import QtQuick 2.6 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import Sailfish.Pickers 1.0 import seaprint.ippdiscovery 1.0 import seaprint.convertchecker 1.0 import seaprint.ippprinter 1.0 import seaprint.mimer 1.0 import "utils.js" as Utils Page { id: page allowedOrientations: Orientation.All property string selectedFile: "" property string selectedFileType Connections { target: wifi onConnectedChanged: { console.log("conn", wifi.connected, wifi.ssid) if(wifi.connected) { var favourites = db.getFavourites(wifi.ssid); console.log(favourites); IppDiscovery.favourites = favourites; } else { IppDiscovery.favourites = [] } } property bool initialSSIDchange: true onSsidChanged: { console.log("ssid changed", wifi.ssid); if(!initialSSIDchange) { IppDiscovery.reset(); } initialSSIDchange = false; } } Label { text: qsTr("Not on WiFi") color: Theme.highlightColor anchors.centerIn: parent visible: !wifi.connected } property bool initialized: false onVisibleChanged: { if (visible) { if(initialized) page.refreshed() initialized = true } } signal refreshed() signal noFileSelected() Component.onCompleted: {; if(selectedFile != "") { var type = Mimer.get_type(selectedFile); console.log(type); selectedFileType = type; } } property bool nagged: false onStatusChanged: { if(status==PageStatus.Active && !nagged && nagScreenSetting.value != nagScreenSetting.expectedValue) { console.log("Can convert from PDF:", ConvertChecker.pdf) console.log("Can convert from Office:", ConvertChecker.calligra) if(!ConvertChecker.pdf || (expectCalligra && !ConvertChecker.calligra)) { nagged=true pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("NagScreen.qml")) } } } // To enable PullDownMenu, place our content in a SilicaFlickable SilicaFlickable { width: parent.width anchors.bottom: clip: true // PullDownMenu and PushUpMenu must be declared in SilicaFlickable, SilicaListView or SilicaGridView PullDownMenu { MenuItem { text: qsTr("About SeaPrint") onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("AboutPage.qml")) } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Settings") onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("SettingsPage.qml")) } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Add by URL") enabled: wifi.connected onClicked: { var dialog = pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("AddPrinterDialog.qml")); dialog.accepted.connect(function() { console.log("add", wifi.ssid, dialog.value); db.addFavourite(wifi.ssid, dialog.value); IppDiscovery.favourites = db.getFavourites(dialog.ssid); }) } } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Refresh") onClicked: {; page.refreshed(); } } } SilicaListView { id: listView anchors.fill: parent model: IppDiscovery spacing: Theme.paddingSmall header: PageHeader { id: pageHeader title: "SeaPrint" description: qsTr("Available printers") } delegate: ListItem { id: delegate contentItem.height: visible ? Math.max(column.implicitHeight, Theme.itemSizeLarge+2*Theme.paddingMedium) : 0 IppPrinter { id: printer url: model.display } visible: Object.keys(printer.attrs).length !== 0 property string name: printer.attrs["printer-name"].value != "" ? printer.attrs["printer-name"].value : qsTr("Unknown") property var supported_formats: Utils.supported_formats(printer, ConvertChecker, considerAdditionalFormatsSetting.value) property bool canPrint: supported_formats.mimetypes.indexOf(selectedFileType) != -1 Connections { target: printer onAttrsChanged: { if(Object.keys(printer.attrs).length === 0) { delegate.visible = false } else { delegate.visible = true } } } Connections { target: page onRefreshed: { console.log("onRefreshed") printer.refresh() } } Timer { id: debugCountReset interval: 666 repeat: false onTriggered: { debugCount = 0; } } property int debugCount: 0 function maybeGetParams() { if(printer.attrs.hasOwnProperty("printer-uuid")) { return JSON.parse(db.getJobSettings(printer.attrs["printer-uuid"].value, selectedFileType)); } else { return new Object(); } } onClicked: { if(++debugCount == 5) { pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("DebugPage.qml"), {printer: printer}) return; } debugCountReset.restart(); if(selectedFile == "") { noFileSelected(); } else if(!canPrint) { return; } else { pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("PrinterPage.qml"), {printer: printer, selectedFile: selectedFile, jobParams: maybeGetParams()}) } } Image { id: icon anchors.left: parent.left anchors.topMargin: Theme.paddingMedium anchors.leftMargin: Theme.paddingMedium height: Theme.itemSizeLarge width: Theme.itemSizeLarge sourceSize.height: height sourceSize.width: width source: printer.attrs["printer-icons"] ? "image://ippdiscovery/"+Utils.selectIcon(printer.attrs["printer-icons"].value) : "image://svg/qml/pages/icon-seaprint-nobg.svg" // Some printers serve their icons over https with invalid certs... onStatusChanged: if (status == Image.Error) source = "image://svg/qml/pages/icon-seaprint-nobg.svg" } Image { id: warningIcon source: "image://theme/icon-lock-warning" anchors.bottom: icon.bottom anchors.right: icon.right visible: Utils.isWaringState(printer) } Column { id: column anchors.left: icon.right anchors.leftMargin: Theme.paddingMedium Label { id: name_label color: canPrint || selectedFile == "" ? Theme.primaryColor : Theme.secondaryColor text: name } Label { id: mm_label color: canPrint || selectedFile == "" ? Theme.primaryColor : Theme.secondaryColor font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall text: Utils.unknownForEmptyString(printer.attrs["printer-make-and-model"].value) } Label { id: uri_label color: canPrint || selectedFile == "" ? Theme.highlightColor : Theme.secondaryColor font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeTiny text: printer.url } Row { spacing: Theme.paddingMedium Label { id: format_unsupported_label visible: !supported_formats.pdf && !supported_formats.postscript && ! && !supported_formats.images color: "red" font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall text: qsTr("No compatible formats supported") } HighlightImage { height: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall/2 width: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall/2 visible: supported_formats.pdf highlightColor: "red" highlighted: !(selectedFile == "" || canPrint) source: "image://theme/icon-m-file-pdf" } HighlightImage { height: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall/2 width: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall/2 visible: supported_formats.postscript highlightColor: "red" highlighted: !(selectedFile == "" || canPrint) source: "image://theme/icon-m-file-other" } HighlightImage { height: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall/2 width: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall/2 visible: highlightColor: "red" highlighted: !(selectedFile == "" || canPrint) source: "image://theme/icon-m-file-formatted" } HighlightImage { height: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall/2 width: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall/2 visible: supported_formats.images highlightColor: "red" highlighted: !(selectedFile == "" || canPrint) source: "image://theme/icon-m-file-image" } } } RemorseItem { id: removeRemorse } menu: ContextMenu { MenuItem { text: qsTr("View jobs") onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("JobsPage.qml"), {printer: printer}) } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Printer details") onClicked: pageStack.push(Qt.resolvedUrl("DetailsPage.qml"), {printer: printer}) } MenuItem { text: qsTr("Remove printer") visible: db.isFavourite(wifi.ssid, model.display) onClicked: { removeRemorse.execute(delegate, qsTr("Removing printer"), function() {db.removeFavourite(wifi.ssid, model.display); IppDiscovery.favourites = db.getFavourites(wifi.ssid)}) } } } } } } DockedPanel { id: fileDock open: true height: panelColumn.implicitHeight width: parent.width dock: Dock.Bottom Column { id: panelColumn width: parent.width spacing: Theme.paddingLarge topPadding: page.isPortrait && !warningRow.visible ? 2*Theme.paddingLarge : Theme.paddingLarge bottomPadding: page.isPortrait ? 2*Theme.paddingLarge : Theme.paddingLarge Row { id: warningRow anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter visible: Mimer.isOffice(page.selectedFileType) HighlightImage { source: "image://theme/icon-s-warning" highlighted: true highlightColor: Theme.highlightColor } Label { text: qsTr("This format may not render correctly") font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall color: Theme.highlightColor } } Label { id: fileLabel width: parent.width leftPadding: Theme.paddingLarge rightPadding: Theme.paddingLarge horizontalAlignment: contentWidth > width ? Text.AlignRight : Text.AlignHCenter truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade text: selectedFile != "" ? selectedFile : qsTr("No file selected") SequentialAnimation { id: noFileSelectedAnimation loops: 3 ColorAnimation {target: fileLabel; property: "color"; from: Theme.primaryColor; to: Theme.highlightColor; duration: 200 } ColorAnimation {target: fileLabel; property: "color"; from: Theme.highlightColor; to: Theme.primaryColor; duration: 200 } } Connections { target: page onNoFileSelected: { console.log("onNoFileSelected") noFileSelectedAnimation.start() } } } Row { width: parent.width IconButton { id: folderButton icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-file-document" width: parent.width/2 onClicked: pageStack.push(documentPickerPage) } IconButton { id: imageButton icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-file-image" width: parent.width/2 onClicked: pageStack.push(imagePickerPage) } } } Component { id: documentPickerPage DocumentPickerPage { allowedOrientations: Orientation.All Component.onCompleted: { var thingy = Qt.createComponent(ConvertChecker.calligra ? "../components/DocumentFilterOffice.notqml" : "../components/DocumentFilter.notqml"); if (thingy.status == Component.Ready) { _contentModel.contentFilter = thingy.createObject(this); } } title: qsTr("Choose file") onSelectedContentPropertiesChanged: { var mimeType = Mimer.get_type(selectedContentProperties.filePath) if(mimeType == "application/pdf" || mimeType == "application/postscript" || Mimer.isOffice(mimeType)) { page.selectedFile = selectedContentProperties.filePath page.selectedFileType = mimeType } else { console.log("UNSUPPORTED", mimeType); notifier.notify(qsTr("Unsupported document format")) page.selectedFile = "" page.selectedFileType = "" } } } } Component { id: imagePickerPage ImagePickerPage { allowedOrientations: Orientation.All onSelectedContentPropertiesChanged: { page.selectedFile = selectedContentProperties.filePath page.selectedFileType = Mimer.get_type(selectedContentProperties.filePath) } } } } }