/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Jolla Ltd. * Contact: Slava Monich * * You may use this file under the terms of the BSD license as follows: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Nemo Mobile nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "BooksCoverWidget.h" #include "HarbourDebug.h" #include "ZLibrary.h" #include // ========================================================================== // BooksCoverWidget::ScaleTask // ========================================================================== class BooksCoverWidget::ScaleTask : public BooksTask { public: ScaleTask(QImage aImage, int aWidth, int aHeight, bool aStretch); static QImage scale(QImage aImage, int aWidth, int aHeight, bool aStretch); void performTask(); public: QImage iImage; QImage iScaledImage; int iWidth; int iHeight; bool iStretch; }; BooksCoverWidget::ScaleTask::ScaleTask(QImage aImage, int aWidth, int aHeight, bool aStretch) : iImage(aImage), iWidth(aWidth), iHeight(aHeight), iStretch(aStretch) { } QImage BooksCoverWidget::ScaleTask::scale(QImage aImage, int aWidth, int aHeight, bool aStretch) { if (aStretch){ return aImage.scaled(aWidth, aHeight, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } else { return (aWidth*aImage.height() > aImage.width()*aHeight) ? aImage.scaledToHeight(aHeight, Qt::SmoothTransformation) : aImage.scaledToWidth(aWidth, Qt::SmoothTransformation); } } void BooksCoverWidget::ScaleTask::performTask() { if (!iImage.isNull() && !isCanceled()) { iScaledImage = scale(iImage, iWidth, iHeight, iStretch); } } // ========================================================================== // BooksCoverWidget::DefaultImage // ========================================================================== // Image shared by all items in the bookshelf view class BooksCoverWidget::DefaultImage { public: static QImage scaled(int aWidth, int aHeight); static QImage* retain(); static void release(QImage* aImage); private: static const char* iImageName; static QImage* iImage; static QImage* iScaledImage; static int iRefCount; static bool iMissing; }; const char* BooksCoverWidget::DefaultImage::iImageName = "default-cover.jpg"; QImage* BooksCoverWidget::DefaultImage::iImage = NULL; QImage* BooksCoverWidget::DefaultImage::iScaledImage = NULL; int BooksCoverWidget::DefaultImage::iRefCount = 0; bool BooksCoverWidget::DefaultImage::iMissing = false; QImage* BooksCoverWidget::DefaultImage::retain() { if (!iImage && !iMissing) { QString path(QString::fromStdString( ZLibrary::DefaultFilesPathPrefix() + iImageName)); iImage = new QImage(path); if (iImage->isNull() || !iImage->width() || !iImage->height()) { HWARN("Failed to load" << qPrintable(path)); delete iImage; iImage = NULL; iMissing = true; } else { HDEBUG("loaded" << qPrintable(path)); } } if (iImage) { iRefCount++; } return iImage; } QImage BooksCoverWidget::DefaultImage::scaled(int aWidth, int aHeight) { QImage scaled; HASSERT(iImage); if (iImage) { const int iw = iImage->width(); const int ih = iImage->height(); if (aWidth*ih > iw*aHeight) { // Scaling to height if (iScaledImage && iScaledImage->height() != aHeight) { delete iScaledImage; iScaledImage = NULL; } if (iScaledImage) { scaled = *iScaledImage; } else { HDEBUG("scaling to height" << aHeight); scaled = iImage->scaledToHeight(aHeight, Qt::SmoothTransformation); iScaledImage = new QImage(scaled); } } else { // Scaling to width if (iScaledImage && iScaledImage->width() != aWidth) { delete iScaledImage; iScaledImage = NULL; } if (iScaledImage) { scaled = *iScaledImage; } else { HDEBUG("scaling to width" << aHeight); scaled = iImage->scaledToWidth(aWidth, Qt::SmoothTransformation); iScaledImage = new QImage(scaled); } } } return scaled; } void BooksCoverWidget::DefaultImage::release(QImage* aImage) { if (aImage) { HASSERT(aImage == iImage); if (!(--iRefCount)) { HDEBUG("deleting cached image"); if (iImage) { delete iImage; iImage = NULL; } if (iScaledImage) { delete iScaledImage; iScaledImage = NULL; } } } } // ========================================================================== // BooksViewWidget // ========================================================================== BooksCoverWidget::BooksCoverWidget(QQuickItem* aParent) : QQuickPaintedItem(aParent), iTaskQueue(BooksTaskQueue::scaleQueue()), iScaleTask(NULL), iBook(NULL), iDefaultImage(NULL), iBorderWidth(0), iBorderRadius(0), iBorderColor(Qt::transparent), iStretch(false), iSynchronous(false) { setFlag(ItemHasContents, true); setFillColor(Qt::transparent); connect(this, SIGNAL(widthChanged()), SLOT(onSizeChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(heightChanged()), SLOT(onSizeChanged())); } BooksCoverWidget::~BooksCoverWidget() { HDEBUG(iTitle); DefaultImage::release(iDefaultImage); if (iScaleTask) iScaleTask->release(this); if (iBook) iBook->release(); } void BooksCoverWidget::setBook(BooksBook* aBook) { if (iBook != aBook) { const bool wasEmpty(empty()); const bool wasLoading = loading(); if (iBook) { iBook->disconnect(this); iBook->release(); } if (aBook) { (iBook = aBook)->retain(); iBook->requestCoverImage(); iCoverImage = iBook->coverImage(); iTitle = iBook->title(); connect(iBook, SIGNAL(loadingCoverChanged()), SIGNAL(loadingChanged())); connect(iBook, SIGNAL(coverImageChanged()), SLOT(onCoverImageChanged())); HDEBUG(iTitle); } else { iBook = NULL; iCoverImage = QImage(); iTitle.clear(); HDEBUG(""); } scaleImage(wasEmpty); Q_EMIT bookChanged(); if (wasLoading != loading()) { Q_EMIT loadingChanged(); } } } void BooksCoverWidget::onCoverImageChanged() { HDEBUG(iTitle); const bool wasEmpty(empty()); iCoverImage = iBook->coverImage(); scaleImage(wasEmpty); } void BooksCoverWidget::setStretch(bool aValue) { if (iStretch != aValue) { iStretch = aValue; HDEBUG(aValue); scaleImage(); Q_EMIT stretchChanged(); } } void BooksCoverWidget::setSynchronous(bool aValue) { if (iSynchronous != aValue) { iSynchronous = aValue; HDEBUG(aValue); Q_EMIT synchronousChanged(); } } void BooksCoverWidget::setBorderWidth(qreal aWidth) { if (iBorderWidth != aWidth && aWidth >= 0) { iBorderWidth = aWidth; HDEBUG(iBorderWidth); update(); Q_EMIT borderWidthChanged(); } } void BooksCoverWidget::setBorderRadius(qreal aRadius) { if (iBorderRadius != aRadius && aRadius >= 0) { iBorderRadius = aRadius; HDEBUG(iBorderRadius); update(); Q_EMIT borderRadiusChanged(); } } void BooksCoverWidget::setBorderColor(QColor aColor) { if (iBorderColor != aColor) { iBorderColor = aColor; HDEBUG(iBorderColor); update(); Q_EMIT borderColorChanged(); } } void BooksCoverWidget::setDefaultCover(QUrl aUrl) { if (iDefaultCover != aUrl) { iDefaultCover = aUrl; HDEBUG(iDefaultCover); scaleImage(); Q_EMIT defaultCoverChanged(); } } void BooksCoverWidget::onSizeChanged() { scaleImage(); } bool BooksCoverWidget::empty() const { return iScaledImage.isNull(); } bool BooksCoverWidget::loading() const { return iBook && iBook->loadingCover(); } void BooksCoverWidget::scaleImage(bool aWasEmpty) { const int w = width(); const int h = height(); if (iScaleTask) { iScaleTask->release(this); iScaleTask = NULL; } if (w > 0 && h > 0) { if ((!iBook || !iBook->hasCoverImage()) && iDefaultCover.isValid()) { QString path(iDefaultCover.toLocalFile()); if (!iCoverImage.load(path)) { HWARN("Failed to load" << qPrintable(path)); } } if (iCoverImage.isNull()) { if (!iDefaultImage) iDefaultImage = DefaultImage::retain(); if (iDefaultImage) iCoverImage = *iDefaultImage; } if (!iCoverImage.isNull()) { if (iSynchronous) { iScaledImage = ScaleTask::scale(iCoverImage, w, h, iStretch); update(); } else { iScaleTask = new ScaleTask(iCoverImage, w, h, iStretch); connect(iScaleTask, SIGNAL(done()), SLOT(onScaleTaskDone())); iTaskQueue->submit(iScaleTask); } } else { iScaledImage = QImage(); update(); } } else { iScaledImage = QImage(); } updateCenter(); if (aWasEmpty != empty()) { Q_EMIT emptyChanged(); } } void BooksCoverWidget::onScaleTaskDone() { const bool wasEmpty(empty()); HASSERT(iScaleTask == sender()); iScaledImage = iScaleTask->iScaledImage; iScaleTask->release(this); iScaleTask = NULL; update(); updateCenter(); if (wasEmpty != empty()) { Q_EMIT emptyChanged(); } } void BooksCoverWidget::paint(QPainter* aPainter) { const qreal w = width(); const qreal h = height(); if (w > 0 && h > 0) { qreal sw, sh; // This has to be consistent with updateCenter() if (!iScaledImage.isNull()) { sw = iScaledImage.width(); sh = iScaledImage.height(); } else { sw = w; sh = h; } const int x = floor((w - sw)/2); const int y = h - sh; QPainterPath path; qreal w1, h1, x1, y1; if (iBorderRadius > 0) { // The border rectangle is no less that 3*radius // and no more than the size of the item. const qreal d = 2*iBorderRadius; w1 = qMin(w, qMax(sw, 2*d)) - iBorderWidth; h1 = qMin(h, qMax(sh, 3*d)) - iBorderWidth; x1 = floor((w - w1)/2); y1 = h - h1 - iBorderWidth/2; const qreal x2 = x1 + w1 - d; const qreal y2 = y1 + h1 - d; path.arcMoveTo(x1, y1, d, d, 180); path.arcTo(x1, y1, d, d, 180, -90); path.arcTo(x2, y1, d, d, 90, -90); path.arcTo(x2, y2, d, d, 0, -90); path.arcTo(x1, y2, d, d, 270, -90); path.closeSubpath(); aPainter->setClipPath(path); } else { w1 = sw - iBorderWidth; h1 = sh - iBorderWidth; x1 = floor((w - w1)/2); y1 = h - h1 - iBorderWidth/2; } if (!iScaledImage.isNull()) { aPainter->drawImage(x, y, iScaledImage); } if (iBorderColor.alpha() && iBorderWidth > 0) { aPainter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); aPainter->setRenderHint(QPainter::HighQualityAntialiasing); aPainter->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); aPainter->setPen(QPen(iBorderColor, iBorderWidth)); if (iBorderRadius > 0) { aPainter->setClipping(false); aPainter->drawPath(path); } else { aPainter->drawRect(x1, y1, w1, h1); } } } } void BooksCoverWidget::updateCenter() { const QPoint oldCenter(iCenter); const qreal w = width(); const qreal h = height(); // This has to be consistent with paint() iCenter.setX(floor(w/2)); if (iScaledImage.isNull()) { iCenter.setY(floor(h/2)); } else { iCenter.setY(floor(h - iScaledImage.height()/2)); } if (iCenter != oldCenter) { Q_EMIT centerChanged(); if (iCenter.x() != oldCenter.x()) { Q_EMIT centerXChanged(); } if (iCenter.y() != oldCenter.y()) { Q_EMIT centerYChanged(); } } }