/* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Jolla Ltd. Contact: Slava Monich You may use this file under the terms of BSD license as follows: Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Jolla Ltd nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import harbour.books 1.0 //import Sailfish.Media 1.0 // Not allowed //import org.nemomobile.policy 1.0 // Not allowed SilicaFlickable { id: root property variant book signal closeBook() signal pageClicked(var page) property int orientation: Orientation.Portrait property alias stackModel: bookModel.pageStack property bool loading: bookModel.loading property var _currentState: _visibilityStates[Settings.pageDetails % _visibilityStates.length] readonly property var _visibilityStates: [ { pager: false, page: false, title: false, tools: false }, { pager: false, page: true, title: true, tools: false }, { pager: true, page: true, title: true, tools: false }, { pager: true, page: true, title: true, tools: true } ] interactive: (!linkMenu || !linkMenu.visible) && (!imageView || !imageView.visible) && (!footnoteView || !footnoteView.visible) readonly property bool viewActive: Qt.application.active && book readonly property bool haveVolumeUpAction: Settings.volumeUpAction !== BooksSettings.ActionNone readonly property bool haveVolumeDownAction: Settings.volumeDownAction !== BooksSettings.ActionNone readonly property bool haveKeyAction: haveVolumeUpAction || haveVolumeDownAction property var linkMenu property var imageView property var footnoteView function hideViews() { if (linkMenu) linkMenu.hide() if (imageView) imageView.hide() if (footnoteView) footnoteView.hide() } onOrientationChanged: { if (footnoteView) { footnoteView.cancel() } } Component { id: linkMenuComponent BooksLinkMenu { } } Component { id: imageViewComponent BooksImageView { } } Component { id: footnoteViewComponent BooksFootnoteView { } } PullDownMenu { MenuItem { //% "Back to library" text: qsTrId("harbour-books-book-view-back") onClicked: root.closeBook() } } BookModel { id: bookModel book: root.book ? root.book : null size: bookViewWatcher.size leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin topMargin: Theme.itemSizeSmall bottomMargin: Theme.itemSizeSmall } SilicaListView { id: bookView model: bookModel anchors.fill: parent flickDeceleration: maximumFlickVelocity orientation: ListView.Horizontal snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem spacing: Theme.paddingMedium opacity: loading ? 0 : 1 visible: opacity > 0 interactive: root.interactive readonly property real maxContentX: Math.max(0, contentWidth - width) readonly property int currentPage: stackModel.currentPage property bool completed Component.onCompleted: { //console.log(currentPage) bookViewWatcher.positionViewAtIndex(currentPage) completed = true } onCurrentPageChanged: { //console.log(currentPage, completed, flicking) if (completed && !flicking) { bookViewWatcher.positionViewAtIndex(currentPage) } } onFlickingChanged: { if (!flicking) { bookViewWatcher.updateModel() } } ListWatcher { id: bookViewWatcher listView: bookView onCurrentIndexChanged: { if (listView.completed && !listView.flicking && currentIndex >= 0) { //console.log(currentIndex, listView.completed, listView.flicking) updateModel() } } function updateModel() { hideViews() //console.trace() stackModel.currentPage = currentIndex if (!pager.pressed) { pager.currentPage = currentIndex } } } delegate: BooksPageView { width: bookView.width height: bookView.height model: bookModel page: index leftMargin: bookModel.leftMargin rightMargin: bookModel.rightMargin topMargin: bookModel.topMargin bottomMargin: bookModel.bottomMargin leftSpaceReserved: pageTools.visible ? pageTools.leftSpaceUsed : 0 rightSpaceReserved: pageTools.visible ? pageTools.rightSpaceUsed: 0 titleVisible: _currentState.title pageNumberVisible: _currentState.page title: bookModel.title onJumpToPage: bookView.jumpTo(page) onPushPosition: stackModel.pushPosition(position) // bookView.jumpTo(page) onPageClicked: { root.pageClicked(index) Settings.pageDetails = (Settings.pageDetails + 1) % _visibilityStates.length } onImagePressed: { if (bookViewWatcher.currentIndex == index) { if (!imageView) { imageView = imageViewComponent.createObject(root) } imageView.show(url,rect) } } onBrowserLinkPressed: { if (bookViewWatcher.currentIndex == index) { if (!linkMenu) { linkMenu = linkMenuComponent.createObject(root) } linkMenu.show(url) } } onFootnotePressed: { if (bookViewWatcher.currentIndex == index) { if (!footnoteView) { footnoteView = footnoteViewComponent.createObject(root) } footnoteView.show(touchX,touchY,text,url) } } } property int jumpingTo: -1 function jumpTo(page) { if (page >=0 && page !== bookViewWatcher.currentIndex) { jumpingTo = page bookViewWatcher.positionViewAtIndex(page) pager.currentPage = page jumpingTo = -1 if (bookViewWatcher.currentIndex !== page) { console.log("oops, still at", currentPage) resetPager.restart() } } } function prevPage() { if (!scrollAnimation.running && contentX > 0) { hideViews(); scrollAnimation.from = contentX scrollAnimation.to = Math.max(0, contentX - width - spacing) scrollAnimation.start() } } function nextPage() { if (!scrollAnimation.running && contentX < maxContentX) { hideViews(); scrollAnimation.from = contentX scrollAnimation.to = Math.min(maxContentX, contentX + width + spacing) scrollAnimation.start() } } NumberAnimation { id: scrollAnimation target: bookView property: "contentX" duration: 500 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} } Timer { id: resetPager interval: 0 onTriggered: { console.log("resetting pager to", bookViewWatcher.currentIndex) pager.currentPage = bookViewWatcher.currentIndex } } BooksPageTools { id: pageTools anchors { top: parent.top left: parent.left right: parent.right } leftMargin: bookModel.leftMargin rightMargin: bookModel.rightMargin opacity: _currentState.tools ? 1 : 0 visible: opacity > 0 && book && bookModel.pageCount && !loading Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} } onIncreaseFontSize: bookModel.increaseFontSize() onDecreaseFontSize: bookModel.decreaseFontSize() } BooksPager { id: pager anchors { left: parent.left right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom bottomMargin: (Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall + 2*(bookModel.bottomMargin - height))/4 } leftMargin: bookModel.leftMargin rightMargin: bookModel.rightMargin stack: stackModel pageCount: bookModel.pageCount width: parent.width opacity: (_currentState.pager && book && bookModel.pageCount) ? 0.75 : 0 visible: opacity > 0 onPageChanged: bookView.jumpTo(page) Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} } } } BooksTitleLabel { id: titleLabel anchors { top: parent.top left: parent.left right: parent.right leftMargin: bookModel.leftMargin rightMargin: bookModel.rightMargin } text: bookModel.title height: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall color: Theme.highlightColor opacity: loading ? 0.6 : 0 } BusyIndicator { id: busyIndicator anchors.centerIn: parent size: BusyIndicatorSize.Large running: loading } BooksFitLabel { anchors.fill: busyIndicator text: bookModel.progress > 0 ? bookModel.progress : "" opacity: (loading && bookModel.progress > 0) ? 1 : 0 } Button { //% "Cancel" text: qsTrId("harbour-books-book-view-cancel_loading") height: Theme.itemSizeLarge anchors { bottom: parent.bottom horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter } onClicked: root.closeBook() enabled: loading && bookModel.resetReason === BookModel.ReasonLoading visible: opacity > 0 opacity: enabled ? 1.0 : 0.0 Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation { } } } Label { anchors { top: busyIndicator.bottom topMargin: Theme.paddingLarge horizontalCenter: busyIndicator.horizontalCenter } horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter color: Theme.highlightColor opacity: loading ? 1 : 0 visible: opacity > 0 Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} } text: bookModel ? (bookModel.resetReason == BookModel.ReasonLoading ? //% "Loading..." qsTrId("harbour-books-book-view-loading") : bookModel.resetReason == BookModel.ReasonIncreasingFontSize ? //% "Applying larger fonts..." qsTrId("harbour-books-book-view-applying_larger_fonts") : bookModel.resetReason == BookModel.ReasonDecreasingFontSize ? //% "Applying smaller fonts..." qsTrId("harbour-books-book-view-applying_smaller_fonts") : //% "Formatting..." qsTrId("harbour-books-book-view-formatting")) : "" } function performAction(action) { switch (action) { case BooksSettings.ActionPreviousPage: bookView.prevPage() return case BooksSettings.ActionNextPage: bookView.nextPage() return } } MediaKey { enabled: viewActive && haveVolumeUpAction key: Qt.Key_VolumeUp onPressed: volumeUpAction() onRepeat: volumeUpAction() function volumeUpAction() { performAction(Settings.volumeUpAction) } } MediaKey { enabled: viewActive && haveVolumeDownAction key: Qt.Key_VolumeDown onPressed: volumeDownAction() onRepeat: volumeDownAction() function volumeDownAction() { performAction(Settings.volumeDownAction) } } Permissions { enabled: viewActive && haveKeyAction autoRelease: true applicationClass: "camera" Resource { id: volumeKeysResource type: Resource.ScaleButton optional: true } } }