# NOTICE: # # Application name defined in TARGET has a corresponding QML filename. # If name defined in TARGET is changed, the following needs to be done # to match new name: # - corresponding QML filename must be changed # - desktop icon filename must be changed # - desktop filename must be changed # - icon definition filename in desktop file must be changed # - translation filenames have to be changed # The name of your application TARGET = harbour-tooterb CONFIG += sailfishapp QT += network dbus sql CONFIG += link_pkgconfig PKGCONFIG += sailfishapp PKGCONFIG += \ nemonotifications-qt5 DEFINES += "APPVERSION=\\\"$${SPECVERSION}\\\"" DEFINES += "APPNAME=\\\"$${TARGET}\\\"" !exists( src/dbusAdaptor.h ) { system(qdbusxml2cpp config/ba.dysko.harbour.tooterb.xml -i dbus.h -a src/dbusAdaptor) } config.path = /usr/share/$${TARGET}/config/ config.files = config/icon-lock-harbour-tooterb.png notification_categories.path = /usr/share/lipstick/notificationcategories notification_categories.files = config/x-harbour.tooterb.activity.* dbus_services.path = /usr/share/dbus-1/services/ dbus_services.files = config/ba.dysko.harbour.tooterb.service interfaces.path = /usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/ interfaces.files = config/ba.dysko.harbourb.tooter.xml SOURCES += src/harbour-tooterb.cpp SOURCES += src/imageuploader.cpp SOURCES += src/filedownloader.cpp SOURCES += src/notifications.cpp SOURCES += src/dbusAdaptor.cpp SOURCES += src/dbus.cpp HEADERS += src/imageuploader.h HEADERS += src/filedownloader.h HEADERS += src/notifications.h HEADERS += src/dbusAdaptor.h HEADERS += src/dbus.h DISTFILES += qml/harbour-tooterb.qml \ qml/pages/components/InfoBanner.qml \ qml/pages/components/VisualContainer.qml \ qml/pages/components/MiniStatus.qml \ qml/pages/components/MiniHeader.qml \ qml/pages/components/ItemUser.qml \ qml/pages/components/MyList.qml \ qml/pages/components/Navigation.qml \ qml/pages/components/ProfileHeader.qml \ qml/pages/components/MediaBlock.qml \ qml/pages/components/MyImage.qml \ qml/pages/components/ImageFullScreen.qml \ qml/cover/CoverPage.qml \ qml/pages/MainPage.qml \ qml/pages/LoginPage.qml \ qml/pages/Conversation.qml \ qml/pages/components/Toot.qml \ qml/pages/Browser.qml \ qml/pages/Profile.qml \ qml/pages/Settings.qml \ qml/lib/API.js \ qml/images/notification.svg \ qml/images/verified.svg \ qml/images/boosted.svg \ qml/images/tooter.svg \ qml/images/emojiselect.svg \ qml/images/icon-m-profile.svg \ qml/images/icon-l-profile.svg \ qml/lib/Mastodon.js \ qml/lib/Worker.js \ config/icon-lock-harbour-tooterb.png \ config/x-harbour.tooterb.activity.conf \ rpm/harbour-tooterb.changes \ rpm/harbour-tooterb.changes.run.in \ rpm/harbour-tooterb.spec \ rpm/harbour-tooterb.yaml \ translations/*.ts \ harbour-tooter.desktop SAILFISHAPP_ICONS = 86x86 108x108 128x128 172x172 # to disable building translations every time, comment out the # following CONFIG line CONFIG += sailfishapp_i18n # German translation is enabled as an example. If you aren't # planning to localize your app, remember to comment out the # following TRANSLATIONS line. And also do not forget to # modify the localized app name in the the .desktop file. TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-de.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-el.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-es.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-fi.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-fr.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-nl.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-nl_BE.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-oc.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-pl.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-ru.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-sr.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-sv.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-zh_CN.ts TRANSLATIONS += translations/harbour-tooterb-it.ts