import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import Nemo.Notifications 1.0 Dialog { id: editDialog property int id property int modified property string title property string category property string content property bool favorite property string etag property bool error property string errorMessage property string date onAccepted: { notesApi.updateNote(id, { 'category': categoryField.text, 'content': contentArea.text, 'favorite': favoriteButton.selected } ) } function reloadContent() { //notesApi.getNoteFromApi(id) /*note = notesApi.getNote(id) dialogHeader.title = title contentArea.text = content favoriteButton.selected = favorite categoryField.text = category modifiedDetail.modified = modified*/ } SilicaFlickable { anchors.fill: parent contentHeight: mainColumn.height + Theme.paddingLarge PullDownMenu { MenuItem { text: qsTr("Reset") onClicked: reloadContent() } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Markdown syntax") onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("SyntaxPage.qml")) } } Column { id: mainColumn width: parent.width DialogHeader { id: dialogHeader title: title } Column { width: parent.width spacing: Theme.paddingLarge Separator { width: parent.width color: Theme.primaryColor horizontalAlignment: Qt.AlignHCenter } TextArea { id: contentArea width: parent.width text: content placeholderText: qsTr("No content") appSettings.useMonoFont ? "DejaVu Sans Mono" : Theme.fontFamily property int preTextLength: 0 property var listPrefixes: [/^( *)- /gm, /^( *)\* /gm, /^( *)\+ /gm, /^( *)- \[ \] /gm, /^( *)- \[[xX]\] /gm, /^( *)> /gm, /^( *)\d+. /gm] onTextChanged: { if (editDialog.status === PageStatus.Active && text.length > preTextLength && text.charAt(cursorPosition-1) === "\n") { var clipboard = "" var preLine = text.substring(text.lastIndexOf("\n", cursorPosition-2), text.indexOf("\n", cursorPosition-1)) listPrefixes.forEach(function(currentValue, index) { var prefix = preLine.match(currentValue) if (prefix !== null) { if (index === listPrefixes.length-1) { var newListNumber = parseInt(prefix[0].split(". ")[0]) + 1 clipboard = prefix[0].replace(/\d/gm, newListNumber.toString()) } else { clipboard = prefix[0] } } }) if (clipboard !== "") { var tmpClipboard = Clipboard.text Clipboard.text = clipboard contentArea.paste() Clipboard.text = tmpClipboard } } preTextLength = text.length } } } Flow { x: Theme.horizontalPageMargin width: parent.width - 2*x spacing: Theme.paddingMedium visible: opacity > 0.0 opacity: categoryField.focus ? 1.0 : 0.0 Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimator { } } Repeater { id: categoryRepeater model: notesApi.categories BackgroundItem { id: categoryBackground width: categoryRectangle.width height: categoryRectangle.height Rectangle { id: categoryRectangle width: categoryLabel.width + Theme.paddingLarge height: categoryLabel.height + Theme.paddingSmall color: "transparent" border.color: Theme.highlightColor radius: height / 4 Label { id: categoryLabel anchors.centerIn: parent text: modelData color: categoryBackground.highlighted ? Theme.highlightColor : Theme.primaryColor font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall } } onClicked: categoryField.text = modelData } } } Row { x: Theme.horizontalPageMargin width: parent.width - x IconButton { id: favoriteButton property bool selected: favorite width: Theme.iconSizeMedium icon.source: (selected ? "image://theme/icon-m-favorite-selected?" : "image://theme/icon-m-favorite?") + (favoriteButton.highlighted ? Theme.secondaryHighlightColor : Theme.secondaryColor) onClicked: { api.updateNote(id, {'favorite': !favorite}) } } TextField { id: categoryField width: parent.width - favoriteButton.width text: category placeholderText: qsTr("No category") label: qsTr("Category") EnterKey.iconSource: "image://theme/icon-m-enter-accept" EnterKey.onClicked: { categoryField.focus = false } onFocusChanged: { if (focus === false && text !== category) { notesApi.updateNote(id, {'content': content, 'category': text}) // This does not seem to work without adding the content } } } } DetailItem { id: modifiedDetail label: qsTr("Modified") property int modified//: modified value: new Date(modified * 1000).toLocaleString(Qt.locale(), Locale.ShortFormat) } } VerticalScrollDecorator {} } allowedOrientations: defaultAllowedOrientations }