/* Copyright (C) 2020 Sebastian J. Wolf This file is part of Fernschreiber. Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Fernschreiber. If not, see . */ #include "chatlistmodel.h" #include "fernschreiberutils.h" #include #define LOG(x) qDebug() << "[ChatListModel]" << x namespace { const QString ID("id"); const QString DATE("date"); const QString TEXT("text"); const QString TYPE("type"); const QString TITLE("title"); const QString PHOTO("photo"); const QString SMALL("small"); const QString ORDER("order"); const QString CHAT_ID("chat_id"); const QString CONTENT("content"); const QString LAST_MESSAGE("last_message"); const QString SENDER_USER_ID("sender_user_id"); const QString BASIC_GROUP_ID("basic_group_id"); const QString SUPERGROUP_ID("supergroup_id"); const QString UNREAD_COUNT("unread_count"); const QString NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS("notification_settings"); const QString LAST_READ_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID("last_read_inbox_message_id"); const QString LAST_READ_OUTBOX_MESSAGE_ID("last_read_outbox_message_id"); const QString IS_CHANNEL("is_channel"); const QString _TYPE("@type"); const QString TYPE_MESSAGE_TEXT("messageText"); const QString TYPE_CHAT_TYPE_PRIVATE("chatTypePrivate"); const QString TYPE_CHAT_TYPE_BASIC_GROUP("chatTypeBasicGroup"); const QString TYPE_CHAT_TYPE_SUPERGROUP("chatTypeSupergroup"); const QString TYPE_CHAT_TYPE_SECRET("chatTypeSecret"); } class ChatListModel::ChatData { public: enum Role { RoleDisplay = Qt::DisplayRole, RoleChatId, RoleChatType, RoleTitle, RolePhotoSmall, RoleUnreadCount, RoleLastReadInboxMessageId, RoleLastMessageSenderId, RoleLastMessageDate, RoleLastMessageText, RoleChatMemberStatus, RoleIsChannel }; ChatData(const QVariantMap &data, const QVariantMap &userInformation); int compareTo(const ChatData *chat) const; bool setOrder(const QString &order); const QVariant lastMessage(const QString &key) const; QString title() const; int unreadCount() const; QVariant photoSmall() const; qlonglong lastReadInboxMessageId() const; qlonglong senderUserId() const; qlonglong senderMessageDate() const; QString senderMessageText() const; bool isChannel() const; bool isHidden() const; bool updateUnreadCount(int unreadCount); bool updateLastReadInboxMessageId(qlonglong messageId); QVector updateLastMessage(const QVariantMap &message); QVector updateGroup(const TDLibWrapper::Group *group); static TDLibWrapper::ChatType chatTypeFromString(const QString &type); public: QVariantMap chatData; qlonglong chatId; qlonglong order; qlonglong groupId; TDLibWrapper::ChatType chatType; TDLibWrapper::ChatMemberStatus memberStatus; QVariantMap userInformation; }; ChatListModel::ChatData::ChatData(const QVariantMap &data, const QVariantMap &userInfo) : chatData(data), chatId(data.value(ID).toLongLong()), order(data.value(ORDER).toLongLong()), groupId(0), memberStatus(TDLibWrapper::ChatMemberStatusUnknown), userInformation(userInfo) { const QVariantMap type(data.value(TYPE).toMap()); switch (chatType = chatTypeFromString(type.value(_TYPE).toString())) { case TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeBasicGroup: groupId = type.value(BASIC_GROUP_ID).toLongLong(); break; case TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeSupergroup: groupId = type.value(SUPERGROUP_ID).toLongLong(); break; case TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeUnknown: case TDLibWrapper::ChatTypePrivate: case TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeSecret: break; } } int ChatListModel::ChatData::compareTo(const ChatData *other) const { if (order == other->order) { return (chatId < other->chatId) ? 1 : -1; } else { // This puts most recent ones to the top of the list return (order < other->order) ? 1 : -1; } } bool ChatListModel::ChatData::setOrder(const QString &newOrder) { if (!newOrder.isEmpty()) { chatData.insert(ORDER, newOrder); order = newOrder.toLongLong(); return true; } return false; } inline const QVariant ChatListModel::ChatData::lastMessage(const QString &key) const { return chatData.value(LAST_MESSAGE).toMap().value(key); } QString ChatListModel::ChatData::title() const { return chatData.value(TITLE).toString(); } int ChatListModel::ChatData::unreadCount() const { return chatData.value(UNREAD_COUNT).toInt(); } QVariant ChatListModel::ChatData::photoSmall() const { return chatData.value(PHOTO).toMap().value(SMALL); } qlonglong ChatListModel::ChatData::lastReadInboxMessageId() const { return chatData.value(LAST_READ_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID).toLongLong(); } qlonglong ChatListModel::ChatData::senderUserId() const { return lastMessage(SENDER_USER_ID).toLongLong(); } qlonglong ChatListModel::ChatData::senderMessageDate() const { return lastMessage(DATE).toLongLong(); } QString ChatListModel::ChatData::senderMessageText() const { return FernschreiberUtils::getMessageShortText(lastMessage(CONTENT).toMap(), this->userInformation.value(ID).toLongLong() == senderUserId()); } bool ChatListModel::ChatData::isChannel() const { return chatData.value(TYPE).toMap().value(IS_CHANNEL).toBool(); } bool ChatListModel::ChatData::isHidden() const { // Cover all enum values so that compiler warns us when/if enum gets extended switch (chatType) { case TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeBasicGroup: case TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeSupergroup: switch (memberStatus) { case TDLibWrapper::ChatMemberStatusLeft: case TDLibWrapper::ChatMemberStatusUnknown: return true; case TDLibWrapper::ChatMemberStatusCreator: case TDLibWrapper::ChatMemberStatusAdministrator: case TDLibWrapper::ChatMemberStatusMember: case TDLibWrapper::ChatMemberStatusRestricted: case TDLibWrapper::ChatMemberStatusBanned: break; } break; case TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeUnknown: case TDLibWrapper::ChatTypePrivate: case TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeSecret: break; } return false; } bool ChatListModel::ChatData::updateUnreadCount(int count) { const int prevUnreadCount(unreadCount()); chatData.insert(UNREAD_COUNT, count); return prevUnreadCount != unreadCount(); } bool ChatListModel::ChatData::updateLastReadInboxMessageId(qlonglong messageId) { const qlonglong prevLastReadInboxMessageId(lastReadInboxMessageId()); chatData.insert(LAST_READ_INBOX_MESSAGE_ID, messageId); return prevLastReadInboxMessageId != lastReadInboxMessageId(); } QVector ChatListModel::ChatData::updateLastMessage(const QVariantMap &message) { const qlonglong prevSenderUserId(senderUserId()); const qlonglong prevSenderMessageDate(senderMessageDate()); const QString prevSenderMessageText(senderMessageText()); chatData.insert(LAST_MESSAGE, message); QVector changedRoles; changedRoles.append(RoleDisplay); if (prevSenderUserId != senderUserId()) { changedRoles.append(RoleLastMessageSenderId); } if (prevSenderMessageDate != senderMessageDate()) { changedRoles.append(RoleLastMessageDate); } if (prevSenderMessageText != senderMessageText()) { changedRoles.append(RoleLastMessageText); } return changedRoles; } QVector ChatListModel::ChatData::updateGroup(const TDLibWrapper::Group *group) { QVector changedRoles; if (group && groupId == group->groupId) { const TDLibWrapper::ChatMemberStatus groupMemberStatus = group->chatMemberStatus(); if (memberStatus != groupMemberStatus) { memberStatus = groupMemberStatus; changedRoles.append(RoleChatMemberStatus); } } return changedRoles; } TDLibWrapper::ChatType ChatListModel::ChatData::chatTypeFromString(const QString &type) { return (type == TYPE_CHAT_TYPE_PRIVATE) ? TDLibWrapper::ChatTypePrivate : (type == TYPE_CHAT_TYPE_BASIC_GROUP) ? TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeBasicGroup : (type == TYPE_CHAT_TYPE_SUPERGROUP) ? TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeSupergroup : (type == TYPE_CHAT_TYPE_SECRET) ? TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeSecret : TDLibWrapper::ChatTypeUnknown; } ChatListModel::ChatListModel(TDLibWrapper *tdLibWrapper) : showHiddenChats(false) { this->tdLibWrapper = tdLibWrapper; connect(tdLibWrapper, SIGNAL(newChatDiscovered(QString, QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(handleChatDiscovered(QString, QVariantMap))); connect(tdLibWrapper, SIGNAL(chatLastMessageUpdated(QString, QString, QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(handleChatLastMessageUpdated(QString, QString, QVariantMap))); connect(tdLibWrapper, SIGNAL(chatOrderUpdated(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(handleChatOrderUpdated(QString, QString))); connect(tdLibWrapper, SIGNAL(chatReadInboxUpdated(QString, QString, int)), this, SLOT(handleChatReadInboxUpdated(QString, QString, int))); connect(tdLibWrapper, SIGNAL(chatReadOutboxUpdated(QString, QString)), this, SLOT(handleChatReadOutboxUpdated(QString, QString))); connect(tdLibWrapper, SIGNAL(messageSendSucceeded(QString, QString, QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(handleMessageSendSucceeded(QString, QString, QVariantMap))); connect(tdLibWrapper, SIGNAL(chatNotificationSettingsUpdated(QString, QVariantMap)), this, SLOT(handleChatNotificationSettingsUpdated(QString, QVariantMap))); connect(tdLibWrapper, SIGNAL(superGroupUpdated(qlonglong)), this, SLOT(handleGroupUpdated(qlonglong))); connect(tdLibWrapper, SIGNAL(basicGroupUpdated(qlonglong)), this, SLOT(handleGroupUpdated(qlonglong))); // Don't start the timer until we have at least one chat relativeTimeRefreshTimer = new QTimer(this); relativeTimeRefreshTimer->setSingleShot(false); relativeTimeRefreshTimer->setInterval(30000); connect(relativeTimeRefreshTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(handleRelativeTimeRefreshTimer())); } ChatListModel::~ChatListModel() { LOG("Destroying myself..."); qDeleteAll(chatList); qDeleteAll(hiddenChats.values()); } QHash ChatListModel::roleNames() const { QHash roles; roles.insert(ChatData::RoleDisplay, "display"); roles.insert(ChatData::RoleChatId, "chat_id"); roles.insert(ChatData::RoleChatType, "chat_type"); roles.insert(ChatData::RoleTitle, "title"); roles.insert(ChatData::RolePhotoSmall, "photo_small"); roles.insert(ChatData::RoleUnreadCount, "unread_count"); roles.insert(ChatData::RoleLastReadInboxMessageId, "last_read_inbox_message_id"); roles.insert(ChatData::RoleLastMessageSenderId, "last_message_sender_id"); roles.insert(ChatData::RoleLastMessageDate, "last_message_date"); roles.insert(ChatData::RoleLastMessageText, "last_message_text"); roles.insert(ChatData::RoleChatMemberStatus, "chat_member_status"); roles.insert(ChatData::RoleIsChannel, "is_channel"); return roles; } int ChatListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const { return chatList.size(); } QVariant ChatListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { const int row = index.row(); if (row >= 0 && row < chatList.size()) { const ChatData *data = chatList.at(row); switch ((ChatData::Role)role) { case ChatData::RoleDisplay: return data->chatData; case ChatData::RoleChatId: return data->chatId; case ChatData::RoleChatType: return data->chatType; case ChatData::RoleTitle: return data->title(); case ChatData::RolePhotoSmall: return data->photoSmall(); case ChatData::RoleUnreadCount: return data->unreadCount(); case ChatData::RoleLastReadInboxMessageId: return data->lastReadInboxMessageId(); case ChatData::RoleLastMessageSenderId: return data->senderUserId(); case ChatData::RoleLastMessageText: return data->senderMessageText(); case ChatData::RoleLastMessageDate: return data->senderMessageDate(); case ChatData::RoleChatMemberStatus: return data->memberStatus; case ChatData::RoleIsChannel: return data->isChannel(); } } return QVariant(); } void ChatListModel::redrawModel() { LOG("Enforcing UI redraw..."); layoutChanged(); } int ChatListModel::updateChatOrder(int chatIndex) { ChatData *chat = chatList.at(chatIndex); const int n = chatList.size(); int newIndex = chatIndex; while (newIndex > 0 && chat->compareTo(chatList.at(newIndex-1)) < 0) { newIndex--; } if (newIndex == chatIndex) { while (newIndex < n-1 && chat->compareTo(chatList.at(newIndex+1)) > 0) { newIndex++; } } if (newIndex != chatIndex) { LOG("Moving chat" << chat->chatId << "from position" << chatIndex << "to" << newIndex); beginMoveRows(QModelIndex(), chatIndex, chatIndex, QModelIndex(), (newIndex < chatIndex) ? newIndex : (newIndex+1)); chatList.move(chatIndex, newIndex); chatIndexMap.insert(chat->chatId, newIndex); // Update damaged part of the map const int last = qMax(chatIndex, newIndex); if (newIndex < chatIndex) { // First index is already correct for (int i = newIndex + 1; i <= last; i++) { chatIndexMap.insert(chatList.at(i)->chatId, i); } } else { // Last index is already correct for (int i = chatIndex; i < last; i++) { chatIndexMap.insert(chatList.at(i)->chatId, i); } } endMoveRows(); } else { LOG("Chat" << chat->chatId << "stays at position" << chatIndex); } return newIndex; } void ChatListModel::addVisibleChat(ChatData *chat) { const int n = chatList.size(); int pos; for (pos = 0; pos < n && chat->compareTo(chatList.at(pos)) >= 0; pos++); LOG("Adding chat" << chat->chatId << "at" << pos); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), pos, pos); chatList.insert(pos, chat); chatIndexMap.insert(chat->chatId, pos); // Update damaged part of the map for (int i = pos + 1; i <= n; i++) { chatIndexMap.insert(chatList.at(i)->chatId, i); } endInsertRows(); } void ChatListModel::updateChatVisibility(const TDLibWrapper::Group *group) { // See if any group has been removed from from view for (int i = 0; i < chatList.size(); i++) { ChatData *chat = chatList.at(i); const QVector changedRoles(chat->updateGroup(group)); if (chat->isHidden() && !showHiddenChats) { LOG("Hiding chat" << chat->chatId << "at" << i); beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), i, i); chatList.removeAt(i); // Update damaged part of the map const int n = chatList.size(); for (int pos = i; pos < n; pos++) { chatIndexMap.insert(chatList.at(pos)->chatId, pos); } i--; hiddenChats.insert(chat->chatId, chat); endRemoveRows(); } else if (!changedRoles.isEmpty()) { const QModelIndex modelIndex(index(i)); emit dataChanged(modelIndex, modelIndex, changedRoles); } } // And see if any group been added to the view const QList hiddenChatList = hiddenChats.values(); const int n = hiddenChatList.size(); for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { ChatData *chat = hiddenChatList.at(j); chat->updateGroup(group); if (!chat->isHidden() || showHiddenChats) { hiddenChats.remove(chat->chatId); addVisibleChat(chat); } } } bool ChatListModel::showAllChats() const { return showHiddenChats; } void ChatListModel::setShowAllChats(bool showAll) { if (showHiddenChats != showAll) { showHiddenChats = showAll; updateChatVisibility(Q_NULLPTR); emit showAllChatsChanged(); } } void ChatListModel::handleChatDiscovered(const QString &, const QVariantMap &chatToBeAdded) { ChatData *chat = new ChatData(chatToBeAdded, tdLibWrapper->getUserInformation()); const TDLibWrapper::Group *group = tdLibWrapper->getGroup(chat->groupId); if (group) { chat->updateGroup(group); } if (chat->isHidden()) { LOG("Hidden chat" << chat->chatId); hiddenChats.insert(chat->chatId, chat); } else { addVisibleChat(chat); // Start timestamp refresh timer when the first visible chat is discovered if (!relativeTimeRefreshTimer->isActive()) { relativeTimeRefreshTimer->start(); } } } void ChatListModel::handleChatLastMessageUpdated(const QString &id, const QString &order, const QVariantMap &lastMessage) { bool ok; const qlonglong chatId = id.toLongLong(&ok); if (ok) { if (chatIndexMap.contains(chatId)) { int chatIndex = chatIndexMap.value(chatId); LOG("Updating last message for chat" << chatId <<" at index" << chatIndex << "new order" << order); ChatData *chat = chatList.at(chatIndex); if (chat->setOrder(order)) { chatIndex = updateChatOrder(chatIndex); } const QModelIndex modelIndex(index(chatIndex)); emit dataChanged(modelIndex, modelIndex, chat->updateLastMessage(lastMessage)); emit chatChanged(chatId); } else { ChatData *chat = hiddenChats.value(chatId); if (chat) { LOG("Updating last message for hidden chat" << chatId << "new order" << order); chat->setOrder(order); chat->chatData.insert(LAST_MESSAGE, lastMessage); } } } } void ChatListModel::handleChatOrderUpdated(const QString &id, const QString &order) { bool ok; const qlonglong chatId = id.toLongLong(&ok); if (ok) { if (chatIndexMap.contains(chatId)) { LOG("Updating chat order of" << chatId << "to" << order); int chatIndex = chatIndexMap.value(chatId); if (chatList.at(chatIndex)->setOrder(order)) { updateChatOrder(chatIndex); } } else { ChatData *chat = hiddenChats.value(chatId); if (chat) { LOG("Updating order of hidden chat" << chatId << "to" << order); chat->setOrder(order); } } } } void ChatListModel::handleChatReadInboxUpdated(const QString &id, const QString &lastReadInboxMessageId, int unreadCount) { bool ok; const qlonglong chatId = id.toLongLong(&ok); if (ok) { const qlonglong messageId = lastReadInboxMessageId.toLongLong(); if (chatIndexMap.contains(chatId)) { LOG("Updating chat unread count for" << chatId << "unread messages" << unreadCount << ", last read message ID: " << lastReadInboxMessageId); const int chatIndex = chatIndexMap.value(chatId); ChatData *chat = chatList.at(chatIndex); QVector changedRoles; changedRoles.append(ChatData::RoleDisplay); if (chat->updateUnreadCount(unreadCount)) { changedRoles.append(ChatData::RoleUnreadCount); } if (chat->updateLastReadInboxMessageId(messageId)) { changedRoles.append(ChatData::RoleLastReadInboxMessageId); } const QModelIndex modelIndex(index(chatIndex)); emit dataChanged(modelIndex, modelIndex, changedRoles); } else { ChatData *chat = hiddenChats.value(chatId); if (chat) { LOG("Updating unread count for hidden chat" << chatId << "unread messages" << unreadCount << ", last read message ID: " << lastReadInboxMessageId); chat->updateUnreadCount(unreadCount); chat->updateLastReadInboxMessageId(messageId); } } } } void ChatListModel::handleChatReadOutboxUpdated(const QString &id, const QString &lastReadOutboxMessageId) { bool ok; const qlonglong chatId = id.toLongLong(&ok); if (ok) { if (chatIndexMap.contains(chatId)) { LOG("Updating last read message for" << chatId << "last ID" << lastReadOutboxMessageId); const int chatIndex = chatIndexMap.value(chatId); ChatData *chat = chatList.at(chatIndex); chat->chatData.insert(LAST_READ_OUTBOX_MESSAGE_ID, lastReadOutboxMessageId); const QModelIndex modelIndex(index(chatIndex)); emit dataChanged(modelIndex, modelIndex); } else { ChatData *chat = hiddenChats.value(chatId); if (chat) { chat->chatData.insert(LAST_READ_OUTBOX_MESSAGE_ID, lastReadOutboxMessageId); } } } } void ChatListModel::handleMessageSendSucceeded(const QString &messageId, const QString &oldMessageId, const QVariantMap &message) { bool ok; const qlonglong chatId(message.value(CHAT_ID).toLongLong(&ok)); if (ok) { if (chatIndexMap.contains(chatId)) { const int chatIndex = chatIndexMap.value(chatId); LOG("Updating last message for chat" << chatId << "at index" << chatIndex << ", as message was sent, old ID:" << oldMessageId << ", new ID:" << messageId); const QModelIndex modelIndex(index(chatIndex)); emit dataChanged(modelIndex, modelIndex, chatList.at(chatIndex)->updateLastMessage(message)); } else { ChatData *chat = hiddenChats.value(chatId); if (chat) { LOG("Updating last message for hidden chat" << chatId << ", as message was sent, old ID:" << oldMessageId << ", new ID:" << messageId); chat->chatData.insert(LAST_MESSAGE, message); } } } } void ChatListModel::handleChatNotificationSettingsUpdated(const QString &id, const QVariantMap &chatNotificationSettings) { bool ok; const qlonglong chatId = id.toLongLong(&ok); if (ok) { if (chatIndexMap.contains(chatId)) { const int chatIndex = chatIndexMap.value(chatId); LOG("Updating notification settings for chat" << chatId << "at index" << chatIndex); ChatData *chat = chatList.at(chatIndex); chat->chatData.insert(NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS, chatNotificationSettings); const QModelIndex modelIndex(index(chatIndex)); emit dataChanged(modelIndex, modelIndex); } else { ChatData *chat = hiddenChats.value(chatId); if (chat) { chat->chatData.insert(NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS, chatNotificationSettings); } } } } void ChatListModel::handleGroupUpdated(qlonglong groupId) { updateChatVisibility(tdLibWrapper->getGroup(groupId)); } void ChatListModel::handleRelativeTimeRefreshTimer() { LOG("Refreshing timestamps"); QVector roles; roles.append(ChatData::RoleLastMessageDate); emit dataChanged(index(0), index(chatList.size() - 1), roles); }