diff --git a/translations/harbour-fernschreiber-zh_CN.ts b/translations/harbour-fernschreiber-zh_CN.ts index 27d2936..89262e2 100644 --- a/translations/harbour-fernschreiber-zh_CN.ts +++ b/translations/harbour-fernschreiber-zh_CN.ts @@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ This product uses the Telegram API but is not endorsed or certified by Telegram. - 该项目使用 Telegram API ,但未得到 Telegram 批准或背书。 + 该项目采用 Telegram API ,但未获得 Telegram 批准或背书。 TDLib version %1 - TDLib 版本%1 + TDLib 版本 %1 Logged in as %1 @@ -61,11 +61,11 @@ Phone number: +%1 - 电话号码:+%1 + 电话号码: +%1 This project uses twemoji. Copyright 2018 Twitter, Inc. and other contributors. Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the MIT License (coding) and CC-BY 4.0 (graphics)! - 该项目使用 twemoji 2018 Twitter, Inc. 版权所有。感谢使它在 MIT 许可证(编码)及 CC-BY 4.0(图像)许可证下可用。 + 该项目使用 twemoji 2018 Twitter, Inc. 版权所有。感谢使它在 MIT 许可证(编码)及 CC-BY 4.0(图像)许可证下可用。 Open twemoji on GitHub @@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ By Sebastian J. Wolf and <a href="https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber#contributions">other contributors</a> - 开发者 Sebastian J. Wolf and <a href="https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber#contributions">其它贡献者</a> + 开发者 Sebastian J. Wolf 及 <a href="https://github.com/Wunderfitz/harbour-fernschreiber#contributions">其它贡献者</a> This project uses rlottie. Copyright 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and other contributors. Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the MIT License! - + 该项目使用 rlottie 版权所有 2020 三星电子有限责任公司。感谢使它在 MIT 许可证下可用 Open rlottie on GitHub - + 在 Github 打开 rlottie @@ -99,71 +99,71 @@ ChatInformationPage Unmute Chat - 取消对话静音 + 取消对话静音 Mute Chat - 对话静音 + 静音对话 Unknown - 未知 + 未知 The Invite Link has been copied to the clipboard. - + 邀请链接已复制到剪切板 %1 members, %2 online - %1 位成员, %2 在线 + %1 位成员, %2 位在线 %1 subscribers - %1 位订阅者 + %1 位订阅者 %1 members - %1 位成员 + %1 位成员 Leaving chat - + 正在离开对话 Info group or user infotext header - + 信息 Phone Number user phone number header - + 电话号码 Invite Link header - + 邀请链接 There is no information text available, yet. - + 暂无信息 Chat Title group title header - + 对话标题 Enter 1-128 characters - + 输入 1-128 个字符 Leave Chat - + 离开对话 Join Chat - + 加入对话 @@ -171,41 +171,41 @@ Loading common chats… chats you have in common with a user - + 正在加载共有对话… Unknown - 未知 + 未知 Groups Button: groups in common (short) - + 群组 Members Button: Group Members - + 成员 Loading group members… - + 正在加载群组成员… You - + You don't have any groups in common with this user. - + 你与此用户之间没有相同群组。 This group is empty. - + 此群组为空。 Channel members are anonymous. - + 频道成员已匿名。 @@ -213,38 +213,38 @@ Settings Button: Chat Settings - 设置 + 设置 ChatListViewItem Unknown - 未知 + 未知 You - + Unmute Chat - 取消对话静音 + 取消对话静音 Mute Chat - 对话静音 + 静音对话 User Info - + 用户信息 Group Info - + 群组信息 Mark all messages as read - + 标记全部消息为已读 @@ -295,23 +295,23 @@ This chat is empty. - + 此对话为空。 Leave Chat - + 离开对话 Join Chat - + 加入对话 Leaving chat - + 正在离开对话 You joined the chat %1 - + 你已加入对话 %1 @@ -334,11 +334,11 @@ Connecting to network... - 连接到网络… + 正在连接到网络… Connecting to proxy... - 连接到代理… + 正在连接到代理… Connected @@ -373,67 +373,67 @@ Group Member Permissions what can normal group members do - + 群组成员权限 Send Messages member permission - + 发送消息 Send Media Messages member permission - + 发送媒体消息 Send Other Messages member permission - + 发送其它消息 Add Web Page Previews member permission - + 添加网页预览 Change Chat Info member permission - + 修改群组消息 Invite Users member permission - + 邀请用户 Pin Messages member permission - + 置顶消息 New Members what can new group members do - + 新成员 New members can see older messages member permission - + 新成员可以看见旧消息 EditSuperGroupSlowModeColumn Slow Mode - + 慢速模式 Off - + 关闭 Set how long every chat member has to wait between Messages - + 设置对话成员在发送两次消息之间需要等候的时间 @@ -441,11 +441,11 @@ sent a picture myself - 发送照片 + 发送图片 sent a picture - 发送照片 + 发送图片 sent a video @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ sent a voice note - 发送语言留言 + 发送语言消息 sent a document @@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ sent a voice note myself - 发送视频留言 + 发送视频消息 sent a venue @@ -544,128 +544,128 @@ changed the chat title myself - + 修改此对话标题 changed the chat title - + 修改此对话标题 sent a poll myself - + 发送投票 sent a poll - + 发送投票 sent a quiz myself - + 发送 quiz sent a quiz - + 发送 quiz created this group myself - + 已创建此群组 created this group - + 已创建此群组 changed the chat photo myself - + 修改此对话图片 changed the chat photo - + 修改此对话图片 deleted the chat photo myself - + 已删除此对话图片 deleted the chat photo - + 已删除此对话图片 changed the secret chat TTL setting myself - + 修改加密对话保留时长设置 changed the secret chat TTL setting - + 修改加密对话保留时长设置 upgraded this group to a supergroup myself - + 已更新此群组为超级群组 changed the pinned message myself - + 修改置顶消息 changed the pinned message - + 修改置顶消息 created a screenshot in this chat myself - + 已截图此对话 created a screenshot in this chat - + 已截图此对话 sent an unsupported message myself - + 发送不受支持的消息 sent an unsupported message - + 发送不受支持的消息 sent an unsupported message: %1 - + 发送不受支持的消息: %1 upgraded this group to a supergroup - + 已更新此群组为超级群组 sent a self-destructing photo that is expired myself - + 发送过期即自毁图片 sent a self-destructing video that is expired myself - + 发送过期即自毁视频 sent a self-destructing video that is expired - + 发送过期即自毁视频 sent an unsupported message: %1 myself - + 发送不受支持的消息: %1 sent a self-destructing photo that is expired - + 发送过期即自毁视频 @@ -750,52 +750,52 @@ Use the international format, e.g. %1 - + 请使用国际区号格式,例如 %1 LocationPreview Install Pure Maps to inspect this location. - 安装 Pure Maps 以插入位置 + 请安装 Pure Maps 以插入位置 MessageListViewItem Reply to Message - 回复该消息 + 回复此消息 Edit Message - 编辑消息 + 编辑消息 Copy Message to Clipboard - + 复制消息到剪切板 Message deleted - + 已删除消息 Delete Message - 删除消息 + 删除消息 You - + Forwarded Message - 转发消息 + 转发消息 MessageListViewItemSimple You - + @@ -845,94 +845,94 @@ You don't have any chats yet. - 你尚无任何对话。 + 你还没有任何对话。 You are already a member of this chat. - + 你已是此对话的成员。 PollCreationPage All answers have to contain 1-100 characters. - + 所有回答必须包含1-100个字符。 To send a quiz, you have to specify the right answer. - + 如果你想发送 quiz,必须指定正确答案。 You have to enter a question. - + 你必须输入问题。 The question has to be shorter than 256 characters. - + 问题必须短于256个字符。 A poll requires 2-10 answers. - + 一个选项需要包含2-10个回答。 Create a Poll Dialog Header - + 创建投票 in %1 After dialog header… Create a Poll in [group name] - + 位于 %1 Enter your question here - + 在此输入你的问题 Question (%n1 characters left) - - + + 问题(剩余 %n1 个字符) Answers Section header - + 回答 Enter an answer here - + 在此输入回答 Answer (%n1 characters left) - - + + 回答(剩余 %n1 个字符) Add an answer - + 添加回答 Poll Options Section header - + 投票选项 Anonymous answers - + 匿名回答 Multiple answers allowed - + 允许选择多个回答 Quiz Mode - + Quiz 模式 Quizzes have one correct answer. Participants can't revoke their responses. - + Quiz 拥有一个正确选项,参与者无法撤销回答。 @@ -940,81 +940,81 @@ %L1% % of votes for option - + %L1% Final Result: - + 最终结果: Multiple Answers are allowed. - + 允许多个回答。 %L1 vote(s) total number of total votes - - + + 总计 %L1 次回答 Close Poll - + 关闭投票 Reset Answer - + 重设回答 PollResultsPage Quiz Results - + Quiz 结果 Poll Results - + 投票结果 %L1 vote(s) total number of total votes - - + + 总计 %L1 次投票 Question section header - + 问题 Results section header - + 结果 %L1 vote(s) number of votes for option - - + + %L1 次投票 %L1% % of votes for option - + %L1% Chosen by: This answer has been chosen by the following users - + 选择此项的人: %L1 vote(s) including yours number of votes for option - - + + %L1 次投票,包括你 @@ -1030,11 +1030,11 @@ Send message by enter - 通过回车键发送消息 + 通过按下回车键发送消息 Send your message by pressing the enter key - 通过按压回车键发送消息 + 通过按下回车键发送消息 Appearance @@ -1042,11 +1042,11 @@ Show stickers as images - 像图片那样显示表情贴图 + 以图片形式显示表情贴图 Show background for stickers and align them centrally like images - 显示表情贴图背景并像图片那样自动居中 + 显示表情贴图背景并以图片形式自动居中 Notification feedback @@ -1066,19 +1066,19 @@ Use non-graphical feedback (sound, vibration) for notifications - 使用非图像反馈进行通知(例如声音及振动) + 使用非图像反馈方式通知消息(例如声音及振动) Open-with menu integration - + 整合打开方式菜单 Integrate Fernschreiber into open-with menu of Sailfish OS - + 整合 Fernschreiber 到旗鱼系统打开方式菜单 Animate stickers - + 动态表情贴图 @@ -1111,7 +1111,7 @@ functions Video: %1 - 视频 %1 + 视频: %1 has registered with Telegram @@ -1119,11 +1119,11 @@ Picture: %1 - 照片: %1 + 图片: %1 Sticker: %1 - 贴纸: %1 + 贴图: %1 Audio: %1 @@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@ sent a picture - 发送照片 + 发送图片 sent a video @@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ sent a voice note - 发送语音留言 + 发送语音消息 sent a document @@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ sent a picture myself - 发送照片 + 发送图片 sent a video @@ -1254,213 +1254,213 @@ was never online - 完全离线 + 完全离线 offline, last online: last month - 离线,上次在线时间:上月 + 离线,上次在线时间:上月 offline, last online: last week - 离线,上次在线时间:上周 + 离线,上次在线时间:上周 offline, last online: %1 - 离线,上次在线时间: %1 + 离线,上次在线时间: %1 online - 在线 + 在线 offline, was recently online - 离线,最近在线 + 离线,最近在线 Admin channel user role - + 管理员 Banned channel user role - + 已禁止 Creator channel user role - + 创建者 Restricted channel user role - + 已受限 changed the chat title to %1 myself - + 已修改对话头衔为 %1 changed the chat title to %1 - + 已修改对话头衔为 %1 sent a poll myself - + 发送投票 sent a poll - + 发送投票 sent an anonymous quiz myself - + 发送匿名 quiz sent an anonymous quiz - + 发送匿名 quiz sent a quiz myself - + 发送 quiz sent a quiz - + 发送 quiz sent an anonymous poll myself - + 发送匿名投票 sent an anonymous poll - + 发送匿名投票 Anonymous Quiz - + 匿名 Quiz Quiz - + Quiz Anonymous Poll - + 匿名投票 Poll - + 投票 created this group myself - + 已创建此群组 created this group - + 已创建此群组 changed the chat photo myself - + 已修改此对话图片 changed the chat photo - + 已修改此对话图片 deleted the chat photo myself - + 已删除此对话图片 deleted the chat photo - + 已删除此对话图片 changed the secret chat TTL setting myself; TTL = Time To Live - + 修改私密对话保留时长设置 changed the secret chat TTL setting TTL = Time To Live - + 修改私密对话保留时长设置 upgraded this group to a supergroup myself - + 已更新此对话为超级群组。 changed the pinned message myself - + 修改置顶消息 changed the pinned message - + 修改置顶消息 created a screenshot in this chat myself - + 已截图此对话 created a screenshot in this chat - + 已截图此对话 sent an unsupported message myself - + 发送不受支持的消息 sent an unsupported message - + 发送不受支持的消息 sent an unsupported message: %1 myself; %1 is message type - + 发送不受支持的消息: %1 sent an unsupported message: %1 %1 is message type - + 发送不受支持的消息: %1 upgraded this group to a supergroup - + 已更新此群组为超级群组 sent a self-destructing photo that is expired myself - + 发送过期即自毁图片 sent a self-destructing photo that is expired - + 发送过期即自毁视频 sent a self-destructing video that is expired myself - + 发送过期即自毁视频 sent a self-destructing video that is expired - + 发送过期即自毁视频 Unable to find user %1 - + 无法找到用户 %1