# Rename this file as harbour-fernschreiber.changes to include changelog # entries in your RPM file. # # Add new changelog entries following the format below. # Add newest entries to the top of the list. # Separate entries from eachother with a blank line. # # Alternatively, if your changelog is automatically generated (e.g. with # the git-change-log command provided with Sailfish OS SDK), create a # harbour-fernschreiber.changes.run script to let mb2 run the required commands for you. # * date Author's Name version-release # - Summary of changes * Sun Sep 20 2020 Sebastian J. Wolf 0.1 - Initial release * Wed Sep 30 2020 Sebastian J. Wolf 0.2 - Support sending images, videos and documents - Support receiving locations and venues - thanks to jgibbon - Performance improvements for chat list, new sorting algorithm and much more - thanks to monich - Performance improvements for chat, lazy loading for most UI elements - Cover page improvements - thanks to jgibbon - Fix handling of "<>" in messages - Differentiate text between other people and current user ("You have..." vs. "Somebody has...") - Support for the Jolla Tablet - New translations (Chinese, Hungarian, Polish, Spanish) - thanks to dashinfantry, edp17, atlochowski, GNUuser * Sun Oct 18 2020 Sebastian J. Wolf 0.2 - Support for sending stickers - Search for emojis from message input field, use : to start searching - New icon/logo - thanks to iamnomeutente - Option to customize non-graphical notification feedback - thanks to monich - Add user registration - thanks to jgibbon - Don't show irrelevant groups - thanks to monich - Display information about forwarded messages - Option to avoid displaying stickers like images - thanks to monich - Fix: Don't reset edit/in-reply-to mode after focus change - Fix: Display caption for documents - Fix: Reserve some space for lazy loaded elements - Fix: Don't display error message in case of repeated download of the same file - New translations (Finnish, Italian, Russian), thanks to jorm1s, iamnomeutente, arustg and monich - That was quite a lot - I hope I didn't forget anything. If I did, big sorry and please let me know!