/* Basic tests */ /* 1. DOS-style EOL */ /* 2. Ignore AT-rules */ @foo { foo: bar; } @font-face { font-family: "foo"; src: url(fonts/bar.ttf); } /* 3. Multi line comment */ /* 4. Comment within a statement */ body,h1,h2, /*///****/ div, p { /* 5. Empty line */ /* 6. Unknown attribute */ unknown-attribute: unknown-value; /* 7. Extra semicolon */ extra: semicolon;; /* 8. Missing attribute name */ : missing-attribute-name; /* 9. Missing colon */ missing-colon /* 10. Missing semicolon */ missing: semicolon font-family: \ /* 11. Multi-line statement */ \ "Foo\ Bar"; /* 12: Known style with missing semicolon */ font-style: italic } /* 13. Sypported ways to represent colors */ .red { color: #f00; } .green { color: "#00ff00"; } .blue { color: rgb(0,0, 255); } .olive { color: rgb(50%, 50%, 0%); } .orangered { color: orangered } .palegreen { color: "palegreen"; }