AboutPage About Fernschreiber 关于 Fernschreiber A Telegram client for Sailfish OS 一个旗鱼系统 Telegram 客户端 Send E-Mail 发送电子邮件 Licensed under GNU GPLv3 采用 GNU GPLv3 许可证 Sources on GitHub 源代码位于 GitHub Terms of Service 服务条款 Privacy Policy 隐私政策 Credits 信誉 This project uses the Telegram Database Library (TDLib). Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the Boost Software License 1.0! 该项目使用 Telegram 数据库(TDLib)。感谢使它在 Boost 软件许可证1.0下可用! Open Telegram Database Library on GitHub 打开位于 Github 的 Telegram 数据库 About Telegram 关于 Telegram This product uses the Telegram API but is not endorsed or certified by Telegram. 该项目使用 Telegram API ,但未得到 Telegram 批准或背书。 TDLib version %1 TDLib 版本%1 Logged in as %1 登录账号 %1 Phone number: +%1 电话号码:+%1 This project uses twemoji. Copyright 2018 Twitter, Inc. and other contributors. Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the MIT License (coding) and CC-BY 4.0 (graphics)! 该项目使用 twemoji 2018 Twitter, Inc. 版权所有。感谢使它在 MIT 许可证(编码)及 CC-BY 4.0(图像)许可证下可用。 Open twemoji on GitHub 打开位于 Github 的 Twemoji 页面 By Sebastian J. Wolf and <a href="https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber#contributions">other contributors</a> 开发者 Sebastian J. Wolf and <a href="https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber#contributions">其它贡献者</a> BackgroundProgressIndicator %1 % %1 % %1 %1 ChatInformationPage Unmute Chat 取消对话静音 Mute Chat 对话静音 Unknown 未知 The Invite Link has been copied to the clipboard. %1 members, %2 online %1 位成员, %2 在线 %1 subscribers %1 位订阅者 %1 members %1 位成员 Leaving chat Info group or user infotext header Phone Number user phone number header Invite Link header There is no information text available, yet. Chat Title group title header Enter 1-128 characters Leave Chat Join Chat ChatInformationTabItemMembersGroups Loading common chats… chats you have in common with a user Unknown 未知 Groups Button: groups in common (short) Members Button: Group Members Loading group members… You You don't have any groups in common with this user. This group is empty. Channel members are anonymous. ChatInformationTabItemSettings Settings Button: Chat Settings 设置 ChatListViewItem Unknown 未知 You Unmute Chat 取消对话静音 Mute Chat 对话静音 User Info Group Info Mark all messages as read ChatPage Unknown 未知 Your message 你的消息 %1 members, %2 online %1 位成员, %2 位在线 %1 members %1 位成员 %1 subscribers %1 位订阅者 Loading messages... 正在加载消息… Unmute Chat 取消对话静音 Mute Chat 对话静音 Edit Message 编辑消息 edited 已编辑 Uploading... 正在上传… This chat is empty. Leave Chat Join Chat Leaving chat You joined the chat %1 CoverPage unread message 未读消息 unread messages 未读消息 in 位于 Waiting for network... 等候网络连接… Connecting to network... 连接到网络… Connecting to proxy... 连接到代理… Connected 已连接 Updating content... 正在更新内容… chat 对话 chats 对话 DocumentPreview Download Document 下载文档 Open Document 打开文档 EditGroupChatPermissionsColumn Group Member Permissions what can normal group members do Send Messages member permission Send Media Messages member permission Send Other Messages member permission Add Web Page Previews member permission Change Chat Info member permission Invite Users member permission Pin Messages member permission New Members what can new group members do New members can see older messages member permission EditSuperGroupSlowModeColumn Slow Mode Off Set how long every chat member has to wait between Messages FernschreiberUtils sent a picture myself 发送照片 sent a picture 发送照片 sent a video myself 发送视频 sent a video 发送视频 sent an animation myself 发送动画 sent an animation 发送动画 sent a voice note 发送语言留言 sent a document myself 发送文档 sent a document 发送文档 sent a location myself 发送位置 sent a location 发送位置 have registered with Telegram myself 已注册到 Telegram has registered with Telegram 已注册到 Telegram joined this chat myself 已加入此对话 joined this chat 已加入此对话 were added to this chat myself 已经加入到此对话之中 was added to this chat 已加入到此对话 left this chat myself 离开此对话 left this chat 离开此对话 Sticker: %1 表情贴图: %1 sent a voice note myself 发送视频留言 sent a venue myself 发送地点 sent a venue 发送地点 changed the chat title myself changed the chat title sent a poll myself sent a poll sent a quiz myself sent a quiz created this group myself created this group changed the chat photo myself changed the chat photo deleted the chat photo myself deleted the chat photo changed the secret chat TTL setting myself changed the secret chat TTL setting upgraded this group to a supergroup myself changed the pinned message myself changed the pinned message created a screenshot in this chat myself created a screenshot in this chat sent an unsupported message myself sent an unsupported message sent an unsupported message: %1 upgraded this group to a supergroup sent a self-destructing photo that is expired myself sent a self-destructing video that is expired myself sent a self-destructing video that is expired sent an unsupported message: %1 myself sent a self-destructing photo that is expired ImagePage Download Picture 已下载图片 Download of %1 successful. 已成功下载 %1 。 Download failed. 下载失败。 InReplyToRow You InitializationPage OK 确认 Welcome to Fernschreiber! 欢迎使用 Fernschreiber ! Please enter your phone number to continue. 请输入你的电话号码以继续。 Continue 继续 Please enter the code that you received: 请输入你收到的验证码: Loading... 正在加载… Unable to authenticate you with the entered code. 无法使用你输入的验证码进行授权。 Enter code again 再次输入验证码 Restart authentication 重新授权 Please enter your password: 请输入你的密码: Register User 注册用户 Enter your First Name 输入你的名字 Enter your Last Name 输入你的姓氏 User Registration 用户注册 Use the international format, e.g. %1 LocationPreview Install Pure Maps to inspect this location. 安装 Pure Maps 以插入位置 MessageListViewItem Reply to Message 回复该消息 Edit Message 编辑消息 Copy Message to Clipboard Message deleted Delete Message 删除消息 You Forwarded Message 转发消息 MessageListViewItemSimple You NotificationManager %1 unread messages %1 则未读消息 OverviewPage About Fernschreiber 关于 Fernschreiber Fernschreiber Fernschreiber Waiting for network... 等候网络连接… Connecting to network... 正在连接到网络… Connecting to proxy... 正在连接到代理… Updating content... 正在更新内容… Unknown 未知 Loading chat list... 正在加载对话列表… Settings 设置 You don't have any chats yet. 你尚无任何对话。 You are already a member of this chat. PollCreationPage All answers have to contain 1-100 characters. To send a quiz, you have to specify the right answer. You have to enter a question. The question has to be shorter than 256 characters. A poll requires 2-10 answers. Create a Poll Dialog Header in %1 After dialog header… Create a Poll in [group name] Enter your question here Question (%n1 characters left) Answers Section header Enter an answer here Answer (%n1 characters left) Add an answer Poll Options Section header Anonymous answers Multiple answers allowed Quiz Mode Quizzes have one correct answer. Participants can't revoke their responses. PollPreview %L1% % of votes for option Final Result: Multiple Answers are allowed. %L1 vote(s) total number of total votes Close Poll Reset Answer PollResultsPage Quiz Results Poll Results %L1 vote(s) total number of total votes Question section header Results section header %L1 vote(s) number of votes for option %L1% % of votes for option Chosen by: This answer has been chosen by the following users %L1 vote(s) including yours number of votes for option SettingsPage Settings 设置 Behavior 状态 Send message by enter 通过回车键发送消息 Send your message by pressing the enter key 通过按压回车键发送消息 Appearance 外观 Show stickers as images 像图片那样显示表情贴图 Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images 显示表情贴图背景并像图片那样自动居中 Notification feedback 通知反馈 All events 全部事件 Only new events 仅新事件 None Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications 使用非图像反馈进行通知(例如声音及振动) Open-with menu integration Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS StickerPicker Recently used 最近使用 Loading stickers... 正在加载表情贴图… VideoPage Download Video 下载视频 Download of %1 successful. 已成功下载 %1 。 Download failed. 下载失败 functions Video: %1 视频 %1 has registered with Telegram 已注册到 Telegram Picture: %1 照片: %1 Sticker: %1 贴纸: %1 Audio: %1 音频: %1 Voice Note: %1 语音: %1 Animation: %1 动画: %1 Document: %1 文档: %1 sent a picture 发送照片 sent a video 发送视频 sent an animation 发送动画 sent an audio 发送音频 sent a voice note 发送语音留言 sent a document 发送文档 sent a location 发送位置 joined this chat 已加入对话 was added to this chat 已加入到此对话 left this chat 离开此对话 %1M %1M %1K %1K sent a venue 发送地点 sent a picture myself 发送照片 sent a video myself 发送视频 sent an animation myself 发送动画 sent an audio myself 发送音频 sent a voice note myself 发送语音 sent a document myself 发送文档 sent a location myself 发送位置 sent a venue myself 发送地点 have registered with Telegram 已注册到 Telegram joined this chat myself 已加入此对话 were added to this chat myself 已经加入到此对话之中 left this chat myself 离开此对话 was never online 完全离线 offline, last online: last month 离线,上次在线时间:上月 offline, last online: last week 离线,上次在线时间:上周 offline, last online: %1 离线,上次在线时间: %1 online 在线 offline, was recently online 离线,最近在线 Admin channel user role Banned channel user role Creator channel user role Restricted channel user role changed the chat title to %1 myself changed the chat title to %1 sent a poll myself sent a poll sent an anonymous quiz myself sent an anonymous quiz sent a quiz myself sent a quiz sent an anonymous poll myself sent an anonymous poll Anonymous Quiz Quiz Anonymous Poll Poll created this group myself created this group changed the chat photo myself changed the chat photo deleted the chat photo myself deleted the chat photo changed the secret chat TTL setting myself; TTL = Time To Live changed the secret chat TTL setting TTL = Time To Live upgraded this group to a supergroup myself changed the pinned message myself changed the pinned message created a screenshot in this chat myself created a screenshot in this chat sent an unsupported message myself sent an unsupported message sent an unsupported message: %1 myself; %1 is message type sent an unsupported message: %1 %1 is message type upgraded this group to a supergroup sent a self-destructing photo that is expired myself sent a self-destructing photo that is expired sent a self-destructing video that is expired myself sent a self-destructing video that is expired Unable to find user %1