Make the reaction button configurable

This commit is contained in:
Slava Monich 2023-12-07 02:40:59 +02:00
parent 2fad48e359
commit f241703784
6 changed files with 92 additions and 33 deletions

View file

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ DISTFILES += qml/harbour-fernschreiber.qml \
qml/components/PollPreview.qml \
qml/components/PressEffect.qml \
qml/components/ProfilePictureList.qml \
qml/components/ReactionButton.qml \
qml/components/ReplyMarkupButtons.qml \
qml/components/StickerPicker.qml \
qml/components/PhotoTextsListItem.qml \

View file

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ ListItem {
Debug.log("Obtaining message reactions")
tdLibWrapper.getMessageAvailableReactions(messageListItem.chatId, messageListItem.messageId);
selectReactionBubble.visible = false;
selectReactionBubble.enabled = false;
function getContentWidthMultiplier() {
@ -150,9 +150,13 @@ ListItem {
if (messageListItem.messageReactions) {
messageListItem.messageReactions = null;
selectReactionBubble.visible = false;
selectReactionBubble.enabled = false;
} else {
selectReactionBubble.visible = !selectReactionBubble.visible;
if (selectReactionBubble.enabled) {
selectReactionBubble.enabled = false
} else if (appSettings.showReactionButton) {
selectReactionBubble.enabled = true
@ -189,11 +193,11 @@ ListItem {
target: chatPage
onResetElements: {
messageListItem.messageReactions = null;
selectReactionBubble.visible = false;
selectReactionBubble.enabled = false;
onElementSelected: {
if (elementIndex !== index) {
selectReactionBubble.visible = false;
selectReactionBubble.enabled = false;
onNavigatedTo: {
@ -716,7 +720,7 @@ ListItem {
onClicked: {
if (messageListItem.messageReactions) {
messageListItem.messageReactions = null;
selectReactionBubble.visible = false;
selectReactionBubble.enabled = false;
} else {
@ -728,35 +732,23 @@ ListItem {
Rectangle {
Loader {
id: selectReactionBubble
visible: false
opacity: visible ? 0.5 : 0.0
Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation {} }
anchors {
horizontalCenter: messageListItem.isOwnMessage ? messageBackground.left : messageBackground.right
verticalCenter: messageBackground.verticalCenter
height: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall
width: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall
color: Theme.primaryColor
radius: parent.width / 2
IconButton {
id: selectReactionButton
visible: selectReactionBubble.visible
opacity: visible ? 1.0 : 0.0
Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation {} }
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-s-favorite"
anchors.centerIn: selectReactionBubble
onClicked: {
enabled: false
opacity: enabled ? 1 : 0
active: opacity > 0
Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} }
sourceComponent: Component {
ReactionButton {
onClicked: openReactions()
Column {
@ -818,7 +810,7 @@ ListItem {
// Reaction is not yet selected
tdLibWrapper.addMessageReaction(chatId, messageId, modelData)
messageReactions = null
selectReactionBubble.visible = false
selectReactionBubble.enabled = false

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import QtQuick 2.0
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
Rectangle {
id: button
height: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall
width: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall
color: Theme.rgba(Theme.primaryColor, 0.4)
radius: width / 2
signal clicked()
IconButton {
icon.source: "image://theme/icon-s-favorite"
anchors.centerIn: parent
onClicked: button.clicked()

View file

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ import QtQuick 2.6
import Sailfish.Silica 1.0
import WerkWolf.Fernschreiber 1.0
import ".."
AccordionItem {
text: qsTr("Behavior")
Component {
@ -114,6 +116,31 @@ AccordionItem {
TextSwitch {
width: parent.columnWidth
checked: appSettings.showReactionButton
text: qsTr("Show reaction button on tap")
description: qsTr("The reaction button may appear when you tap the message bubble, to make access to the reactions even easier.")
automaticCheck: false
onClicked: {
appSettings.showReactionButton = !checked
ReactionButton {
Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} }
opacity: appSettings.showReactionButton ? 1 : 0
visible: opacity > 0
anchors {
right: parent.right
rightMargin: parent.rightMargin
verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
onClicked: {
appSettings.showReactionButton = !parent.checked
ComboBox {
id: feedbackComboBox
width: parent.columnWidth

View file

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ namespace {
const QString KEY_FOCUS_TEXTAREA_ON_CHAT_OPEN("focusTextAreaOnChatOpen");
const QString KEY_SPONSORED_MESS("sponsoredMess");
const QString KEY_HIGHLIGHT_UNREADCONVS("highlightUnreadConversations");
const QString KEY_SHOW_REACTION_BUTTON("showReactionButton");
AppSettings::AppSettings(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), settings(QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation) + "/de.ygriega/fernschreiber/settings.conf", QSettings::NativeFormat)
@ -329,6 +330,20 @@ void AppSettings::setFocusTextAreaOnChatOpen(bool focusTextAreaOnChatOpen)
bool AppSettings::showReactionButton() const
return settings.value(KEY_SHOW_REACTION_BUTTON, true).toBool();
void AppSettings::setShowReactionButton(bool enable)
if (showReactionButton() != enable) {
settings.setValue(KEY_SHOW_REACTION_BUTTON, enable);
emit showReactionButtonChanged();
AppSettings::SponsoredMess AppSettings::getSponsoredMess() const
return (SponsoredMess) settings.value(KEY_SPONSORED_MESS, (int)

View file

@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ class AppSettings : public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(bool onlineOnlyMode READ onlineOnlyMode WRITE setOnlineOnlyMode NOTIFY onlineOnlyModeChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool delayMessageRead READ delayMessageRead WRITE setDelayMessageRead NOTIFY delayMessageReadChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool focusTextAreaOnChatOpen READ getFocusTextAreaOnChatOpen WRITE setFocusTextAreaOnChatOpen NOTIFY focusTextAreaOnChatOpenChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(SponsoredMess sponsoredMess READ getSponsoredMess WRITE setSponsoredMess NOTIFY sponsoredMessChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool highlightUnreadConversations READ highlightUnreadConversations WRITE setHighlightUnreadConversations NOTIFY highlightUnreadConversationsChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool showReactionButton READ showReactionButton WRITE setShowReactionButton NOTIFY showReactionButtonChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(SponsoredMess sponsoredMess READ getSponsoredMess WRITE setSponsoredMess NOTIFY sponsoredMessChanged)
enum SponsoredMess {
@ -121,12 +122,15 @@ public:
bool getFocusTextAreaOnChatOpen() const;
void setFocusTextAreaOnChatOpen(bool focusTextAreaOnChatOpen);
SponsoredMess getSponsoredMess() const;
void setSponsoredMess(SponsoredMess sponsoredMess);
bool highlightUnreadConversations() const;
void setHighlightUnreadConversations(bool enable);
bool showReactionButton() const;
void setShowReactionButton(bool enable);
SponsoredMess getSponsoredMess() const;
void setSponsoredMess(SponsoredMess sponsoredMess);
void sendByEnterChanged();
void focusTextAreaAfterSendChanged();
@ -147,8 +151,9 @@ signals:
void onlineOnlyModeChanged();
void delayMessageReadChanged();
void focusTextAreaOnChatOpenChanged();
void sponsoredMessChanged();
void highlightUnreadConversationsChanged();
void showReactionButtonChanged();
void sponsoredMessChanged();
QSettings settings;