/* Copyright (C) 2020 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors This file is part of Fernschreiber. Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Fernschreiber. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.6 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import Sailfish.Pickers 1.0 import Nemo.Thumbnailer 1.0 import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0 import "../components" import "../js/debug.js" as Debug import "../js/twemoji.js" as Emoji import "../js/functions.js" as Functions Page { id: chatPage allowedOrientations: Orientation.All backNavigation: !stickerPickerLoader.active property bool loading: true; property bool isInitialized: false; readonly property int myUserId: tdLibWrapper.getUserInformation().id; property var chatInformation; property var secretChatDetails; property alias chatPicture: chatPictureThumbnail.photoData property bool isPrivateChat: false; property bool isSecretChat: false; property bool isSecretChatReady: false; property bool isBasicGroup: false; property bool isSuperGroup: false; property bool isChannel: false; property var chatPartnerInformation; property var chatGroupInformation; property int chatOnlineMemberCount: 0; property var emojiProposals; property bool iterativeInitialization: false; readonly property bool userIsMember: ((isPrivateChat || isSecretChat) && chatInformation["@type"]) || // should be optimized (isBasicGroup || isSuperGroup) && ( (chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusMember") || (chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusAdministrator") || (chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusRestricted" && chatGroupInformation.status.is_member) || (chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusCreator" && chatGroupInformation.status.is_member) ) property var selectedMessages: [] states: [ State { name: "selectMessages" when: selectedMessages.length > 0 PropertyChanges { target: newMessageColumn visible: false opacity: 0 } PropertyChanges { target: chatNameText text: qsTr("Select Messages") } PropertyChanges { target: chatStatusText text: qsTr("%Ln messages selected", "number of messages selected", chatPage.selectedMessages.length) } PropertyChanges { target: selectedMessagesActions height: Theme.itemSizeMedium active: true opacity: 1.0//selectedMessages.length > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.5 } PropertyChanges { target: newMessageTextField focus: false } } ] function toggleMessageSelection(message) { var selectionArray = selectedMessages; var foundIndex = -1 if(selectionArray.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < selectionArray.length; i += 1) { if(selectionArray[i].id === message.id) { foundIndex = i; continue; } } } if(foundIndex > -1) { selectionArray.splice(foundIndex, 1); } else { selectionArray.push(message); } selectedMessages = selectionArray; } function updateChatPartnerStatusText() { if (chatPage.state === "selectMessages") { return } var statusText = Functions.getChatPartnerStatusText(chatPartnerInformation.status['@type'], chatPartnerInformation.status.was_online); if (chatPage.secretChatDetails) { var secretChatStatus = Functions.getSecretChatStatus(chatPage.secretChatDetails); if (statusText && secretChatStatus) { statusText += " - "; } if (secretChatStatus) { statusText += secretChatStatus; } } if (statusText) { chatStatusText.text = statusText; } } function updateGroupStatusText() { if(chatPage.state === "selectMessages") { return } if (chatOnlineMemberCount > 0) { chatStatusText.text = qsTr("%1, %2", "combination of '[x members], [y online]', which are separate translations") .arg(qsTr("%1 members", "", chatGroupInformation.member_count) .arg(Functions.getShortenedCount(chatGroupInformation.member_count))) .arg(qsTr("%1 online", "", chatOnlineMemberCount) .arg(Functions.getShortenedCount(chatOnlineMemberCount))); } else { if (isChannel) { chatStatusText.text = qsTr("%1 subscribers", "", chatGroupInformation.member_count).arg(Functions.getShortenedCount(chatGroupInformation.member_count)); } else { chatStatusText.text = qsTr("%1 members", "", chatGroupInformation.member_count).arg(Functions.getShortenedCount(chatGroupInformation.member_count)); } } joinLeaveChatMenuItem.text = chatPage.userIsMember ? qsTr("Leave Chat") : qsTr("Join Chat"); } function initializePage() { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Initializing chat page..."); chatView.currentIndex = -1; chatView.lastReadSentIndex = 0; var chatType = chatInformation.type['@type']; isPrivateChat = chatType === "chatTypePrivate"; isSecretChat = chatType === "chatTypeSecret"; isBasicGroup = ( chatType === "chatTypeBasicGroup" ); isSuperGroup = ( chatType === "chatTypeSupergroup" ); if (isPrivateChat || isSecretChat) { chatPartnerInformation = tdLibWrapper.getUserInformation(chatInformation.type.user_id); updateChatPartnerStatusText(); if (isSecretChat) { tdLibWrapper.getSecretChat(chatInformation.type.secret_chat_id); } } else if (isBasicGroup) { chatGroupInformation = tdLibWrapper.getBasicGroup(chatInformation.type.basic_group_id); updateGroupStatusText(); } else if (isSuperGroup) { chatGroupInformation = tdLibWrapper.getSuperGroup(chatInformation.type.supergroup_id); isChannel = chatGroupInformation.is_channel; updateGroupStatusText(); } if (stickerManager.needsReload()) { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Stickers will be reloaded!"); tdLibWrapper.getRecentStickers(); tdLibWrapper.getInstalledStickerSets(); stickerManager.setNeedsReload(false); } if (chatInformation.pinned_message_id.toString() !== "0") { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Loading pinned message ", chatInformation.pinned_message_id); tdLibWrapper.getMessage(chatInformation.id, chatInformation.pinned_message_id); } } function getMessageStatusText(message, listItemIndex, lastReadSentIndex, useElapsed) { var messageStatusSuffix = ""; if(!message) { return ""; } if (message.edit_date > 0) { messageStatusSuffix += " - " + qsTr("edited"); } if (chatPage.myUserId === message.sender_user_id) { messageStatusSuffix += "  " if (listItemIndex <= lastReadSentIndex) { // Read by other party messageStatusSuffix += Emoji.emojify("✅", Theme.fontSizeTiny); } else { // Not yet read by other party if (message.sending_state) { if (message.sending_state['@type'] === "messageSendingStatePending") { messageStatusSuffix += Emoji.emojify("🕙", Theme.fontSizeTiny); } else { // Sending failed... messageStatusSuffix += Emoji.emojify("❌", Theme.fontSizeTiny); } } else { messageStatusSuffix += Emoji.emojify("☑️", Theme.fontSizeTiny); } } } return ( useElapsed ? Functions.getDateTimeElapsed(message.date) : Functions.getDateTimeTranslated(message.date) ) + messageStatusSuffix; } function clearAttachmentPreviewRow() { attachmentPreviewRow.visible = false; attachmentPreviewRow.isPicture = false; attachmentPreviewRow.isVideo = false; attachmentPreviewRow.isDocument = false; attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties = {}; } function controlSendButton() { if (newMessageTextField.text.length !== 0 || attachmentPreviewRow.isPicture || attachmentPreviewRow.isDocument || attachmentPreviewRow.isVideo) { newMessageSendButton.enabled = true; } else { newMessageSendButton.enabled = false; } } function sendMessage() { if (newMessageColumn.editMessageId !== "0") { tdLibWrapper.editMessageText(chatInformation.id, newMessageColumn.editMessageId, newMessageTextField.text); } else { if (attachmentPreviewRow.visible) { if (attachmentPreviewRow.isPicture) { tdLibWrapper.sendPhotoMessage(chatInformation.id, attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.filePath, newMessageTextField.text, newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId); } if (attachmentPreviewRow.isVideo) { tdLibWrapper.sendVideoMessage(chatInformation.id, attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.filePath, newMessageTextField.text, newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId); } if (attachmentPreviewRow.isDocument) { tdLibWrapper.sendDocumentMessage(chatInformation.id, attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.filePath, newMessageTextField.text, newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId); } clearAttachmentPreviewRow(); } else { tdLibWrapper.sendTextMessage(chatInformation.id, newMessageTextField.text, newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId); } } controlSendButton(); newMessageInReplyToRow.inReplyToMessage = null; newMessageColumn.editMessageId = "0"; } function getWordBoundaries(text, cursorPosition) { var wordBoundaries = { beginIndex : 0, endIndex : text.length}; var currentIndex = 0; for (currentIndex = (cursorPosition - 1); currentIndex > 0; currentIndex--) { if (text.charAt(currentIndex) === ' ') { wordBoundaries.beginIndex = currentIndex + 1; break; } } for (currentIndex = cursorPosition; currentIndex < text.length; currentIndex++) { if (text.charAt(currentIndex) === ' ') { wordBoundaries.endIndex = currentIndex; break; } } return wordBoundaries; } function handleMessageTextReplacement(text, cursorPosition) { var wordBoundaries = getWordBoundaries(text, cursorPosition); var currentWord = text.substring(wordBoundaries.beginIndex, wordBoundaries.endIndex); if (currentWord.length > 1 && currentWord.charAt(0) === ':') { tdLibWrapper.searchEmoji(currentWord.substring(1)); } else { chatPage.emojiProposals = null; } } function replaceMessageText(text, cursorPosition, newText) { var wordBoundaries = getWordBoundaries(text, cursorPosition); var newCompleteText = text.substring(0, wordBoundaries.beginIndex) + newText + " " + text.substring(wordBoundaries.endIndex); var newIndex = wordBoundaries.beginIndex + newText.length + 1; newMessageTextField.text = newCompleteText; newMessageTextField.cursorPosition = newIndex; lostFocusTimer.start(); } function forwardMessages(fromChatId, messageIds) { forwardMessagesTimer.fromChatId = fromChatId; forwardMessagesTimer.messageIds = messageIds; forwardMessagesTimer.start(); } function hasSendPrivilege(privilege) { var groupStatus = chatGroupInformation ? chatGroupInformation.status : null var groupStatusType = groupStatus ? groupStatus["@type"] : null return chatPage.isPrivateChat || (groupStatusType === "chatMemberStatusMember" && chatInformation.permissions[privilege]) || groupStatusType === "chatMemberStatusAdministrator" || groupStatusType === "chatMemberStatusCreator" || (groupStatusType === "chatMemberStatusRestricted" && groupStatus.permissions[privilege]) || (chatPage.isSecretChat && chatPage.isSecretChatReady) } function canPinMessages() { Debug.log("Can we pin messages?"); if (chatPage.isPrivateChat || chatPage.isSecretChat) { Debug.log("Private/Secret Chat: No!"); return false; } if (chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusCreator") { Debug.log("Creator of this chat: Yes!"); return true; } if (chatPage.chatInformation.permissions.can_pin_messages) { Debug.log("All people can pin: Yes!"); return true; } if (chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusAdministrator") { Debug.log("Admin with privileges? ", chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status.can_pin_messages); return chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status.can_pin_messages; } if (chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusRestricted") { Debug.log("Restricted, but can pin messages? ", chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status.permissions.can_pin_messages); return chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status.permissions.can_pin_messages; } Debug.log("Something else: No!"); return false; } Timer { id: forwardMessagesTimer interval: 200 property string fromChatId property var messageIds onTriggered: { if(chatPage.loading) { forwardMessagesTimer.start() } else { var forwardedToSecretChat = chatInformation.type["@type"] === "chatTypeSecret"; tdLibWrapper.forwardMessages(chatInformation.id, fromChatId, messageIds, forwardedToSecretChat, false); } } } Component.onCompleted: { initializePage(); } Component.onDestruction: { tdLibWrapper.closeChat(chatInformation.id); } onStatusChanged: { switch(status) { case PageStatus.Activating: tdLibWrapper.openChat(chatInformation.id); break; case PageStatus.Active: if (!chatPage.isInitialized) { chatModel.initialize(chatInformation); pageStack.pushAttached(Qt.resolvedUrl("ChatInformationPage.qml"), { "chatInformation" : chatInformation, "privateChatUserInformation": chatPartnerInformation, "groupInformation": chatGroupInformation, "chatOnlineMemberCount": chatOnlineMemberCount}); chatPage.isInitialized = true; } break; case PageStatus.Inactive: if (pageStack.depth === 1) { // Only clear chat model if navigated back to overview page. In other cases we keep the information... chatModel.clear(); } break; } } Connections { target: tdLibWrapper onUserUpdated: { if ((isPrivateChat || isSecretChat) && chatPartnerInformation.id.toString() === userId ) { chatPartnerInformation = userInformation; updateChatPartnerStatusText(); } } onBasicGroupUpdated: { if (isBasicGroup && chatGroupInformation.id.toString() === groupId ) { chatGroupInformation = groupInformation; updateGroupStatusText(); } } onSuperGroupUpdated: { if (isSuperGroup && chatGroupInformation.id.toString() === groupId ) { chatGroupInformation = groupInformation; updateGroupStatusText(); } } onChatOnlineMemberCountUpdated: { Debug.log(isSuperGroup, "/", isBasicGroup, "/", chatInformation.id.toString(), "/", chatId); if ((isSuperGroup || isBasicGroup) && chatInformation.id.toString() === chatId) { chatOnlineMemberCount = onlineMemberCount; updateGroupStatusText(); } } onFileUpdated: { uploadStatusRow.visible = fileInformation.remote.is_uploading_active; if (uploadStatusRow.visible) { uploadingProgressBar.maximumValue = fileInformation.size; uploadingProgressBar.value = fileInformation.remote.uploaded_size; } } onEmojiSearchSuccessful: { chatPage.emojiProposals = result; } onErrorReceived: { Functions.handleErrorMessage(code, message); } onReceivedMessage: { if (messageId === chatInformation.pinned_message_id.toString()) { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Received pinned message"); pinnedMessageItem.pinnedMessage = message; } } onSecretChatReceived: { if (secretChatId === chatInformation.type.secret_chat_id.toString()) { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Received detailed information about this secret chat"); chatPage.secretChatDetails = secretChat; updateChatPartnerStatusText(); chatPage.isSecretChatReady = chatPage.secretChatDetails.state["@type"] === "secretChatStateReady"; } } onSecretChatUpdated: { if (secretChatId === chatInformation.type.secret_chat_id.toString()) { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Detailed information about this secret chat was updated"); chatPage.secretChatDetails = secretChat; updateChatPartnerStatusText(); chatPage.isSecretChatReady = chatPage.secretChatDetails.state["@type"] === "secretChatStateReady"; } } } Connections { target: chatModel onMessagesReceived: { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Messages received, view has ", chatView.count, " messages, setting view to index ", modelIndex, ", own messages were read before index ", lastReadSentIndex); if (totalCount === 0) { if (chatPage.iterativeInitialization) { chatPage.iterativeInitialization = false; Debug.log("[ChatPage] actually, skipping that: No Messages in Chat."); chatView.positionViewAtEnd(); chatPage.loading = false; return; } else { chatPage.iterativeInitialization = true; } } chatView.lastReadSentIndex = lastReadSentIndex; chatView.scrollToIndex(modelIndex); chatPage.loading = false; if (modelIndex >= (chatView.count - 10)) { chatView.inCooldown = true; chatModel.triggerLoadMoreFuture(); } if (chatView.height > chatView.contentHeight) { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Chat content quite small..."); viewMessageTimer.queueViewMessage(chatView.count - 1); } } onNewMessageReceived: { if (chatView.manuallyScrolledToBottom || message.sender_user_id === chatPage.myUserId) { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Own message received or was scrolled to bottom, scrolling down to see it..."); chatView.scrollToIndex(chatView.count - 1); } } onUnreadCountUpdated: { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Unread count updated, new count: ", unreadCount); chatInformation.unread_count = unreadCount; chatUnreadMessagesCountBackground.visible = ( !chatPage.loading && unreadCount > 0 ); chatUnreadMessagesCount.text = unreadCount > 99 ? "99+" : unreadCount; } onLastReadSentMessageUpdated: { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Updating last read sent index, new index: ", lastReadSentIndex); chatView.lastReadSentIndex = lastReadSentIndex; } onMessagesIncrementalUpdate: { Debug.log("Incremental update received. View now has ", chatView.count, " messages, view is on index ", modelIndex, ", own messages were read before index ", lastReadSentIndex); chatView.lastReadSentIndex = lastReadSentIndex; chatViewCooldownTimer.start(); } onNotificationSettingsUpdated: { chatInformation = chatModel.getChatInformation(); muteChatMenuItem.text = chatInformation.notification_settings.mute_for > 0 ? qsTr("Unmute Chat") : qsTr("Mute Chat"); } onPinnedMessageChanged: { chatInformation = chatModel.getChatInformation(); if (chatInformation.pinned_message_id.toString() !== "0") { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Loading pinned message ", chatInformation.pinned_message_id); tdLibWrapper.getMessage(chatInformation.id, chatInformation.pinned_message_id); } else { pinnedMessageItem.pinnedMessage = undefined; } } } Connections { target: chatListModel onChatJoined: { appNotification.show(qsTr("You joined the chat %1").arg(chatTitle)); } } Timer { id: lostFocusTimer interval: 200 running: false repeat: false onTriggered: { newMessageTextField.forceActiveFocus(); } } Timer { id: textReplacementTimer interval: 600 running: false repeat: false onTriggered: { handleMessageTextReplacement(newMessageTextField.text, newMessageTextField.cursorPosition); } } Timer { id: chatContactTimeUpdater interval: 60000 running: isPrivateChat || isSecretChat repeat: true onTriggered: { updateChatPartnerStatusText(); } } Timer { id: viewMessageTimer interval: 1000 property int lastQueuedIndex: -1 function queueViewMessage(index) { if (index > lastQueuedIndex) { lastQueuedIndex = index; start(); } } onTriggered: { if(chatInformation.unread_count > 0 && lastQueuedIndex > -1) { var messageToRead = chatModel.getMessage(lastQueuedIndex); if (messageToRead && messageToRead.id) { tdLibWrapper.viewMessage(chatInformation.id, messageToRead.id, false); } lastQueuedIndex = -1 } } } SilicaFlickable { id: chatContainer anchors.fill: parent contentHeight: height contentWidth: width PullDownMenu { visible: chatInformation.id !== chatPage.myUserId && !stickerPickerLoader.active && !messageOverlayLoader.active MenuItem { id: closeSecretChatMenuItem visible: chatPage.isSecretChat && chatPage.secretChatDetails.state["@type"] !== "secretChatStateClosed" onClicked: { var remorse = Remorse.popupAction(appWindow, qsTr("Closing chat"), (function(secretChatId) { return function() { tdLibWrapper.closeSecretChat(secretChatId); }; }(chatPage.secretChatDetails.id))) } text: qsTr("Close Chat") } MenuItem { id: joinLeaveChatMenuItem visible: (chatPage.isSuperGroup || chatPage.isBasicGroup) && chatGroupInformation && chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] !== "chatMemberStatusBanned" onClicked: { if (chatPage.userIsMember) { var remorse = Remorse.popupAction(appWindow, qsTr("Leaving chat"), (function(chatid) { return function() { tdLibWrapper.leaveChat(chatid); // this does not care about the response (ideally type "ok" without further reference) for now pageStack.pop(pageStack.find( function(page){ return(page._depth === 0)} )); }; }(chatInformation.id))) } else { tdLibWrapper.joinChat(chatInformation.id); } } text: chatPage.userIsMember ? qsTr("Leave Chat") : qsTr("Join Chat") } MenuItem { id: muteChatMenuItem visible: chatPage.userIsMember onClicked: { var newNotificationSettings = chatInformation.notification_settings; if (newNotificationSettings.mute_for > 0) { newNotificationSettings.mute_for = 0; } else { newNotificationSettings.mute_for = 6666666; } newNotificationSettings.use_default_mute_for = false; tdLibWrapper.setChatNotificationSettings(chatInformation.id, newNotificationSettings); } text: chatInformation.notification_settings.mute_for > 0 ? qsTr("Unmute Chat") : qsTr("Mute Chat") } } BackgroundItem { id: headerMouseArea height: headerRow.height width: parent.width onClicked: { if(chatPage.state === "selectMessages") { chatPage.selectedMessages = []; } else { pageStack.navigateForward(); } } } Column { id: chatColumn width: parent.width height: parent.height Row { id: headerRow width: parent.width - (3 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin) height: chatOverviewItem.height + ( chatPage.isPortrait ? (2 * Theme.paddingMedium) : (2 * Theme.paddingSmall) ) anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter spacing: Theme.paddingMedium Item { width: chatOverviewItem.height height: chatOverviewItem.height anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.paddingMedium : Theme.paddingSmall ProfileThumbnail { id: chatPictureThumbnail replacementStringHint: chatNameText.text width: parent.height height: parent.height // Setting it directly may cause an stale state for the thumbnail in case the chat page // was previously loaded with a picture and now it doesn't have one. Instead setting it // when the ChatModel indicates a change. This also avoids flickering when the page is loaded... Connections { target: chatModel onSmallPhotoChanged: { chatPictureThumbnail.photoData = chatModel.smallPhoto; } } } Rectangle { id: chatSecretBackground color: Theme.overlayBackgroundColor width: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.fontSizeLarge : Theme.fontSizeMedium height: width anchors.left: parent.left anchors.bottom: parent.bottom radius: parent.width / 2 visible: chatPage.isSecretChat } Image { id: chatSecretImage source: "image://theme/icon-s-secure" width: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.fontSizeSmall : Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall height: width anchors.centerIn: chatSecretBackground visible: chatPage.isSecretChat } } Item { id: chatOverviewItem width: parent.width - chatPictureThumbnail.width - Theme.paddingMedium height: chatNameText.height + chatStatusText.height anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.paddingMedium : Theme.paddingSmall Label { id: chatNameText width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width) anchors.right: parent.right text: chatInformation.title !== "" ? Emoji.emojify((chatPage.isSecretChat ? "🔒 " : "" ) + chatInformation.title, font.pixelSize) : qsTr("Unknown") textFormat: Text.StyledText font.pixelSize: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.fontSizeLarge : Theme.fontSizeMedium font.family: Theme.fontFamilyHeading color: Theme.highlightColor truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade maximumLineCount: 1 } Label { id: chatStatusText width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width) anchors { right: parent.right bottom: parent.bottom } text: "" textFormat: Text.StyledText font.pixelSize: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall : Theme.fontSizeTiny font.family: Theme.fontFamilyHeading color: headerMouseArea.pressed ? Theme.secondaryHighlightColor : Theme.secondaryColor truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade maximumLineCount: 1 } } } PinnedMessageItem { id: pinnedMessageItem onRequestShowMessage: { messageOverlayLoader.overlayMessage = pinnedMessageItem.pinnedMessage; messageOverlayLoader.active = true; } onRequestCloseMessage: { messageOverlayLoader.overlayMessage = undefined; messageOverlayLoader.active = false; } } Item { id: chatViewItem width: parent.width height: parent.height - headerRow.height - pinnedMessageItem.height - newMessageColumn.height - selectedMessagesActions.height property int previousHeight; Component.onCompleted: { previousHeight = height; } onHeightChanged: { var deltaHeight = previousHeight - height; chatView.contentY = chatView.contentY + deltaHeight; previousHeight = height; } Timer { id: chatViewCooldownTimer interval: 2000 repeat: false running: false onTriggered: { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Cooldown completed..."); chatView.inCooldown = false; } } Loader { asynchronous: true active: chatView.blurred anchors.fill: chatView sourceComponent: Component { FastBlur { source: chatView radius: Theme.paddingLarge } } } SilicaListView { id: chatView visible: !blurred property bool blurred: messageOverlayLoader.item anchors.fill: parent opacity: chatPage.loading ? 0 : 1 Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} } clip: true highlightMoveDuration: 0 highlightResizeDuration: 0 property int lastReadSentIndex: 0 property bool inCooldown: false property bool manuallyScrolledToBottom property QtObject precalculatedValues: QtObject { readonly property alias page: chatPage readonly property bool showUserInfo: page.isBasicGroup || ( page.isSuperGroup && !page.isChannel) readonly property int profileThumbnailDimensions: showUserInfo ? Theme.itemSizeSmall : 0 readonly property int pageMarginDouble: 2 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin readonly property int paddingMediumDouble: 2 * Theme.paddingMedium readonly property int entryWidth: chatView.width - pageMarginDouble readonly property int textItemWidth: entryWidth - profileThumbnailDimensions - Theme.paddingSmall readonly property int backgroundWidth: textItemWidth - pageMarginDouble readonly property int backgroundRadius: textItemWidth/50 readonly property int textColumnWidth: backgroundWidth - Theme.horizontalPageMargin readonly property int messageInReplyToHeight: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall * 2.571428571 + Theme.paddingSmall; readonly property int webPagePreviewHeight: ( (textColumnWidth * 2 / 3) + (6 * Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall) + ( 7 * Theme.paddingSmall) ) readonly property bool pageIsSelecting: chatPage.state === "selectMessages" } function handleScrollPositionChanged() { Debug.log("Current position: ", chatView.contentY); if (chatInformation.unread_count > 0) { var bottomIndex = chatView.indexAt(chatView.contentX, ( chatView.contentY + chatView.height - Theme.horizontalPageMargin )); if (bottomIndex > -1) { viewMessageTimer.queueViewMessage(bottomIndex) } } manuallyScrolledToBottom = chatView.atYEnd } function scrollToIndex(index) { if(index > 0 && index < chatView.count) { positionViewAtIndex(index, ListView.Contain) // currentIndex = index; if(index === chatView.count - 1) { manuallyScrolledToBottom = true; } } } onContentYChanged: { if (!chatPage.loading && !chatView.inCooldown) { if (chatView.indexAt(chatView.contentX, chatView.contentY) < 10) { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Trying to get older history items..."); chatView.inCooldown = true; chatModel.triggerLoadMoreHistory(); } else if (chatView.indexAt(chatView.contentX, chatView.contentY) > ( count - 10)) { Debug.log("[ChatPage] Trying to get newer history items..."); chatView.inCooldown = true; chatModel.triggerLoadMoreFuture(); } } } onMovementEnded: { handleScrollPositionChanged(); } onQuickScrollAnimatingChanged: { if (!quickScrollAnimating) { handleScrollPositionChanged(); if(atYEnd) { // handle some false guesses from quick scroll chatView.scrollToIndex(chatView.count - 2) chatView.scrollToIndex(chatView.count - 1) } } } model: chatModel readonly property var contentComponentNames: ({ messageSticker: "StickerPreview", messagePhoto: "ImagePreview", messageVideo: "VideoPreview", messageVideoNote: "VideoPreview", messageAnimation: "VideoPreview", messageAudio: "AudioPreview", messageVoiceNote: "AudioPreview", messageDocument: "DocumentPreview", messageLocation: "LocationPreview", messageVenue: "LocationPreview", messagePoll: "PollPreview" }) function getContentComponentHeight(componentName, content, parentWidth) { switch(componentName) { case "StickerPreview": return content.sticker.height; case "ImagePreview": case "LocationPreview": return parentWidth * 0.66666666; // 2 / 3; case "VideoPreview": return ( content['@type'] === "messageVideoNote" ) ? parentWidth : ( Functions.getVideoHeight(parentWidth, ( content['@type'] === "messageVideo" ) ? content.video : content.animation) ); case "AudioPreview": return parentWidth / 2; case "DocumentPreview": return Theme.itemSizeSmall; case "PollPreview": return Theme.itemSizeSmall * (4 + content.poll.options); } } readonly property var simpleDelegateMessages: ["messageBasicGroupChatCreate", "messageChatAddMembers", "messageChatChangePhoto", "messageChatChangeTitle", "messageChatDeleteMember", "messageChatDeletePhoto", "messageChatJoinByLink", "messageChatSetTtl", "messageChatUpgradeFrom", "messageChatUpgradeTo", "messageCustomServiceAction", "messagePinMessage", "messageScreenshotTaken", "messageSupergroupChatCreate", "messageUnsupported"] delegate: Loader { width: chatView.width Component { id: messageListViewItemComponent MessageListViewItem { precalculatedValues: chatView.precalculatedValues } } Component { id: messageListViewItemSimpleComponent MessageListViewItemSimple {} } sourceComponent: chatView.simpleDelegateMessages.indexOf(display.content['@type']) > -1 ? messageListViewItemSimpleComponent : messageListViewItemComponent } VerticalScrollDecorator {} ViewPlaceholder { id: chatViewPlaceholder enabled: chatView.count === 0 text: (chatPage.isSecretChat && !chatPage.isSecretChatReady) ? qsTr("This secret chat is not yet ready. Your chat partner needs to go online first.") : qsTr("This chat is empty.") } } Column { width: parent.width height: loadingLabel.height + loadingBusyIndicator.height + Theme.paddingMedium spacing: Theme.paddingMedium anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter opacity: chatPage.loading ? 1 : 0 Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} } visible: chatPage.loading InfoLabel { id: loadingLabel text: qsTr("Loading messages...") } BusyIndicator { id: loadingBusyIndicator anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter running: chatPage.loading size: BusyIndicatorSize.Large } } Item { id: chatUnreadMessagesItem width: Theme.fontSizeHuge height: Theme.fontSizeHuge anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Theme.paddingMedium anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Theme.paddingMedium Rectangle { id: chatUnreadMessagesCountBackground color: Theme.highlightBackgroundColor anchors.fill: parent radius: width / 2 visible: !chatPage.loading && chatInformation.unread_count > 0 } Text { id: chatUnreadMessagesCount font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeMedium font.bold: true color: Theme.primaryColor anchors.centerIn: chatUnreadMessagesCountBackground visible: chatUnreadMessagesCountBackground.visible text: chatInformation.unread_count > 99 ? "99+" : chatInformation.unread_count } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { chatView.scrollToIndex(chatView.count - 1 - chatInformation.unread_count) } } } Loader { id: stickerPickerLoader active: false asynchronous: true width: parent.width height: active ? parent.height : 0 source: "../components/StickerPicker.qml" } Loader { id: messageOverlayLoader property var overlayMessage; active: false asynchronous: true width: parent.width height: active ? parent.height : 0 sourceComponent: Component { MessageOverlayFlickable { overlayMessage: messageOverlayLoader.overlayMessage showHeader: !chatPage.isChannel onRequestClose: { messageOverlayLoader.active = false; } } } } } Column { id: newMessageColumn spacing: Theme.paddingSmall topPadding: Theme.paddingSmall width: parent.width - ( 2 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin ) anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter visible: chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_messages") height: visible ? implicitHeight : 0 Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} } property string replyToMessageId: "0"; property string editMessageId: "0"; InReplyToRow { onInReplyToMessageChanged: { if (inReplyToMessage) { newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId = newMessageInReplyToRow.inReplyToMessage.id.toString() newMessageInReplyToRow.visible = true; } else { newMessageInReplyToRow.visible = false; newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId = "0"; } } editable: true onClearRequested: { newMessageInReplyToRow.inReplyToMessage = null; } id: newMessageInReplyToRow myUserId: chatPage.myUserId visible: false } Row { id: attachmentOptionsRow visible: false anchors.right: parent.right width: parent.width layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft spacing: Theme.paddingMedium IconButton { visible: chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_media_messages") icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-image" onClicked: { var picker = pageStack.push("Sailfish.Pickers.ImagePickerPage"); picker.selectedContentPropertiesChanged.connect(function(){ attachmentOptionsRow.visible = false; Debug.log("Selected document: ", picker.selectedContentProperties.filePath ); attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties = picker.selectedContentProperties; attachmentPreviewRow.isPicture = true; attachmentPreviewRow.visible = true; controlSendButton(); }) } } IconButton { visible: chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_media_messages") icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-video" onClicked: { var picker = pageStack.push("Sailfish.Pickers.VideoPickerPage"); picker.selectedContentPropertiesChanged.connect(function(){ attachmentOptionsRow.visible = false; Debug.log("Selected video: ", picker.selectedContentProperties.filePath ); attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties = picker.selectedContentProperties; attachmentPreviewRow.isVideo = true; attachmentPreviewRow.visible = true; controlSendButton(); }) } } IconButton { visible: chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_media_messages") icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-document" onClicked: { var picker = pageStack.push("Sailfish.Pickers.DocumentPickerPage"); picker.selectedContentPropertiesChanged.connect(function(){ attachmentOptionsRow.visible = false; Debug.log("Selected document: ", picker.selectedContentProperties.filePath ); attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties = picker.selectedContentProperties; attachmentPreviewRow.isDocument = true; attachmentPreviewRow.visible = true; controlSendButton(); }) } } IconButton { visible: chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_other_messages") icon.source: "../../images/icon-m-sticker.svg" icon.sourceSize { width: Theme.iconSizeMedium height: Theme.iconSizeMedium } highlighted: down || stickerPickerLoader.active onClicked: { stickerPickerLoader.active = !stickerPickerLoader.active; } } IconButton { visible: !(chatPage.isPrivateChat || chatPage.isSecretChat) && chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_polls") icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-question" onClicked: { pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("../pages/PollCreationPage.qml"), { "chatId" : chatInformation.id, groupName: chatInformation.title}); attachmentOptionsRow.visible = false; } } } Row { id: attachmentPreviewRow visible: false spacing: Theme.paddingMedium width: parent.width layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft anchors.right: parent.right property bool isPicture: false; property bool isVideo: false; property bool isDocument: false; property var fileProperties:({}); IconButton { id: removeAttachmentsIconButton icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-clear" onClicked: { clearAttachmentPreviewRow(); controlSendButton(); } } Thumbnail { id: attachmentPreviewImage width: Theme.itemSizeMedium height: Theme.itemSizeMedium sourceSize.width: width sourceSize.height: height fillMode: Thumbnail.PreserveAspectCrop mimeType: typeof attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties !== "undefined" ? attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.mimeType || "" : "" source: typeof attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties !== "undefined" ? attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.url || "" : "" visible: attachmentPreviewRow.isPicture || attachmentPreviewRow.isVideo } Label { id: attachmentPreviewText font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall text: typeof attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties !== "undefined" ? attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.fileName || "" : ""; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter maximumLineCount: 1 truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade color: Theme.secondaryColor visible: attachmentPreviewRow.isDocument } } Row { id: uploadStatusRow visible: false spacing: Theme.paddingMedium width: parent.width anchors.right: parent.right Text { id: uploadingText font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall text: qsTr("Uploading...") anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter color: Theme.secondaryColor visible: uploadStatusRow.visible } ProgressBar { id: uploadingProgressBar minimumValue: 0 maximumValue: 100 value: 0 visible: uploadStatusRow.visible width: parent.width - uploadingText.width - Theme.paddingMedium } } Column { id: emojiColumn width: parent.width anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter visible: emojiProposals ? ( emojiProposals.length > 0 ? true : false ) : false opacity: emojiProposals ? ( emojiProposals.length > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) : 0 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation {} } spacing: Theme.paddingMedium Flickable { width: parent.width height: emojiResultRow.height + Theme.paddingSmall anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter contentWidth: emojiResultRow.width clip: true Row { id: emojiResultRow spacing: Theme.paddingMedium Repeater { model: emojiProposals Item { height: singleEmojiRow.height width: singleEmojiRow.width Row { id: singleEmojiRow spacing: Theme.paddingSmall Image { id: emojiPicture source: "../js/emoji/" + modelData.file_name width: Theme.fontSizeLarge height: Theme.fontSizeLarge } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { replaceMessageText(newMessageTextField.text, newMessageTextField.cursorPosition, modelData.emoji); emojiProposals = null; } } } } } } } Row { width: parent.width spacing: Theme.paddingSmall visible: newMessageColumn.editMessageId !== "0" Text { width: parent.width - Theme.paddingSmall - removeEditMessageIconButton.width anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter id: editMessageText font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall font.bold: true text: qsTr("Edit Message") color: Theme.secondaryColor } IconButton { id: removeEditMessageIconButton icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-clear" onClicked: { newMessageColumn.editMessageId = "0"; newMessageTextField.text = ""; } } } Row { id: newMessageRow width: parent.width anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter TextArea { id: newMessageTextField width: parent.width - attachmentIconButton.width - newMessageSendButton.width height: Math.min(chatContainer.height / 3, implicitHeight) anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall placeholderText: qsTr("Your message") labelVisible: false textLeftMargin: 0 textTopMargin: 0 EnterKey.onClicked: { if (appSettings.sendByEnter) { sendMessage(); newMessageTextField.text = ""; newMessageTextField.focus = false; } } EnterKey.enabled: !appSettings.sendByEnter || text.length EnterKey.iconSource: appSettings.sendByEnter ? "image://theme/icon-m-chat" : "image://theme/icon-m-enter" onTextChanged: { controlSendButton(); textReplacementTimer.restart(); } } IconButton { id: attachmentIconButton icon.source: attachmentOptionsRow.visible ? "image://theme/icon-m-attach?" + Theme.highlightColor : "image://theme/icon-m-attach?" + Theme.primaryColor anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Theme.paddingSmall enabled: !attachmentPreviewRow.visible onClicked: { if (attachmentOptionsRow.visible) { attachmentOptionsRow.visible = false; stickerPickerLoader.active = false; } else { attachmentOptionsRow.visible = true; } } } IconButton { id: newMessageSendButton icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-chat" anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Theme.paddingSmall enabled: false onClicked: { sendMessage(); newMessageTextField.text = ""; newMessageTextField.focus = false; } } } } Loader { id: selectedMessagesActions asynchronous: true active: false height: 0 opacity: 0 width: parent.width - Theme.horizontalPageMargin Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} } sourceComponent: Component { Item { clip: true IconButton { id: cancelSelectionButton anchors { left: parent.left leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-cancel" onClicked: { chatPage.selectedMessages = []; } } IconButton { id: messagesCopyButton anchors { right: messagesForwardButton.left leftMargin: Theme.paddingSmall verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } icon.source: "../../images/icon-m-copy.svg" icon.sourceSize { width: Theme.iconSizeMedium height: Theme.iconSizeMedium } onClicked: { Clipboard.text = Functions.getMessagesArrayText(chatPage.selectedMessages); appNotification.show(qsTr("%Ln messages have been copied", "", selectedMessages.length)); chatPage.selectedMessages = []; } } IconButton { id: messagesForwardButton anchors { right: messagesDeleteButton.left leftMargin: visible ? Theme.paddingSmall : 0 verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } visible: selectedMessages.every(function(message){ return message.can_be_forwarded && !chatPage.isSecretChat }) width: visible ? Theme.itemSizeMedium : 0 icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-forward" onClicked: { var ids = Functions.getMessagesArrayIds(chatPage.selectedMessages) var neededPermissions = Functions.getMessagesNeededForwardPermissions(chatPage.selectedMessages) var chatId = chatInformation.id pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("../pages/ChatSelectionPage.qml"), { myUserId: chatPage.myUserId, headerDescription: qsTr("Forward %Ln messages", "dialog header", ids.length), payload: {fromChatId: chatId, messageIds:ids, neededPermissions: neededPermissions}, state: "forwardMessages" }) } } IconButton { id: messagesDeleteButton anchors { right: parent.right leftMargin: visible ? Theme.paddingSmall : 0 verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-delete" visible: chatInformation.id === chatPage.myUserId || selectedMessages.every(function(message){ return message.can_be_deleted_for_all_users }) width: visible ? Theme.itemSizeMedium : 0 onClicked: { var ids = Functions.getMessagesArrayIds(selectedMessages); var chatId = chatInformation.id var wrapper = tdLibWrapper; Remorse.popupAction(chatPage, qsTr("%Ln Messages deleted", "", ids.length), function() { wrapper.deleteMessages(chatId, ids); }); chatPage.selectedMessages = []; } } } } } } } }