSignal(row, BooksItemCopyingOut); } } void BooksShelf::onBookMovedAway() { BooksBook* book = qobject_cast(sender()); HASSERT(book); if (book) { const int row = bookIndex(book); HDEBUG(book->title() << row); if (row >= 0) { HDEBUG(iList.at(row)->name()); remove(row); } } } void BooksShelf::onCopyTaskPercentChanged() { CopyTask* task = qobject_cast(sender()); HASSERT(task); if (task) { HDEBUG(task->iDest << task->iCopyPercent); const int row = iList.indexOf(task->iData); emitDataChangedSignal(row, BooksItemCopyPercent); } } void BooksShelf::onCopyTaskDone() { CopyTask* task = qobject_cast(sender()); HASSERT(task); if (task) { HDEBUG(qPrintable(task->iSource) << "->" << qPrintable(task->iDest) << "copy" << (task->iSuccess ? "done" : "FAILED")); Data* data = task->iData; const int row = iList.indexOf(data); HASSERT(row >= 0); BooksBook* copy = NULL; BooksBook* src = data->book(); HASSERT(src); if (src) { src->retain(); if (task->iSuccess) { shared_ptr book = BooksUtil::bookFromFile(task->iDest); if (!book.isNull()) { copy = new BooksBook(iStorage, iRelativePath, book); copy->setLastPos(src->lastPos()); copy->setCoverImage(src->coverImage()); copy->requestCoverImage(); } else { HWARN("can't open copied book" << qPrintable(task->iDest)); } } } // Disassociate book data from the copy task data->iCopyTask = NULL; task->iData = NULL; task->release(this); // Notify the source shelf. This will actually remove the source file. if (copy) { Q_EMIT src->movedAway(); } if (src) { src->setCopyingOut(false); src->release(); } if (copy) { // We own this item now, connect the signals data->setBook(copy, false); Q_EMIT bookAdded(copy); // The entire row has changed QModelIndex index(createIndex(row, 0)); Q_EMIT dataChanged(index, index); } else { remove(row); } } } void BooksShelf::onDeleteTaskDone() { DeleteTask* task = qobject_cast(sender()); HASSERT(task); if (task) { task->release(this); HVERIFY(iDeleteTasks.removeOne(task)); } } void BooksShelf::deleteFiles() { if (iStorage.isValid()) { QString path(iStorage.fullPath(iRelativePath)); HDEBUG("removing" << path); if (!QDir(path).removeRecursively()) { HWARN("some content couldn't be deleted under" << path); } path = iStorage.configDir().path() + "/" + iRelativePath; HDEBUG("removing" << path); if (!QDir(path).removeRecursively()) { HWARN("some content couldn't be deleted under" << path); } } } QHash BooksShelf::roleNames() const { QHash roles; roles.insert(BooksItemName, "name"); roles.insert(BooksItemBook, "book"); roles.insert(BooksItemShelf, "shelf"); roles.insert(BooksItemAccessible, "accessible"); roles.insert(BooksItemCopyingOut, "copyingOut"); roles.insert(BooksItemCopyingIn, "copyingIn"); roles.insert(BooksItemCopyPercent, "copyPercent"); roles.insert(BooksItemDummy, "dummy"); roles.insert(BooksItemDeleteRequested, "deleteRequested"); return roles; } int BooksShelf::rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const { return iList.count(); } QVariant BooksShelf::data(const QModelIndex& aIndex, int aRole) const { const int i = aIndex.row(); if (validIndex(i)) { Data* data = iList.at(i); switch (aRole) { case BooksItemName: return data->name(); case BooksItemBook: return QVariant::fromValue(data->book()); case BooksItemShelf: return QVariant::fromValue(data->shelf()); case BooksItemAccessible: return data->accessible(); case BooksItemCopyingOut: return data->copyingOut(); case BooksItemCopyingIn: return data->copyingIn(); case BooksItemCopyPercent: return data->copyPercent(); case BooksItemDummy: return QVariant::fromValue(!data->iItem); case BooksItemDeleteRequested: return data->iDeleteRequested; } } return QVariant(); } #include "BooksShelf.moc"