# Fernschreiber A Telegram client for Sailfish OS ## Authors Sebastian J. Wolf [sebastian@ygriega.de](mailto:sebastian@ygriega.de) and several contributors ## Contributions Fernschreiber wouldn't be the same without all the people helping in making it better. Thank you very much to all contributors! ### Code (Features, Bugfixes, Optimizations etc.) - Chat list model, chat model, notifications, TDLib receiver, animated stickers, project dependencies, qml/c++ optimizations, chatPhoto, TDLibFile, code reviews, logging categories: [Slava Monich](https://github.com/monich) - Chat info page, performance improvements to chat page, location support, app initialization/registration with Telegram, project dependencies, emoji handling, qml/js optimizations, multi-message actions, i18n fixes, chat permission handling, code reviews, logging categories, bot support: [jgibbon](https://github.com/jgibbon) - Copy message to clipboard [Christian Stemmle](https://github.com/chstem) - Hide send message button if send-by-enter is switched on [santhoshmanikandan](https://github.com/santhoshmanikandan) ### Logo/Icon - Designed by [Matteo](https://github.com/iamnomeutente) ### Translations - Chinese: [dashinfantry](https://github.com/dashinfantry) - Finnish: [jorm1s](https://github.com/jorm1s) - Hungarian: [edp17](https://github.com/edp17) - Italian: [Matteo](https://github.com/iamnomeutente) - Polish: [atlochowski](https://github.com/atlochowski) - Russian: [Rustem Abzalov](https://github.com/arustg) and [Slava Monich](https://github.com/monich) - Spanish: [carlosgonz](https://github.com/GNUuser) - Swedish: [Åke Engelbrektson](https://github.com/eson57) ## License Licensed under GNU GPLv3 ## Build Simply clone this repository and ensure to have all [submodules](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-submodule) imported as well (e.g. by using `git submodule update --init`). Then use the project file `harbour-fernschreiber.pro` to import the sources in your SailfishOS IDE. To build and run Fernschreiber or an application which is based on Fernschreiber, you need to create the file `harbour-fernschreiber/src/tdlibsecrets.h` and enter the required constants in the following format: ``` #ifndef TDLIBSECRETS_H #define TDLIBSECRETS_H const char TDLIB_API_ID[] = "42424242"; const char TDLIB_API_HASH[] = "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef"; #endif // TDLIBSECRETS_H ``` You get the Telegram API ID and hash as soon as you've registered your own application on [https://my.telegram.org](https://my.telegram.org). Moreover, you need to have a compiled version of [TDLib 1.7](https://github.com/tdlib/td) in the sub-directory `tdlib`. This sub-directory must contain another sub-directory that fits to the target device architecture (e.g. armv7hl, i486). Within this directory, there needs to be a folder called `lib` that contains at least `libtdjson.so`. For armv7hl the relative path would consequently be `tdlib/armv7hl/lib`. In case you encounter strange performance issues on startup (several seconds delay, app seems to do nothing), please be sure to [follow the instructions from the respective GitHub issue](https://github.com/tdlib/td/issues/1322), i.e. let TDLib build SQLite with `-DOMIT_MEMLOCK` and be sure to comment the two lines 22558 (`#ifndef OMIT_MEMLOCK`) and 22567 (`#endif`) in the file `sqlite/sqlite/sqlite3.c`. Moreover, TDLib 1.7 has issues loading some pinned messages in case the message database is used (which is the case in Fernschreiber). [A small patch](https://github.com/tdlib/td/commit/30d912bd4b145afb8d494b307d37645ffa21ec29) is required to make TDLib work properly in all cases. See [the respective TDLib issue](https://github.com/tdlib/td/issues/1343) for more details. In case you want to use the same codebase which was used to compile the library that is shipped with Fernschreiber, please [check out the fork](https://github.com/Wunderfitz/td), be sure to use the branch `fernschreiber` and compile these sources using the following commands (be sure to have the Sailfish OS build engine running): - `alias sfdk=~/SailfishOS/bin/sfdk` - `sfdk config target=SailfishOS-` (this compiles the sources on SFOS 3.3 and ARM - the target needs to be adjusted according to the running SDK engine and the platform) - `mkdir build` - `cd build` - `sfdk build-shell cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=../tdlib -DTD_ENABLE_LTO=ON ..` (in case of compilation issues, try removing the flag `-DTD_ENABLE_LTO=ON`) - `sfdk build-shell cmake --build . --target install` You'll find the compiled library in the directory `td/tdlib`. ## Debug Fernschreiber does only output a few TDLib messages by default. To get its own debug log messages, you can either run a debug build to see all of them or use the environment variable `QT_LOGGING_RULES` to specify/filter which messages you'd like to see. Run `QT_LOGGING_RULES="fernschreiber.*=true" harbour-fernschreiber` to see all messages or replace the `*` with specific logging categories. You'll find the logging category inside the corresponding `.cpp` file for backend usage or you can use `JS` to only see frontend messages. ## Contribute If you want to contribute bug fixes, improvements, new features etc. please create a pull request (PR). PRs are always welcome and will be reviewed as soon as possible, but may take some time. :) ## Credits This project uses - The Telegram Database Library (TDLib) - available on [GitHub.com](https://github.com/tdlib/td). Thanks for making it available under the conditions of the Boost Software License 1.0! Details about the license of TDLib in [its license file](https://github.com/tdlib/td/blob/master/LICENSE_1_0.txt). - Emoji parsing and artwork by [Twitter Emoji (Twemoji)](http://twitter.github.io/twemoji/), copyright 2018 Twitter, Inc and other contributors, Code licensed under the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT), Graphics licensed under [CC-BY 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) - Animated sticker parsing and animation by [rlottie](https://github.com/Samsung/rlottie), copyright 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and [other contributors](https://github.com/Samsung/rlottie/blob/master/AUTHORS), Code licensed under the [MIT License](https://github.com/Samsung/rlottie/blob/master/licenses/COPYING.MIT), some rlottie components [licensed under other licenses](https://github.com/Samsung/rlottie/blob/master/COPYING). Thanks to the maintainers of the used components and - again - all contributors to Fernschreiber!