
434 lines
15 KiB

var debug = false;
var loadImages = true;
// used to dedupe on append/insert
var knownIds = [];
var max_id ;
var since_id;
WorkerScript.onMessage = function(msg) {
if (debug) console.log("Action > " + msg.action)
if (debug) console.log("Mode > " + msg.mode)
// this is not elegant. it's max_id and ids from MyList
// we should always get max_id on append
if (msg.mode === "append" && msg.params[0]) {
if ( msg.params[0]["name"] === "max_id" ) {
max_id = msg.params[0]["data"]
} else if ( msg.mode === "prepend" && msg.params[0]) {
// prepend could be min_id or since_id
since_id = msg.params[0]["data"]
// ids are always the last param
if (msg.params[2]) {
if ( msg.params[2]["name"] === "ids" ) {
knownIds = msg.params[2]["data"]
/** order notifications in ASC order */
function orderNotifications(items){
for (var i = items.length-1; i > 0; i--) {
if (items[i].id > 0 ) //msg.conf.notificationLastID)
WorkerScript.sendMessage({ 'fireNotification': true, "data": items[i]})
/** Logged-in status */
if (!msg.conf || !msg.conf.login) {
//console.log("Not loggedin")
/** Load images */
if (typeof msg.conf['loadImages'] !== "undefined")
loadImages = msg.conf['loadImages']
/* init API statuses */
var API = mastodonAPI({ instance: msg.conf.instance, api_user_token: msg.conf.api_user_token});
* HEAD call for some actions
* we have to retrieve the Link header
* this falls through and continues for GET
if (msg.action === "bookmarks" ||
//( msg.action === "timelines/home" && msg.mode === "append") ||
( msg.action.indexOf("timelines/tag/") !== -1 ) ){
API.getLink(msg.action, msg.params, function(data) {
if (debug) console.log(JSON.stringify(data))
WorkerScript.sendMessage({ 'LinkHeader': data })
/** POST statuses */
if (msg.method === "POST"){
API.post(msg.action, msg.params, function(data) {
if (msg.bgAction){
} else if (msg.action === "statuses") {
// status posted
var item = parseToot(data);
} else {
for (var i in data) {
if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
WorkerScript.sendMessage({ 'action': msg.action, 'success': true, key: i, "data": data[i]})
API.get(msg.action, msg.params, function(data) {
var items = [];
for (var i in data) {
var item;
if (data.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
if(msg.action === "accounts/search") {
item = parseAccounts([], "", data[i]);
console.log("has own data")
} else if(msg.action === "notifications") {
// notification
//console.log("Get notification list")
item = parseNotification(data[i]);
} else if(msg.action.indexOf("statuses") >-1 && msg.action.indexOf("context") >-1 && i === "ancestors") {
// status ancestors toots - conversation
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j ++) {
item = parseToot(data[i][j]);
item['id'] = item['status_id'];
if (typeof item['attachments'] === "undefined")
item['attachments'] = [];
// don't permit doubles
addDataToModel (msg.model, "prepend", items);
items = [];
} else if(msg.action.indexOf("statuses") >-1 && msg.action.indexOf("context") >-1 && i === "descendants") {
// status descendants toots - conversation
for (var j = 0; j < data[i].length; j ++) {
item = parseToot(data[i][j]);
item['id'] = item['status_id'];
if (typeof item['attachments'] === "undefined")
item['attachments'] = [];
addDataToModel (msg.model, "append", items);
items = [];
} else if (data[i].hasOwnProperty("content")){
//console.log("Get Toot")
item = parseToot(data[i]);
item['id'] = item['status_id']
} else {
WorkerScript.sendMessage({ 'action': msg.action, 'success': true, key: i, "data": data[i] })
if(msg.model && items.length) {
addDataToModel(msg.model, msg.mode, items)
} else {
// for some reason, home chokes.
console.log( "items.length = " + items.length)
/*if(msg.action === "notifications")
console.log("Get em all?")
WorkerScript.sendMessage({ 'updatedAll': true})
//WorkerScript.sendMessage({ 'notifyNewItems': length - i })
function addDataToModel (model, mode, items) {
var length = items.length;
var i
if (debug) console.log("Fetched > " +length + " in " + mode)
if (debug) console.log("ids > " + knownIds.length )
if (mode === "append") {
for(i = 0; i <= length-1; i++) {
if ( knownIds.indexOf( items[i]["id"]) === -1) {
} else {
console.log("nope: " + items[i]["id"] )
// search does not use ids
if ( knownIds.length < 1 ) model.append(items)
} else if (mode === "prepend") {
for(i = length-1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
if ( knownIds.indexOf( items[i]["id"]) === -1) {
function findDuplicate(arr,val) {
for(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++){
if( arr.indexOf(val) === -1 ) {
return true;
return false;
/* Function: Get Account Data */
function parseAccounts(collection, prefix, data) {
var res = collection;
// Base attributes
res[prefix + 'account_id'] = data["id"]
res[prefix + 'account_username'] = data["username"]
res[prefix + 'account_acct'] = data["acct"]
res[prefix + 'account_url'] = data["url"]
// Display attributes
res[prefix + 'account_display_name'] = data["display_name"]
res[prefix + 'account_note'] = data["note"]
res[prefix + 'account_avatar'] = data["avatar"]
res[prefix + 'account_header'] = data["header"]
res[prefix + 'account_locked'] = data["locked"]
//res[prefix + 'account_emojis'] = data["emojis"]
res[prefix + 'account_discoverable'] = data["discoverable"]
// Statistical attributes
res[prefix + 'account_created_at'] = data["created_at"]
res[prefix + 'account_statuses_count'] = data["statuses_count"]
res[prefix + 'account_followers_count'] = data["followers_count"]
res[prefix + 'account_following_count'] = data["following_count"]
// Optional attributes
//res[prefix + 'account_fields'] = data["fields"]
res[prefix + 'account_bot'] = data["bot"]
res[prefix + 'account_group'] = data["group"]
return (res);
/** Function: Get Notification Data */
function parseNotification(data){
var item = {
id: data.id,
type: data.type,
attachments: []
switch (item['type']){
case "mention":
if (!data.status) {
item = parseToot(data.status)
item['typeIcon'] = "image://theme/icon-s-alarm"
item['type'] = "mention"
case "reblog":
if (!data.status) {
item = parseToot(data.status)
item = parseAccounts(item, "reblog_", data["account"])
item = parseAccounts(item, "", data["status"]["account"])
item['status_reblog'] = true
item['type'] = "reblog"
item['typeIcon'] = "image://theme/icon-s-retweet"
case "favourite":
if (!data.status) {
item = parseToot(data.status)
item = parseAccounts(item, "reblog_", data["account"])
item = parseAccounts(item, "", data["status"]["account"])
item['status_reblog'] = true
item['type'] = "favourite"
item['typeIcon'] = "image://theme/icon-s-favorite"
case "follow":
item['type'] = "follow";
item = parseAccounts(item, "", data["account"])
item = parseAccounts(item, "reblog_", data["account"])
//item['content'] = data['account']['note']
item['typeIcon'] = "../../images/icon-s-follow.svg"
//item['attachments'] = []
item['typeIcon'] = "image://theme/icon-s-sailfish"
item['id'] = data.id
item['created_at'] = new Date(data.created_at)
item['section'] = getDate(data["created_at"])
return item;
/** Function: */
function collect() {
var ret = {};
var len = arguments.length;
for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
for (p in arguments[i]) {
if (arguments[i].hasOwnProperty(p)) {
ret[p] = arguments[i][p];
return ret;
/** Function: Get Status date */
function getDate(dateStr) {
var ts = new Date(dateStr);
return new Date(ts.getFullYear(), ts.getMonth(), ts.getDate(), 0, 0, 0)
/** Function: Get Status data */
function parseToot (data) {
var i = 0;
var item = {};
item['type'] = "toot"
item['highlight'] = false
item['status_id'] = data["id"]
item['status_created_at'] = item['created_at'] = new Date(data["created_at"])
item['status_sensitive'] = data["sensitive"]
item['status_spoiler_text'] = data["spoiler_text"]
item['status_visibility'] = data["visibility"]
item['status_language'] = data["language"]
item['status_uri'] = data["uri"]
item['status_url'] = data["url"]
item['status_replies_count'] = data["replies_count"]
item['status_reblogs_count'] = data["reblogs_count"]
item['status_favourites_count'] = data["favourites_count"]
item['status_favourited'] = data["favourited"]
item['status_reblogged'] = data["reblogged"]
item['status_bookmarked'] = data["bookmarked"]
item['content'] = data["content"]
item['attachments'] = data['media_attachments']
item['status_in_reply_to_id'] = data["in_reply_to_id"]
item['status_in_reply_to_account_id'] = data["in_reply_to_account_id"]
item['status_reblog'] = data["reblog"] ? true : false
item['section'] = getDate(data["created_at"])
/** If Toot is a Reblog */
if(item['status_reblog']) {
item['type'] = "reblog";
item['typeIcon'] = "image://theme/icon-s-retweet"
item['status_id'] = data["reblog"]["id"]
item['status_sensitive'] = data["reblog"]["sensitive"]
item['status_spoiler_text'] = data["reblog"]["spoiler_text"]
item['status_replies_count'] = data["reblog"]["replies_count"]
item['status_reblogs_count'] = data["reblog"]["reblogs_count"]
item['status_favourites_count'] = data["reblog"]["favourites_count"]
item['content'] = data["reblog"]["content"]
item = parseAccounts(item, "", data['reblog']["account"])
item = parseAccounts(item, "reblog_", data["account"])
} else {
item = parseAccounts(item, "", data["account"])
/** Replace HTML content in Toots */
item['content'] = item['content']
.replaceAll('</span><span class="invisible">', '')
.replaceAll('<span class="invisible">', '')
.replaceAll('</span><span class="ellipsis">', '')
.replaceAll('class=""', '');
/** Media attachements in Toots */
item['attachments'] = [];
for(i = 0; i < data['media_attachments'].length; i++) {
var attachments = data['media_attachments'][i];
item['content'] = item['content'].replaceAll(attachments['text_url'], '')
var tmp = {
id: attachments['id'],
type: attachments['type'],
url: attachments['remote_url'] && typeof attachments['remote_url'] == "string" ? attachments['remote_url'] : attachments['url'] ,
preview_url: loadImages ? attachments['preview_url'] : ''
/** Media attachements in Reblogs */
if(item['status_reblog']) {
for(i = 0; i < data['reblog']['media_attachments'].length ; i++) {
var attachments = data['reblog']['media_attachments'][i];
item['content'] = item['content'].replaceAll(attachments['text_url'], '')
var tmp = {
id: attachments['id'],
type: attachments['type'],
url: attachments['remote_url'] && typeof attachments['remote_url'] == "string" ? attachments['remote_url'] : attachments['url'],
preview_url: loadImages ? attachments['preview_url'] : ''
return addEmojis(item, data);
/** Function: Display custom Emojis in Toots */
function addEmojis(item, data) {
var emoji, i;
for (i = 0; i < data["emojis"].length; i++) {
emoji = data["emojis"][i];
item['content'] = item['content'].replaceAll(":"+emoji.shortcode+":", "<img src=\"" + emoji.static_url+"\" align=\"top\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\">")
if (data["reblog"])
for (i = 0; i < data["reblog"]["emojis"].length; i++) {
emoji = data["reblog"]["emojis"][i];
item['content'] = item['content'].replaceAll(":"+emoji.shortcode+":", "<img src=\"" + emoji.static_url+"\" align=\"top\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\">")
return item;