import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 Page { SilicaFlickable { anchors.fill: parent contentHeight: column.height Column { id: column anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter width: parent.width - 2*Theme.paddingLarge spacing: Theme.paddingLarge PageHeader{} TextSwitch { text: qsTr("Show nag-screen") description: qsTr("Display the warning page about optional dependencies not being installed, if they are not installed.") checked: nagScreenSetting.value != nagScreenSetting.expectedValue onCheckedChanged: { if(checked) { nagScreenSetting.value=0 } else { nagScreenSetting.value = nagScreenSetting.expectedValue } } } TextSwitch { text: qsTr("Consider additional formats") description: qsTr("Some printers support more formats than they advertise correctly. However, additional formats can be inferred from other attributes. Mainly relevant for Postscript-compatible printers that also support PDF.") checked: considerAdditionalFormatsSetting.value onCheckedChanged: { considerAdditionalFormatsSetting.value = checked } } TextSwitch { text: qsTr("Always convert to raster format") description: qsTr("Force conversion to PWG/URF raster format. This is mainly intended for testing.") checked: alwaysConvertSetting.value onCheckedChanged: { alwaysConvertSetting.value = checked } } TextSwitch { text: qsTr("Force-include document format") description: qsTr("Force the document-format attribute to be included. Some printers have trouble recognizing certain formats, sometimes it helps to include this atribute even if the printer does not claim to support it.") checked: forceIncluDeDocumentFormatSetting.value onCheckedChanged: { forceIncluDeDocumentFormatSetting.value = checked } } TextSwitch { text: qsTr("Remove redundant attributes") description: qsTr("Remove redundant IPP attributes, if they are also conveyed in the transfer format. Some printers reject the job even if the settings are consistent.") checked: removeRedundantConvertAttrsSetting.value onCheckedChanged: { removeRedundantConvertAttrsSetting.value = checked } } } } }