Slava Monich aee027219a Don't show Reply menu item if the message can't be replied to
Also moved the handling of the Edit action to the chat page where
it's actually being handled.
2020-12-15 20:19:06 +02:00

1552 lines
71 KiB

Copyright (C) 2020 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import Sailfish.Pickers 1.0
import Nemo.Thumbnailer 1.0
import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0
import "../components"
import "../js/debug.js" as Debug
import "../js/twemoji.js" as Emoji
import "../js/functions.js" as Functions
Page {
id: chatPage
allowedOrientations: Orientation.All
backNavigation: !stickerPickerLoader.active
property bool loading: true;
property bool isInitialized: false;
readonly property int myUserId: tdLibWrapper.getUserInformation().id;
property var chatInformation;
property var secretChatDetails;
property alias chatPicture: chatPictureThumbnail.photoData
property bool isPrivateChat: false;
property bool isSecretChat: false;
property bool isSecretChatReady: false;
property bool isBasicGroup: false;
property bool isSuperGroup: false;
property bool isChannel: false;
property var chatPartnerInformation;
property var chatGroupInformation;
property int chatOnlineMemberCount: 0;
property var emojiProposals;
property bool iterativeInitialization: false;
readonly property bool userIsMember: ((isPrivateChat || isSecretChat) && chatInformation["@type"]) || // should be optimized
(isBasicGroup || isSuperGroup) && (
(chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusMember")
|| (chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusAdministrator")
|| (chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusRestricted" && chatGroupInformation.status.is_member)
|| (chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusCreator" && chatGroupInformation.status.is_member)
property var selectedMessages: []
readonly property bool isSelecting: selectedMessages.length > 0
readonly property bool canSendMessages: hasSendPrivilege("can_send_messages")
states: [
State {
name: "selectMessages"
when: isSelecting
PropertyChanges {
target: chatNameText
text: qsTr("Select Messages")
PropertyChanges {
target: chatStatusText
text: qsTr("%Ln messages selected", "number of messages selected", chatPage.selectedMessages.length)
PropertyChanges {
target: newMessageTextField
focus: false
function toggleMessageSelection(message) {
var selectionArray = selectedMessages;
var foundIndex = -1
if(selectionArray.length > 0) {
for(var i = 0; i < selectionArray.length; i += 1) {
if(selectionArray[i].id === message.id) {
foundIndex = i;
if(foundIndex > -1) {
selectionArray.splice(foundIndex, 1);
} else {
selectedMessages = selectionArray;
function updateChatPartnerStatusText() {
if (chatPage.isSelecting) {
var statusText = Functions.getChatPartnerStatusText(chatPartnerInformation.status['@type'], chatPartnerInformation.status.was_online);
if (chatPage.secretChatDetails) {
var secretChatStatus = Functions.getSecretChatStatus(chatPage.secretChatDetails);
if (statusText && secretChatStatus) {
statusText += " - ";
if (secretChatStatus) {
statusText += secretChatStatus;
if (statusText) {
chatStatusText.text = statusText;
function updateGroupStatusText() {
if (chatPage.isSelecting) {
if (chatOnlineMemberCount > 0) {
chatStatusText.text = qsTr("%1, %2", "combination of '[x members], [y online]', which are separate translations")
.arg(qsTr("%1 members", "", chatGroupInformation.member_count)
.arg(qsTr("%1 online", "", chatOnlineMemberCount)
} else {
if (isChannel) {
chatStatusText.text = qsTr("%1 subscribers", "", chatGroupInformation.member_count).arg(Functions.getShortenedCount(chatGroupInformation.member_count));
} else {
chatStatusText.text = qsTr("%1 members", "", chatGroupInformation.member_count).arg(Functions.getShortenedCount(chatGroupInformation.member_count));
joinLeaveChatMenuItem.text = chatPage.userIsMember ? qsTr("Leave Chat") : qsTr("Join Chat");
function initializePage() {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Initializing chat page...");
chatView.currentIndex = -1;
chatView.lastReadSentIndex = 0;
var chatType = chatInformation.type['@type'];
isPrivateChat = chatType === "chatTypePrivate";
isSecretChat = chatType === "chatTypeSecret";
isBasicGroup = ( chatType === "chatTypeBasicGroup" );
isSuperGroup = ( chatType === "chatTypeSupergroup" );
if (isPrivateChat || isSecretChat) {
chatPartnerInformation = tdLibWrapper.getUserInformation(chatInformation.type.user_id);
if (isSecretChat) {
else if (isBasicGroup) {
chatGroupInformation = tdLibWrapper.getBasicGroup(chatInformation.type.basic_group_id);
else if (isSuperGroup) {
chatGroupInformation = tdLibWrapper.getSuperGroup(chatInformation.type.supergroup_id);
isChannel = chatGroupInformation.is_channel;
if (stickerManager.needsReload()) {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Stickers will be reloaded!");
if (chatInformation.pinned_message_id.toString() !== "0") {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Loading pinned message ", chatInformation.pinned_message_id);
tdLibWrapper.getMessage(chatInformation.id, chatInformation.pinned_message_id);
function getMessageStatusText(message, listItemIndex, lastReadSentIndex, useElapsed) {
var messageStatusSuffix = "";
if(!message) {
return "";
if (message.edit_date > 0) {
messageStatusSuffix += " - " + qsTr("edited");
if (chatPage.myUserId === message.sender_user_id) {
messageStatusSuffix += "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
if (listItemIndex <= lastReadSentIndex) {
// Read by other party
messageStatusSuffix += Emoji.emojify("✅", Theme.fontSizeTiny);
} else {
// Not yet read by other party
if (message.sending_state) {
if (message.sending_state['@type'] === "messageSendingStatePending") {
messageStatusSuffix += Emoji.emojify("🕙", Theme.fontSizeTiny);
} else {
// Sending failed...
messageStatusSuffix += Emoji.emojify("❌", Theme.fontSizeTiny);
} else {
messageStatusSuffix += Emoji.emojify("☑️", Theme.fontSizeTiny);
return ( useElapsed ? Functions.getDateTimeElapsed(message.date) : Functions.getDateTimeTranslated(message.date) ) + messageStatusSuffix;
function clearAttachmentPreviewRow() {
attachmentPreviewRow.visible = false;
attachmentPreviewRow.isPicture = false;
attachmentPreviewRow.isVideo = false;
attachmentPreviewRow.isDocument = false;
attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties = {};
function controlSendButton() {
if (newMessageTextField.text.length !== 0
|| attachmentPreviewRow.isPicture
|| attachmentPreviewRow.isDocument
|| attachmentPreviewRow.isVideo) {
newMessageSendButton.enabled = true;
} else {
newMessageSendButton.enabled = false;
function sendMessage() {
if (newMessageColumn.editMessageId !== "0") {
tdLibWrapper.editMessageText(chatInformation.id, newMessageColumn.editMessageId, newMessageTextField.text);
} else {
if (attachmentPreviewRow.visible) {
if (attachmentPreviewRow.isPicture) {
tdLibWrapper.sendPhotoMessage(chatInformation.id, attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.filePath, newMessageTextField.text, newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId);
if (attachmentPreviewRow.isVideo) {
tdLibWrapper.sendVideoMessage(chatInformation.id, attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.filePath, newMessageTextField.text, newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId);
if (attachmentPreviewRow.isDocument) {
tdLibWrapper.sendDocumentMessage(chatInformation.id, attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.filePath, newMessageTextField.text, newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId);
} else {
tdLibWrapper.sendTextMessage(chatInformation.id, newMessageTextField.text, newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId);
newMessageInReplyToRow.inReplyToMessage = null;
newMessageColumn.editMessageId = "0";
function getWordBoundaries(text, cursorPosition) {
var wordBoundaries = { beginIndex : 0, endIndex : text.length};
var currentIndex = 0;
for (currentIndex = (cursorPosition - 1); currentIndex > 0; currentIndex--) {
if (text.charAt(currentIndex) === ' ') {
wordBoundaries.beginIndex = currentIndex + 1;
for (currentIndex = cursorPosition; currentIndex < text.length; currentIndex++) {
if (text.charAt(currentIndex) === ' ') {
wordBoundaries.endIndex = currentIndex;
return wordBoundaries;
function handleMessageTextReplacement(text, cursorPosition) {
var wordBoundaries = getWordBoundaries(text, cursorPosition);
var currentWord = text.substring(wordBoundaries.beginIndex, wordBoundaries.endIndex);
if (currentWord.length > 1 && currentWord.charAt(0) === ':') {
} else {
chatPage.emojiProposals = null;
if (currentWord.length > 1 && currentWord.charAt(0) === '@') {
knownUsersRepeater.model = knownUsersProxyModel;
knownUsersProxyModel.setFilterWildcard("*" + currentWord.substring(1) + "*");
} else {
knownUsersRepeater.model = undefined;
function replaceMessageText(text, cursorPosition, newText) {
var wordBoundaries = getWordBoundaries(text, cursorPosition);
var newCompleteText = text.substring(0, wordBoundaries.beginIndex) + newText + " " + text.substring(wordBoundaries.endIndex);
var newIndex = wordBoundaries.beginIndex + newText.length + 1;
newMessageTextField.text = newCompleteText;
newMessageTextField.cursorPosition = newIndex;
function forwardMessages(fromChatId, messageIds) {
forwardMessagesTimer.fromChatId = fromChatId;
forwardMessagesTimer.messageIds = messageIds;
function hasSendPrivilege(privilege) {
var groupStatus = chatGroupInformation ? chatGroupInformation.status : null
var groupStatusType = groupStatus ? groupStatus["@type"] : null
return chatPage.isPrivateChat
|| (groupStatusType === "chatMemberStatusMember" && chatInformation.permissions[privilege])
|| groupStatusType === "chatMemberStatusAdministrator"
|| groupStatusType === "chatMemberStatusCreator"
|| (groupStatusType === "chatMemberStatusRestricted" && groupStatus.permissions[privilege])
|| (chatPage.isSecretChat && chatPage.isSecretChatReady)
function canPinMessages() {
Debug.log("Can we pin messages?");
if (chatPage.isPrivateChat || chatPage.isSecretChat) {
Debug.log("Private/Secret Chat: No!");
return false;
if (chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusCreator") {
Debug.log("Creator of this chat: Yes!");
return true;
if (chatPage.chatInformation.permissions.can_pin_messages) {
Debug.log("All people can pin: Yes!");
return true;
if (chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusAdministrator") {
Debug.log("Admin with privileges? ", chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status.can_pin_messages);
return chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status.can_pin_messages;
if (chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] === "chatMemberStatusRestricted") {
Debug.log("Restricted, but can pin messages? ", chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status.permissions.can_pin_messages);
return chatPage.chatGroupInformation.status.permissions.can_pin_messages;
Debug.log("Something else: No!");
return false;
Timer {
id: forwardMessagesTimer
interval: 200
property string fromChatId
property var messageIds
onTriggered: {
if(chatPage.loading) {
} else {
var forwardedToSecretChat = chatInformation.type["@type"] === "chatTypeSecret";
tdLibWrapper.forwardMessages(chatInformation.id, fromChatId, messageIds, forwardedToSecretChat, false);
Component.onCompleted: {
Component.onDestruction: {
onStatusChanged: {
switch(status) {
case PageStatus.Activating:
case PageStatus.Active:
if (!chatPage.isInitialized) {
pageStack.pushAttached(Qt.resolvedUrl("ChatInformationPage.qml"), { "chatInformation" : chatInformation, "privateChatUserInformation": chatPartnerInformation, "groupInformation": chatGroupInformation, "chatOnlineMemberCount": chatOnlineMemberCount});
chatPage.isInitialized = true;
case PageStatus.Inactive:
if (pageStack.depth === 1) {
// Only clear chat model if navigated back to overview page. In other cases we keep the information...
Connections {
target: tdLibWrapper
onUserUpdated: {
if ((isPrivateChat || isSecretChat) && chatPartnerInformation.id.toString() === userId ) {
chatPartnerInformation = userInformation;
onBasicGroupUpdated: {
if (isBasicGroup && chatGroupInformation.id.toString() === groupId ) {
chatGroupInformation = groupInformation;
onSuperGroupUpdated: {
if (isSuperGroup && chatGroupInformation.id.toString() === groupId ) {
chatGroupInformation = groupInformation;
onChatOnlineMemberCountUpdated: {
Debug.log(isSuperGroup, "/", isBasicGroup, "/", chatInformation.id.toString(), "/", chatId);
if ((isSuperGroup || isBasicGroup) && chatInformation.id.toString() === chatId) {
chatOnlineMemberCount = onlineMemberCount;
onFileUpdated: {
uploadStatusRow.visible = fileInformation.remote.is_uploading_active;
if (uploadStatusRow.visible) {
uploadingProgressBar.maximumValue = fileInformation.size;
uploadingProgressBar.value = fileInformation.remote.uploaded_size;
onEmojiSearchSuccessful: {
chatPage.emojiProposals = result;
onErrorReceived: {
Functions.handleErrorMessage(code, message);
onReceivedMessage: {
if (messageId === chatInformation.pinned_message_id.toString()) {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Received pinned message");
pinnedMessageItem.pinnedMessage = message;
onSecretChatReceived: {
if (secretChatId === chatInformation.type.secret_chat_id) {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Received detailed information about this secret chat");
chatPage.secretChatDetails = secretChat;
chatPage.isSecretChatReady = chatPage.secretChatDetails.state["@type"] === "secretChatStateReady";
onSecretChatUpdated: {
if (secretChatId.toString() === chatInformation.type.secret_chat_id.toString()) {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Detailed information about this secret chat was updated");
chatPage.secretChatDetails = secretChat;
chatPage.isSecretChatReady = chatPage.secretChatDetails.state["@type"] === "secretChatStateReady";
Connections {
target: chatModel
onMessagesReceived: {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Messages received, view has ", chatView.count, " messages, setting view to index ", modelIndex, ", own messages were read before index ", lastReadSentIndex);
if (totalCount === 0) {
if (chatPage.iterativeInitialization) {
chatPage.iterativeInitialization = false;
Debug.log("[ChatPage] actually, skipping that: No Messages in Chat.");
chatPage.loading = false;
} else {
chatPage.iterativeInitialization = true;
chatView.lastReadSentIndex = lastReadSentIndex;
chatPage.loading = false;
if (modelIndex >= (chatView.count - 10)) {
chatView.inCooldown = true;
if (chatView.height > chatView.contentHeight) {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Chat content quite small...");
viewMessageTimer.queueViewMessage(chatView.count - 1);
onNewMessageReceived: {
if (chatView.manuallyScrolledToBottom || message.sender_user_id === chatPage.myUserId) {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Own message received or was scrolled to bottom, scrolling down to see it...");
chatView.scrollToIndex(chatView.count - 1);
onUnreadCountUpdated: {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Unread count updated, new count: ", unreadCount);
chatInformation.unread_count = unreadCount;
chatUnreadMessagesCountBackground.visible = ( !chatPage.loading && unreadCount > 0 );
chatUnreadMessagesCount.text = unreadCount > 99 ? "99+" : unreadCount;
onLastReadSentMessageUpdated: {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Updating last read sent index, new index: ", lastReadSentIndex);
chatView.lastReadSentIndex = lastReadSentIndex;
onMessagesIncrementalUpdate: {
Debug.log("Incremental update received. View now has ", chatView.count, " messages, view is on index ", modelIndex, ", own messages were read before index ", lastReadSentIndex);
chatView.lastReadSentIndex = lastReadSentIndex;
onNotificationSettingsUpdated: {
chatInformation = chatModel.getChatInformation();
muteChatMenuItem.text = chatInformation.notification_settings.mute_for > 0 ? qsTr("Unmute Chat") : qsTr("Mute Chat");
onPinnedMessageChanged: {
chatInformation = chatModel.getChatInformation();
if (chatInformation.pinned_message_id.toString() !== "0") {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Loading pinned message ", chatInformation.pinned_message_id);
tdLibWrapper.getMessage(chatInformation.id, chatInformation.pinned_message_id);
} else {
pinnedMessageItem.pinnedMessage = undefined;
Connections {
target: chatListModel
onChatJoined: {
appNotification.show(qsTr("You joined the chat %1").arg(chatTitle));
Timer {
id: lostFocusTimer
interval: 200
running: false
repeat: false
onTriggered: {
Timer {
id: textReplacementTimer
interval: 600
running: false
repeat: false
onTriggered: {
handleMessageTextReplacement(newMessageTextField.text, newMessageTextField.cursorPosition);
Timer {
id: chatContactTimeUpdater
interval: 60000
running: isPrivateChat || isSecretChat
repeat: true
onTriggered: {
Timer {
id: viewMessageTimer
interval: 1000
property int lastQueuedIndex: -1
function queueViewMessage(index) {
if (index > lastQueuedIndex) {
lastQueuedIndex = index;
onTriggered: {
if(chatInformation.unread_count > 0 && lastQueuedIndex > -1) {
var messageToRead = chatModel.getMessage(lastQueuedIndex);
if (messageToRead && messageToRead.id) {
tdLibWrapper.viewMessage(chatInformation.id, messageToRead.id, false);
lastQueuedIndex = -1
SilicaFlickable {
id: chatContainer
onContentYChanged: {
// For some strange reason contentY sometimes is > 0 which doesn't make sense without a PushUpMenu (?)
// That leads to the problem that the whole flickable is moved slightly (or sometimes considerably) up
// which creates UX issues... As a workaround we are setting it to 0 in such cases.
// Better solutions are highly appreciated, contributions always welcome! ;)
if (contentY > 0) {
contentY = 0;
anchors.fill: parent
contentHeight: height
contentWidth: width
PullDownMenu {
visible: chatInformation.id !== chatPage.myUserId && !stickerPickerLoader.active && !messageOverlayLoader.active
MenuItem {
id: closeSecretChatMenuItem
visible: chatPage.isSecretChat && chatPage.secretChatDetails.state["@type"] !== "secretChatStateClosed"
onClicked: {
var secretChatId = chatPage.secretChatDetails.id;
Remorse.popupAction(chatPage, qsTr("Closing chat"), function() { tdLibWrapper.closeSecretChat(secretChatId) });
text: qsTr("Close Chat")
MenuItem {
id: joinLeaveChatMenuItem
visible: (chatPage.isSuperGroup || chatPage.isBasicGroup) && chatGroupInformation && chatGroupInformation.status["@type"] !== "chatMemberStatusBanned"
onClicked: {
if (chatPage.userIsMember) {
var chatId = chatInformation.id;
Remorse.popupAction(chatPage, qsTr("Leaving chat"), function() {
// this does not care about the response (ideally type "ok" without further reference) for now
pageStack.pop(pageStack.find( function(page){ return(page._depth === 0)} ));
} else {
text: chatPage.userIsMember ? qsTr("Leave Chat") : qsTr("Join Chat")
MenuItem {
id: muteChatMenuItem
visible: chatPage.userIsMember
onClicked: {
var newNotificationSettings = chatInformation.notification_settings;
if (newNotificationSettings.mute_for > 0) {
newNotificationSettings.mute_for = 0;
} else {
newNotificationSettings.mute_for = 6666666;
newNotificationSettings.use_default_mute_for = false;
tdLibWrapper.setChatNotificationSettings(chatInformation.id, newNotificationSettings);
text: chatInformation.notification_settings.mute_for > 0 ? qsTr("Unmute Chat") : qsTr("Mute Chat")
BackgroundItem {
id: headerMouseArea
height: headerRow.height
width: parent.width
onClicked: {
if (chatPage.isSelecting) {
chatPage.selectedMessages = [];
} else {
Column {
id: chatColumn
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
Row {
id: headerRow
width: parent.width - (3 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin)
height: chatOverviewItem.height + ( chatPage.isPortrait ? (2 * Theme.paddingMedium) : (2 * Theme.paddingSmall) )
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
Item {
width: chatOverviewItem.height
height: chatOverviewItem.height
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.paddingMedium : Theme.paddingSmall
ProfileThumbnail {
id: chatPictureThumbnail
replacementStringHint: chatNameText.text
width: parent.height
height: parent.height
// Setting it directly may cause an stale state for the thumbnail in case the chat page
// was previously loaded with a picture and now it doesn't have one. Instead setting it
// when the ChatModel indicates a change. This also avoids flickering when the page is loaded...
Connections {
target: chatModel
onSmallPhotoChanged: {
chatPictureThumbnail.photoData = chatModel.smallPhoto;
Rectangle {
id: chatSecretBackground
color: Theme.overlayBackgroundColor
width: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.fontSizeLarge : Theme.fontSizeMedium
height: width
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
radius: parent.width / 2
visible: chatPage.isSecretChat
Image {
source: "image://theme/icon-s-secure"
width: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.fontSizeSmall : Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall
height: width
anchors.centerIn: chatSecretBackground
visible: chatPage.isSecretChat
Item {
id: chatOverviewItem
width: parent.width - chatPictureThumbnail.width - Theme.paddingMedium
height: chatNameText.height + chatStatusText.height
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.paddingMedium : Theme.paddingSmall
Label {
id: chatNameText
width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width)
anchors.right: parent.right
text: chatInformation.title !== "" ? Emoji.emojify(chatInformation.title, font.pixelSize) : qsTr("Unknown")
textFormat: Text.StyledText
font.pixelSize: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.fontSizeLarge : Theme.fontSizeMedium
font.family: Theme.fontFamilyHeading
color: Theme.highlightColor
truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
maximumLineCount: 1
Label {
id: chatStatusText
width: Math.min(implicitWidth, parent.width)
anchors {
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom
text: ""
textFormat: Text.StyledText
font.pixelSize: chatPage.isPortrait ? Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall : Theme.fontSizeTiny
font.family: Theme.fontFamilyHeading
color: headerMouseArea.pressed ? Theme.secondaryHighlightColor : Theme.secondaryColor
truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
maximumLineCount: 1
PinnedMessageItem {
id: pinnedMessageItem
onRequestShowMessage: {
messageOverlayLoader.overlayMessage = pinnedMessageItem.pinnedMessage;
messageOverlayLoader.active = true;
onRequestCloseMessage: {
messageOverlayLoader.overlayMessage = undefined;
messageOverlayLoader.active = false;
Item {
id: chatViewItem
width: parent.width
height: parent.height - headerRow.height - pinnedMessageItem.height - newMessageColumn.height - selectedMessagesActions.height
property int previousHeight;
Component.onCompleted: {
previousHeight = height;
onHeightChanged: {
var deltaHeight = previousHeight - height;
chatView.contentY = chatView.contentY + deltaHeight;
previousHeight = height;
Timer {
id: chatViewCooldownTimer
interval: 2000
repeat: false
running: false
onTriggered: {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Cooldown completed...");
chatView.inCooldown = false;
Loader {
asynchronous: true
active: chatView.blurred
anchors.fill: chatView
sourceComponent: Component {
FastBlur {
source: chatView
radius: Theme.paddingLarge
SilicaListView {
id: chatView
visible: !blurred
property bool blurred: messageOverlayLoader.item
anchors.fill: parent
opacity: chatPage.loading ? 0 : 1
Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} }
clip: true
highlightMoveDuration: 0
highlightResizeDuration: 0
property int lastReadSentIndex: 0
property bool inCooldown: false
property bool manuallyScrolledToBottom
property QtObject precalculatedValues: QtObject {
readonly property alias page: chatPage
readonly property bool showUserInfo: page.isBasicGroup || ( page.isSuperGroup && !page.isChannel)
readonly property int profileThumbnailDimensions: showUserInfo ? Theme.itemSizeSmall : 0
readonly property int pageMarginDouble: 2 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin
readonly property int paddingMediumDouble: 2 * Theme.paddingMedium
readonly property int entryWidth: chatView.width - pageMarginDouble
readonly property int textItemWidth: entryWidth - profileThumbnailDimensions - Theme.paddingSmall
readonly property int backgroundWidth: textItemWidth - pageMarginDouble
readonly property int backgroundRadius: textItemWidth/50
readonly property int textColumnWidth: backgroundWidth - Theme.horizontalPageMargin
readonly property int messageInReplyToHeight: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall * 2.571428571 + Theme.paddingSmall;
readonly property int webPagePreviewHeight: ( (textColumnWidth * 2 / 3) + (6 * Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall) + ( 7 * Theme.paddingSmall) )
readonly property bool pageIsSelecting: chatPage.isSelecting
function handleScrollPositionChanged() {
Debug.log("Current position: ", chatView.contentY);
if (chatInformation.unread_count > 0) {
var bottomIndex = chatView.indexAt(chatView.contentX, ( chatView.contentY + chatView.height - Theme.horizontalPageMargin ));
if (bottomIndex > -1) {
manuallyScrolledToBottom = chatView.atYEnd
function scrollToIndex(index) {
if(index > 0 && index < chatView.count) {
positionViewAtIndex(index, ListView.Contain)
// currentIndex = index;
if(index === chatView.count - 1) {
manuallyScrolledToBottom = true;
onContentYChanged: {
if (!chatPage.loading && !chatView.inCooldown) {
if (chatView.indexAt(chatView.contentX, chatView.contentY) < 10) {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Trying to get older history items...");
chatView.inCooldown = true;
} else if (chatView.indexAt(chatView.contentX, chatView.contentY) > ( count - 10)) {
Debug.log("[ChatPage] Trying to get newer history items...");
chatView.inCooldown = true;
onMovementEnded: {
onQuickScrollAnimatingChanged: {
if (!quickScrollAnimating) {
if(atYEnd) { // handle some false guesses from quick scroll
chatView.scrollToIndex(chatView.count - 2)
chatView.scrollToIndex(chatView.count - 1)
model: chatModel
readonly property var contentComponentNames: ({
messageSticker: "StickerPreview",
messagePhoto: "ImagePreview",
messageVideo: "VideoPreview",
messageVideoNote: "VideoPreview",
messageAnimation: "VideoPreview",
messageAudio: "AudioPreview",
messageVoiceNote: "AudioPreview",
messageDocument: "DocumentPreview",
messageLocation: "LocationPreview",
messageVenue: "LocationPreview",
messagePoll: "PollPreview"
function getContentComponentHeight(componentName, content, parentWidth) {
switch(componentName) {
case "StickerPreview": return content.sticker.height;
case "ImagePreview":
case "LocationPreview":
return parentWidth * 0.66666666; // 2 / 3;
case "VideoPreview":
return ( content['@type'] === "messageVideoNote" ) ? parentWidth : ( Functions.getVideoHeight(parentWidth, ( content['@type'] === "messageVideo" ) ? content.video : content.animation) );
case "AudioPreview":
return parentWidth / 2;
case "DocumentPreview":
return Theme.itemSizeSmall;
case "PollPreview":
return Theme.itemSizeSmall * (4 + content.poll.options);
readonly property var simpleDelegateMessages: ["messageBasicGroupChatCreate",
delegate: Loader {
width: chatView.width
Component {
id: messageListViewItemComponent
MessageListViewItem {
precalculatedValues: chatView.precalculatedValues
chatId: chatModel.chatId
myMessage: model.display
messageId: model.message_id
extraContentComponentName: chatView.contentComponentNames[model.content_type]
canReplyToMessage: chatPage.canSendMessages
onReplyToMessage: {
newMessageInReplyToRow.inReplyToMessage = myMessage
newMessageTextField.focus = true
onEditMessage: {
newMessageColumn.editMessageId = messageId
newMessageTextField.text = Functions.getMessageText(myMessage, false, false, true)
newMessageTextField.focus = true
Component {
id: messageListViewItemSimpleComponent
MessageListViewItemSimple {}
sourceComponent: chatView.simpleDelegateMessages.indexOf(model.content_type) > -1 ? messageListViewItemSimpleComponent : messageListViewItemComponent
VerticalScrollDecorator {}
ViewPlaceholder {
id: chatViewPlaceholder
enabled: chatView.count === 0
text: (chatPage.isSecretChat && !chatPage.isSecretChatReady) ? qsTr("This secret chat is not yet ready. Your chat partner needs to go online first.") : qsTr("This chat is empty.")
Column {
width: parent.width
height: loadingLabel.height + loadingBusyIndicator.height + Theme.paddingMedium
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
opacity: chatPage.loading ? 1 : 0
Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} }
visible: chatPage.loading
InfoLabel {
id: loadingLabel
text: qsTr("Loading messages...")
BusyIndicator {
id: loadingBusyIndicator
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
running: chatPage.loading
size: BusyIndicatorSize.Large
Item {
id: chatUnreadMessagesItem
width: Theme.fontSizeHuge
height: Theme.fontSizeHuge
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: Theme.paddingMedium
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: Theme.paddingMedium
Rectangle {
id: chatUnreadMessagesCountBackground
color: Theme.highlightBackgroundColor
anchors.fill: parent
radius: width / 2
visible: !chatPage.loading && chatInformation.unread_count > 0
Text {
id: chatUnreadMessagesCount
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeMedium
font.bold: true
color: Theme.primaryColor
anchors.centerIn: chatUnreadMessagesCountBackground
visible: chatUnreadMessagesCountBackground.visible
text: chatInformation.unread_count > 99 ? "99+" : chatInformation.unread_count
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
chatView.scrollToIndex(chatView.count - 1 - chatInformation.unread_count)
Loader {
id: stickerPickerLoader
active: false
asynchronous: true
width: parent.width
height: active ? parent.height : 0
source: "../components/StickerPicker.qml"
Connections {
target: stickerPickerLoader.item
onStickerPicked: {
Debug.log("Sticker picked: " + stickerId);
tdLibWrapper.sendStickerMessage(chatInformation.id, stickerId);
stickerPickerLoader.active = false;
attachmentOptionsRow.isNeeded = false;
Loader {
id: messageOverlayLoader
property var overlayMessage;
active: false
asynchronous: true
width: parent.width
height: active ? parent.height : 0
sourceComponent: Component {
MessageOverlayFlickable {
overlayMessage: messageOverlayLoader.overlayMessage
showHeader: !chatPage.isChannel
onRequestClose: {
messageOverlayLoader.active = false;
Column {
id: newMessageColumn
spacing: Theme.paddingSmall
topPadding: Theme.paddingSmall
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
clip: true
visible: height > 0
width: parent.width - ( 2 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin )
height: isNeeded ? implicitHeight : 0
Behavior on height { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 200 } }
readonly property bool isNeeded: !chatPage.isSelecting && chatPage.canSendMessages
property string replyToMessageId: "0";
property string editMessageId: "0";
InReplyToRow {
onInReplyToMessageChanged: {
if (inReplyToMessage) {
newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId = newMessageInReplyToRow.inReplyToMessage.id.toString()
newMessageInReplyToRow.visible = true;
} else {
newMessageInReplyToRow.visible = false;
newMessageColumn.replyToMessageId = "0";
editable: true
onClearRequested: {
newMessageInReplyToRow.inReplyToMessage = null;
id: newMessageInReplyToRow
myUserId: chatPage.myUserId
visible: false
Row {
id: attachmentOptionsRow
property bool isNeeded: false
visible: height > 0
height: isNeeded ? implicitHeight : 0
anchors.right: parent.right
width: parent.width
layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
clip: true
Behavior on height { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 200 } }
IconButton {
visible: chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_media_messages")
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-image"
onClicked: {
var picker = pageStack.push("Sailfish.Pickers.ImagePickerPage", {
allowedOrientations: chatPage.allowedOrientations
attachmentOptionsRow.isNeeded = false;
Debug.log("Selected document: ", picker.selectedContentProperties.filePath );
attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties = picker.selectedContentProperties;
attachmentPreviewRow.isPicture = true;
attachmentPreviewRow.visible = true;
IconButton {
visible: chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_media_messages")
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-video"
onClicked: {
var picker = pageStack.push("Sailfish.Pickers.VideoPickerPage", {
allowedOrientations: chatPage.allowedOrientations
attachmentOptionsRow.isNeeded = false;
Debug.log("Selected video: ", picker.selectedContentProperties.filePath );
attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties = picker.selectedContentProperties;
attachmentPreviewRow.isVideo = true;
attachmentPreviewRow.visible = true;
IconButton {
visible: chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_media_messages")
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-document"
onClicked: {
var picker = pageStack.push("Sailfish.Pickers.FilePickerPage", {
allowedOrientations: chatPage.allowedOrientations
attachmentOptionsRow.isNeeded = false;
Debug.log("Selected document: ", picker.selectedContentProperties.filePath );
attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties = picker.selectedContentProperties;
attachmentPreviewRow.isDocument = true;
attachmentPreviewRow.visible = true;
IconButton {
visible: chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_other_messages")
icon.source: "../../images/icon-m-sticker.svg"
icon.sourceSize {
width: Theme.iconSizeMedium
height: Theme.iconSizeMedium
highlighted: down || stickerPickerLoader.active
onClicked: {
stickerPickerLoader.active = !stickerPickerLoader.active;
IconButton {
visible: !(chatPage.isPrivateChat || chatPage.isSecretChat) && chatPage.hasSendPrivilege("can_send_polls")
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-question"
onClicked: {
pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("../pages/PollCreationPage.qml"), { "chatId" : chatInformation.id, groupName: chatInformation.title});
attachmentOptionsRow.isNeeded = false;
Row {
id: attachmentPreviewRow
visible: false
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
width: parent.width
layoutDirection: Qt.RightToLeft
anchors.right: parent.right
property bool isPicture: false;
property bool isVideo: false;
property bool isDocument: false;
property var fileProperties:({});
IconButton {
id: removeAttachmentsIconButton
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-clear"
onClicked: {
Thumbnail {
id: attachmentPreviewImage
width: Theme.itemSizeMedium
height: Theme.itemSizeMedium
sourceSize.width: width
sourceSize.height: height
fillMode: Thumbnail.PreserveAspectCrop
mimeType: typeof attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties !== "undefined" ? attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.mimeType || "" : ""
source: typeof attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties !== "undefined" ? attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.url || "" : ""
visible: attachmentPreviewRow.isPicture || attachmentPreviewRow.isVideo
Label {
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text: typeof attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties !== "undefined" ? attachmentPreviewRow.fileProperties.fileName || "" : "";
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maximumLineCount: 1
truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
color: Theme.secondaryColor
visible: attachmentPreviewRow.isDocument
Row {
id: uploadStatusRow
visible: false
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
width: parent.width
anchors.right: parent.right
Text {
id: uploadingText
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall
text: qsTr("Uploading...")
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
color: Theme.secondaryColor
visible: uploadStatusRow.visible
ProgressBar {
id: uploadingProgressBar
minimumValue: 0
maximumValue: 100
value: 0
visible: uploadStatusRow.visible
width: parent.width - uploadingText.width - Theme.paddingMedium
Column {
id: emojiColumn
width: parent.width
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
visible: emojiProposals ? ( emojiProposals.length > 0 ? true : false ) : false
opacity: emojiProposals ? ( emojiProposals.length > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) : 0
Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation {} }
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
Flickable {
width: parent.width
height: emojiResultRow.height + Theme.paddingSmall
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
contentWidth: emojiResultRow.width
clip: true
Row {
id: emojiResultRow
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
Repeater {
model: emojiProposals
Item {
height: singleEmojiRow.height
width: singleEmojiRow.width
Row {
id: singleEmojiRow
spacing: Theme.paddingSmall
Image {
id: emojiPicture
source: "../js/emoji/" + modelData.file_name
width: Theme.fontSizeLarge
height: Theme.fontSizeLarge
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
replaceMessageText(newMessageTextField.text, newMessageTextField.cursorPosition, modelData.emoji);
emojiProposals = null;
Column {
id: atMentionColumn
width: parent.width
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
visible: knownUsersRepeater.count > 0 ? true : false
opacity: knownUsersRepeater.count > 0 ? 1 : 0
Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation {} }
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
Flickable {
width: parent.width
height: atMentionResultRow.height + Theme.paddingSmall
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
contentWidth: atMentionResultRow.width
clip: true
Row {
id: atMentionResultRow
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
Repeater {
id: knownUsersRepeater
Item {
id: knownUserItem
height: singleAtMentionRow.height
width: singleAtMentionRow.width
property string atMentionText: "@" + (user_name ? user_name : user_id + "(" + title + ")");
Row {
id: singleAtMentionRow
spacing: Theme.paddingSmall
Item {
width: Theme.fontSizeHuge
height: Theme.fontSizeHuge
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
ProfileThumbnail {
id: atMentionThumbnail
replacementStringHint: title
width: parent.width
height: parent.width
photoData: photo_small
Column {
Text {
text: Emoji.emojify(title, Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall)
textFormat: Text.StyledText
color: Theme.primaryColor
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall
font.bold: true
Text {
id: userHandleText
text: user_handle
textFormat: Text.StyledText
color: Theme.primaryColor
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
replaceMessageText(newMessageTextField.text, newMessageTextField.cursorPosition, knownUserItem.atMentionText);
knownUsersRepeater.model = undefined;
Row {
width: parent.width
spacing: Theme.paddingSmall
visible: newMessageColumn.editMessageId !== "0"
Text {
width: parent.width - Theme.paddingSmall - removeEditMessageIconButton.width
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
id: editMessageText
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall
font.bold: true
text: qsTr("Edit Message")
color: Theme.secondaryColor
IconButton {
id: removeEditMessageIconButton
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-clear"
onClicked: {
newMessageColumn.editMessageId = "0";
newMessageTextField.text = "";
Row {
id: newMessageRow
width: parent.width
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
TextArea {
id: newMessageTextField
width: parent.width - attachmentIconButton.width - newMessageSendButton.width
height: Math.min(chatContainer.height / 3, implicitHeight)
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall
placeholderText: qsTr("Your message")
labelVisible: false
textLeftMargin: 0
textTopMargin: 0
EnterKey.onClicked: {
if (appSettings.sendByEnter) {
newMessageTextField.text = "";
newMessageTextField.focus = false;
EnterKey.enabled: !appSettings.sendByEnter || text.length
EnterKey.iconSource: appSettings.sendByEnter ? "image://theme/icon-m-chat" : "image://theme/icon-m-enter"
onTextChanged: {
IconButton {
id: attachmentIconButton
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-attach?" + (attachmentOptionsRow.isNeeded ? Theme.highlightColor : Theme.primaryColor)
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: Theme.paddingSmall
enabled: !attachmentPreviewRow.visible
onClicked: {
if (attachmentOptionsRow.isNeeded) {
attachmentOptionsRow.isNeeded = false;
stickerPickerLoader.active = false;
} else {
attachmentOptionsRow.isNeeded = true;
IconButton {
id: newMessageSendButton
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-chat"
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: Theme.paddingSmall
enabled: false
onClicked: {
newMessageTextField.text = "";
newMessageTextField.focus = false;
Loader {
id: selectedMessagesActions
asynchronous: true
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
readonly property bool isNeeded: chatPage.isSelecting
active: height > 0
width: parent.width
height: isNeeded ? Theme.itemSizeMedium : 0
Behavior on height { SmoothedAnimation { duration: 200 } }
sourceComponent: Component {
Item {
clip: true
IconButton {
anchors {
left: parent.left
leftMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-cancel"
onClicked: {
chatPage.selectedMessages = [];
Row {
spacing: Theme.paddingSmall
anchors {
right: parent.right
rightMargin: Theme.horizontalPageMargin
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
IconButton {
icon.source: "../../images/icon-m-copy.svg"
icon.sourceSize: Qt.size(Theme.iconSizeMedium, Theme.iconSizeMedium)
onClicked: {
Clipboard.text = Functions.getMessagesArrayText(chatPage.selectedMessages);
appNotification.show(qsTr("%Ln messages have been copied", "", selectedMessages.length));
chatPage.selectedMessages = [];
IconButton {
visible: !chatPage.isSecretChat && selectedMessages.every(function(message){
return message.can_be_forwarded
icon.sourceSize: Qt.size(Theme.iconSizeMedium, Theme.iconSizeMedium)
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-forward"
onClicked: {
var ids = Functions.getMessagesArrayIds(chatPage.selectedMessages)
var neededPermissions = Functions.getMessagesNeededForwardPermissions(chatPage.selectedMessages)
var chatId = chatInformation.id
pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("../pages/ChatSelectionPage.qml"), {
myUserId: chatPage.myUserId,
headerDescription: qsTr("Forward %Ln messages", "dialog header", ids.length),
payload: {fromChatId: chatId, messageIds:ids, neededPermissions: neededPermissions},
state: "forwardMessages"
IconButton {
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-delete"
visible: chatInformation.id === chatPage.myUserId || selectedMessages.every(function(message){
return message.can_be_deleted_for_all_users
icon.sourceSize: Qt.size(Theme.iconSizeMedium, Theme.iconSizeMedium)
onClicked: {
var ids = Functions.getMessagesArrayIds(selectedMessages);
var chatId = chatInformation.id
var wrapper = tdLibWrapper;
Remorse.popupAction(chatPage, qsTr("%Ln Messages deleted", "", ids.length), function() {
wrapper.deleteMessages(chatId, ids);
chatPage.selectedMessages = [];