# Tooter [Fork]
## About
Tooter is Mastodon client for Sailfish OS. It is a free, open-source social network. A decentralized alternative to commercial platforms, it avoids the risks of a single company monopolizing your communication.
This fork is being used to further develop and maintain the Tooter app by dysko (https://github.com/dysk0/harbour-tooter). The development branch 'upstream' is being used for merge pull requests to the original repository. Releases by dysko can be found on the Jolla store and on https://openrepos.net/content/dysko/tooter
Releases from this forked repository (branch 'master') can be found here: https://openrepos.net/content/molan/tooter-v-fork.
## Build
Clone / download this repository and import it in your SailfishOS IDE using the harbour-tooter.pro project file. No additional configuration needed.
## Repository branches:
- master: default (Beta release version, harbour-tooterb)
- upstream: commits for Tooter release (harbour-tooter)
## Contributions
Contributions to this project are very welcome, since there are still many things which can be done for Tooter.
- please fork the upstream branch if you want to contribute to this project.
## Screenshots
## License
Licensed under GNU GPLv3