import QtQuick 2.2 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import Nemo.Configuration 1.0 import Nemo.Notifications 1.0 import "pages" ApplicationWindow { id: appWindow // All configured accounts ConfigurationValue { id: accounts key: appSettings.path + "/accountIDs" defaultValue: [ ] } // Current account in use ConfigurationGroup { id: account path: "/apps/harbour-nextcloudnotes/accounts/" + appSettings.currentAccount property string name: value("name", "", String) property url server: value("server", "", String) property string version: value("version", "v0.2", String) property string username: value("username", "", String) property string password: account.value("password", "", String) property bool doNotVerifySsl: account.value("doNotVerifySsl", false, Boolean) property bool allowUnecrypted: account.value("allowUnecrypted", false, Boolean) property date update: value("update", "", Date) onServerChanged: notesApi.server = server onUsernameChanged: { console.log("Username: " + username) notesApi.username = username } onPasswordChanged: notesApi.password = password onDoNotVerifySslChanged: notesApi.verifySsl = !doNotVerifySsl onNameChanged: console.log("Using account: " + name) } // General settings of the app ConfigurationGroup { id: appSettings path: "/apps/harbour-nextcloudnotes/settings" property bool initialized: false property string currentAccount: value("currentAccount", "", String) property int autoSyncInterval: value("autoSyncInterval", 0, Number) property int previewLineCount: value("previewLineCount", 4, Number) property bool favoritesOnTop: value("favoritesOnTop", true, Boolean) property string sortBy: value("sortBy", "modifiedString", String) property bool showSeparator: value("showSeparator", false, Boolean) property bool useMonoFont: value("useMonoFont", false, Boolean) property bool useCapitalX: value("useCapitalX", false, Boolean) onCurrentAccountChanged: { notesProxyModel.sourceModel.clear() account.path = "/apps/harbour-nextcloudnotes/accounts/" + currentAccount notesStore.account = currentAccount notesModel.getAllNotes() } onSortByChanged: { if (sortBy == "none") notesProxyModel.invalidate() else notesProxyModel.sortRole = notesModel.roleFromName(sortBy) } onFavoritesOnTopChanged: { notesProxyModel.favoritesOnTop = favoritesOnTop } function addAccount() { var uuid = uuidv4() var tmpIDs = accounts.value tmpIDs.push(uuid) accounts.value = tmpIDs accounts.sync() return uuid } ConfigurationGroup { id: removeHelperConfGroup } function removeAccount(uuid) { autoSyncTimer.stop() var tmpIDs = accounts.value removeHelperConfGroup.path = "/apps/harbour-nextcloudnotes/accounts/" + uuid for (var i = tmpIDs.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { console.log(tmpIDs) console.log("Checking:" + tmpIDs[i]) if (tmpIDs[i] === uuid) { console.log("Found! Removing ...") tmpIDs.splice(i, 1) } console.log(tmpIDs) } if (appSettings.currentAccount === uuid) { appSettings.currentAccount = "" for (var i = tmpIDs.length-1; i >= 0 && appSettings.currentAccount === ""; i--) { if (tmpIDs[i] !== uuid) { appSettings.currentAccount = tmpIDs[i] } } } removeHelperConfGroup.clear() if (autoSyncInterval > 0 && appWindow.visible) { autoSyncTimer.start() } accounts.value = tmpIDs accounts.sync() } function uuidv4() { return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function(c) { var r = Math.random() * 16 | 0, v = c == 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8); return v.toString(16); }); } } Notification { id: offlineNotification expireTimeout: 0 appName: "Nextcloud " + qsTr("Notes") summary: qsTr("Offline") body: qsTr("Synced") + ": " + new Date(account.update).toLocaleString(Qt.locale()) Component.onDestruction: close() } Notification { id: storeErrorNotification appName: offlineNotification.appName summary: qsTr("File error") Component.onDestruction: close() } Notification { id: apiErrorNotification appName: offlineNotification.appName summary: qsTr("API error") Component.onDestruction: close() } Timer { id: autoSyncTimer interval: appSettings.autoSyncInterval * 1000 repeat: true running: interval > 0 && notesApi.networkAccessible && appWindow.visible triggeredOnStart: true onTriggered: { notesModel.getAllNotes() } onIntervalChanged: { if (interval > 0) { console.log("Auto-Sync every " + interval / 1000 + " seconds") } } } Connections { target: notesStore onNoteError: { storeErrorNotification.close() if (error) { console.log("Notes Store error (" + error + "): " + notesStore.errorMessage(error)) storeErrorNotification.body = notesStore.errorMessage(error) storeErrorNotification.publish() } } } Connections { target: notesApi onNetworkAccessibleChanged: { console.log("Device is " + (accessible ? "online" : "offline")) if (accessible) { offlineNotification.close(Notification.Closed) getAllNotes() } else { offlineNotification.publish() } } onNoteError: { apiErrorNotification.close() if (error) console.log("Notes API error (" + error + "): " + notesApi.errorMessage(error)) if (error && notesApi.networkAccessible) { apiErrorNotification.body = notesApi.errorMessage(error) apiErrorNotification.publish() } } onLastSyncChanged: { console.log("Last API sync: " + lastSync) account.update = lastSync } } Component.onCompleted: { } Component.onDestruction: { offlineNotification.close() storeErrorNotification.close() apiErrorNotification.close() } initialPage: Component { NotesPage { } } cover: Qt.resolvedUrl("cover/CoverPage.qml") allowedOrientations: defaultAllowedOrientations }