John Gibbon 703931a5a1 Add TDLibImage/TDLibThumbnail; rework Audio/VoiceNote/Document
also, again, a quick Location fix before its real turn
2021-01-17 22:38:20 +01:00

167 lines
6.5 KiB

Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Slava Monich at al.
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "tdlibwrapper.h"
class TDLibFile : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QObject* tdlib READ getTDLibWrapper WRITE setTDLibWrapper NOTIFY tdlibChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantMap fileInformation READ getFileInfo WRITE setFileInfo NOTIFY fileInfoChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool autoLoad READ isAutoLoad WRITE setAutoLoad NOTIFY autoLoadChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(int fileId READ getId NOTIFY idChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qlonglong expectedSize READ getExpectedSize NOTIFY expectedSizeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qlonglong size READ getSize NOTIFY sizeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString path READ getPath NOTIFY pathChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qlonglong downloadOffset READ getDownloadOffset NOTIFY downloadOffsetChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qlonglong downloadedPrefixSize READ getDownloadedPrefixSize NOTIFY downloadedPrefixSizeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qlonglong downloadedSize READ getDownloadedSize NOTIFY downloadedSizeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool canBeDeleted READ canBeDeleted NOTIFY canBeDeletedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool canBeDownloaded READ canBeDownloaded NOTIFY canBeDownloadedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isDownloadingActive READ isDownloadingActive NOTIFY downloadingActiveChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isDownloadingCompleted READ isDownloadingCompleted NOTIFY downloadingCompletedChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString remoteId READ getRemoteId NOTIFY remoteIdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString uniqueId READ getUniqueId NOTIFY uniqueIdChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(qlonglong uploadedSize READ getUploadedSize NOTIFY uploadedSizeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isUploadingActive READ isUploadingActive NOTIFY uploadingActiveChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool isUploadingCompleted READ isUploadingCompleted NOTIFY uploadingCompletedChanged)
enum { DownloadHoldOffMs = 1000 };
TDLibFile(TDLibWrapper *tdlib);
TDLibFile(TDLibWrapper *tdlib, const QVariantMap &fileInfo);
TDLibWrapper *getTDLibWrapper() const;
void setTDLibWrapper(QObject* obj);
const QVariantMap &getFileInfo() const;
void setFileInfo(const QVariantMap &fileInfo);
bool isAutoLoad() const;
void setAutoLoad(bool autoLoad);
int getId() const;
qlonglong getExpectedSize() const;
qlonglong getSize() const;
const QString &getPath() const;
qlonglong getDownloadOffset() const;
qlonglong getDownloadedPrefixSize() const;
qlonglong getDownloadedSize() const;
bool canBeDeleted() const;
bool canBeDownloaded() const;
bool isDownloadingActive() const;
bool isDownloadingCompleted() const;
const QString &getRemoteId() const;
const QString &getUniqueId() const;
qlonglong getUploadedSize() const;
bool isUploadingActive() const;
bool isUploadingCompleted() const;
Q_INVOKABLE bool cancel();
Q_INVOKABLE bool load();
void tdlibChanged();
void fileInfoChanged();
void autoLoadChanged();
void idChanged();
void expectedSizeChanged();
void sizeChanged();
void pathChanged();
void downloadOffsetChanged();
void downloadedPrefixSizeChanged();
void downloadedSizeChanged();
void canBeDeletedChanged();
void canBeDownloadedChanged();
void downloadingActiveChanged();
void downloadingCompletedChanged();
void remoteIdChanged();
void uniqueIdChanged();
void uploadedSizeChanged();
void uploadingActiveChanged();
void uploadingCompletedChanged();
private slots:
void handleFileUpdated(int fileId, const QVariantMap &fileInfo);
void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
void init();
void updateTDLibWrapper(TDLibWrapper* tdlib);
void updateFileInfo(const QVariantMap &fileInfo);
bool downloadFile();
void queueSignal(uint signal);
void emitQueuedSignals();
TDLibWrapper *tdLibWrapper;
uint queuedSignals;
uint firstQueuedSignal;
bool autoLoad;
int downloadHoldOffTimer;
// file
QVariantMap infoMap;
int id;
qlonglong expected_size;
qlonglong size;
// localFile
QString path;
qlonglong download_offset;
qlonglong downloaded_prefix_size;
qlonglong downloaded_size;
bool can_be_deleted;
bool can_be_downloaded;
bool is_downloading_active;
bool is_downloading_completed;
// remoteFile
QString remote_id;
QString unique_id;
qlonglong uploaded_size;
bool is_uploading_active;
bool is_uploading_completed;
inline TDLibWrapper *TDLibFile::getTDLibWrapper() const { return tdLibWrapper; }
inline const QVariantMap &TDLibFile::getFileInfo() const { return infoMap; }
inline bool TDLibFile::isAutoLoad() const { return autoLoad; }
inline int TDLibFile::getId() const { return id; }
inline qlonglong TDLibFile::getExpectedSize() const { return expected_size; }
inline qlonglong TDLibFile::getSize() const { return size; }
inline const QString &TDLibFile::getPath() const { return path; }
inline qlonglong TDLibFile::getDownloadOffset() const { return download_offset; }
inline qlonglong TDLibFile::getDownloadedPrefixSize() const { return downloaded_prefix_size; }
inline qlonglong TDLibFile::getDownloadedSize() const { return downloaded_size; }
inline bool TDLibFile::canBeDeleted() const { return can_be_deleted; }
inline bool TDLibFile::canBeDownloaded() const { return can_be_downloaded; }
inline bool TDLibFile::isDownloadingActive() const { return is_downloading_active; }
inline bool TDLibFile::isDownloadingCompleted() const { return is_downloading_completed; }
inline const QString &TDLibFile::getRemoteId() const { return remote_id; }
inline const QString &TDLibFile::getUniqueId() const { return unique_id; }
inline qlonglong TDLibFile::getUploadedSize() const { return uploaded_size; }
inline bool TDLibFile::isUploadingActive() const { return is_uploading_active; }
inline bool TDLibFile::isUploadingCompleted() const { return is_uploading_completed; }
#endif // TDLIBFILE_H