2019-02-13 13:13:32 +03:00

95 lines
2.2 KiB

use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use feature qw/say/;
use Mojolicious::Lite -signatures;
use URI;
use DBIx::Struct qw/connector hash_ref_slice/;
use Data::Dumper;
my $SITE_NAME = '';
my $db_file = 'shrl.db';
DBIx::Struct::connect(sprintf('dbi:SQLite:dbname=%s', $db_file),"","");
# Render template "index.html.ep" from the DATA section
get '/' => sub ($c) {
$c->render(template => 'index', page_data => {});
get '/s/*url' => sub ($c) {
my $url = normalize_source_url($c->param('url'));
my $shorten_path = write_url($url);
my $shorten_url = $SITE_NAME.$shorten_path;
$c->render(text => $shorten_url);
post '/' => sub ($c) {
my $url = normalize_source_url($c->param('url'));
my $shorten_path = write_url($url);
my $shorten_url = $SITE_NAME.$shorten_path;
$c->render(template => 'index', page_data => { url => $url, shorten_url => $shorten_url});
get '/:shorten_path' => sub ($c) {
my $path = $c->param('shorten_path');
my $url = get_url($path);
if ($url) {
} else {
$c->render(status => 404, text => 'Page not found :(');
sub rand_str() {
my @set = ('0' ..'9', 'A' .. 'z', 'a'..'z');
my $str = join '' => map $set[rand @set], 1 .. 8;
return $str;
sub normalize_source_url($source_url) {
my $uri = URI->new($source_url);
$uri = URI->new('http://'.$source_url) if !$uri->scheme;
return $uri->as_string;
sub write_url($source_url) {
my $shorten_path;
eval {
my $short_row = one_row('urls',{ source_url => $source_url});
if (!$short_row) {
$shorten_path = rand_str();
new_row('urls' =>
source_url => $source_url,
shorten_path => $shorten_path,
} else {
$shorten_path = $short_row->shorten_path;
if ($@) { #may fall with deep recursion if no free names available
if ($@ =~ /urls.shorten_path inserting /) {
die $@;
return $shorten_path;
sub get_url($shorten_path) {
my $row = one_row('urls', { shorten_path => $shorten_path});
return $row->source_url if($row);