2021-01-16 00:40:02 +01:00

159 lines
5.1 KiB

Copyright (C) 2020 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0
import "../"
import "../../js/functions.js" as Functions
Column {
id: webPagePreviewColumn
property var webPageData;
property bool largerFontSize: false;
property bool highlighted
readonly property bool hasImage: picture.fileId !== 0
readonly property int fontSize: largerFontSize ? Theme.fontSizeSmall : Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall
spacing: Theme.paddingSmall
Component.onCompleted: updatePhoto()
onWebPageDataChanged: updatePhoto()
function updatePhoto() {
if (webPageData) {
if (webPageData.photo) {
// Check first which size fits best...
var photo
for (var i = 0; i < webPageData.photo.sizes.length; i++) {
photo = webPageData.photo.sizes[i].photo;
if (webPageData.photo.sizes[i].width >= webPagePreviewColumn.width) {
if (photo) {
picture.fileInformation = photo
function clicked() {
TDLibFile {
id: picture
tdlib: tdLibWrapper
autoLoad: true
MultilineEmojiLabel {
id: siteNameText
width: parent.width
rawText: webPageData.site_name ? webPageData.site_name : ""
font.pixelSize: webPagePreviewColumn.fontSize
font.bold: true
color: Theme.secondaryHighlightColor
visible: (rawText !== "")
maxLineCount: 1
MultilineEmojiLabel {
id: titleText
width: parent.width
rawText: webPageData.title ? webPageData.title : ""
font.pixelSize: webPagePreviewColumn.fontSize
font.bold: true
visible: (rawText !== "")
maxLineCount: 2
MultilineEmojiLabel {
id: descriptionText
width: parent.width
rawText: webPageData.description ? Functions.enhanceMessageText(webPageData.description) : ""
font.pixelSize: webPagePreviewColumn.fontSize
visible: (rawText !== "")
readonly property int defaultMaxLineCount: 3
maxLineCount: defaultMaxLineCount
linkColor: Theme.highlightColor
onLinkActivated: {
function toggleMaxLineCount() {
maxLineCount = maxLineCount > 0 ? 0 : defaultMaxLineCount
Item {
id: webPagePreviewImageItem
width: parent.width
height: width * 2 / 3
visible: hasImage
Image {
id: singleImage
width: parent.width - Theme.paddingSmall
height: parent.height - Theme.paddingSmall
anchors.centerIn: parent
sourceSize.width: width
sourceSize.height: height
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
autoTransform: true
asynchronous: true
source: picture.isDownloadingCompleted ? picture.path : ""
visible: opacity > 0
opacity: hasImage && status === Image.Ready ? 1 : 0
layer.enabled: webPagePreviewColumn.highlighted
layer.effect: PressEffect { source: singleImage }
Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("../../pages/ImagePage.qml"), { "photoData" : webPageData.photo, "pictureFileInformation" : picture.fileInformation });
BackgroundImage {
id: backgroundImage
visible: hasImage && singleImage.status !== Image.Ready
layer.enabled: webPagePreviewColumn.highlighted
layer.effect: PressEffect { source: backgroundImage }
Label {
width: parent.width
text: qsTr("Preview not supported for this link...")
font.pixelSize: webPagePreviewColumn.largerFontSize ? Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall : Theme.fontSizeTiny
font.italic: true
color: Theme.secondaryColor
truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
visible: !siteNameText.visible && !titleText.visible && !descriptionText.visible && !webPagePreviewImageItem.visible