Merge pull request #430 from Wunderfitz/feature/settings-page-accordion

settings page accordion
This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Wolf 2021-08-30 19:47:41 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 2f635395bc
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
23 changed files with 2653 additions and 2188 deletions

View file

@ -108,6 +108,14 @@ DISTFILES += qml/harbour-fernschreiber.qml \
qml/components/messageContent/MessageVideo.qml \ qml/components/messageContent/MessageVideo.qml \
qml/components/messageContent/MessageVoiceNote.qml \ qml/components/messageContent/MessageVoiceNote.qml \
qml/components/messageContent/WebPagePreview.qml \ qml/components/messageContent/WebPagePreview.qml \
qml/components/settingsPage/Accordion.qml \
qml/components/settingsPage/AccordionItem.qml \
qml/components/settingsPage/ResponsiveGrid.qml \
qml/components/settingsPage/SettingsAppearance.qml \
qml/components/settingsPage/SettingsBehavior.qml \
qml/components/settingsPage/SettingsPrivacy.qml \
qml/components/settingsPage/SettingsStorage.qml \
qml/components/settingsPage/SettingsUserProfile.qml \
qml/js/debug.js \ qml/js/debug.js \
qml/js/functions.js \ qml/js/functions.js \
qml/pages/ActiveSessionsPage.qml \ qml/pages/ActiveSessionsPage.qml \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
Column {
width: parent.width
property SilicaFlickable flickable
property bool animate: false
signal setActiveArea(string activeAreaTitle)
function scrollUpFlickable(amount) {
if(flickable) { = Math.max(0, flickable.contentY - amount);
NumberAnimation {
id: flickableAnimation
target: flickable
property: "contentY"
duration: 200

View file

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
Item {
id: area
width: parent.width
height: button.height + content.height
property alias icon: image
property alias text: label.text
property alias asynchronous: content.asynchronous
property bool expanded: false
default property alias els: content.sourceComponent
states: [
State {
when: area.expanded
PropertyChanges { target: image; rotation: -90 }
PropertyChanges { target: content; height: content.implicitHeight + Theme.paddingLarge; opacity: 1.0 }
transitions: Transition {
to: "*"
enabled: area.parent.animate
NumberAnimation { target: content; properties: "height, opacity"; duration: 200}
Connections {
target: area.parent
onSetActiveArea: {
var expand = (activeAreaTitle === area.text);
if(area.expanded && !expand && area.parent.scrollUpFlickable) {
area.parent.scrollUpFlickable(content.implicitHeight + Theme.paddingLarge);
area.expanded = expand;
BackgroundItem {
id: button
height: Theme.itemSizeMedium
onClicked: {
area.parent.animate = true;
area.parent.setActiveArea(area.expanded ? -1 : area.text)
Rectangle {
anchors.fill: parent
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: Theme.rgba(Theme.highlightBackgroundColor, 0.15) }
GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "transparent" }
Label {
id: label
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: image.left
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin + Theme.paddingLarge
rightMargin: Theme.paddingMedium
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight
truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall
color: button.highlighted ? Theme.highlightColor : Theme.primaryColor
textFormat: Text.PlainText
HighlightImage {
id: image
anchors {
right: parent.right
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
width: visible ? Theme.iconSizeMedium : 0
highlighted: parent.highlighted
source: "image://theme/icon-m-right"
rotation: 90
Loader {
id: content
width: parent.width
height: 0
opacity: 0 button.bottom
asynchronous: true
clip: true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
Grid {
width: parent.width - ( 2 * x )
columns: (appWindow.deviceOrientation & Orientation.LandscapeMask) || Screen.sizeCategory === Screen.Large || Screen.sizeCategory === Screen.ExtraLarge ? 2 : 1
readonly property real columnWidth: width/columns

View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
AccordionItem {
text: qsTr("Appearance")
Component {
ResponsiveGrid {
bottomPadding: Theme.paddingMedium
TextSwitch {
id: stickersAsEmojisTextSwitch
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.showStickersAsEmojis
text: qsTr("Show stickers as emojis")
description: qsTr("Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.showStickersAsEmojis = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.showStickersAsImages
text: qsTr("Show stickers as images")
description: qsTr("Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.showStickersAsImages = !checked
enabled: !stickersAsEmojisTextSwitch.checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.animateStickers
text: qsTr("Animate stickers")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.animateStickers = !checked
enabled: !stickersAsEmojisTextSwitch.checked

View file

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0
AccordionItem {
text: qsTr("Behavior")
Component {
ResponsiveGrid {
bottomPadding: Theme.paddingMedium
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.sendByEnter
text: qsTr("Send message by enter")
description: qsTr("Send your message by pressing the enter key")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.sendByEnter = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.focusTextAreaOnChatOpen
text: qsTr("Focus text input on chat open")
description: qsTr("Focus the text input area when entering a chat")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.focusTextAreaOnChatOpen = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.focusTextAreaAfterSend
text: qsTr("Focus text input area after send")
description: qsTr("Focus the text input area after sending a message")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.focusTextAreaAfterSend = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.delayMessageRead
text: qsTr("Delay before marking messages as read")
description: qsTr("Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.delayMessageRead = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.useOpenWith
text: qsTr("Open-with menu integration")
description: qsTr("Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.useOpenWith = !checked
ComboBox {
id: feedbackComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Notification feedback")
description: qsTr("Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications")
menu: ContextMenu {
id: feedbackMenu
x: 0
width: feedbackComboBox.width
MenuItem {
readonly property int value: AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackAll
text: qsTr("All events")
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationFeedback = value
MenuItem {
readonly property int value: AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNew
text: qsTr("Only new events")
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationFeedback = value
MenuItem {
readonly property int value: AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNone
text: qsTr("None")
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationFeedback = value
Component.onCompleted: updateFeedbackSelection()
function updateFeedbackSelection() {
var menuItems = feedbackMenu.children
var n = menuItems.length
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (menuItems[i].value === appSettings.notificationFeedback) {
currentIndex = i
Connections {
target: appSettings
onNotificationFeedbackChanged: {
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.notificationTurnsDisplayOn && enabled
text: qsTr("Notification turns on the display")
enabled: appSettings.notificationFeedback !== AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNone
height: enabled ? implicitHeight: 0
clip: height < implicitHeight
visible: height > 0
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationTurnsDisplayOn = !checked
Behavior on height { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 200 } }
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.notificationSoundsEnabled && enabled
text: qsTr("Enable notification sounds")
description: qsTr("When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.")
enabled: appSettings.notificationFeedback !== AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNone
height: enabled ? implicitHeight: 0
clip: height < implicitHeight
visible: height > 0
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationSoundsEnabled = !checked
Behavior on height { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 200 } }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0
AccordionItem {
text: qsTr("Privacy")
Component {
Column {
bottomPadding: Theme.paddingMedium
Connections {
target: tdLibWrapper
onUserPrivacySettingUpdated: {
Debug.log("Received updated privacy setting: " + setting + ":" + rule);
switch (setting) {
case TelegramAPI.SettingAllowChatInvites:
allowChatInvitesComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
case TelegramAPI.SettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber:
allowFindingByPhoneNumberComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
case TelegramAPI.SettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages:
showLinkInForwardedMessagesComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
case TelegramAPI.SettingShowPhoneNumber:
showPhoneNumberComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
case TelegramAPI.SettingShowProfilePhoto:
showProfilePhotoComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
case TelegramAPI.SettingShowStatus:
showStatusComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
ResponsiveGrid {
ComboBox {
id: allowChatInvitesComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Allow chat invites")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether you can be invited to chats.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: allowChatInvitesComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowChatInvites, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowChatInvites, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("No")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowChatInvites, TelegramAPI.RuleRestrictAll);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowChatInvites);
ComboBox {
id: allowFindingByPhoneNumberComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Allow finding by phone number")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether you can be found by your phone number.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: allowFindingByPhoneNumberComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber);
ComboBox {
id: showLinkInForwardedMessagesComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Show link in forwarded messages")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether a link to your account is included in forwarded messages.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: showLinkInForwardedMessagesComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("No")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages, TelegramAPI.RuleRestrictAll);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages);
ComboBox {
id: showPhoneNumberComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Show phone number")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether your phone number is visible.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: showPhoneNumberComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowPhoneNumber, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowPhoneNumber, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("No")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowPhoneNumber, TelegramAPI.RuleRestrictAll);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowPhoneNumber);
ComboBox {
id: showProfilePhotoComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Show profile photo")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether your profile photo is visible.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: showProfilePhotoComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowProfilePhoto, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowProfilePhoto, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("No")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowProfilePhoto, TelegramAPI.RuleRestrictAll);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowProfilePhoto);
ComboBox {
id: showStatusComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Show status")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: showStatusComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowStatus, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowStatus, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("No")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowStatus, TelegramAPI.RuleRestrictAll);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowStatus);
TextSwitch {
checked: appSettings.allowInlineBotLocationAccess
text: qsTr("Allow sending Location to inline bots")
description: qsTr("Some inline bots request location data when using them")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.allowInlineBotLocationAccess = !checked

View file

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0
AccordionItem {
text: qsTr("Storage")
Component {
ResponsiveGrid {
bottomPadding: Theme.paddingMedium
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.onlineOnlyMode
text: qsTr("Enable online-only mode")
description: qsTr("Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.onlineOnlyMode = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.storageOptimizer
text: qsTr("Enable storage optimizer")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.storageOptimizer = !checked

View file

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
Copyright (C) 2021 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import Sailfish.Pickers 1.0
import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0
import "../"
import "../../pages/"
import "../../js/functions.js" as Functions
AccordionItem {
text: qsTr("User Profile")
Component {
Column {
id: accordionContent
bottomPadding: Theme.paddingMedium
readonly property var userInformation: tdLibWrapper.getUserInformation()
property bool uploadInProgress: false
Component.onCompleted: {
tdLibWrapper.getUserProfilePhotos(, 100, 0);
Connections {
target: tdLibWrapper
onOwnUserUpdated: {
firstNameEditArea.text = userInformation.first_name;
lastNameEditArea.text = userInformation.last_name;
userNameEditArea.text = userInformation.username;
onUserProfilePhotosReceived: {
if (extra === {
imageContainer.thumbnailModel = photos;
onFileUpdated: {
if (uploadInProgress) {
profilePictureButtonColumn.visible = !fileInformation.remote.is_uploading_active;
uploadInProgress = fileInformation.remote.is_uploading_active;
if (!fileInformation.remote.is_uploading_active) {
uploadInProgress = false;
tdLibWrapper.getUserProfilePhotos(, 100, 0);
onOkReceived: {
if (request === "deleteProfilePhoto") {
tdLibWrapper.getUserProfilePhotos(, 100, 0);
if (request === "setProfilePhoto") {
tdLibWrapper.getUserProfilePhotos(, 100, 0);
profilePictureButtonColumn.visible = true;
uploadInProgress = false;
ResponsiveGrid {
x: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
InformationEditArea {
id: firstNameEditArea
visible: true
canEdit: true
headerText: qsTr("First Name", "first name of the logged-in profile - header")
text: userInformation.first_name
width: parent.columnWidth
headerLeftAligned: true
onSaveButtonClicked: {
if(!editItem.errorHighlight) {
tdLibWrapper.setName(textValue, lastNameEditArea.text);
} else {
isEditing = true;
onTextEdited: {
if(textValue.length > 0 && textValue.length < 65) {
editItem.errorHighlight = false;
editItem.label = "";
editItem.placeholderText = "";
} else {
editItem.label = qsTr("Enter 1-64 characters");
editItem.placeholderText = editItem.label;
editItem.errorHighlight = true;
InformationEditArea {
id: lastNameEditArea
visible: true
canEdit: true
headerText: qsTr("Last Name", "last name of the logged-in profile - header")
text: userInformation.last_name
width: parent.columnWidth
headerLeftAligned: true
onSaveButtonClicked: {
if(!editItem.errorHighlight) {
tdLibWrapper.setName(firstNameEditArea.text, textValue);
} else {
isEditing = true;
onTextEdited: {
if(textValue.length >= 0 && textValue.length < 65) {
editItem.errorHighlight = false;
editItem.label = "";
editItem.placeholderText = "";
} else {
editItem.label = qsTr("Enter 0-64 characters");
editItem.placeholderText = editItem.label;
editItem.errorHighlight = true;
InformationEditArea {
id: userNameEditArea
visible: true
canEdit: true
headerText: qsTr("Username", "user name of the logged-in profile - header")
text: userInformation.username
width: parent.columnWidth
headerLeftAligned: true
onSaveButtonClicked: {
SectionHeader {
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
text: qsTr("Profile Pictures")
Row {
width: parent.width - ( 2 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin )
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
Item {
id: imageContainer
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
width: parent.width / 2
height: profilePictureLoader.height
property var thumbnailModel: ({})
property bool thumbnailVisible: true
property bool thumbnailActive: thumbnailModel.length > 0
property int thumbnailRadius: imageContainer.width / 2
Loader {
id: profilePictureLoader
active: imageContainer.thumbnailActive
asynchronous: true
width: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge
height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
source: "../ProfilePictureList.qml"
ProfileThumbnail {
id: chatPictureReplacement
visible: !
replacementStringHint: Functions.getUserName(accordionContent.userInformation)
radius: imageContainer.thumbnailRadius
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge
height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge
Column {
id: profilePictureButtonColumn
spacing: Theme.paddingSmall
width: parent.width / 2
Button {
id: addProfilePictureButton
text: qsTr("Add Picture")
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
onClicked: {
Button {
id: removeProfilePictureButton
text: qsTr("Delete Picture")
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
onClicked: {
var pictureIdForDeletion = imageContainer.thumbnailModel[profilePictureLoader.item.currentPictureIndex].id;
Remorse.popupAction(settingsPage, qsTr("Deleting profile picture"), function() { tdLibWrapper.deleteProfilePhoto(pictureIdForDeletion) });
Column {
id: uploadStatusColumn
visible: !profilePictureButtonColumn.visible
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
width: parent.width / 2
Text {
id: uploadingText
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall
text: qsTr("Uploading...")
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
color: Theme.secondaryColor
width: parent.width
BusyIndicator {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
running: uploadStatusColumn.visible
size: BusyIndicatorSize.Medium
Component {
id: imagePickerPage
ImagePickerPage {
onSelectedContentPropertiesChanged: {
profilePictureButtonColumn.visible = false;
uploadInProgress = true;

View file

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Page {
property bool chatListCreated: false; property bool chatListCreated: false;
// link handler: // link handler:
property string urlToOpen: null; property string urlToOpen;
property var chatToOpen: null; //null or [chatId, messageId] property var chatToOpen: null; //null or [chatId, messageId]
onStatusChanged: { onStatusChanged: {
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ Page {
if(chatListCreated && urlToOpen && urlToOpen.length > 1) { if(chatListCreated && urlToOpen && urlToOpen.length > 1) {
Debug.log("[OverviewPage] Opening URL: ", urlToOpen); Debug.log("[OverviewPage] Opening URL: ", urlToOpen);
Functions.handleLink(urlToOpen); Functions.handleLink(urlToOpen);
urlToOpen = null; urlToOpen = "";
} }
} }

View file

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import Sailfish.Pickers 1.0 import Sailfish.Pickers 1.0
import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0 import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0
import "../components" import "../components"
import "../components/settingsPage"
import "../js/functions.js" as Functions import "../js/functions.js" as Functions
import "../js/debug.js" as Debug import "../js/debug.js" as Debug
@ -28,50 +29,6 @@ Page {
id: settingsPage id: settingsPage
allowedOrientations: Orientation.All allowedOrientations: Orientation.All
readonly property bool landscapeLayout: settingsPage.isLandscape
readonly property var userInformation: tdLibWrapper.getUserInformation()
property bool uploadInProgress: false
onStatusChanged: {
if (status === PageStatus.Active) {
tdLibWrapper.getUserProfilePhotos(, 100, 0);
Connections {
target: tdLibWrapper
onOwnUserUpdated: {
firstNameEditArea.text = userInformation.first_name;
lastNameEditArea.text = userInformation.last_name;
userNameEditArea.text = userInformation.username;
onUserProfilePhotosReceived: {
if (extra === {
imageContainer.thumbnailModel = photos;
onFileUpdated: {
if (uploadInProgress) {
profilePictureButtonColumn.visible = !fileInformation.remote.is_uploading_active;
uploadInProgress = fileInformation.remote.is_uploading_active;
if (!fileInformation.remote.is_uploading_active) {
uploadInProgress = false;
tdLibWrapper.getUserProfilePhotos(, 100, 0);
onOkReceived: {
if (request === "deleteProfilePhoto") {
tdLibWrapper.getUserProfilePhotos(, 100, 0);
if (request === "setProfilePhoto") {
tdLibWrapper.getUserProfilePhotos(, 100, 0);
profilePictureButtonColumn.visible = true;
uploadInProgress = false;
SilicaFlickable { SilicaFlickable {
id: settingsContainer id: settingsContainer
contentHeight: column.height contentHeight: column.height
@ -80,686 +37,19 @@ Page {
Column { Column {
id: column id: column
width: settingsPage.width width: settingsPage.width
bottomPadding: Theme.paddingLarge
PageHeader { PageHeader {
title: qsTr("Settings") title: qsTr("Settings")
} }
SectionHeader { Accordion {
text: qsTr("User Profile") flickable: settingsContainer
} SettingsUserProfile { expanded: true; asynchronous: false }
SettingsPrivacy {}
Grid { SettingsBehavior {}
width: parent.width - ( 2 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin ) SettingsAppearance {}
columns: landscapeLayout ? 2 : 1 SettingsStorage {}
columnSpacing: Theme.paddingLarge
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
readonly property real columnWidth: width/columns
InformationEditArea {
id: firstNameEditArea
visible: true
canEdit: true
headerText: qsTr("First Name", "first name of the logged-in profile - header")
text: userInformation.first_name
width: parent.columnWidth
headerLeftAligned: true
onSaveButtonClicked: {
if(!editItem.errorHighlight) {
tdLibWrapper.setName(textValue, lastNameEditArea.text);
} else {
isEditing = true;
onTextEdited: {
if(textValue.length > 0 && textValue.length < 65) {
editItem.errorHighlight = false;
editItem.label = "";
editItem.placeholderText = "";
} else {
editItem.label = qsTr("Enter 1-64 characters");
editItem.placeholderText = editItem.label;
editItem.errorHighlight = true;
InformationEditArea {
id: lastNameEditArea
visible: true
canEdit: true
headerText: qsTr("Last Name", "last name of the logged-in profile - header")
text: userInformation.last_name
width: parent.columnWidth
headerLeftAligned: true
onSaveButtonClicked: {
if(!editItem.errorHighlight) {
tdLibWrapper.setName(firstNameEditArea.text, textValue);
} else {
isEditing = true;
onTextEdited: {
if(textValue.length >= 0 && textValue.length < 65) {
editItem.errorHighlight = false;
editItem.label = "";
editItem.placeholderText = "";
} else {
editItem.label = qsTr("Enter 0-64 characters");
editItem.placeholderText = editItem.label;
editItem.errorHighlight = true;
InformationEditArea {
id: userNameEditArea
visible: true
canEdit: true
headerText: qsTr("Username", "user name of the logged-in profile - header")
text: userInformation.username
width: parent.columnWidth
headerLeftAligned: true
onSaveButtonClicked: {
SectionHeader {
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
text: qsTr("Profile Pictures")
Row {
width: parent.width - ( 2 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin )
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
Item {
id: imageContainer
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
width: parent.width / 2
height: profilePictureLoader.height
property var thumbnailModel: ({})
property bool thumbnailVisible: true
property bool thumbnailActive: thumbnailModel.length > 0
property int thumbnailRadius: imageContainer.width / 2
Loader {
id: profilePictureLoader
active: imageContainer.thumbnailActive
asynchronous: true
width: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge
height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
source: "../components/ProfilePictureList.qml"
ProfileThumbnail {
id: chatPictureReplacement
visible: !
replacementStringHint: Functions.getUserName(settingsPage.userInformation)
radius: imageContainer.thumbnailRadius
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
width: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge
height: Theme.itemSizeExtraLarge
Column {
id: profilePictureButtonColumn
spacing: Theme.paddingSmall
width: parent.width / 2
Button {
id: addProfilePictureButton
text: qsTr("Add Picture")
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
onClicked: {
Button {
id: removeProfilePictureButton
text: qsTr("Delete Picture")
anchors {
horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
onClicked: {
var pictureIdForDeletion = imageContainer.thumbnailModel[profilePictureLoader.item.currentPictureIndex].id;
Remorse.popupAction(settingsPage, qsTr("Deleting profile picture"), function() { tdLibWrapper.deleteProfilePhoto(pictureIdForDeletion) });
Column {
id: uploadStatusColumn
visible: !profilePictureButtonColumn.visible
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
width: parent.width / 2
Text {
id: uploadingText
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall
text: qsTr("Uploading...")
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
color: Theme.secondaryColor
width: parent.width
BusyIndicator {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
running: uploadStatusColumn.visible
size: BusyIndicatorSize.Medium
Component {
id: imagePickerPage
ImagePickerPage {
onSelectedContentPropertiesChanged: {
profilePictureButtonColumn.visible = false;
uploadInProgress = true;
SectionHeader {
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
text: qsTr("Privacy")
Grid {
width: parent.width
columns: landscapeLayout ? 2 : 1
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
readonly property real columnWidth: width/columns
Connections {
target: tdLibWrapper
onUserPrivacySettingUpdated: {
Debug.log("Received updated privacy setting: " + setting + ":" + rule);
switch (setting) {
case TelegramAPI.SettingAllowChatInvites:
allowChatInvitesComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
case TelegramAPI.SettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber:
allowFindingByPhoneNumberComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
case TelegramAPI.SettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages:
showLinkInForwardedMessagesComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
case TelegramAPI.SettingShowPhoneNumber:
showPhoneNumberComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
case TelegramAPI.SettingShowProfilePhoto:
showProfilePhotoComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
case TelegramAPI.SettingShowStatus:
showStatusComboBox.currentIndex = rule;
ComboBox {
id: allowChatInvitesComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Allow chat invites")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether you can be invited to chats.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: allowChatInvitesComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowChatInvites, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowChatInvites, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("No")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowChatInvites, TelegramAPI.RuleRestrictAll);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowChatInvites);
ComboBox {
id: allowFindingByPhoneNumberComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Allow finding by phone number")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether you can be found by your phone number.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: allowFindingByPhoneNumberComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingAllowFindingByPhoneNumber);
ComboBox {
id: showLinkInForwardedMessagesComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Show link in forwarded messages")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether a link to your account is included in forwarded messages.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: showLinkInForwardedMessagesComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("No")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages, TelegramAPI.RuleRestrictAll);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowLinkInForwardedMessages);
ComboBox {
id: showPhoneNumberComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Show phone number")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether your phone number is visible.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: showPhoneNumberComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowPhoneNumber, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowPhoneNumber, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("No")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowPhoneNumber, TelegramAPI.RuleRestrictAll);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowPhoneNumber);
ComboBox {
id: showProfilePhotoComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Show profile photo")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether your profile photo is visible.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: showProfilePhotoComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowProfilePhoto, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowProfilePhoto, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("No")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowProfilePhoto, TelegramAPI.RuleRestrictAll);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowProfilePhoto);
ComboBox {
id: showStatusComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Show status")
description: qsTr("Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.")
menu: ContextMenu {
x: 0
width: showStatusComboBox.width
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Yes")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowStatus, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowAll);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("Your contacts only")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowStatus, TelegramAPI.RuleAllowContacts);
MenuItem {
text: qsTr("No")
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.setUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowStatus, TelegramAPI.RuleRestrictAll);
Component.onCompleted: {
currentIndex = tdLibWrapper.getUserPrivacySettingRule(TelegramAPI.SettingShowStatus);
TextSwitch {
checked: appSettings.allowInlineBotLocationAccess
text: qsTr("Allow sending Location to inline bots")
description: qsTr("Some inline bots request location data when using them")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.allowInlineBotLocationAccess = !checked
SectionHeader {
text: qsTr("Behavior")
Grid {
width: parent.width
columns: landscapeLayout ? 2 : 1
readonly property real columnWidth: width/columns
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.sendByEnter
text: qsTr("Send message by enter")
description: qsTr("Send your message by pressing the enter key")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.sendByEnter = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.focusTextAreaOnChatOpen
text: qsTr("Focus text input on chat open")
description: qsTr("Focus the text input area when entering a chat")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.focusTextAreaOnChatOpen = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.focusTextAreaAfterSend
text: qsTr("Focus text input area after send")
description: qsTr("Focus the text input area after sending a message")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.focusTextAreaAfterSend = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.delayMessageRead
text: qsTr("Delay before marking messages as read")
description: qsTr("Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.delayMessageRead = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.useOpenWith
text: qsTr("Open-with menu integration")
description: qsTr("Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.useOpenWith = !checked
ComboBox {
id: feedbackComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth
label: qsTr("Notification feedback")
description: qsTr("Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications")
menu: ContextMenu {
id: feedbackMenu
x: 0
width: feedbackComboBox.width
MenuItem {
readonly property int value: AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackAll
text: qsTr("All events")
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationFeedback = value
MenuItem {
readonly property int value: AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNew
text: qsTr("Only new events")
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationFeedback = value
MenuItem {
readonly property int value: AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNone
text: qsTr("None")
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationFeedback = value
Component.onCompleted: updateFeedbackSelection()
function updateFeedbackSelection() {
var menuItems = feedbackMenu.children
var n = menuItems.length
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
if (menuItems[i].value === appSettings.notificationFeedback) {
currentIndex = i
Connections {
target: appSettings
onNotificationFeedbackChanged: {
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.notificationTurnsDisplayOn && enabled
text: qsTr("Notification turns on the display")
enabled: appSettings.notificationFeedback !== AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNone
height: enabled ? implicitHeight: 0
clip: height < implicitHeight
visible: height > 0
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationTurnsDisplayOn = !checked
Behavior on height { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 200 } }
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.notificationSoundsEnabled && enabled
text: qsTr("Enable notification sounds")
description: qsTr("When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.")
enabled: appSettings.notificationFeedback !== AppSettings.NotificationFeedbackNone
height: enabled ? implicitHeight: 0
clip: height < implicitHeight
visible: height > 0
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.notificationSoundsEnabled = !checked
Behavior on height { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 200 } }
SectionHeader {
text: qsTr("Appearance")
Grid {
width: parent.width
columns: landscapeLayout ? 2 : 1
readonly property real columnWidth: width/columns
TextSwitch {
id: stickersAsEmojisTextSwitch
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.showStickersAsEmojis
text: qsTr("Show stickers as emojis")
description: qsTr("Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.showStickersAsEmojis = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.showStickersAsImages
text: qsTr("Show stickers as images")
description: qsTr("Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.showStickersAsImages = !checked
enabled: !stickersAsEmojisTextSwitch.checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.animateStickers
text: qsTr("Animate stickers")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.animateStickers = !checked
enabled: !stickersAsEmojisTextSwitch.checked
SectionHeader {
text: qsTr("Storage")
Grid {
width: parent.width
columns: landscapeLayout ? 2 : 1
readonly property real columnWidth: width/columns
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.onlineOnlyMode
text: qsTr("Enable online-only mode")
description: qsTr("Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.onlineOnlyMode = !checked
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.storageOptimizer
text: qsTr("Enable storage optimizer")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.storageOptimizer = !checked
Item {
width: 1
height: Theme.paddingLarge // Some space at the bottom
} }
} }

View file

@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>No message in this chat.</source> <source>No message in this chat.</source>
<translation>Keine Nachricht in diesem Chat</translation> <translation>Keine Nachricht in diesem Chat.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Mark chat as unread</source> <source>Mark chat as unread</source>
@ -1501,11 +1501,34 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Einstellungen</translation> <translation>Erscheinungsbild</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Sticker als Emojis anzeigen</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Nur Emojis anstelle der eigentlichen Sticker anzeigen</translation>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation>Sticker als Bilder anzeigen</translation>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation>Hintergrund für Sticker anzeigen und sie wie Bilder mittig platzieren</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Sticker animieren</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation>Verhalten</translation> <translation>Verhalten</translation>
@ -1519,21 +1542,45 @@
<translation>Senden Sie Ihre Nachricht, indem Sie die Enter-Taste drücken</translation> <translation>Senden Sie Ihre Nachricht, indem Sie die Enter-Taste drücken</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Erscheinungsbild</translation> <translation>Texteingabe fokussieren beim Öffnen eines Chats</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Sticker als Bilder anzeigen</translation> <translation>Texteingabe fokussieren, wenn ein Chat betreten wird</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>Hintergrund für Sticker anzeigen und sie wie Bilder mittig platzieren</translation> <translation>Texteingabe nach Senden fokussieren</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Fokussiert die Texteingabe nach Senden einer Nachricht</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Verzögerung bevor Nachrichten als gelesen markiert werden</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber wird ein bisschen warten, bevor Nachrichten als gelesen markiert werden</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Integration im Öffnen-Mit-Menü</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber ins Öffnen-Mit-Menü von Sailfish OS integrieren</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation>Rückmeldung bei Hinweisen</translation> <translation>Rückmeldung bei Hinweisen</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Nicht-grafische Rückmeldungen (Klänge, Vibration) bei Hinweisen nutzen</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation>Alle Ereignisse</translation> <translation>Alle Ereignisse</translation>
@ -1546,89 +1593,32 @@
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation>Keine</translation> <translation>Keine</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Nicht-grafische Rückmeldungen (Klänge, Vibration) bei Hinweisen nutzen</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Integration im Öffnen-Mit-Menü</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber ins Öffnen-Mit-Menü von Sailfish OS integrieren</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Sticker animieren</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation>Hinweis schaltet den Bildschirm an</translation> <translation>Hinweis schaltet den Bildschirm an</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation>Speicher</translation> <translation>Hinweistöne einschalten</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source> <source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Speicheroptimierer einschalten</translation> <translation>Wenn Töne eingeschaltet sind, wird Fernschreiber den aktuellen Sailfish OS-Hinweiston für Chats verwenden, der in den Systemeinstellungen konfiguriert werden kann.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source> <source>Settings</source>
<translation>Texteingabe nach Senden fokussieren</translation> <translation>Einstellungen</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Fokussiert die Texteingabe nach Senden einer Nachricht</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Nur-Online-Modus einschalten</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Schaltet das Offline-Caching aus. Bestimmte Features können in diesem Modus eingeschränkt sein oder fehlen. Änderungen erfordern einen Neustart von Fernschreiber, um in Kraft zu treten.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Privacy</source>
<translation>Privatsphäre</translation> <translation>Privatsphäre</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Erlaubt Standortsendung an Inline-Bots</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Einige Inline-Bots fragen bei Nutzung Standortdaten an</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Geben Sie 1-64 Zeichen ein</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Geben Sie 0-64 Zeichen ein</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation>Chateinladungen erlauben</translation> <translation>Chateinladungen erlauben</translation>
@ -1690,56 +1680,81 @@
<translation>Privatsphären-Einstellung zur Regelung, ob Ihr Onlinestatus sichtbar ist.</translation> <translation>Privatsphären-Einstellung zur Regelung, ob Ihr Onlinestatus sichtbar ist.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Add Picture</source> <source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Bild hinzufügen</translation> <translation>Erlaubt Standortsendung an Inline-Bots</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Einige Inline-Bots fragen bei Nutzung Standortdaten an</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Nur-Online-Modus einschalten</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Schaltet das Offline-Caching aus. Bestimmte Features können in diesem Modus eingeschränkt sein oder fehlen. Änderungen erfordern einen Neustart von Fernschreiber, um in Kraft zu treten.</translation>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Speicheroptimierer einschalten</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Geben Sie 1-64 Zeichen ein</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Geben Sie 0-64 Zeichen ein</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Profile Pictures</source> <source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Profilbilder</translation> <translation>Profilbilder</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Bild löschen</translation> <translation>Bild hinzufügen</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Uploading...</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation>Lade hoch...</translation> <translation>Bild löschen</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source> <source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation>Lösche Profilbild</translation> <translation>Lösche Profilbild</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation>Hinweistöne einschalten</translation> <translation>Lade hoch...</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Wenn Töne eingeschaltet sind, wird Fernschreiber den aktuellen Sailfish OS-Hinweiston für Chats verwenden, der in den Systemeinstellungen konfiguriert werden kann.</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Verzögerung bevor Nachrichten als gelesen markiert werden</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber wird ein bisschen warten, bevor Nachrichten als gelesen markiert werden</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Texteingabe fokussieren, wenn ein Chat betreten wird</translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Texteingabe fokussieren beim Öffnen eines Chats</translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Sticker als Emojis anzeigen</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Nur Emojis anstelle der eigentlichen Sticker anzeigen</translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>

View file

@ -1503,11 +1503,34 @@ messages</numerusform>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Settings</translation> <translation>Appearance</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Show stickers as emojis</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</translation>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation>Show stickers as images</translation>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animate stickers</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation>Behavior</translation> <translation>Behavior</translation>
@ -1521,21 +1544,45 @@ messages</numerusform>
<translation>Send your message by pressing the enter key</translation> <translation>Send your message by pressing the enter key</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Appearance</translation> <translation>Focus text input on chat open</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Show stickers as images</translation> <translation>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</translation> <translation>Focus text input area after send</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Focus the text input area after sending a message</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Delay before marking messages as read</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Open-with menu integration</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation>Notification feedback</translation> <translation>Notification feedback</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation>All events</translation> <translation>All events</translation>
@ -1548,89 +1595,32 @@ messages</numerusform>
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation>None</translation> <translation>None</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Open-with menu integration</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animate stickers</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation>Notification turns on the display</translation> <translation>Notification turns on the display</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation>Storage</translation> <translation>Enable notification sounds</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source> <source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Enable storage optimizer</translation> <translation>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source> <source>Settings</source>
<translation>Focus text input area after send</translation> <translation>Settings</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Focus the text input area after sending a message</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Enable online-only mode</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Privacy</source>
<translation>Privacy</translation> <translation>Privacy</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Allow sending Location to inline bots</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Some inline bots request location data when using them</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<translation>User Profile</translation>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation>First Name</translation>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Enter 1-64 characters</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation>Last Name</translation>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Enter 0-64 characters</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation>Allow chat invites</translation> <translation>Allow chat invites</translation>
@ -1692,56 +1682,81 @@ messages</numerusform>
<translation>Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.</translation> <translation>Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Add Picture</source> <source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Add Picture</translation> <translation>Allow sending Location to inline bots</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Some inline bots request location data when using them</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Enable online-only mode</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</translation>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Enable storage optimizer</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<translation>User Profile</translation>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation>First Name</translation>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Enter 1-64 characters</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation>Last Name</translation>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Enter 0-64 characters</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Profile Pictures</source> <source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Profile Pictures</translation> <translation>Profile Pictures</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Delete Picture</translation> <translation>Add Picture</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Uploading...</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation>Uploading...</translation> <translation>Delete Picture</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source> <source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation>Deleting profile picture</translation> <translation>Deleting profile picture</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation>Enable notification sounds</translation> <translation>Uploading...</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Delay before marking messages as read</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Focus text input on chat open</translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Show stickers as emojis</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>

View file

@ -1501,11 +1501,34 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Ajustes</translation> <translation>Apariencia</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation>Mostrar pegatinas como imágenes</translation>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation>Muestra un fondo para pegatinas y las alinea como imágenes</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Mostrar pegatinas animadas</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation>Comportamiento</translation> <translation>Comportamiento</translation>
@ -1519,21 +1542,45 @@
<translation>Envía el mensajes pulsando la tecla Entrar</translation> <translation>Envía el mensajes pulsando la tecla Entrar</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Apariencia</translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Mostrar pegatinas como imágenes</translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>Muestra un fondo para pegatinas y las alinea como imágenes</translation> <translation>Enfocar área de entrada de texto</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Enfoca el área de entrada de texto después de enviar un mensaje</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Marcar mensajes como leídos</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Si esta habilitado, la apl espera un segundo hasta que un mensaje que está en la pantalla se marque como leído. Si deshabilitas esta función, los mensajes se marcarán inmediatamente como leído una vez que esté en la pantalla sin desplazarse al mensaje</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Integrar la opción Abrir-con</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber usa la opción abrir-con de Sailfish SO</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation>Notificar en</translation> <translation>Notificar en</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Usa comentarios no gráficos (sonido, vibración) para las notificaciones</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation>Eventos</translation> <translation>Eventos</translation>
@ -1544,44 +1591,109 @@
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation>Ninguno </translation> <translation>Ninguno</translation>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Usa comentarios no gráficos (sonido, vibración) para las notificaciones</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Integrar la opción Abrir-con</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber usa la opción abrir-con de Sailfish SO</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Mostrar pegatinas animadas</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation>Mostrar notificación por pantalla</translation> <translation>Mostrar notificación por pantalla</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation>Habilitar sonidos de notificación</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Cuando los sonidos están habilitados, Fernschreiber utilizará el sonido de notificación actual de Sailfish OS para los grupos, que se puede configurar en la configuración del sistema.</translation>
<source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation>Permitir invitaciones de grupo</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be invited to chats.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si puede ser invitado a grupos.</translation>
<source>Your contacts only</source>
<translation>Solo contactos</translation>
<source>Allow finding by phone number</source>
<translation>Permitir buscarme por número</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be found by your phone number.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si puede ser encontrado por su número de teléfono.</translation>
<source>Show link in forwarded messages</source>
<translation>Mostrar enlace en mensajes reenviados</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether a link to your account is included in forwarded messages.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si un enlace de la cuenta está incluido en los mensajes reenviados.</translation>
<source>Show phone number</source>
<translation>Mostrar número telefónico</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your phone number is visible.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si su número de teléfono es visible.</translation>
<source>Show profile photo</source>
<translation>Mostrar foto de perfil</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your profile photo is visible.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si la foto de perfil es visible.</translation>
<source>Show status</source>
<translation>Mostrar estado</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si el estado en línea es visible.</translation>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Enviar ubicación a bots en línea</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Algunos bots en línea solicitan datos de ubicación cuando los usan</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Storage</source>
<translation>Almacenamiento</translation> <translation>Almacenamiento</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Optimizador de almacenamiento</translation>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>Enfocar área de entrada de texto</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Enfoca el área de entrada de texto después de enviar un mensaje</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source> <source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Modo solo en línea</translation> <translation>Modo solo en línea</translation>
@ -1591,17 +1703,12 @@
<translation>Deshabilita el almacenamiento en caché sin conexión. Algunas funciones pueden estar limitadas o ausentes en este modo. Se requiere reiniciar Fernschreiber para su efecto.</translation> <translation>Deshabilita el almacenamiento en caché sin conexión. Algunas funciones pueden estar limitadas o ausentes en este modo. Se requiere reiniciar Fernschreiber para su efecto.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Privacidad</translation> <translation>Optimizador de almacenamiento</translation>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Enviar ubicación a bots en línea</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Algunos bots en línea solicitan datos de ubicación cuando los usan</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>User Profile</source> <source>User Profile</source>
<translation>Perfil de usuario</translation> <translation>Perfil de usuario</translation>
@ -1627,119 +1734,27 @@
<message> <message>
<source>Username</source> <source>Username</source>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment> <comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation>Usuario </translation> <translation>Usuario</translation>
<source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation>Permitir invitaciones de grupo</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be invited to chats.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si puede ser invitado a grupos.</translation>
<source>Your contacts only</source>
<translation>Solo contactos </translation>
<source>Allow finding by phone number</source>
<translation>Permitir buscarme por número</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be found by your phone number.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si puede ser encontrado por su número de teléfono.</translation>
<source>Show link in forwarded messages</source>
<translation>Mostrar enlace en mensajes reenviados </translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether a link to your account is included in forwarded messages.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si un enlace de la cuenta está incluido en los mensajes reenviados.</translation>
<source>Show phone number</source>
<translation>Mostrar número telefónico</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your phone number is visible.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si su número de teléfono es visible.</translation>
<source>Show profile photo</source>
<translation>Mostrar foto de perfil </translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your profile photo is visible.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si la foto de perfil es visible.</translation>
<source>Show status</source>
<translation>Mostrar estado </translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.</source>
<translation>Configuración de privacidad para administrar si el estado en línea es visible.</translation>
<source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Agregar imagen</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Profile Pictures</source> <source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Perfil de imagen</translation> <translation>Perfil de imagen</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Borrar imagen</translation> <translation>Agregar imagen</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Uploading...</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation>Subiendo...</translation> <translation>Borrar imagen</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source> <source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation>Borrando la imagen de perfil</translation> <translation>Borrando la imagen de perfil</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation>Habilitar sonidos de notificación</translation> <translation>Subiendo...</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Cuando los sonidos están habilitados, Fernschreiber utilizará el sonido de notificación actual de Sailfish OS para los grupos, que se puede configurar en la configuración del sistema. </translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Marcar mensajes como leídos</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Si esta habilitado, la apl espera un segundo hasta que un mensaje que está en la pantalla se marque como leído. Si deshabilitas esta función, los mensajes se marcarán inmediatamente como leído una vez que esté en la pantalla sin desplazarse al mensaje</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>

View file

@ -1502,11 +1502,34 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Asetukset</translation> <translation>Ulkoasu</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation>Näytä tarrat kuvina</translation>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation>Näytä tarroissa tausta ja keskitä ne kuten kuvat</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animoi tarrat</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation>Toiminta</translation> <translation>Toiminta</translation>
@ -1520,21 +1543,45 @@
<translation>Lähetä viestisi painamalla rivinvaihtonäppäintä (enter)</translation> <translation>Lähetä viestisi painamalla rivinvaihtonäppäintä (enter)</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Ulkoasu</translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Näytä tarrat kuvina</translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>Näytä tarroissa tausta ja keskitä ne kuten kuvat</translation> <translation>Kohdista tekstinsyöttökenttä lähetyksen jälkeen</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Kohdista tekstinsyöttökenttä viestin lähetyksen jälkeen</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Viive viestien merkitsemisessä luetuksi</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber odottaa hetken ennen kuin viestit merkitään luetuiksi</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Avaa sovelluksessa integraatio</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Sisällytä Fernschreiber Sailfish OS:n avaa sovelluksella valikkoon</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation>Ilmoitusten palaute</translation> <translation>Ilmoitusten palaute</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Käytä ei-graafista palautetta (ääni, värinä) ilmoituksille</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation>Kaikki tapahtumat</translation> <translation>Kaikki tapahtumat</translation>
@ -1547,89 +1594,32 @@
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation>Ei mitään</translation> <translation>Ei mitään</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Käytä ei-graafista palautetta (ääni, värinä) ilmoituksille</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Avaa sovelluksessa integraatio</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Sisällytä Fernschreiber Sailfish OS:n avaa sovelluksella valikkoon</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animoi tarrat</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation>Ilmoitus kytkee näytön päälle</translation> <translation>Ilmoitus kytkee näytön päälle</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation>Tallennustila</translation> <translation>Käytä äänimerkkejä</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source> <source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Käytä tallennustilan optimointia</translation> <translation>Kun äänet ovat käytössä, Fernschreiber käyttää Sailfish OS:n ilmoitusääniä keskusteluille, jotia voit muuttaa järjestelmäasetuksista.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source> <source>Settings</source>
<translation>Kohdista tekstinsyöttökenttä lähetyksen jälkeen</translation> <translation>Asetukset</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Kohdista tekstinsyöttökenttä viestin lähetyksen jälkeen</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Ä käytä välimuistia</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Estää tietojen tallennuksen välimuistiin. Jotkin sovelluksen ominaisuudet voivat olla rajoitettuja tai poistettu käytöstä tässä tilassa. Muutos vaatii Fernschreiberin uudelleenkäynnistyksen.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Privacy</source>
<translation>Yksityisyys</translation> <translation>Yksityisyys</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Salli sijainnin lähettäminen upotetuille boteille</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Jotkin viestinsyöttöriville upotetut botit pyytävät sijaintitietoja niitä käytettäessä</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Syötä 1-64 merkkiä</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Syötä 1-64 merkkiä</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation>Salli keskustelukutsut</translation> <translation>Salli keskustelukutsut</translation>
@ -1688,59 +1678,84 @@
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.</source> <source>Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.</source>
<translation>Yksityisyysasetus joka määrittää näytetäänkö muille käyttäjille kun olet online-tilassa</translation> <translation>Yksityisyysasetus joka määrittää näytetäänkö muille käyttäjille kun olet online-tilassa.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Add Picture</source> <source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Lisää kuva</translation> <translation>Salli sijainnin lähettäminen upotetuille boteille</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Jotkin viestinsyöttöriville upotetut botit pyytävät sijaintitietoja niitä käytettäessä</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Ä käytä välimuistia</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Estää tietojen tallennuksen välimuistiin. Jotkin sovelluksen ominaisuudet voivat olla rajoitettuja tai poistettu käytöstä tässä tilassa. Muutos vaatii Fernschreiberin uudelleenkäynnistyksen.</translation>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Käytä tallennustilan optimointia</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Syötä 1-64 merkkiä</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Syötä 1-64 merkkiä</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Profile Pictures</source> <source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Profiilikuvat</translation> <translation>Profiilikuvat</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Poista kuva</translation> <translation>Lisää kuva</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Uploading...</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation>Lähetetään...</translation> <translation>Poista kuva</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source> <source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation>Poistetaan profiilikuvaa</translation> <translation>Poistetaan profiilikuvaa</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation>Käytä äänimerkkejä</translation> <translation>Lähetetään...</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Kun äänet ovat käytössä, Fernschreiber käyttää Sailfish OS:n ilmoitusääniä keskusteluille, jotia voit muuttaa järjestelmäasetuksista.</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Viive viestien merkitsemisessä luetuksi</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber odottaa hetken ennen kuin viestit merkitään luetuiksi</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TS version="2.1"> <TS version="2.1" language="hu_HU">
<context> <context>
<name>AboutPage</name> <name>AboutPage</name>
<message> <message>
@ -1474,11 +1474,34 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Beállítások</translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation>Működés</translation> <translation>Működés</translation>
@ -1492,21 +1515,45 @@
<translation>Üzenet küldése az enter gomb lenyomásával</translation> <translation>Üzenet küldése az enter gomb lenyomásával</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -1519,89 +1566,32 @@
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source> <source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source> <source>Settings</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation>Beállítások</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Privacy</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -1663,7 +1653,60 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Add Picture</source> <source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
@ -1671,11 +1714,11 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Uploading...</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
@ -1683,35 +1726,7 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>

View file

@ -1501,11 +1501,34 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Impostazioni</translation> <translation>Aspetto</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation>Mostra sticker come immagini</translation>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation>Mostra sfondo per gli sticker e centrali come le immagini</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Riproduci sticker animati</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation>Comportamento</translation> <translation>Comportamento</translation>
@ -1519,21 +1542,45 @@
<translation>Invia il tuo messaggio con il tasto invio</translation> <translation>Invia il tuo messaggio con il tasto invio</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Aspetto</translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Mostra sticker come immagini</translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>Mostra sfondo per gli sticker e centrali come le immagini</translation> <translation>Tastiera in primo piano dopo invio</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Mantieni la tastiera in primo piano dopo aver inviato un messaggio</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Attendi prima di segnare i messaggi come già letti</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber attende un attimo prima di segnare i messaggi come già letti</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Integrazione menù Apri con</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Aggiungi Fernschreiber al menù Apri con di Sailfish OS</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation>Feedback notifiche</translation> <translation>Feedback notifiche</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Usa feedback non visuale come suoni e/o vibrazione per le notifiche</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation>Tutti gli eventi</translation> <translation>Tutti gli eventi</translation>
@ -1546,42 +1593,107 @@
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation>Nessuno</translation> <translation>Nessuno</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Usa feedback non visuale come suoni e/o vibrazione per le notifiche</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Integrazione menù Apri con</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Aggiungi Fernschreiber al menù Apri con di Sailfish OS</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Riproduci sticker animati</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation>Notifiche attivano il display</translation> <translation>Notifiche attivano il display</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation>Abilita suoni notifiche</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Quando i suoni di notifica sono attivi, Fernschreiber utilizza l&apos;attuale suono di notifica per i messaggi scelto per Sailfish OS, il quale può essere modificato dalle impostazioni di sistema.</translation>
<source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation>Consenti inviti chat</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be invited to chats.</source>
<translation>Impostazione per consentire di essere invitato in una chat.</translation>
<source>Your contacts only</source>
<translation>Solo tuoi contatti</translation>
<source>Allow finding by phone number</source>
<translation>Consenti ricerca con il tuo numero di telefono</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be found by your phone number.</source>
<translation>Impostazione per consentire di essere trovato con il tuo numero di telefono.</translation>
<source>Show link in forwarded messages</source>
<translation>Mostra link nei messaggi inoltrati</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether a link to your account is included in forwarded messages.</source>
<translation>Impostazione per consentire di inserire un link al tuo account quando vengono inoltrati i tuoi messaggi.</translation>
<source>Show phone number</source>
<translation>Mostra il tuo numero</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your phone number is visible.</source>
<translation>Indica chi può vedere il tuo numero di telefono.</translation>
<source>Show profile photo</source>
<translation>Mostra foto del profilo</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your profile photo is visible.</source>
<translation>Impostazioni per gestire chi può vedere la tua foto del profilo.</translation>
<source>Show status</source>
<translation>Mostra stato</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.</source>
<translation>Impostazioni per rendere visibile il tuo ultimo accesso con precisione.</translation>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Consenti di inviare la posizione a inline bot</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Alcuni inline bot richiedono la tua posizione mentre li usi</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Storage</source>
<translation>Memoria</translation> <translation>Memoria</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Abilita ottimizzazione memoria</translation>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>Tastiera in primo piano dopo invio</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Mantieni la tastiera in primo piano dopo aver inviato un messaggio</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source> <source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Abilita modalità solo online</translation> <translation>Abilita modalità solo online</translation>
@ -1591,17 +1703,12 @@
<translation>Disabilita offline caching. Alcune funzionalità potrebbero non essere presenti in questa modalità. Riavvia Fernschreiber per rendere attive le modifiche.</translation> <translation>Disabilita offline caching. Alcune funzionalità potrebbero non essere presenti in questa modalità. Riavvia Fernschreiber per rendere attive le modifiche.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Privacy</translation> <translation>Abilita ottimizzazione memoria</translation>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Consenti di inviare la posizione a inline bot</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Alcuni inline bot richiedono la tua posizione mentre li usi</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>User Profile</source> <source>User Profile</source>
<translation>Profilo utente</translation> <translation>Profilo utente</translation>
@ -1630,116 +1737,24 @@
<translation>Nome utente</translation> <translation>Nome utente</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Consenti inviti chat</translation> <translation>Foto del profilo</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be invited to chats.</source>
<translation>Impostazione per consentire di essere invitato in una chat</translation>
<source>Your contacts only</source>
<translation>Solo tuoi contatti</translation>
<source>Allow finding by phone number</source>
<translation>Consenti ricerca con il tuo numero di telefono</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be found by your phone number.</source>
<translation>Impostazione per consentire di essere trovato con il tuo numero di telefono</translation>
<source>Show link in forwarded messages</source>
<translation>Mostra link nei messaggi inoltrati</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether a link to your account is included in forwarded messages.</source>
<translation>Impostazione per consentire di inserire un link al tuo account quando vengono inoltrati i tuoi messaggi</translation>
<source>Show phone number</source>
<translation>Mostra il tuo numero</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your phone number is visible.</source>
<translation>Indica chi può vedere il tuo numero di telefono</translation>
<source>Show profile photo</source>
<translation>Mostra foto del profilo</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your profile photo is visible.</source>
<translation>Impostazioni per gestire chi può vedere la tua foto del profilo</translation>
<source>Show status</source>
<translation>Mostra stato</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.</source>
<translation>Impostazioni per rendere visibile il tuo ultimo accesso con precisione</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Add Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Aggiungi foto</translation> <translation>Aggiungi foto</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Foto del profilo</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation>Elimina foto</translation> <translation>Elimina foto</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source> <source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation>Elimina foto del profilo</translation> <translation>Elimina foto del profilo</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation>Abilita suoni notifiche</translation> <translation>Carica...</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Quando i suoni di notifica sono attivi, Fernschreiber utilizza l&apos;attuale suono di notifica per i messaggi scelto per Sailfish OS, il quale può essere modificato dalle impostazioni di sistema.</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Attendi prima di segnare i messaggi come già letti</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber attende un attimo prima di segnare i messaggi come già letti</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>

View file

@ -1528,11 +1528,34 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Ustawienia</translation> <translation>Wygląd</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Pokaż naklejki jako emoji</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Pokaż tylko emoji zamiast najklejek</translation>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation>Pokaż naklejki jako obrazy</translation>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation>Pokaż tło naklejek i wyrównaj je centralnie, jak obrazy</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animowane naklejki</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation>Zachowanie</translation> <translation>Zachowanie</translation>
@ -1546,21 +1569,45 @@
<translation>Wyślij wiadomość przez naciśniecie przycisku enter</translation> <translation>Wyślij wiadomość przez naciśniecie przycisku enter</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Wygląd</translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Pokaż naklejki jako obrazy</translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>Pokaż tło naklejek i wyrównaj je centralnie, jak obrazy</translation> <translation>Po wysłaniu zaznacz pole wprowadzania tekstu</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Po wysłaniu wiadomości zaznacz pole wprowadzania tekstu</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Opóźnienie przed oznaczeniem wiadomości jako przeczytanych</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber odczeka chwilę, zanim wiadomości zostaną oznaczone jako przeczytane</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Integracja z menu &quot;otwórz za pomocą&quot;</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Zintegruj Fernschreiber z menu &quot;otwórz za pomocą&quot; w SailfishOS</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation>Rodzaj powiadomienia</translation> <translation>Rodzaj powiadomienia</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Użyj niewizualnych powiadomień (dźwięk, wibracja)</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation>Wszystkie wydarzenia</translation> <translation>Wszystkie wydarzenia</translation>
@ -1573,62 +1620,122 @@
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation>Żadne</translation> <translation>Żadne</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Użyj niewizualnych powiadomień (dźwięk, wibracja)</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Integracja z menu &quot;otwórz za pomocą&quot;</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Zintegruj Fernschreiber z menu &quot;otwórz za pomocą&quot; w SailfishOS</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animowane naklejki</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation>Powiadomienie włącza wyświetlacz</translation> <translation>Powiadomienie włącza wyświetlacz</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation>Pamięć</translation> <translation>Włącz dźwięk powiadomień</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source> <source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Włącz optymalizację pamięci</translation> <translation>Gdy dźwięki włączone, Fernschreiber użyje bieżącego dźwięku powiadomienia Sailfish OS do czatów, które można skonfigurować w ustawieniach systemu.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source> <source>Settings</source>
<translation>Po wysłaniu zaznacz pole wprowadzania tekstu</translation> <translation>Ustawienia</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Po wysłaniu wiadomości zaznacz pole wprowadzania tekstu</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Włącz tryb tylko online </translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Wyłącza buforowanie offline. W tym trybie niektóre funkcje mogą być ograniczone lub może ich brakować. Zmiany wymagają ponownego uruchomienia Fernschreibera, aby odniosły skutek. </translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Privacy</source>
<translation>Prywatność</translation> <translation>Prywatność</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation>Zezwól na zaproszenia do czatu</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be invited to chats.</source>
<translation>Ustawienia prywatności umożliwiające zarządzanie zaproszeniami do czatów.</translation>
<source>Your contacts only</source>
<translation>Tylko twoje kontakty</translation>
<source>Allow finding by phone number</source>
<translation>Pozwól na wyszukiwanie po numerze telefonu</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be found by your phone number.</source>
<translation>Ustawienie prywatności umożliwiające określenie, czy można Cię znaleźć według numeru telefonu.</translation>
<source>Show link in forwarded messages</source>
<translation>Pokaż odnośnik w przekazanych wiadomościach</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether a link to your account is included in forwarded messages.</source>
<translation>Ustawienie prywatności umożliwiające okreslenie, czy odnośnik do twojego konta jest dodawany do przekazanych wiadomości.</translation>
<source>Show phone number</source>
<translation>Pokaż numer telefonu</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your phone number is visible.</source>
<translation>Ustawienie prywatności umożliwiające określenie, czy Twój numer telefonu jest widoczny.</translation>
<source>Show profile photo</source>
<translation>Pokaż zdjęcie profilowe</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your profile photo is visible.</source>
<translation>Ustawienie prywatności umożliwiające określenie, czy Twoje zdjęcie profilowe jest widoczne.</translation>
<source>Show status</source>
<translation>Pokaż status</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.</source>
<translation>Ustawienie prywatności umożliwiające zarządzanie widocznością statusu online.</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source> <source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Zezwalaj na wysyłanie lokalizacji do wbudowanych botów</translation> <translation>Zezwalaj na wysyłanie lokalizacji do wbudowanych botów</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source> <source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Niektóre roboty wbudowane żądają danych o lokalizacji podczas ich używania </translation> <translation>Niektóre roboty wbudowane żądają danych o lokalizacji podczas ich używania</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Włącz tryb tylko online</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Wyłącza buforowanie offline. W tym trybie niektóre funkcje mogą być ograniczone lub może ich brakować. Zmiany wymagają ponownego uruchomienia Fernschreibera, aby odniosły skutek.</translation>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Włącz optymalizację pamięci</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>User Profile</source> <source>User Profile</source>
<translation>Profil użytkownika</translation> <translation>Profil użytkownika</translation>
@ -1657,116 +1764,24 @@
<translation>Nazwa użytkownika</translation> <translation>Nazwa użytkownika</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Zezwól na zaproszenia do czatu</translation> <translation>Zdjęcia profilowe</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be invited to chats.</source>
<translation>Ustawienia prywatności umożliwiające zarządzanie zaproszeniami do czatów.</translation>
<source>Your contacts only</source>
<translation>Tylko twoje kontakty</translation>
<source>Allow finding by phone number</source>
<translation>Pozwól na wyszukiwanie po numerze telefonu</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether you can be found by your phone number.</source>
<translation>Ustawienie prywatności umożliwiające określenie, czy można Cię znaleźć według numeru telefonu. </translation>
<source>Show link in forwarded messages</source>
<translation>Pokaż odnośnik w przekazanych wiadomościach</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether a link to your account is included in forwarded messages.</source>
<translation>Ustawienie prywatności umożliwiające okreslenie, czy odnośnik do twojego konta jest dodawany do przekazanych wiadomości</translation>
<source>Show phone number</source>
<translation>Pokaż numer telefonu</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your phone number is visible.</source>
<translation>Ustawienie prywatności umożliwiające określenie, czy Twój numer telefonu jest widoczny. </translation>
<source>Show profile photo</source>
<translation>Pokaż zdjęcie profilowe</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your profile photo is visible.</source>
<translation>Ustawienie prywatności umożliwiające określenie, czy Twoje zdjęcie profilowe jest widoczne. </translation>
<source>Show status</source>
<translation>Pokaż status</translation>
<source>Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible.</source>
<translation>Ustawienie prywatności umożliwiające zarządzanie widocznością statusu online.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Add Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Dodaj zdjęcie</translation> <translation>Dodaj zdjęcie</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Zdjęcia profilowe</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation>usuń zdjęcie</translation> <translation>usuń zdjęcie</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source> <source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation>Usuwanie zjęcia profilowego</translation> <translation>Usuwanie zjęcia profilowego</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation>Włącz dźwięk powiadomień</translation> <translation>Przesyłanie...</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Gdy dźwięki włączone, Fernschreiber użyje bieżącego dźwięku powiadomienia Sailfish OS do czatów, które można skonfigurować w ustawieniach systemu. </translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Opóźnienie przed oznaczeniem wiadomości jako przeczytanych </translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber odczeka chwilę, zanim wiadomości zostaną oznaczone jako przeczytane </translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Pokaż naklejki jako emoji</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Pokaż tylko emoji zamiast najklejek</translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>

View file

@ -1531,11 +1531,34 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Настройки</translation> <translation>Внешний вид</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Эмодзи вместо стикеров</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Показывать только эмодзи при отображении актуальных стикеров</translation>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation>Показывать стикеры как обычные изображения</translation>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation>То есть рисовать под ними фон и позиционировать по центру.</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Анимировать стикеры</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation>Поведение</translation> <translation>Поведение</translation>
@ -1549,21 +1572,45 @@
<translation>Тогда клавиша ввода на клавиатуре будет отправлять сообщение, а не переносить строку.</translation> <translation>Тогда клавиша ввода на клавиатуре будет отправлять сообщение, а не переносить строку.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Внешний вид</translation> <translation>При открытии чата фокусироваться на поле ввода текста</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Показывать стикеры как обычные изображения</translation> <translation>Приоритет фокусировки при открытии чата</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>То есть рисовать под ними фон и позиционировать по центру.</translation> <translation>Приоритет фокусировки при разговоре в чате</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Сфокусироваться на поле ввода текста после отправки сообщения</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Задержка перед отметкой о прочтении</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber может отмечать сообщения как прочитанные с некоторой задержкой, а не сразу как только они показываются на экране.</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Меню &quot;открыть с помощью&quot;</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Встроить Fernschreiber в системное меню &quot;открыть с помощью&quot;</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation>Уведомления</translation> <translation>Уведомления</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Сопровождать уведомления звуками и вибрацией.</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation>На каждое событие</translation> <translation>На каждое событие</translation>
@ -1576,89 +1623,32 @@
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation>Никогда</translation> <translation>Никогда</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Сопровождать уведомления звуками и вибрацией.</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Меню &quot;открыть с помощью&quot;</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Встроить Fernschreiber в системное меню &quot;открыть с помощью&quot;</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Анимировать стикеры</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation>Уведомления включают дисплей</translation> <translation>Уведомления включают дисплей</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation>Хранилище</translation> <translation>Уведомления издают звук</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source> <source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Включить оптимизацию хранилища</translation> <translation>Если звуки разрешены, Fernschreiber использует звук, выбранный для чатов в настройках Sailfish OS.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source> <source>Settings</source>
<translation>Приоритет фокусировки при разговоре в чате</translation> <translation>Настройки</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Сфокусироваться на поле ввода текста после отправки сообщения</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Включить режим &quot;только онлайн&quot;</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>В этом режиме не будет использоваться кэширование и некоторые функции могут быть ограничены или отсутствовать. Изменения вступят в силу после перезапуска Fernschreiber.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Privacy</source>
<translation>Приватность</translation> <translation>Приватность</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Отправлять мои координаты инлайн-ботам</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Некоторые инлайн-боты просят отправить свои координаты при обращении к ним</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Введите 1-64 символа</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Введите 0-64 символа</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation>Разрешить приглашения в чаты</translation> <translation>Разрешить приглашения в чаты</translation>
@ -1720,56 +1710,81 @@
<translation>Виден ли мой статус другим пользователям.</translation> <translation>Виден ли мой статус другим пользователям.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Add Picture</source> <source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Добавить</translation> <translation>Отправлять мои координаты инлайн-ботам</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Некоторые инлайн-боты просят отправить свои координаты при обращении к ним</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Включить режим &quot;только онлайн&quot;</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>В этом режиме не будет использоваться кэширование и некоторые функции могут быть ограничены или отсутствовать. Изменения вступят в силу после перезапуска Fernschreiber.</translation>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Включить оптимизацию хранилища</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Введите 1-64 символа</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Введите 0-64 символа</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Profile Pictures</source> <source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Картинки профиля</translation> <translation>Картинки профиля</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Удалить</translation> <translation>Добавить</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Uploading...</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation>Отправка...</translation> <translation>Удалить</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source> <source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation>Удаление картинки из профиля</translation> <translation>Удаление картинки из профиля</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation>Уведомления издают звук</translation> <translation>Отправка...</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Если звуки разрешены, Fernschreiber использует звук, выбранный для чатов в настройках Sailfish OS.</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Задержка перед отметкой о прочтении</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber может отмечать сообщения как прочитанные с некоторой задержкой, а не сразу как только они показываются на экране.</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Приоритет фокусировки при открытии чата</translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>При открытии чата фокусироваться на поле ввода текста</translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Эмодзи вместо стикеров</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Показывать только эмодзи при отображении актуальных стикеров</translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>

View file

@ -1528,11 +1528,34 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Nastavenia</translation> <translation>Vzhľad</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Nálepky zobraziť ako emotikony</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Namiesto nálepiek zobrazovať emotikony</translation>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation>Zobraziť nálepky ako obrázky</translation>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation>Zobraziť pozadie pre nálepky a vycentrovať ich ako obrázky</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animované nálepky</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation>Správanie</translation> <translation>Správanie</translation>
@ -1546,21 +1569,45 @@
<translation>Správu odošlite stlačením klávesu Enter</translation> <translation>Správu odošlite stlačením klávesu Enter</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Vzhľad</translation> <translation>Pri otvorení četu aktivovať vstupné pole</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Zobraziť nálepky ako obrázky</translation> <translation>Pri vstupe do četu aktivovať vstupné pole</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>Zobraziť pozadie pre nálepky a vycentrovať ich ako obrázky</translation> <translation>Po odoslaní aktivovať vkladanie textu</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Po odoslaní správy aktivovať vkladanie textu</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Oneskorenie pred označením správ ako prečítaných</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber chvíľu počká, kým budú správy označené ako prečítané</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Zaradiť do ponuky &quot;otvoriť pomocou&quot;</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber zaradiť do ponuky Sailfish OS &quot;otvoriť pomocou&quot;</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation>Reakcia oznámenia</translation> <translation>Reakcia oznámenia</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Pre upozornenia použiť negrafickú reakciu (zvuk, vibrovanie)</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation>Všetky udalosti</translation> <translation>Všetky udalosti</translation>
@ -1573,109 +1620,32 @@
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation>Žiadne</translation> <translation>Žiadne</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Pre upozornenia použiť negrafickú reakciu (zvuk, vibrovanie)</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Zaradiť do ponuky &quot;otvoriť pomocou&quot;</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber zaradiť do ponuky Sailfish OS &quot;otvoriť pomocou&quot;</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animované nálepky</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation>Oznámenie zapne displej</translation> <translation>Oznámenie zapne displej</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation>Pamäť</translation> <translation>Povoliť zvukové upozornenia</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source> <source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Povoliť optimalizátor pamäte</translation> <translation>Keď povolené zvukové upozornenia, Fernschreiber použije aktuálne zvukové upozornenia Sailfish OS pre čety, ktoré môžu byť upravené v nastaveniach systému.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source> <source>Settings</source>
<translation>Po odoslaní aktivovať vkladanie textu</translation> <translation>Nastavenia</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Po odoslaní správy aktivovať vkladanie textu</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Povoliť režim &quot;iba pripojený&quot;</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Zakázať ukladanie do off-line vyrovnávacej pamäte. Niektoré funkcie môžu byť v tomto režime obmedzené alebo môžu chýbať. Zmeny sa prejavia po reštartovaní Fernschreiber.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Privacy</source>
<translation>Ochrana osobných údajov</translation> <translation>Ochrana osobných údajov</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Povoliť odosielanie polohy inline robotom</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Niektorí inline roboti požadujú údaje o polohe ak ich používajú</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<translation>Profil používateľa</translation>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Zadať 1-64 znakov</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Zadať 0-64 znakov</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation>Prihlasovacie meno</translation>
<source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Profilová fotografia</translation>
<source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Pridať fotografiu</translation>
<source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation>Odstrániť fotografiu</translation>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation>Odstraňovanie profilovej fotografie</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation>Povoliť pozvánky do četu</translation> <translation>Povoliť pozvánky do četu</translation>
@ -1737,36 +1707,81 @@
<translation>Nastavenie ochrany súkromia pre možnosť zobrazenia Vášho statusu pripojenia.</translation> <translation>Nastavenie ochrany súkromia pre možnosť zobrazenia Vášho statusu pripojenia.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Povoliť zvukové upozornenia</translation> <translation>Povoliť odosielanie polohy inline robotom</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source> <source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Keď povolené zvukové upozornenia, Fernschreiber použije aktuálne zvukové upozornenia Sailfish OS pre čety, ktoré môžu byť upravené v nastaveniach systému.</translation> <translation>Niektorí inline roboti požadujú údaje o polohe ak ich používajú</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source> <source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Oneskorenie pred označením správ ako prečítaných</translation> <translation>Povoliť režim &quot;iba pripojený&quot;</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source> <source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber chvíľu počká, kým budú správy označené ako prečítané</translation> <translation>Zakázať ukladanie do off-line vyrovnávacej pamäte. Niektoré funkcie môžu byť v tomto režime obmedzené alebo môžu chýbať. Zmeny sa prejavia po reštartovaní Fernschreiber.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source> <source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Pri vstupe do četu aktivovať vstupné pole</translation> <translation>Povoliť optimalizátor pamäte</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<translation>Profil používateľa</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source> <source>First Name</source>
<translation>Pri otvorení četu aktivovať vstupné pole</translation> <comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source> <source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Nálepky zobraziť ako emotikony</translation> <translation>Zadať 1-64 znakov</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source> <source>Last Name</source>
<translation>Namiesto nálepiek zobrazovať emotikony</translation> <comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Zadať 0-64 znakov</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation>Prihlasovacie meno</translation>
<source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Profilová fotografia</translation>
<source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Pridať fotografiu</translation>
<source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation>Odstrániť fotografiu</translation>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation>Odstraňovanie profilovej fotografie</translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>

View file

@ -1501,11 +1501,34 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Inställningar</translation> <translation>Utseende</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Visa dekaler som emoji</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Visa bara emoji istället för de faktiska dekalerna</translation>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation>Visa dekaler som bilder</translation>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation>Visa bakgrund för dekaler och justera dem centralt som bilder</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animera dekaler</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation>Beteende</translation> <translation>Beteende</translation>
@ -1519,21 +1542,45 @@
<translation>Skicka meddelanden genom att trycka returtangenten</translation> <translation>Skicka meddelanden genom att trycka returtangenten</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Utseende</translation> <translation>Fokusera textinmatningen vid chatt-öppning</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Visa dekaler som bilder</translation> <translation>Fokusera textinmatningsområdet vid anslutning till en chatt</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation>Visa bakgrund för dekaler och justera dem centralt som bilder</translation> <translation>Fokusera textinmatningsfältet efter sändning</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Fokusera textinmatningsfältet efter att ett meddelande skickats</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Fördröjning innan meddelanden markeras som lästa</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber väntar en stund innan meddelanden markeras som lästa</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Integrering av menyn &quot;Öppna med&quot;</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Integrera Fernschreiber med menyn &quot;Öppna med&quot;, i Sailfish OS</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation>Aviseringsåterkoppling</translation> <translation>Aviseringsåterkoppling</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Använd icke-grafisk återkoppling (ljud, vibration) för avisering</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation>Alla händelser</translation> <translation>Alla händelser</translation>
@ -1546,89 +1593,32 @@
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation>Inget</translation> <translation>Inget</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Använd icke-grafisk återkoppling (ljud, vibration) för avisering</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Integrering av menyn &quot;Öppna med&quot;</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Integrera Fernschreiber med menyn &quot;Öppna med&quot;, i Sailfish OS</translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animera dekaler</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation>Avisering tänder skärmen</translation> <translation>Avisering tänder skärmen</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation>Lagring</translation> <translation>Aktivera aviseringsljud</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source> <source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Aktivera lagringsoptimering</translation> <translation>När ljud är aktiverat, använder Fernschreiber aktuell Sailfish-signal för chatt-avisering, vilken kan ställas in i systemets ljudinställningar.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source> <source>Settings</source>
<translation>Fokusera textinmatningsfältet efter sändning</translation> <translation>Inställningar</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<translation>Fokusera textinmatningsfältet efter att ett meddelande skickats</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Aktivera endast-online-läge</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Inaktiverar cachelagring offline. Vissa funktioner kan vara begränsade eller saknas helt i det här läget. Ändringar kräver omstart av Fernschreiber för att träda i kraft.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Privacy</source>
<translation>Sekretess</translation> <translation>Sekretess</translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Tillåt att skicka plats till infogade robotar</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Vissa infogade robotar begär platsdata när de används</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Ange 1-64 tecken</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Ange 1-64 tecken</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation>Tillåt chattinbjudningar</translation> <translation>Tillåt chattinbjudningar</translation>
@ -1690,56 +1680,81 @@
<translation>Sekretessinställning för att hantera om din online-status är synlig.</translation> <translation>Sekretessinställning för att hantera om din online-status är synlig.</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Add Picture</source> <source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation>Lägg till bild</translation> <translation>Tillåt att skicka plats till infogade robotar</translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation>Vissa infogade robotar begär platsdata när de används</translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation>Aktivera endast-online-läge</translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>Inaktiverar cachelagring offline. Vissa funktioner kan vara begränsade eller saknas helt i det här läget. Ändringar kräver omstart av Fernschreiber för att träda i kraft.</translation>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation>Aktivera lagringsoptimering</translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation>Ange 1-64 tecken</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation>Ange 1-64 tecken</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Profile Pictures</source> <source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation>Profilbilder</translation> <translation>Profilbilder</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation>Ta bort bild</translation> <translation>Lägg till bild</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Uploading...</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation>Laddar upp...</translation> <translation>Ta bort bild</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source> <source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation>Tar bort profilbild</translation> <translation>Tar bort profilbild</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation>Aktivera aviseringsljud</translation> <translation>Ladda upp...</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>När ljud är aktiverat, använder Fernschreiber aktuell Sailfish-signal för chatt-avisering, vilken kan ställas in i systemets ljudinställningar.</translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation>Fördröjning innan meddelanden markeras som lästa</translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber väntar en stund innan meddelanden markeras som lästa</translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation>Fokusera textinmatningsområdet vid anslutning till en chatt</translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation>Fokusera textinmatningen vid chatt-öppning</translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation>Visa dekaler som emoji</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation>Visa bara emoji istället för de faktiska dekalerna</translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>

View file

@ -97,11 +97,11 @@
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>This project uses OpenStreetMap Nominatim for reverse geocoding of location attachments. Thanks for making it available as web service!</source> <source>This project uses OpenStreetMap Nominatim for reverse geocoding of location attachments. Thanks for making it available as web service!</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation>使 OpenStreetMap Nominatim </translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Open OSM Nominatim Wiki</source> <source>Open OSM Nominatim Wiki</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation> OSM Nominatim Wiki</translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
@ -506,11 +506,11 @@
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Unknown address</source> <source>Unknown address</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Accuracy: %1m</source> <source>Accuracy: %1m</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation>: %1m</translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
@ -1475,11 +1475,34 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<message> <message>
<source>Settings</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation> emoji</translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation> emoji </translation>
<source>Show stickers as images</source>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<message> <message>
<source>Behavior</source> <source>Behavior</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
@ -1493,21 +1516,45 @@
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Focus text input area after send</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber </translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation> Fernschreiber </translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification feedback</source> <source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<message> <message>
<source>All events</source> <source>All events</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
@ -1520,89 +1567,32 @@
<source>None</source> <source>None</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation> Fernschreiber </translation>
<source>Animate stickers</source>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source> <source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation></translation> <translation>Fernschreiber </translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Focus text input area after send</source> <source>Settings</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
<source>Focus the text input area after sending a message</source>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>线 fernschreiber </translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Privacy</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<source>User Profile</source>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation> 1-64 </translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation> 0-64 </translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
@ -1664,56 +1654,81 @@
<translation>线</translation> <translation>线</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Add Picture</source> <source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation>线 fernschreiber </translation>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<source>User Profile</source>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation> 1-64 </translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation> 0-64 </translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Profile Pictures</source> <source>Profile Pictures</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Uploading...</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source> <source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation></translation> <translation></translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber </translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation>Fernschreiber </translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>

View file

@ -1501,77 +1501,52 @@
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>
<name>SettingsPage</name> <name>SettingsAppearance</name>
<source>Send message by enter</source>
<translation>Send message by enter</translation>
<source>Send your message by pressing the enter key</source>
<translation>Send your message by pressing the enter key</translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Appearance</source> <source>Appearance</source>
<translation>Appearance</translation> <translation type="unfinished">Appearance</translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show stickers as images</source> <source>Show stickers as images</source>
<translation>Show stickers as images</translation> <translation type="unfinished">Show stickers as images</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source> <source>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</source>
<translation>Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</translation> <translation type="unfinished">Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images</translation>
<source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation>Notification feedback</translation>
<source>All events</source>
<translation>All events</translation>
<source>Only new events</source>
<translation>Only new events</translation>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</translation>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation>Open-with menu integration</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Animate stickers</source> <source>Animate stickers</source>
<translation>Animate stickers</translation> <translation type="unfinished">Animate stickers</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">Behavior</translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source> <source>Send message by enter</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Send message by enter</translation>
<source>Send your message by pressing the enter key</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Send your message by pressing the enter key</translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Storage</source> <source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
@ -1583,52 +1558,67 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source> <source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source> <source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Open-with menu integration</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Open-with menu integration</translation>
<source>Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS</translation>
<source>Notification feedback</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Notification feedback</translation>
<source>Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications</translation>
<source>All events</source>
<translation type="unfinished">All events</translation>
<source>Only new events</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Only new events</translation>
<translation type="unfinished">None</translation>
<source>Notification turns on the display</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Privacy</source> <source>Privacy</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Enter 1-128 characters {1-64 ?}</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Enter 1-128 characters {0-64 ?}</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<message> <message>
<source>Allow chat invites</source> <source>Allow chat invites</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
@ -1690,7 +1680,60 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Add Picture</source> <source>Allow sending Location to inline bots</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Some inline bots request location data when using them</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enable online-only mode</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enable storage optimizer</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>User Profile</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>First Name</source>
<comment>first name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enter 1-64 characters</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Enter 1-128 characters {1-64 ?}</translation>
<source>Last Name</source>
<comment>last name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Enter 0-64 characters</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Enter 1-128 characters {0-64 ?}</translation>
<comment>user name of the logged-in profile - header</comment>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
@ -1698,48 +1741,20 @@
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Delete Picture</source> <source>Add Picture</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Uploading...</source> <source>Delete Picture</source>
<translation type="unfinished">Uploading...</translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Deleting profile picture</source> <source>Deleting profile picture</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
<message> <message>
<source>Enable notification sounds</source> <source>Uploading...</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation> <translation type="unfinished">Uploading...</translation>
<source>When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings.</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Delay before marking messages as read</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Focus the text input area when entering a chat</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Focus text input on chat open</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Show stickers as emojis</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
<source>Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers</source>
<translation type="unfinished"></translation>
</message> </message>
</context> </context>
<context> <context>