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Copyright (C) 2021 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0
AccordionItem {
text: qsTr("Behavior")
Component {
ResponsiveGrid {
bottomPadding: Theme.paddingMedium
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.sendByEnter
text: qsTr("Send message by enter")
description: qsTr("Send your message by pressing the enter key")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.sendByEnter = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.focusTextAreaOnChatOpen
text: qsTr("Focus text input on chat open")
description: qsTr("Focus the text input area when entering a chat")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.focusTextAreaOnChatOpen = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.focusTextAreaAfterSend
text: qsTr("Focus text input area after send")
description: qsTr("Focus the text input area after sending a message")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.focusTextAreaAfterSend = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.delayMessageRead
text: qsTr("Delay before marking messages as read")
description: qsTr("Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.delayMessageRead = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.highlightUnreadConversations
text: qsTr("Highlight unread messages")
description: qsTr("Highlight Conversations with unread messages")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.highlightUnreadConversations = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.useOpenWith
text: qsTr("Open-with menu integration")
description: qsTr("Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.useOpenWith = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.notificationAlwaysShowPreview
text: qsTr("Always append message preview to notifications")
description: qsTr("In addition to showing the number of unread messages, the latest message will also be appended to notifications.")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationAlwaysShowPreview = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.goToQuotedMessage
text: qsTr("Go to quoted message")
description: qsTr("When tapping a quoted message, open it in chat instead of showing it in an overlay.")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.goToQuotedMessage = !checked
ComboBox {
id: feedbackComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Notification feedback")
description: qsTr("Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications")
menu: ContextMenu {
id: feedbackMenu
x: 0
width: feedbackComboBox.width
MenuItem {
readonly property int value: AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackAll
text: qsTr("All events")
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationFeedback = value
MenuItem {
readonly property int value: AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNew
text: qsTr("Only new events")
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationFeedback = value
MenuItem {
readonly property int value: AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNone
text: qsTr("None")
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationFeedback = value
Component.onCompleted: updateFeedbackSelection()
function updateFeedbackSelection() {
var menuItems = feedbackMenu.children
var n = menuItems.length
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (menuItems[i].value === appSettings.notificationFeedback) {
currentIndex = i
Connections {
target: appSettings
onNotificationFeedbackChanged: {
Item {
// Occupies one grid cell so that the column ends up under the combo box
// in the landscape layout
visible: parent.columns === 2
width: 1
height: 1
Column {
enabled: appSettings.notificationFeedback !== AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNone
width: parent.columnWidth
height: enabled ? implicitHeight: 0
clip: height < implicitHeight
visible: height > 0
Behavior on height { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 200 } }
TextSwitch {
checked: appSettings.notificationSuppressContent && enabled
text: qsTr("Hide content in notifications")
enabled: parent.enabled
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationSuppressContent = !checked
TextSwitch {
checked: appSettings.notificationTurnsDisplayOn && enabled
text: qsTr("Notification turns on the display")
enabled: parent.enabled
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationTurnsDisplayOn = !checked
TextSwitch {
checked: appSettings.notificationSoundsEnabled && enabled
text: qsTr("Enable notification sounds")
description: qsTr("When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.")
enabled: parent.enabled
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationSoundsEnabled = !checked