AboutPage GitHub repository Github 仓库 Report an Issue 报告问题 About 关于 Network printing for Sailfish OS. 旗鱼系统网络打印软件。 Icons 图标 Icon made by Gregguh. 图标绘制者为 Gregguh 。 General contributions 常规贡献 Translations 翻译 Chinese 汉语 Dutch 尼德兰语 French 法语 German 德语 Polish 波兰语 Spanish 西班牙语 Optional dependencies 可选依赖 Installed 已安装 Not installed 未安装 Donations 捐赠 Licensing 许可证 Source code is available at GitHub. Translations, bug reports and other contributions are welcome! 源代码位于 Github 。欢迎翻译、报告缺陷及作出其它贡献! Special thanks to 特别感谢 SeaPrint is free software released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later. AddPrinterDialog Add printer 添加打印机 On WiFi: WiFi连接的: Found: 找到: No printer found 没有找到打印机 Unknown 未知 Port 9100 is not used for IPP. 端口9100未用于IPP。 The uri suffix is not in the printer's supported list. It might not accept print jobs on this address. Consider using a suffix like "/ipp/print". The printer/server lists these suffixes: BusyPage Print success: 打印成功: Print failed: 打印失败: Unknown 未知 Clipper Copied to clipboard 已复制到剪切板 CoverPage SeaPrint SeaPrint(海印) DebugPage Copied to clipboard 已复制到剪切板 DetailsPage Details 详情 Make and model 制作及模板 Printer status 打印机状态 IPP versions IPP版本 IPP features IPP功能 Firmware 固件 Supply status 支持状态 Location Performance pages/min pages/min (color) FirstPage Add by URL 通过URL添加 Refresh 刷新 No file selected 没有找到文件 View jobs 查看作业 Remove printer 移除打印机 Removing printer 正在移除打印机 About SeaPrint 关于 SeaPrint(海印) No compatible formats supported 不支持相关格式 Choose file 选择文件 Settings 设置 Available printers 可用打印机 Printer details 打印机详情 Not on WiFi 未连接WiFi Unsupported document format 不受支持的格式 This format may not render correctly 格式可能无法正确呈现 IppPrinter Failed to open file 打开文件失败 Cannot convert this file format 无法转换此文件格式 Unknown document format 未知文档格式 Preparing Unsupported paper size 纸张大小不受支持 JobsPage Refresh 刷新 job 作业 jobs 作业 Untitled job 无标题作业 Cancel job 取消作业 Cancelling job 正在取消作业 Cancelling job failed 作业失败 NagScreen Dismiss 取消 Don't show again 请勿再次显示 Optional dependencies are not installed! 未安装可选依赖! To install, enable developer mode, and open a terminal. 你需要开启开发者模式然后打开 terminal 来安装。 Become root: 进入 root 模式: Install Calligra: 安装 calligra: (done) (已完成) In order to print "office" documents like odt and doc(x) you need "calligraconverter" from the "calligra" package (version 3.2.1+, Sailfish OS 4.2). If you are still seeing this message despite installing Calligra, that can be because of SailJail in Sailfish OS 4.x before the compatibility permission in 4.4. You can either upgrade to 4.4 or edit out the SailJail section in /usr/share/applications/harbour-seaprint.desktop PrinterPage Print 打印 Sides Copies 打印份数 Color mode 颜色模式 Quality 质量 Resolution 分辨率 Print media 打印媒体 Transfer format 传输格式 Media source 媒体源 Page range 页面范围 Collated copies 整理后的副本 Default settings for %1 on this printer 此打印机上的 %1 默认设置。 (loaded) Output bin Media type Top Bottom Left Right Margins Pages per page Scaling Media handling Reset default settings Save as default settings PrinterWorker Conversion error 转换错误 Failed to load image 加载图像错误 Unsupported PDF paper size PDF纸张大小不受支持 Unsupported paper size 纸张大小不受支持 Unsupported resolution (dpi) 分辨率不受支持(dpi) Failed to open file 打开文件失败 Printing Conversion failed Upload error RangeSetting all 全部 Setting Reset 重置 SettingsPage Show nag-screen 显示 nag-screen Consider additional formats 考虑其它格式 Some printers support more formats than they advertise correctly. However, additional formats can be inferred from other attributes. Mainly relevant for Postscript-compatible printers that also support PDF. 有些打印机支持的格式比他们宣传的要多。 可以从其他属性中推断出其它格式。 主要与支持PDF的Postscript—兼容打印机相关。 Display the warning page about optional dependencies not being installed, if they are not installed. 如果没有安装可选的依赖程序,则显示警告页面。 Settings 设置 Ignore SSL errors In order to work with self-signed certificates of printers and CUPS instances, SSL errors needs to be ignored. Enable debug log Print debug log messages to console (if launched from there) or journal if launched normally. Takes effect on app (re-)start. SupplyItem Unknown type 未知类型 Unnamed supply 未命名供给 harbour-seaprint images 图像 documents 文档 utils pending 等候 pending-held 等候保持 processing 正在处理 processing-stopped 处理已停止 canceled 已取消 aborted 已中止 completed 已完成 unknown state 未知状态 draft 草稿 normal 正常 high 高质量 unknown quality 质量未知 portrait 竖屏 landscape 横屏 reverse landscape 竖屏可旋转 reverse portrait 横屏可旋转 unknown orientation 方向位置 dpi dpi dots/cm 点/厘米 PDF PDF Postscript Postscript PWG-raster PWG-光栅 URF-raster PWG-光栅 PNG PNG JPEG JPEG GIF GIF auto-sense 自适应 by-pass tray 旁路纸盒 tray 纸盒 bottom 底部 center 中间 main manual 手动 middle 中间 photo 照片 rear 后方 right 右侧 side 侧边 top 上方 automatic 自动 auto monochrome 自动黑白 bi-level 单色 color 颜色 highlight 强调 monochrome 黑白 process bi-level 单色处理 process monochrome 黑白处理 one-sided 单面 two-sided 双面 two-sided flipped 双面翻转 Idle lxle Processing 正在处理 Stopped 已停止 Unknown State 位置状态 single document 一份文件 uncollated 未整理的 collated 整理的 single document (new sheet) 一份文件(新纸张) Unknown 未知 roll alternate alternate-roll disc envelope hagaki large capacity left main roll stacker mailbox face-up face-down my mailbox auto auto (fit) fill fit none