AboutPage About Fernschreiber About Fernschreiber A Telegram client for Sailfish OS A Telegram client for Sailfish OS Send E-Mail Send E-Mail Licensed under GNU GPLv3 Licensed under GNU GPLv3 Sources on GitHub Sources on GitHub Terms of Service Terms of Service Privacy Policy Privacy Policy Credits Credits This project uses the Telegram Database Library (TDLib). Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the Boost Software License 1.0! This project uses the Telegram Database Library (TDLib). Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the Boost Software License 1.0! Open Telegram Database Library on GitHub Open Telegram Database Library on GitHub About Telegram About Telegram This product uses the Telegram API but is not endorsed or certified by Telegram. This product uses the Telegram API but is not endorsed or certified by Telegram. TDLib version %1 TDLib version %1 This project uses twemoji. Copyright 2018 Twitter, Inc. and other contributors. Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the MIT License (coding) and CC-BY 4.0 (graphics)! This project uses twemoji. Copyright 2018 Twitter, Inc. and other contributors. Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the MIT License (coding) and CC-BY 4.0 (graphics)! Open twemoji on GitHub Open twemoji on GitHub By Sebastian J. Wolf and <a href="https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber#contributions">other contributors</a> By Sebastian J. Wolf and <a href="https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber#contributions">other contributors</a> This project uses rlottie. Copyright 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and other contributors. Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the MIT License! This project uses rlottie. Copyright 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and other contributors. Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the MIT License! Open rlottie on GitHub Open rlottie on GitHub This project uses OpenStreetMap Nominatim for reverse geocoding of location attachments. Thanks for making it available as web service! This project uses OpenStreetMap Nominatim for reverse geocoding of location attachments. Thanks for making it available as web service! Open OSM Nominatim Wiki Open OSM Nominatim Wiki BackgroundProgressIndicator %1 % %1 % %1 %1 ChatInformationPageContent %1 subscribers %1 subscriber %1 subscribers %1 members %1 member %1 members Leave Chat Leave Chat Join Chat Join Chat Leaving chat Leaving chat Unknown Unknown Chat Title group title header Chat Title Enter 1-128 characters Enter 1-128 characters There is no information text available, yet. There is no information text available, yet. Info group or user infotext header Info Phone Number user phone number header Phone Number Invite Link header Invite Link The Invite Link has been copied to the clipboard. The Invite Link has been copied to the clipboard. %1, %2 combination of '[x members], [y online]', which are separate translations %1, %2 %1 online %1 online %1 online New Secret Chat New Secret Chat Unmute Chat Unmute Chat Mute Chat Mute Chat ChatInformationTabItemMembersGroups Loading common chats… chats you have in common with a user Loading common chats… Loading group members… Loading group members… You You You don't have any groups in common with this user. You don't have any groups in common with this user. This group is empty. This group is empty. Channel members are anonymous. Channel members are anonymous. ChatInformationTabView Groups Button: groups in common (short) Groups Members Button: Group Members Members Settings Button: Chat Settings Settings ChatListViewItem Unknown Unknown You You User Info User Info Group Info Group Info Mark all messages as read Mark all messages as read No message in this chat. No message in this chat. Mark chat as unread Mark chat as unread Mark chat as read Mark chat as read Draft Draft Unpin chat Unpin chat Pin chat Pin chat Unmute chat Unmute chat Mute chat Mute chat ChatPage Unknown Unknown Your message Your message %1 members %1 member %1 members %1 subscribers %1 subscriber %1 subscribers Loading messages... Loading messages... Unmute Chat Unmute Chat Mute Chat Mute Chat Edit Message Edit Message edited edited Uploading... Uploading... This chat is empty. This chat is empty. Leave Chat Leave Chat Join Chat Join Chat Leaving chat Leaving chat You joined the chat %1 You joined the chat %1 Select Messages Select Messages %Ln Messages deleted %Ln Message deleted %Ln Messages deleted %Ln messages have been copied %Ln message has been copied %Ln messages have been copied Forward %Ln messages dialog header Forward %Ln message Forward %Ln messages %Ln messages selected number of messages selected %Ln message selected %Ln messages selected %1, %2 combination of '[x members], [y online]', which are separate translations %1 online %1 online %1 online This secret chat is not yet ready. Your chat partner needs to go online first. This secret chat is not yet ready. Your chat partner needs to go online first. Closing chat Closing chat Close Chat Close Chat Search in Chat Search in Chat Search in chat... Search in chat... Location: Obtaining position... Location: Obtaining position... Location (%1/%2) Location (%1/%2) Copy Message to Clipboard Copy Message to Clipboard Message unpinned Message unpinned Unpin Message Unpin Message Pin Message Pin Message Additional Options Additional Options Delete Message Delete Message Forward Message Forward Message Unknown address Unknown address Accuracy: %1m Accuracy: %1m Sponsored Message Sponsored Message Deleting chat Deleting chat Delete Chat Delete Chat Deleted User Deleted User ChatSelectionPage Select Chat Select Chat You don't have any chats yet. You don't have any chats yet. CoverPage in in Waiting for network... Waiting for network... Connecting to network... Connecting to network... Connecting to proxy... Connecting to proxy... Connected Connected Updating content... Updating content... chats chat chats unread messages unread message unread messages EditGroupChatPermissionsColumn Group Member Permissions what can normal group members do Group Member Permissions Send Messages member permission Send Messages Send Media Messages member permission Send Media Messages Send Other Messages member permission Send Other Messages Add Web Page Previews member permission Add Web Page Previews Change Chat Info member permission Change Chat Info Invite Users member permission Invite Users Pin Messages member permission Pin Messages New Members what can new group members do New Members New members can see older messages member permission New members can see older messages EditSuperGroupSlowModeColumn Slow Mode Slow Mode Off Off Set how long every chat member has to wait between Messages Set how long every chat member has to wait between Messages FernschreiberUtils sent a picture myself sent a picture sent a picture sent a picture sent a video myself sent a video sent a video sent a video sent an animation myself sent an animation sent an animation sent an animation sent a voice note sent a voice note sent a document myself sent a document sent a document sent a document sent a location myself sent a location sent a location sent a location have registered with Telegram myself have registered with Telegram has registered with Telegram has registered with Telegram joined this chat myself joined this chat joined this chat joined this chat were added to this chat myself were added to this chat was added to this chat was added to this chat left this chat myself left this chat left this chat left this chat sent a voice note myself sent a voice note sent a venue myself sent a venue sent a venue sent a venue changed the chat title myself changed the chat title changed the chat title changed the chat title sent a poll myself sent a poll sent a poll sent a poll sent a quiz myself sent a quiz sent a quiz sent a quiz created this group myself created this group created this group created this group changed the chat photo myself changed the chat photo changed the chat photo changed the chat photo deleted the chat photo myself deleted the chat photo deleted the chat photo deleted the chat photo changed the secret chat TTL setting myself changed the secret chat TTL setting changed the secret chat TTL setting changed the secret chat TTL setting upgraded this group to a supergroup myself upgraded this group to a supergroup changed the pinned message myself changed the pinned message changed the pinned message changed the pinned message created a screenshot in this chat myself created a screenshot in this chat created a screenshot in this chat created a screenshot in this chat sent an unsupported message myself sent an unsupported message sent an unsupported message sent an unsupported message sent an unsupported message: %1 sent an unsupported message: %1 upgraded this group to a supergroup upgraded this group to a supergroup sent a self-destructing photo that is expired myself sent a self-destructing photo that is expired sent a self-destructing video that is expired myself sent a self-destructing video that is expired sent a self-destructing video that is expired sent a self-destructing video that is expired sent an unsupported message: %1 myself sent an unsupported message: %1 sent a self-destructing photo that is expired sent a self-destructing photo that is expired sent an audio myself sent an audio sent an audio sent an audio has added %1 to the chat has added %1 to the chat has removed %1 from the chat has removed %1 from the chat have added %1 to the chat myself have added %1 to the chat have removed %1 from the chat myself have removed %1 from the chat scored %Ln points myself scored %Ln point scored %Ln points scored %Ln points scored %Ln point scored %Ln points sent a game myself sent a game sent a game sent a game sent a video note myself sent a video note sent a video note sent a video note ImagePage Download Picture Download Picture Download of %1 successful. Download of %1 successful. Download failed. Download failed. InReplyToRow You You Unknown Unknown This message was deleted This message was deleted InitializationPage OK OK Welcome to Fernschreiber! Welcome to Fernschreiber! Please enter your phone number to continue. Please enter your phone number to continue. Continue Continue Please enter the code that you received: Please enter the code that you received: Loading... Loading... Unable to authenticate you with the entered code. Unable to authenticate you with the entered code. Enter code again Enter code again Restart authentication Restart authentication Please enter your password: Please enter your password: User Registration User Registration Enter your First Name Enter your First Name Enter your Last Name Enter your Last Name Register User Register User Use the international format, e.g. %1 Use the international format, e.g. %1 About Fernschreiber About Fernschreiber MessageListViewItem Reply to Message Reply to Message Edit Message Edit Message You You Forwarded Message Forwarded Message Select Message Select Message More Options... More Options... Message deleted Message deleted Copy Message to Clipboard Copy Message to Clipboard Forward Message Forward Message Delete Message Delete Message MessageListViewItemSimple You You scored %Ln points in %2 myself scored %Ln point in %2 scored %Ln points in %2 scored %Ln points in %2 scored %Ln point in %2 scored %Ln points in %2 MessageOverlayFlickable You You This message was forwarded. Original author: %1 This message was forwarded. Original author: %1 MessagePoll Close Poll Close Poll Reset Answer Reset Answer Final Result: Final Result: Multiple Answers are allowed. Multiple Answers are allowed. %Ln% % of votes for option %Ln% %Ln% %Ln vote(s) total number of total votes %Ln vote total %Ln votes total MessageViaLabel via %1 message posted via bot user via %1 MessageVoiceNote Voice Note Voice Note NewChatPage Your Contacts Your Contacts You don't have any contacts. You don't have any contacts. Private Chat Private Chat Secret Chat Secret Chat End-to-end-encrypted, accessible on this device only End-to-end-encrypted, accessible on this device only Search a contact... Search a contact... Loading contacts... Loading contacts... Transport-encrypted, uses Telegram Cloud, sharable across devices Transport-encrypted, uses Telegram Cloud, sharable across devices Synchronize Contacts with Telegram Synchronize Contacts with Telegram Could not synchronize your contacts with Telegram. Could not synchronize your contacts with Telegram. Contacts successfully synchronized with Telegram. Contacts successfully synchronized with Telegram. NotificationManager %Ln unread messages %Ln unread message %Ln unread messages OverviewPage About Fernschreiber About Fernschreiber Fernschreiber Fernschreiber Waiting for network... Waiting for network... Connecting to network... Connecting to network... Connecting to proxy... Connecting to proxy... Updating content... Updating content... Loading chat list... Loading chat list... Settings Settings You don't have any chats yet. You don't have any chats yet. New Chat New Chat Filter your chats... Filter your chats... Search Chats Search Chats Download of %1 successful. Download of %1 successful. Download failed. Download failed. Tap on the title bar to filter your chats Tap on the title bar to filter your chats No matching chats found. No matching chats found. You can search public chats or create a new chat via the pull-down menu. You can search public chats or create a new chat via the pull-down menu. Logging out Logging out Unable to open link. Unable to open link. PinnedMessageItem You You Pinned Message Pinned Message Message unpinned Message unpinned PollCreationPage All answers have to contain 1-100 characters. All answers have to contain 1-100 characters. To send a quiz, you have to specify the right answer. To send a quiz, you have to specify the right answer. You have to enter a question. You have to enter a question. The question has to be shorter than 256 characters. The question has to be shorter than 256 characters. A poll requires 2-10 answers. A poll requires 2-10 answers. Create a Poll Dialog Header Create a Poll in %1 After dialog header… Create a Poll in [group name] in %1 Enter your question here Enter your question here Question (%Ln characters left) Question (%Ln character left) Question (%Ln characters left) Answers Section header Answers Enter an answer here Enter an answer here Answer (%Ln characters left) Answer (%Ln character left) Answer (%Ln characters left) Add an answer Add an answer Poll Options Section header Poll Options Anonymous answers Anonymous answers Multiple answers allowed Multiple answers allowed Quiz Mode Quiz Mode Quizzes have one correct answer. Participants can't revoke their responses. Quizzes have one correct answer. Participants can't revoke their responses. Enter an optional explanation Enter an optional explanation Shown when the user selects a wrong answer. Shown when the user selects a wrong answer. An explanation can be up to 200 characters long. An explanation can be up to 200 characters long. PollResultsPage Quiz Results Quiz Results Poll Results Poll Results %Ln vote(s) total number of total votes %Ln vote total %Ln votes total Question section header Question Results section header Results %Ln vote(s) number of votes for option %Ln vote %Ln votes %Ln% % of votes for option %Ln% %Ln% Chosen by: This answer has been chosen by the following users Chosen by: %Ln vote(s) including yours number of votes for option %Ln vote including yours %Ln votes including yours SearchChatsPage No chats found. No chats found. Searching chats... Searching chats... Private Chat Private Chat Group Group Channel Channel %1 members %1 member %1 members %1 subscribers %1 subscriber %1 subscribers Search Chats Search Chats Search a chat... Search a chat... Enter your query to start searching (at least 5 characters needed) Enter your query to start searching (at least 5 characters needed) SettingsAppearance Appearance Appearance Show stickers as emojis Show stickers as emojis Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers Only display emojis instead of the actual stickers Show stickers as images Show stickers as images Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images Animate stickers Animate stickers SettingsBehavior Behavior Behavior Send message by enter Send message by enter Send your message by pressing the enter key Send your message by pressing the enter key Focus text input on chat open Focus text input on chat open Focus the text input area when entering a chat Focus the text input area when entering a chat Focus text input area after send Focus text input area after send Focus the text input area after sending a message Focus the text input area after sending a message Delay before marking messages as read Delay before marking messages as read Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read Fernschreiber will wait a bit before messages are marked as read Open-with menu integration Open-with menu integration Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS Notification feedback Notification feedback Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications All events All events Only new events Only new events None None Notification turns on the display Notification turns on the display Enable notification sounds Enable notification sounds When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings. When sounds are enabled, Fernschreiber will use the current Sailfish OS notification sound for chats, which can be configured in the system settings. SettingsPage Settings Settings SettingsPrivacy Privacy Privacy Allow chat invites Allow chat invites Privacy setting for managing whether you can be invited to chats. Privacy setting for managing whether you can be invited to chats. Yes Yes Your contacts only Your contacts only No No Allow finding by phone number Allow finding by phone number Privacy setting for managing whether you can be found by your phone number. Privacy setting for managing whether you can be found by your phone number. Show link in forwarded messages Show link in forwarded messages Privacy setting for managing whether a link to your account is included in forwarded messages. Privacy setting for managing whether a link to your account is included in forwarded messages. Show phone number Show phone number Privacy setting for managing whether your phone number is visible. Privacy setting for managing whether your phone number is visible. Show profile photo Show profile photo Privacy setting for managing whether your profile photo is visible. Privacy setting for managing whether your profile photo is visible. Show status Show status Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible. Privacy setting for managing whether your online status is visible. Allow sending Location to inline bots Allow sending Location to inline bots Some inline bots request location data when using them Some inline bots request location data when using them SettingsSession Sessions Sessions Session was terminated Session was terminated Terminating session Terminating session Terminate Session Terminate Session This app This app IP address: %1, origin: %2 IP address: %1, origin: %2 Active since: %1, last online: %2 Active since: %1, last online: %2 SettingsStorage Storage Storage Enable online-only mode Enable online-only mode Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect. Disables offline caching. Certain features may be limited or missing in this mode. Changes require a restart of Fernschreiber to take effect. Enable storage optimizer Enable storage optimizer SettingsUserProfile User Profile User Profile First Name first name of the logged-in profile - header First Name Enter 1-64 characters Enter 1-64 characters Last Name last name of the logged-in profile - header Last Name Enter 0-64 characters Enter 0-64 characters Username user name of the logged-in profile - header Username Profile Pictures Profile Pictures Add Picture Add Picture Delete Picture Delete Picture Deleting profile picture Deleting profile picture Uploading... Uploading... Log Out Log Out Logged out Logged out Phone number: +%1 Phone number: +%1 SponsoredMessage Go to Channel Go to Channel Go to Message Go to Message Start Bot Start Bot StickerPicker Recently used Recently used Removing sticker set Removing sticker set Sticker set successfully removed! Sticker set successfully removed! StickerSetOverlay Sticker set successfully installed! Sticker set successfully installed! Sticker set successfully removed! Sticker set successfully removed! VideoPage Download of %1 successful. Download of %1 successful. Download failed. Download failed. Copy video to gallery Copy video to gallery VoiceNoteOverlay Record a Voice Note Record a Voice Note Press the button to start recording Press the button to start recording Unavailable Unavailable Starting Starting Recording Recording Stopping Stopping Use recording Use recording Voice Note (%1) Voice Note (%1) Ready Ready WebPagePreview Preview not supported for this link... Preview not supported for this link... functions Video: %1 Video: %1 has registered with Telegram has registered with Telegram Picture: %1 Picture: %1 Audio: %1 Audio: %1 Voice Note: %1 Voice Note: %1 Animation: %1 Animation: %1 Document: %1 Document: %1 sent a picture sent a picture sent a video sent a video sent an animation sent an animation sent an audio sent an audio sent a voice note sent a voice note sent a document sent a document sent a location sent a location joined this chat joined this chat was added to this chat was added to this chat left this chat left this chat %1M %1M %1K %1K sent a venue sent a venue sent a picture myself sent a picture sent a video myself sent a video sent an animation myself sent an animation sent an audio myself sent an audio sent a voice note myself sent a voice note sent a document myself sent a document sent a location myself sent a location sent a venue myself sent a venue have registered with Telegram have registered with Telegram joined this chat myself joined this chat were added to this chat myself were added to this chat left this chat myself left this chat was never online was never online last online: last month last online: last month last online: last week last online: last week last online: %1 last online: %1 online online was recently online was recently online Admin channel user role Admin Banned channel user role Banned Creator channel user role Creator Restricted channel user role Restricted changed the chat title to %1 myself changed the chat title to %1 changed the chat title to %1 changed the chat title to %1 sent a poll myself sent a poll sent a poll sent a poll sent an anonymous quiz myself sent an anonymous quiz sent an anonymous quiz sent an anonymous quiz sent a quiz myself sent a quiz sent a quiz sent a quiz sent an anonymous poll myself sent an anonymous poll sent an anonymous poll sent an anonymous poll Anonymous Quiz Anonymous Quiz Quiz Quiz Anonymous Poll Anonymous Poll Poll Poll created this group myself created this group created this group created this group changed the chat photo myself changed the chat photo changed the chat photo changed the chat photo deleted the chat photo myself deleted the chat photo deleted the chat photo deleted the chat photo changed the secret chat TTL setting myself; TTL = Time To Live changed the secret chat TTL setting changed the secret chat TTL setting TTL = Time To Live changed the secret chat TTL setting upgraded this group to a supergroup myself upgraded this group to a supergroup changed the pinned message myself changed the pinned message changed the pinned message changed the pinned message created a screenshot in this chat myself created a screenshot in this chat created a screenshot in this chat created a screenshot in this chat sent an unsupported message myself sent an unsupported message sent an unsupported message sent an unsupported message sent an unsupported message: %1 myself; %1 is message type sent an unsupported message: %1 sent an unsupported message: %1 %1 is message type sent an unsupported message: %1 upgraded this group to a supergroup upgraded this group to a supergroup sent a self-destructing photo that is expired myself sent a self-destructing photo that is expired sent a self-destructing photo that is expired sent a self-destructing photo that is expired sent a self-destructing video that is expired myself sent a self-destructing video that is expired sent a self-destructing video that is expired sent a self-destructing video that is expired Unable to find user %1 Unable to find user %1 sent a video note myself sent a video note sent a video note sent a video note You are already a member of this chat. You are already a member of this chat. Closed! Closed! Pending acknowledgement Pending acknowledgement has added %1 to the chat has added %1 to the chat has removed %1 from the chat has removed %1 from the chat have added %1 to the chat myself have added %1 to the chat have removed %1 from the chat myself have removed %1 from the chat scored %Ln points myself scored %Ln point scored %Ln points sent a game myself sent a game sent a game sent a game