#include "fernschreiberutils.h" #include #include FernschreiberUtils::FernschreiberUtils(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { } QString FernschreiberUtils::getMessageShortText(const QVariantMap &messageContent, const bool &myself) { if (messageContent.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } QString contentType = messageContent.value("@type").toString(); if (contentType == "messageText") { return messageContent.value("text").toMap().value("text").toString(); } if (contentType == "messageSticker") { return tr("Sticker: %1").arg(messageContent.value("sticker").toMap().value("emoji").toString()); } if (contentType == "messagePhoto") { return myself ? tr("sent a picture", "myself") : tr("sent a picture"); } if (contentType == "messageVideo") { return myself ? tr("sent a video", "myself") : tr("sent a video"); } if (contentType == "messageAnimation") { return myself ? tr("sent an animation", "myself") : tr("sent an animation"); } if (contentType == "messageAudio") { return myself ? tr("sent an audio", "myself") : tr("sent an audio"); } if (contentType == "messageVoiceNote") { return myself ? tr("sent a voice note", "myself") : tr("sent a voice note"); } if (contentType == "messageDocument") { return myself ? tr("sent a document", "myself") : tr("sent a document"); } if (contentType == "messageLocation") { return myself ? tr("sent a location", "myself") : tr("sent a location"); } if (contentType == "messageVenue") { return myself ? tr("sent a venue", "myself") : tr("sent a venue"); } if (contentType == "messageContactRegistered") { return myself ? tr("have registered with Telegram", "myself") : tr("has registered with Telegram"); } if (contentType == "messageChatJoinByLink") { return myself ? tr("joined this chat", "myself") : tr("joined this chat"); } if (contentType == "messageChatAddMembers") { return myself ? tr("were added to this chat", "myself") : tr("was added to this chat"); } if (contentType == "messageChatDeleteMember") { return myself ? tr("left this chat", "myself") : tr("left this chat"); } if (contentType == "messageChatChangeTitle") { return myself ? tr("changed the chat title", "myself") : tr("changed the chat title"); } if (contentType == "messagePoll") { if(messageContent.value("poll").toMap().value("type").toMap().value("@type").toString() == "pollTypeQuiz") { return myself ? tr("sent a quiz", "myself") : tr("sent a quiz"); } return myself ? tr("sent a poll", "myself") : tr("sent a poll"); } if (contentType == "messageBasicGroupChatCreate" || contentType == "messageSupergroupChatCreate") { return myself ? tr("created this group", "myself") : tr("created this group"); } if (contentType == "messageChatChangePhoto") { return myself ? tr("changed the chat photo", "myself") : tr("changed the chat photo"); } if (contentType == "messageChatDeletePhoto") { return myself ? tr("deleted the chat photo", "myself") : tr("deleted the chat photo"); } if (contentType == "messageChatSetTtl") { return myself ? tr("changed the secret chat TTL setting", "myself") : tr("changed the secret chat TTL setting"); } if (contentType == "messageChatUpgradeFrom" || contentType == "messageChatUpgradeTo") { return myself ? tr("upgraded this group to a supergroup", "myself") : tr("upgraded this group to a supergroup"); } if (contentType == "messageCustomServiceAction") { return messageContent.value("text").toString(); } if (contentType == "messagePinMessage") { return myself ? tr("changed the pinned message", "myself") : tr("changed the pinned message"); } if (contentType == "messageExpiredPhoto") { return myself ? tr("sent a self-destructing photo that is expired", "myself") : tr("sent a self-destructing photo that is expired"); } if (contentType == "messageExpiredVideo") { return myself ? tr("sent a self-destructing video that is expired", "myself") : tr("sent a self-destructing video that is expired"); } if (contentType == "messageScreenshotTaken") { return myself ? tr("created a screenshot in this chat", "myself") : tr("created a screenshot in this chat"); } if (contentType == "messageUnsupported") { return myself ? tr("sent an unsupported message", "myself") : tr("sent an unsupported message"); } return myself ? tr("sent an unsupported message: %1", "myself").arg(contentType.mid(7)) : tr("sent an unsupported message: %1").arg(contentType.mid(7)); }