Showing new sticker sets

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Wolf 2021-02-11 23:39:56 +01:00
parent 4435828ff7
commit 94aee83936
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: CEA9522B5F38A90A
8 changed files with 239 additions and 7 deletions

View file

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ DISTFILES += qml/harbour-fernschreiber.qml \
qml/components/ReplyMarkupButtons.qml \
qml/components/StickerPicker.qml \
qml/components/PhotoTextsListItem.qml \
qml/components/StickerSetOverlay.qml \
qml/components/TDLibImage.qml \
qml/components/TDLibMinithumbnail.qml \
qml/components/TDLibPhoto.qml \

View file

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
Copyright (C) 2020-21 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Fernschreiber. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import "./messageContent"
import "../js/functions.js" as Functions
import "../js/twemoji.js" as Emoji
import "../js/debug.js" as Debug
Flickable {
id: stickerSetOverlayFlickable
anchors.fill: parent
boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
contentHeight: stickerSetContentColumn.height
clip: true
property string stickerSetId;
property var stickerSet;
property bool setLoaded: false;
signal requestClose;
Component.onCompleted: {
if (!stickerManager.hasStickerSet(stickerSetId)) {
} else {
stickerSet = stickerManager.getStickerSet(stickerSetId);
Connections {
target: tdLibWrapper
onStickerSetReceived: {
if ( === stickerSetOverlayFlickable.stickerSetId) {
stickerSetOverlayFlickable.stickerSet = stickerSet;
Timer {
id: stickerSetLoadedTimer
interval: 100
running: true
repeat: false
onTriggered: {
stickerSetOverlayFlickable.setLoaded = true;
Rectangle {
id: stickerSetContentBackground
color: Theme.overlayBackgroundColor
opacity: 0.7
anchors.fill: parent
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
Column {
id: stickerSetContentColumn
spacing: Theme.paddingMedium
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
Row {
id: stickerSetTitleRow
width: parent.width - ( 2 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin )
height: overlayStickerTitleText.height + ( 2 * Theme.paddingMedium )
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
Label {
id: overlayStickerTitleText
width: parent.width - ( installSetButton.visible ? installSetButton.width : 0 ) - closeSetButton.width
text: stickerSet.title
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraLarge
font.weight: Font.ExtraBold
maximumLineCount: 1
truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
textFormat: Text.StyledText
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
IconButton {
id: installSetButton
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-add"
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
visible: !stickerSet.is_installed
onClicked: {
tdLibWrapper.changeStickerSet(, true);
IconButton {
id: closeSetButton
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-m-clear"
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
onClicked: {
SilicaGridView {
id: stickerSetGridView
width: parent.width - ( 2 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin )
height: parent.height - stickerSetTitleRow.height - Theme.paddingMedium
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
cellWidth: chatPage.isLandscape ? (width / 5) : (width / 3);
cellHeight: cellWidth
visible: count > 0
clip: true
model: stickerSet.stickers
delegate: Item {
width: stickerSetGridView.cellWidth - Theme.paddingSmall
height: stickerSetGridView.cellHeight - Theme.paddingSmall
Image {
id: singleStickerImage
source: modelData.thumbnail.file.local.is_downloading_completed ? modelData.thumbnail.file.local.path : ""
anchors.fill: parent
visible: modelData.thumbnail.file.local.is_downloading_completed
asynchronous: true
onStatusChanged: {
if (status === Image.Ready) {
Label {
font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeHuge
anchors.fill: parent
maximumLineCount: 1
truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade
text: Emoji.emojify(modelData.emoji, font.pixelSize)
visible: !modelData.thumbnail.file.local.is_downloading_completed
VerticalScrollDecorator {}

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Copyright (C) 2020 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
Copyright (C) 2020-21 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors
This file is part of Fernschreiber.
@ -96,6 +96,14 @@ MessageContentBase {
opacity: !stickerVisible && !placeHolderDelayTimer.running ? 0.15 : 0
Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} }
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
stickerSetOverlayLoader.stickerSetId = stickerData.set_id; = true;
Timer {

View file

@ -1285,6 +1285,28 @@ Page {
Loader {
id: stickerSetOverlayLoader
property string stickerSetId;
active: false
asynchronous: true
width: parent.width
height: active ? parent.height : 0
sourceComponent: Component {
StickerSetOverlay {
stickerSetId: stickerSetOverlayLoader.stickerSetId
onRequestClose: { = false;
onActiveChanged: {
InlineQuery {
id: inlineQuery
textField: newMessageTextField

View file

@ -50,6 +50,16 @@ QVariantList StickerManager::getInstalledStickerSets()
return this->installedStickerSets;
QVariantMap StickerManager::getStickerSet(const QString &stickerSetId)
return this->stickerSets.value(stickerSetId).toMap();
bool StickerManager::hasStickerSet(const QString &stickerSetId)
return this->stickerSets.contains(stickerSetId);
bool StickerManager::needsReload()
return this->reloadNeeded;
@ -104,19 +114,25 @@ void StickerManager::handleStickerSetsReceived(const QVariantList &stickerSets)
while (stickerSetIdIterator.hasNext()) {
QString stickerSetId =;
this->stickerSetMap.insert(stickerSetId, i);
if (this->installedStickerSetIds.contains(stickerSetId)) {
this->stickerSetMap.insert(stickerSetId, i);
void StickerManager::handleStickerSetReceived(const QVariantMap &stickerSet)
QString stickerSetId = stickerSet.value("id").toString();
LOG("Receiving complete sticker set...." << stickerSetId);
this->stickerSets.insert(stickerSetId, stickerSet);
int setIndex = this->stickerSetMap.value(stickerSetId).toInt();
this->installedStickerSets.replace(setIndex, stickerSet);
if (this->installedStickerSetIds.contains(stickerSetId)) {
LOG("Receiving installed sticker set...." << stickerSetId);
int setIndex = this->stickerSetMap.value(stickerSetId).toInt();
this->installedStickerSets.replace(setIndex, stickerSet);
} else {
LOG("Receiving new sticker set...." << stickerSetId);
QVariantList stickerList = stickerSet.value("stickers").toList();
QListIterator<QVariant> stickerIterator(stickerList);
while (stickerIterator.hasNext()) {

View file

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ public:
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getRecentStickers();
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantList getInstalledStickerSets();
Q_INVOKABLE QVariantMap getStickerSet(const QString &stickerSetId);
Q_INVOKABLE bool hasStickerSet(const QString &stickerSetId);
Q_INVOKABLE bool needsReload();
Q_INVOKABLE void setNeedsReload(const bool &reloadNeeded);

View file

@ -1326,6 +1326,18 @@ void TDLibWrapper::deleteProfilePhoto(const QString &profilePhotoId)
void TDLibWrapper::changeStickerSet(const QString &stickerSetId, bool isInstalled)
LOG("Change sticker set" << stickerSetId << isInstalled);
QVariantMap requestObject;
requestObject.insert(_TYPE, "changeStickerSet");
requestObject.insert("set_id", stickerSetId);
requestObject.insert("is_installed", isInstalled);
void TDLibWrapper::searchEmoji(const QString &queryString)
LOG("Searching emoji" << queryString);

View file

@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ public:
Q_INVOKABLE void getUserPrivacySettingRules(UserPrivacySetting setting);
Q_INVOKABLE void setProfilePhoto(const QString &filePath);
Q_INVOKABLE void deleteProfilePhoto(const QString &profilePhotoId);
Q_INVOKABLE void changeStickerSet(const QString &stickerSetId, bool isInstalled);
// Others (candidates for extraction ;))
Q_INVOKABLE void searchEmoji(const QString &queryString);