2023-10-02 04:01:05 +03:00

111 lines
3.1 KiB

import getopt
import sys
import os
from PIL import Image
min_threshold = 200
scan_grid_size = 1
options = "hi:"
long_options = ["help", "image="]
argumentList = sys.argv[1:]
arguments, values = getopt.getopt(argumentList, options, long_options)
image_name = None
for currentArgument, currentValue in arguments:
if currentArgument in ("-h", "--help"):
print(" --image=image.jpg")
elif currentArgument in ("-i", "--image"):
image_name = currentValue
print('image name: ' + image_name)
f, e = os.path.splitext(image_name)
def convert_coordinates(coords, grid_size):
grid_x_center = round(grid_size[0] / 2)
grid_y_center = round(grid_size[1] / 2)
new_circle_x = coords[0] - grid_x_center
new_circle_y = coords[1] - grid_y_center
return new_circle_x, new_circle_y
def find_circle(image):
px = image.load()
im_size = image.size
print("size: ", im_size)
pixel_coords = {
'max_top': {},
'max_bottom': {},
'cur_line_max_bottom': {},
'prev_line_max_bottom': {}
is_prev_line_null = 1
for y in range(0, im_size[1], scan_grid_size):
# print("{:3}: ".format(y), end="")
is_current_line_not_null = 0
for x in range(0, im_size[0], scan_grid_size):
px_colors = px[x, y]
intens = 0 if px_colors[1] <= min_threshold else px_colors[1]
is_current_line_not_null = is_current_line_not_null + intens
if is_prev_line_null:
if intens > 0:
top_max_intense = 0 if not pixel_coords["max_top"].get("intense") else pixel_coords["max_top"].get(
if intens > top_max_intense:
pixel_coords["max_top"] = {"intense": intens, "x": x, "y": y}
max_bottom_intense = 0 if not pixel_coords["cur_line_max_bottom"].get("intense") else pixel_coords[
if intens > 0 and intens > max_bottom_intense:
pixel_coords["cur_line_max_bottom"] = {"intense": intens, "x": x, "y": y}
# print('{:4}'.format(intens), end="")
if is_current_line_not_null > 0:
is_prev_line_null = 0
pixel_coords["prev_line_max_bottom"] = pixel_coords["cur_line_max_bottom"]
pixel_coords["cur_line_max_bottom"] = {}
if not pixel_coords["max_bottom"]:
pixel_coords["max_bottom"] = pixel_coords["prev_line_max_bottom"]
# print("")
print("coords: ", pixel_coords)
x_center = round((pixel_coords["max_bottom"]["x"] + pixel_coords["max_top"]["x"]) / 2)
y_center = round((pixel_coords["max_bottom"]["y"] + pixel_coords["max_top"]["y"]) / 2)
print("center x: {:3} y: {:3}".format(x_center, y_center))
coords = convert_coordinates((x_center, y_center), im_size)
return coords
with as img:
circle_on_image_coords = find_circle(img)
print("center coords: ", circle_on_image_coords)
except OSError:
print("cannot open", image_name)