/* Copyright (C) 2020-21 Sebastian J. Wolf and other contributors This file is part of Fernschreiber. Fernschreiber is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Fernschreiber is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Fernschreiber. If not, see . */ #include "fernschreiberutils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define DEBUG_MODULE FernschreiberUtils #include "debuglog.h" FernschreiberUtils::FernschreiberUtils(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { LOG("Initializing audio recorder..."); QString temporaryDirectoryPath = this->getTemporaryDirectoryPath(); QDir temporaryDirectory(temporaryDirectoryPath); if (!temporaryDirectory.exists()) { temporaryDirectory.mkpath(temporaryDirectoryPath); } QAudioEncoderSettings encoderSettings; encoderSettings.setCodec("audio/vorbis"); encoderSettings.setChannelCount(1); encoderSettings.setQuality(QMultimedia::LowQuality); this->audioRecorder.setEncodingSettings(encoderSettings); this->audioRecorder.setContainerFormat("ogg"); QMediaRecorder::Status audioRecorderStatus = this->audioRecorder.status(); this->handleAudioRecorderStatusChanged(audioRecorderStatus); connect(&audioRecorder, SIGNAL(durationChanged(qlonglong)), this, SIGNAL(voiceNoteDurationChanged(qlonglong))); connect(&audioRecorder, SIGNAL(statusChanged(QMediaRecorder::Status)), this, SLOT(handleAudioRecorderStatusChanged(QMediaRecorder::Status))); this->geoPositionInfoSource = QGeoPositionInfoSource::createDefaultSource(this); if (this->geoPositionInfoSource) { LOG("Geolocation successfully initialized..."); this->geoPositionInfoSource->setUpdateInterval(5000); connect(geoPositionInfoSource, SIGNAL(positionUpdated(QGeoPositionInfo)), this, SLOT(handleGeoPositionUpdated(QGeoPositionInfo))); } else { LOG("Unable to initialize geolocation!"); } } FernschreiberUtils::~FernschreiberUtils() { this->cleanUp(); } QString FernschreiberUtils::getMessageShortText(TDLibWrapper *tdLibWrapper, const QVariantMap &messageContent, const bool isChannel, const qlonglong currentUserId, const QVariantMap &messageSender) { if (messageContent.isEmpty()) { return QString(); } const bool myself = !isChannel && (messageSender.value("@type").toString() == "messageSenderUser" && messageSender.value("user_id").toLongLong() == currentUserId); QString contentType = messageContent.value("@type").toString(); if (contentType == "messageText") { return messageContent.value("text").toMap().value("text").toString(); } if (contentType == "messageSticker") { return tr("Sticker: %1").arg(messageContent.value("sticker").toMap().value("emoji").toString()); } if (contentType == "messagePhoto") { return myself ? tr("sent a picture", "myself") : tr("sent a picture"); } if (contentType == "messageVideo") { return myself ? tr("sent a video", "myself") : tr("sent a video"); } if (contentType == "messageAnimation") { return myself ? tr("sent an animation", "myself") : tr("sent an animation"); } if (contentType == "messageAudio") { return myself ? tr("sent an audio", "myself") : tr("sent an audio"); } if (contentType == "messageVoiceNote") { return myself ? tr("sent a voice note", "myself") : tr("sent a voice note"); } if (contentType == "messageDocument") { return myself ? tr("sent a document", "myself") : tr("sent a document"); } if (contentType == "messageLocation") { return myself ? tr("sent a location", "myself") : tr("sent a location"); } if (contentType == "messageVenue") { return myself ? tr("sent a venue", "myself") : tr("sent a venue"); } if (contentType == "messageContactRegistered") { return myself ? tr("have registered with Telegram", "myself") : tr("has registered with Telegram"); } if (contentType == "messageChatJoinByLink") { return myself ? tr("joined this chat", "myself") : tr("joined this chat"); } if (contentType == "messageChatAddMembers") { if (messageSender.value("@type").toString() == "messageSenderUser" && messageSender.value("user_id").toLongLong() == messageContent.value("member_user_ids").toList().at(0).toLongLong()) { return myself ? tr("were added to this chat", "myself") : tr("was added to this chat"); } else { QVariantList memberUserIds = messageContent.value("member_user_ids").toList(); QString addedUserNames; for (int i = 0; i < memberUserIds.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { addedUserNames += ", "; } addedUserNames += getUserName(tdLibWrapper->getUserInformation(memberUserIds.at(i).toString())); } return myself ? tr("have added %1 to the chat", "myself").arg(addedUserNames) : tr("has added %1 to the chat").arg(addedUserNames); } } if (contentType == "messageChatDeleteMember") { if (messageSender.value("@type").toString() == "messageSenderUser" && messageSender.value("user_id").toLongLong() == messageContent.value("user_id").toLongLong()) { return myself ? tr("left this chat", "myself") : tr("left this chat"); } else { return myself ? tr("have removed %1 from the chat", "myself").arg(getUserName(tdLibWrapper->getUserInformation(messageContent.value("user_id").toString()))) : tr("has removed %1 from the chat").arg(getUserName(tdLibWrapper->getUserInformation(messageContent.value("user_id").toString()))); } } if (contentType == "messageChatChangeTitle") { return myself ? tr("changed the chat title", "myself") : tr("changed the chat title"); } if (contentType == "messagePoll") { if(messageContent.value("poll").toMap().value("type").toMap().value("@type").toString() == "pollTypeQuiz") { return myself ? tr("sent a quiz", "myself") : tr("sent a quiz"); } return myself ? tr("sent a poll", "myself") : tr("sent a poll"); } if (contentType == "messageBasicGroupChatCreate" || contentType == "messageSupergroupChatCreate") { return myself ? tr("created this group", "myself") : tr("created this group"); } if (contentType == "messageChatChangePhoto") { return myself ? tr("changed the chat photo", "myself") : tr("changed the chat photo"); } if (contentType == "messageChatDeletePhoto") { return myself ? tr("deleted the chat photo", "myself") : tr("deleted the chat photo"); } if (contentType == "messageChatSetTtl") { return myself ? tr("changed the secret chat TTL setting", "myself") : tr("changed the secret chat TTL setting"); } if (contentType == "messageChatUpgradeFrom" || contentType == "messageChatUpgradeTo") { return myself ? tr("upgraded this group to a supergroup", "myself") : tr("upgraded this group to a supergroup"); } if (contentType == "messageCustomServiceAction") { return messageContent.value("text").toString(); } if (contentType == "messagePinMessage") { return myself ? tr("changed the pinned message", "myself") : tr("changed the pinned message"); } if (contentType == "messageExpiredPhoto") { return myself ? tr("sent a self-destructing photo that is expired", "myself") : tr("sent a self-destructing photo that is expired"); } if (contentType == "messageExpiredVideo") { return myself ? tr("sent a self-destructing video that is expired", "myself") : tr("sent a self-destructing video that is expired"); } if (contentType == "messageScreenshotTaken") { return myself ? tr("created a screenshot in this chat", "myself") : tr("created a screenshot in this chat"); } if (contentType == "messageGameScore") { qint32 score = messageContent.value("score").toInt(); return myself ? tr("scored %Ln points", "myself", score) : tr("scored %Ln points", "", score); } if (contentType == "messageGame") { return myself ? tr("sent a game", "myself") : tr("sent a game"); } if (contentType == "messageUnsupported") { return myself ? tr("sent an unsupported message", "myself") : tr("sent an unsupported message"); } return myself ? tr("sent an unsupported message: %1", "myself").arg(contentType.mid(7)) : tr("sent an unsupported message: %1").arg(contentType.mid(7)); } QString FernschreiberUtils::getUserName(const QVariantMap &userInformation) { const QString firstName = userInformation.value("first_name").toString(); const QString lastName = userInformation.value("last_name").toString(); return QString(firstName + " " + lastName).trimmed(); } void FernschreiberUtils::startRecordingVoiceNote() { LOG("Start recording voice note..."); QDateTime thisIsNow = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); this->audioRecorder.setOutputLocation(QUrl::fromLocalFile(this->getTemporaryDirectoryPath() + "/voicenote-" + thisIsNow.toString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss") + ".ogg")); this->audioRecorder.setVolume(1); this->audioRecorder.record(); } void FernschreiberUtils::stopRecordingVoiceNote() { LOG("Stop recording voice note..."); this->audioRecorder.stop(); } QString FernschreiberUtils::voiceNotePath() { return this->audioRecorder.outputLocation().toLocalFile(); } FernschreiberUtils::VoiceNoteRecordingState FernschreiberUtils::getVoiceNoteRecordingState() { return this->voiceNoteRecordingState; } void FernschreiberUtils::startGeoLocationUpdates() { if (this->geoPositionInfoSource) { this->geoPositionInfoSource->startUpdates(); } } void FernschreiberUtils::stopGeoLocationUpdates() { if (this->geoPositionInfoSource) { this->geoPositionInfoSource->stopUpdates(); } } bool FernschreiberUtils::supportsGeoLocation() { return this->geoPositionInfoSource; } void FernschreiberUtils::handleAudioRecorderStatusChanged(QMediaRecorder::Status status) { LOG("Audio recorder status changed:" << status); switch (status) { case QMediaRecorder::UnavailableStatus: case QMediaRecorder::UnloadedStatus: case QMediaRecorder::LoadingStatus: this->voiceNoteRecordingState = VoiceNoteRecordingState::Unavailable; break; case QMediaRecorder::LoadedStatus: case QMediaRecorder::PausedStatus: this->voiceNoteRecordingState = VoiceNoteRecordingState::Ready; break; case QMediaRecorder::StartingStatus: this->voiceNoteRecordingState = VoiceNoteRecordingState::Starting; break; case QMediaRecorder::FinalizingStatus: this->voiceNoteRecordingState = VoiceNoteRecordingState::Stopping; break; case QMediaRecorder::RecordingStatus: this->voiceNoteRecordingState = VoiceNoteRecordingState::Recording; break; } emit voiceNoteRecordingStateChanged(this->voiceNoteRecordingState); } void FernschreiberUtils::handleGeoPositionUpdated(const QGeoPositionInfo &info) { LOG("Geo position was updated"); QVariantMap positionInformation; if (info.hasAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::HorizontalAccuracy)) { positionInformation.insert("horizontalAccuracy", info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::HorizontalAccuracy)); } else { positionInformation.insert("horizontalAccuracy", 0); } if (info.hasAttribute(QGeoPositionInfo::VerticalAccuracy)) { positionInformation.insert("verticalAccuracy", info.attribute(QGeoPositionInfo::VerticalAccuracy)); } else { positionInformation.insert("verticalAccuracy", 0); } QGeoCoordinate geoCoordinate = info.coordinate(); positionInformation.insert("latitude", geoCoordinate.latitude()); positionInformation.insert("longitude", geoCoordinate.longitude()); emit newPositionInformation(positionInformation); } void FernschreiberUtils::cleanUp() { if (this->geoPositionInfoSource) { this->geoPositionInfoSource->stopUpdates(); } QString temporaryDirectoryPath = this->getTemporaryDirectoryPath(); QDirIterator temporaryDirectoryIterator(temporaryDirectoryPath, QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (temporaryDirectoryIterator.hasNext()) { QString nextFilePath = temporaryDirectoryIterator.next(); if (QFile::remove(nextFilePath)) { LOG("Temporary file removed " << nextFilePath); } else { LOG("Error removing temporary file " << nextFilePath); } } } QString FernschreiberUtils::getTemporaryDirectoryPath() { return QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::TempLocation) + + "/harbour-fernschreiber"; }