import QtQuick 2.6 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 SilicaFlickable { // id id: flickable // property declarations property real zoom property bool zoomed // override if needed property bool zoomEnabled: true property real minimumZoom: fitZoom property real maximumZoom: 4 //Math.max(fitZoom, 1) * 3 default property alias zoomContentItem: property alias implicitContentWidth: zoomContentItem.implicitWidth property alias implicitContentHeight: zoomContentItem.implicitHeight // factor for "PreserveAspectFit" readonly property real fitZoom: implicitContentWidth > 0 && implicitContentHeight > 0 ? Math.min(maximumZoom, width / implicitContentWidth, height / implicitContentHeight) : 1.0 readonly property int minimumBoundaryAxis: (implicitContentWidth / implicitContentHeight) > (width / height) ? Qt.Horizontal : Qt.Vertical // JavaScript functions function zoomOut(animated) { if (zoomed) { if(animated) { zoomOutAnimation.start() } else { zoom = fitZoom zoomed = false } } } // object properties contentWidth: Math.max(width, zoomContentItem.width) contentHeight: Math.max(height, zoomContentItem.height) enabled: !zoomOutAnimation.running && implicitContentWidth > 0 && implicitContentHeight > 0 flickableDirection: Flickable.HorizontalAndVerticalFlick interactive: zoomed // According to Jolla, otherwise pinching would sometimes not work: pressDelay: 0 Binding { // Update zoom on orientation changes and set as default target: flickable when: !zoomed property: "zoom" value: minimumZoom } // child objects PinchArea { id: pinchArea parent: flickable.contentItem width: flickable.contentWidth height: flickable.contentHeight enabled: zoomEnabled && minimumZoom !== maximumZoom && flickable.enabled onPinchUpdated: { scrollDecoratorTimer.restart() var f = flickable; var requestedZoomFactor = 1.0 + pinch.scale - pinch.previousScale; var previousWidth = f.contentWidth var previousHeight = f.contentHeight var targetWidth var targetHeight var targetZoom = requestedZoomFactor * f.zoom; if (targetZoom < f.minimumZoom) { f.zoom = f.minimumZoom; f.zoomed = false; f.contentX = 0; f.contentY = 0; return } else if(targetZoom >= f.maximumZoom) { f.zoom = f.maximumZoom; targetHeight = f.implicitContentHeight * f.zoom targetWidth = f.implicitContentWidth * f.zoom } else if(targetZoom < f.maximumZoom) { if (f.minimumBoundaryAxis == Qt.Horizontal) { targetWidth = f.contentWidth * requestedZoomFactor f.zoom = targetWidth / f.implicitContentWidth targetHeight = f.implicitContentHeight * f.zoom } else { targetHeight = f.contentHeight * requestedZoomFactor f.zoom = targetHeight / f.implicitContentHeight targetWidth = f.implicitContentWidth * f.zoom } } // calculate center difference f.contentX += pinch.previousCenter.x - f.contentY += pinch.previousCenter.y - // move to new (zoomed) center. this jumps a tiny bit, but is bearable: if (targetWidth > f.width) f.contentX -= (previousWidth - targetWidth)/(previousWidth/pinch.previousCenter.x) if (targetHeight > f.height) f.contentY -= (previousHeight - targetHeight)/(previousHeight/pinch.previousCenter.y) f.zoomed = true } onPinchFinished: { returnToBounds() } Item { id: zoomContentItem anchors.centerIn: parent implicitWidth: flickable.width implicitHeight: flickable.height width: Math.ceil(implicitWidth * zoom) height: Math.ceil(implicitHeight * zoom) } } // enable zoom to minimumZoom on click ParallelAnimation { id: zoomOutAnimation NumberAnimation { target: flickable properties: "contentX, contentY" to: 0 } NumberAnimation { target: flickable property: "zoom" to: fitZoom } onRunningChanged: { if(!running) { zoomed = false } } } // show scroll decorators when scrolling OR zooming Timer { id: scrollDecoratorTimer readonly property bool moving: flickable.moving readonly property bool showing: moving || running onMovingChanged: restart() interval: 300 } VerticalScrollDecorator { flickable: flickable opacity: scrollDecoratorTimer.showing ? 1.0 : 0.0 } HorizontalScrollDecorator { flickable: flickable opacity: scrollDecoratorTimer.showing ? 1.0 : 0.0 } }