/* Copyright (C) 2020 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors This file is part of Fernschreiber. Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Fernschreiber. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.6 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import "./messageContent" import "../js/twemoji.js" as Emoji import "../js/functions.js" as Functions import "../js/debug.js" as Debug ListItem { id: messageListItem contentHeight: messageBackground.height + Theme.paddingMedium + ( reactionsColumn.visible ? reactionsColumn.height : 0 ) Behavior on contentHeight { NumberAnimation { duration: 200 } } property var chatId property var messageId property int messageIndex property int messageViewCount property var myMessage property var reactions property bool canReplyToMessage readonly property bool isAnonymous: myMessage.sender_id["@type"] === "messageSenderChat" readonly property var userInformation: tdLibWrapper.getUserInformation(myMessage.sender_id.user_id) property QtObject precalculatedValues: ListView.view.precalculatedValues readonly property color textColor: isOwnMessage ? Theme.highlightColor : Theme.primaryColor readonly property int textAlign: Text.AlignLeft readonly property Page page: precalculatedValues.page readonly property bool isSelected: messageListItem.precalculatedValues.pageIsSelecting && page.selectedMessages.some(function(existingMessage) { return existingMessage.id === messageId }); readonly property bool isOwnMessage: page.myUserId === myMessage.sender_id.user_id readonly property bool canDeleteMessage: myMessage.can_be_deleted_for_all_users || (myMessage.can_be_deleted_only_for_self && myMessage.chat_id === page.myUserId) property bool hasContentComponent property bool additionalOptionsOpened readonly property var additionalItemsModel: (extraContentLoader.item && ("extraContextMenuItems" in extraContentLoader.item)) ? extraContentLoader.item.extraContextMenuItems : 0 readonly property int numberOfExtraOptionsOtherThanDeleteMessage: (showCopyMessageToClipboardMenuItem ? 0 : 1) + (showForwardMessageMenuItem ? 0 : 1) + (page.canPinMessages() ? 1 : 0) + (additionalItemsModel ? additionalItemsModel.length : 0) readonly property bool deleteMessageIsOnlyExtraOption: canDeleteMessage && !numberOfExtraOptionsOtherThanDeleteMessage readonly property int maxContextMenuItemCount: page.isPortrait ? 5 : 4 readonly property int baseContextMenuItemCount: (canReplyToMessage ? 1 : 0) + (myMessage.can_be_edited ? 1 : 0) + 2 /* "Select Message" and "More Options..." */ readonly property bool showCopyMessageToClipboardMenuItem: (baseContextMenuItemCount + 1) <= maxContextMenuItemCount readonly property bool showForwardMessageMenuItem: (baseContextMenuItemCount + 2) <= maxContextMenuItemCount // And don't count "More Options..." for "Delete Message" if "Delete Message" is the only extra option readonly property bool haveSpaceForDeleteMessageMenuItem: (baseContextMenuItemCount + 3 - (deleteMessageIsOnlyExtraOption ? 1 : 0)) <= maxContextMenuItemCount property var chatReactions property var messageReactions highlighted: (down || isSelected || additionalOptionsOpened) && !menuOpen openMenuOnPressAndHold: !messageListItem.precalculatedValues.pageIsSelecting signal replyToMessage() signal editMessage() signal forwardMessage() function deleteMessage() { var chatId = page.chatInformation.id var messageId = myMessage.id Remorse.itemAction(messageListItem, qsTr("Message deleted"), function() { tdLibWrapper.deleteMessages(chatId, [ messageId ]); }) } function copyMessageToClipboard() { Clipboard.text = Functions.getMessageText(myMessage, true, userInformation.id, true) } function openContextMenu() { messageOptionsDrawer.open = false if (menu) { openMenu() } else { contextMenuLoader.active = true } } function getInteractionText(viewCount, reactions, size, highlightColor) { var interactionText = ""; if (viewCount > 0) { interactionText = Emoji.emojify("👁️ ", size) + Functions.getShortenedCount(viewCount); } for (var i = 0; i < reactions.length; i++) { var reaction = reactions[i] var reactionText = reaction.reaction ? reaction.reaction : (reaction.type && reaction.type.emoji) ? reaction.type.emoji : "" if (reactionText) { interactionText += ( " " + Emoji.emojify(reactionText, size) ); if (!chatPage.isPrivateChat) { var count = Functions.getShortenedCount(reaction.total_count) interactionText += " " interactionText += (reaction.is_chosen ? ( "" + count + "" ) : count) } } } return interactionText; } onClicked: { if (messageListItem.precalculatedValues.pageIsSelecting) { page.toggleMessageSelection(myMessage); } else { if (messageOptionsDrawer.sourceItem !== messageListItem) { messageOptionsDrawer.open = false } // Allow extra context to react to click var extraContent = extraContentLoader.item if (extraContent && extraContentLoader.contains(mapToItem(extraContentLoader, mouse.x, mouse.y))) { extraContent.clicked() } else if (webPagePreviewLoader.item) { webPagePreviewLoader.item.clicked() } if (messageListItem.messageReactions) { messageListItem.messageReactions = null; } } } onDoubleClicked: { if (messageListItem.chatReactions) { Debug.log("Using chat reactions") messageListItem.messageReactions = chatReactions showItemCompletelyTimer.requestedIndex = index; showItemCompletelyTimer.start(); } else { Debug.log("Obtaining message reactions") tdLibWrapper.getMessageAvailableReactions(messageListItem.chatId, messageListItem.messageId); } } onPressAndHold: { if (openMenuOnPressAndHold) { openContextMenu() } else { page.selectedMessages = [] page.state = "" } } onMenuOpenChanged: { // When opening/closing the context menu, we no longer scroll automatically chatView.manuallyScrolledToBottom = false; } Connections { target: additionalOptionsOpened ? messageOptionsDrawer : null onOpenChanged: { if (!messageOptionsDrawer.open) { additionalOptionsOpened = false } } } Loader { id: contextMenuLoader active: false asynchronous: true onStatusChanged: { if(status === Loader.Ready) { messageListItem.menu = item; messageListItem.openMenu(); } } sourceComponent: Component { ContextMenu { MenuItem { visible: canReplyToMessage onClicked: replyToMessage() text: qsTr("Reply to Message") } MenuItem { visible: typeof myMessage.can_be_edited !== "undefined" && myMessage.can_be_edited onClicked: editMessage() text: qsTr("Edit Message") } MenuItem { onClicked: page.toggleMessageSelection(myMessage) text: qsTr("Select Message") } MenuItem { visible: showCopyMessageToClipboardMenuItem onClicked: copyMessageToClipboard() text: qsTr("Copy Message to Clipboard") } MenuItem { visible: showForwardMessageMenuItem onClicked: forwardMessage() text: qsTr("Forward Message") } MenuItem { visible: canDeleteMessage && haveSpaceForDeleteMessageMenuItem onClicked: deleteMessage() text: qsTr("Delete Message") } MenuItem { visible: (numberOfExtraOptionsOtherThanDeleteMessage > 0) || (deleteMessageIsOnlyExtraOption && !haveSpaceForDeleteMessageMenuItem) onClicked: { messageOptionsDrawer.myMessage = myMessage; messageOptionsDrawer.userInformation = userInformation; messageOptionsDrawer.sourceItem = messageListItem messageOptionsDrawer.additionalItemsModel = additionalItemsModel messageOptionsDrawer.showCopyMessageToClipboardMenuItem = !showCopyMessageToClipboardMenuItem messageOptionsDrawer.showForwardMessageMenuItem = !showForwardMessageMenuItem messageOptionsDrawer.showDeleteMessageMenuItem = canDeleteMessage && !haveSpaceForDeleteMessageMenuItem messageListItem.additionalOptionsOpened = true; messageOptionsDrawer.open = true; } text: qsTr("More Options...") } } } } Connections { target: chatModel onMessagesReceived: { messageBackground.isUnread = index > chatModel.getLastReadMessageIndex() && myMessage['@type'] !== "sponsoredMessage"; } onMessagesIncrementalUpdate: { messageBackground.isUnread = index > chatModel.getLastReadMessageIndex() && myMessage['@type'] !== "sponsoredMessage"; } onNewMessageReceived: { messageBackground.isUnread = index > chatModel.getLastReadMessageIndex() && myMessage['@type'] !== "sponsoredMessage"; } onUnreadCountUpdated: { messageBackground.isUnread = index > chatModel.getLastReadMessageIndex() && myMessage['@type'] !== "sponsoredMessage"; } onLastReadSentMessageUpdated: { Debug.log("[ChatModel] Messages in this chat were read, new last read: ", lastReadSentIndex, ", updating description for index ", index, ", status: ", (index <= lastReadSentIndex)); messageDateText.text = getMessageStatusText(myMessage, index, lastReadSentIndex, messageDateText.useElapsed); } } Connections { target: tdLibWrapper onReceivedMessage: { if (messageId === myMessage.reply_to_message_id) { messageInReplyToLoader.inReplyToMessage = message; } } onMessageNotFound: { if (messageId === myMessage.reply_to_message_id) { messageInReplyToLoader.inReplyToMessageDeleted = true; } } onAvailableReactionsReceived: { if (messageListItem.messageId === messageId && pageStack.currentPage === chatPage) { Debug.log("Available reactions for this message: " + reactions); messageListItem.messageReactions = reactions; showItemCompletelyTimer.requestedIndex = index; showItemCompletelyTimer.start(); } else { messageListItem.messageReactions = null; } } } Timer { id: showItemCompletelyTimer property int requestedIndex: (chatView.count - 1) repeat: false running: false interval: 200 triggeredOnStart: false onTriggered: { Debug.log("Show item completely timer triggered, requested index: " + requestedIndex + ", current index: " + index) if (requestedIndex === index) { chatView.highlightMoveDuration = -1; chatView.highlightResizeDuration = -1; chatView.scrollToIndex(requestedIndex); chatView.highlightMoveDuration = 0; chatView.highlightResizeDuration = 0; } } } Component.onCompleted: { delegateComponentLoadingTimer.start(); if (myMessage.reply_to_message_id) { tdLibWrapper.getMessage(myMessage.reply_in_chat_id ? myMessage.reply_in_chat_id : page.chatInformation.id, myMessage.reply_to_message_id) } } onMyMessageChanged: { Debug.log("[ChatModel] This message was updated, index", messageIndex, ", updating content..."); messageDateText.text = getMessageStatusText(myMessage, messageIndex, chatView.lastReadSentIndex, messageDateText.useElapsed); messageText.text = Emoji.emojify(Functions.getMessageText(myMessage, false, page.myUserId, false), Theme.fontSizeSmall); if (webPagePreviewLoader.item) { webPagePreviewLoader.item.webPageData = myMessage.content.web_page; } } Timer { id: delegateComponentLoadingTimer interval: 500 repeat: false running: false onTriggered: { if (messageListItem.hasContentComponent) { var type = myMessage.content["@type"]; extraContentLoader.setSource( "../components/messageContent/" + type.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + type.substring(1) + ".qml", { messageListItem: messageListItem }) } else { if (typeof myMessage.content.web_page !== "undefined") { // only in messageText webPagePreviewLoader.active = true; } } } } Row { id: messageTextRow spacing: Theme.paddingSmall width: precalculatedValues.entryWidth anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter y: Theme.paddingSmall Loader { id: profileThumbnailLoader active: precalculatedValues.showUserInfo asynchronous: true width: precalculatedValues.profileThumbnailDimensions height: width anchors.bottom: parent.bottom anchors.bottomMargin: Theme.paddingSmall sourceComponent: Component { ProfileThumbnail { id: messagePictureThumbnail photoData: messageListItem.isAnonymous ? ((typeof page.chatInformation.photo !== "undefined") ? page.chatInformation.photo.small : {}) : ((typeof messageListItem.userInformation.profile_photo !== "undefined") ? messageListItem.userInformation.profile_photo.small : ({})) replacementStringHint: userText.text width: Theme.itemSizeSmall height: Theme.itemSizeSmall visible: precalculatedValues.showUserInfo MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: !(messageListItem.precalculatedValues.pageIsSelecting || messageListItem.isAnonymous) onClicked: { tdLibWrapper.createPrivateChat(messageListItem.userInformation.id, "openDirectly"); } } } } } Item { id: messageTextItem width: precalculatedValues.textItemWidth height: messageBackground.height Rectangle { id: messageBackground anchors { left: parent.left leftMargin: page.isPrivateChat ? (messageListItem.isOwnMessage ? precalculatedValues.pageMarginDouble : 0) : 0 //левый марджин для собственных сообщений в приватных чатах. В остальных на полную ширину verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } height: messageTextColumn.height + precalculatedValues.paddingMediumDouble width: precalculatedValues.backgroundWidth property bool isUnread: index > chatModel.getLastReadMessageIndex() && myMessage['@type'] !== "sponsoredMessage" color: Theme.colorScheme === Theme.LightOnDark ? (isOwnMessage ? Theme.highlightBackgroundColor : (isUnread ? Theme.secondaryHighlightColor : Theme.secondaryColor)) : (isOwnMessage ? Theme.highlightBackgroundColor : (isUnread ? Theme.backgroundGlowColor : Theme.overlayBackgroundColor)) radius: parent.width / 50 opacity: isUnread ? 0.5 : 0.2 visible: appSettings.showStickersAsImages || (myMessage.content['@type'] !== "messageSticker" && myMessage.content['@type'] !== "messageAnimatedEmoji") Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: 200 } } Behavior on opacity { FadeAnimation {} } } Column { id: messageTextColumn spacing: Theme.paddingSmall width: precalculatedValues.textColumnWidth anchors.centerIn: messageBackground Label { id: userText width: parent.width text: messageListItem.isOwnMessage ? qsTr("You") : Emoji.emojify( myMessage['@type'] === "sponsoredMessage" ? tdLibWrapper.getChat(myMessage.sponsor_chat_id).title : ( messageListItem.isAnonymous ? page.chatInformation.title : Functions.getUserName(messageListItem.userInformation) ), font.pixelSize) font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall font.weight: Font.ExtraBold color: messageListItem.textColor maximumLineCount: 1 truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade textFormat: Text.StyledText horizontalAlignment: messageListItem.textAlign visible: messageListItem.isOwnMessage ? false : (precalculatedValues.showUserInfo || myMessage['@type'] === "sponsoredMessage") MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: !(messageListItem.precalculatedValues.pageIsSelecting || messageListItem.isAnonymous) onClicked: { tdLibWrapper.createPrivateChat(messageListItem.userInformation.id, "openDirectly"); } } } MessageViaLabel { message: myMessage } Loader { id: messageInReplyToLoader active: typeof myMessage.reply_to_message_id !== "undefined" && myMessage.reply_to_message_id !== 0 width: parent.width // text height ~= 1,28*font.pixelSize height: active ? precalculatedValues.messageInReplyToHeight : 0 property var inReplyToMessage; property bool inReplyToMessageDeleted: false; sourceComponent: Component { Item { width: messageInReplyToRow.width height: messageInReplyToRow.height InReplyToRow { id: messageInReplyToRow myUserId: page.myUserId layer.enabled: messageInReplyToMouseArea.pressed && !messageListItem.highlighted && !messageListItem.menuOpen layer.effect: PressEffect { source: messageInReplyToRow } inReplyToMessage: messageInReplyToLoader.inReplyToMessage inReplyToMessageDeleted: messageInReplyToLoader.inReplyToMessageDeleted } MouseArea { id: messageInReplyToMouseArea anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { if (precalculatedValues.pageIsSelecting) { page.toggleMessageSelection(myMessage) } else { messageOptionsDrawer.open = false messageOverlayLoader.overlayMessage = messageInReplyToRow.inReplyToMessage messageOverlayLoader.active = true } } onPressAndHold: { if (openMenuOnPressAndHold) { openContextMenu() } } } } } } Loader { id: forwardedInformationLoader active: typeof myMessage.forward_info !== "undefined" asynchronous: true width: parent.width height: active ? ( item ? item.height : Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall ) : 0 sourceComponent: Component { Row { id: forwardedMessageInformationRow spacing: Theme.paddingSmall width: parent.width Component.onCompleted: { var originType = myMessage.forward_info.origin["@type"] if (originType === "messageOriginChannel" || originType === "messageForwardOriginChannel") { var otherChatInformation = tdLibWrapper.getChat(myMessage.forward_info.origin.chat_id); forwardedThumbnail.photoData = (typeof otherChatInformation.photo !== "undefined") ? otherChatInformation.photo.small : {}; forwardedChannelText.text = Emoji.emojify(otherChatInformation.title, Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall); } else if (originType === "messageOriginUser" || originType === "messageForwardOriginUser") { var otherUserInformation = tdLibWrapper.getUserInformation(myMessage.forward_info.origin.sender_user_id); forwardedThumbnail.photoData = (typeof otherUserInformation.profile_photo !== "undefined") ? otherUserInformation.profile_photo.small : {}; forwardedChannelText.text = Emoji.emojify(Functions.getUserName(otherUserInformation), Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall); } else { forwardedChannelText.text = Emoji.emojify(myMessage.forward_info.origin.sender_name, Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall); forwardedThumbnail.photoData = {}; } } ProfileThumbnail { id: forwardedThumbnail replacementStringHint: forwardedChannelText.text width: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall height: Theme.itemSizeExtraSmall } Column { spacing: Theme.paddingSmall width: parent.width - forwardedThumbnail.width - Theme.paddingSmall Label { font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall width: parent.width font.italic: true truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade textFormat: Text.StyledText text: qsTr("Forwarded Message") } Label { id: forwardedChannelText font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall color: Theme.primaryColor width: parent.width font.bold: true truncationMode: TruncationMode.Fade textFormat: Text.StyledText text: Emoji.emojify(forwardedMessageInformationRow.otherChatInformation.title, font.pixelSize) } } } } } Text { id: messageText width: parent.width text: Emoji.emojify(Functions.getMessageText(myMessage, false, page.myUserId, false), Theme.fontSizeMedium) font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeSmall color: messageListItem.textColor wrapMode: Text.Wrap textFormat: Text.StyledText onLinkActivated: { var chatCommand = Functions.handleLink(link); if(chatCommand) { tdLibWrapper.sendTextMessage(chatInformation.id, chatCommand); } } horizontalAlignment: messageListItem.textAlign linkColor: Theme.highlightColor visible: (text !== "") } Loader { id: sponsoredMessageButtonLoader active: myMessage['@type'] === "sponsoredMessage" asynchronous: true width: parent.width height: (status === Loader.Ready) ? item.implicitHeight : myMessage['@type'] === "sponsoredMessage" ? Theme.itemSizeMedium : 0 sourceComponent: Component { SponsoredMessage { sponsoredMessageData: myMessage width: parent.width } } } Loader { id: webPagePreviewLoader active: false asynchronous: true width: parent.width height: (status === Loader.Ready) ? item.implicitHeight : myMessage.content.web_page ? precalculatedValues.webPagePreviewHeight : 0 sourceComponent: Component { WebPagePreview { webPageData: myMessage.content.web_page width: parent.width highlighted: messageListItem.highlighted } } } Loader { id: extraContentLoader width: parent.width asynchronous: true height: item ? item.height : (messageListItem.hasContentComponent ? chatView.getContentComponentHeight(model.content_type, myMessage.content, width) : 0) } Binding { target: extraContentLoader.item when: extraContentLoader.item && ("highlighted" in extraContentLoader.item) && (typeof extraContentLoader.item.highlighted === "boolean") property: "highlighted" value: messageListItem.highlighted } Loader { id: replyMarkupLoader width: parent.width height: active ? (myMessage.reply_markup.rows.length * (Theme.itemSizeSmall + Theme.paddingSmall) - Theme.paddingSmall) : 0 asynchronous: true active: !!myMessage.reply_markup && myMessage.reply_markup.rows source: Qt.resolvedUrl("ReplyMarkupButtons.qml") } Timer { id: messageDateUpdater interval: 60000 running: true repeat: true onTriggered: { messageDateText.text = getMessageStatusText(myMessage, index, chatView.lastReadSentIndex, messageDateText.useElapsed); } } Text { width: parent.width property bool useElapsed: true id: messageDateText font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeTiny color: messageListItem.isOwnMessage ? Theme.secondaryHighlightColor : Theme.secondaryColor horizontalAlignment: messageListItem.textAlign text: getMessageStatusText(myMessage, index, chatView.lastReadSentIndex, messageDateText.useElapsed) MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: !messageListItem.precalculatedValues.pageIsSelecting onClicked: { messageDateText.useElapsed = !messageDateText.useElapsed; messageDateText.text = getMessageStatusText(myMessage, index, chatView.lastReadSentIndex, messageDateText.useElapsed); } } } Loader { id: interactionLoader width: parent.width asynchronous: true active: ( chatPage.isChannel && messageViewCount > 0 ) || reactions.length > 0 height: ( ( chatPage.isChannel && messageViewCount > 0 ) || reactions.length > 0 ) ? ( Theme.fontSizeExtraSmall + Theme.paddingSmall ) : 0 sourceComponent: Component { Label { text: getInteractionText(messageViewCount, reactions, font.pixelSize, Theme.highlightColor) width: parent.width font.pixelSize: Theme.fontSizeTiny color: messageListItem.isOwnMessage ? Theme.secondaryHighlightColor : Theme.secondaryColor horizontalAlignment: messageListItem.textAlign textFormat: Text.StyledText maximumLineCount: 1 elide: Text.ElideRight } } } } } } Column { id: reactionsColumn width: parent.width - ( 2 * Theme.horizontalPageMargin ) anchors.top: messageTextRow.bottom anchors.topMargin: Theme.paddingSmall anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter visible: messageListItem.messageReactions ? ( messageListItem.messageReactions.length > 0 ? true : false ) : false opacity: messageListItem.messageReactions ? ( messageListItem.messageReactions.length > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) : 0 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation {} } spacing: Theme.paddingMedium Flickable { width: parent.width height: reactionsResultRow.height + Theme.paddingSmall anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter contentWidth: reactionsResultRow.width clip: true Row { id: reactionsResultRow spacing: Theme.paddingMedium Repeater { model: messageListItem.messageReactions Item { height: singleReactionRow.height width: singleReactionRow.width Row { id: singleReactionRow spacing: Theme.paddingSmall Image { id: emojiPicture source: Emoji.getEmojiPath(modelData) width: status === Image.Ready ? Theme.fontSizeLarge : 0 height: Theme.fontSizeLarge } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent onClicked: { tdLibWrapper.setMessageReaction(messageListItem.chatId, messageListItem.messageId, modelData); messageListItem.messageReactions = null; } } } } } } } }